PREVIOUS YEARS 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003-2000
Attachments are generally not included with minutes (unless specifically requested) but can be viewed at the Town Office.

DECEMBER 30, 2008

Tim opened the meeting at 6:03 PM, with the following people present: Carol Richardson (Selectman), Tim Biggs (Selectman), Glen Bridges (Deputy Clerk), Marion Bowers (Health Official), Kathy Cunningham (SAD 3 Director), and Jim Waterman (Fire Chief).


CITIZEN’S ISSUES: Marion Bowers asked that a letter to the Road Commissioner from the Church be attached to the minutes.


TREASURER’S REPORT: The payroll this week is $1136.36, with a second payroll of $347.54. The checkbook balance before paying the vendor’s warrant (A/P) is $112,317.28. This week’s A/P is $26,317.74, including the vendor’s warrant of $9646.11, $15,000 to go into the FV Fire Dept. Capital Improvement Account, and the balance of FVFD funds of $1671.63. Subtracting the warrant, the checkbook balance is $85,999.58.

Carol mentioned that the Smithton Cemetery account has to stay at $3200, and the Thurston account has to stay at $5000. The Town’s bill from Fairpoint is $400 for four phones.

Tim moved, seconded by Carol, to sign the payrolls. Motion passed.

Kathy Cunningham updated the Selectmen on SAD 3. The financial forecast is looking gloomy with an expected cut of $145,000 in the state subsidy, which could translate into a million dollar shortfall. Cutbacks are being considered, including possible cuts to supplies, books, field trips, existing programs & staff, athletics, art, music, and transportation. They will be looking at the district’s elementary schools, different uses of facilities and resources, and tax increases before deciding how to resolve the problems.

Tim asked if the Board ever considers group school bus pick-up instead of door to door pick-up.

Meetings coming up: Feb. 9th, the superintendent presents the budget overview.
On March 9th Selectmen are invited.
March 16, 23, and 30th are budget workshops.
May 27 will be a public hearing.
Construction is ahead of schedule, with the opening of the new school coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the existing Mt. View School.
Student enrollment is expected to go down gradually.

Jim Waterman asked if there is an increase in home schooling and religious schooling. Yes, Kathy replied. Jim reviewed why he pulled his kids out of public school, due to his experience of lack of respect and discipline, and said that home-schooled students are last on the list for sports or vocational school opportunities.

OLD BUSINESS: Carol discussed the progress of the audit preparations. She expects to send off the figures for 2005 and half of 2006 to the auditor by the end of this week. The auditor faxed the 2004 audit to the office, and gave her beginning balances of accounts for 2005.

Carol mentioned that the Dell computer was supplied by the State because the Town was providing online voter registration.

Carol and Jim Waterman spent some concentrated time reviewing Fire Department accounts for 2005, figures that Carol was not able to find or reconcile. They went over each figure and were able to find the missing numbers and errors and worked it all out to their satisfaction.

NEW BUSINESS: URIP funds were discussed. These are funds we get paid for plowing the state roads (Albion Rd., Palermo Rd., Pleasant St.,), and have to be spent on summer roads with a lifespan of ten years. Tim Biggs suggested that if we knew what the state pays us to plow their roads, we could depend on it every year.

This year for the property tax budget, Carol feels the Town needs a bigger overlay and should have $250,000 in the checking account at the end of the year. She thinks the mil rate should stay at 17.

Tim moved to pay the vendor’s warrant, seconded by Carol and passed.

The next Selectman’s meeting is Jan. 14th, 2009.
Policy and Town Report Workshops will continue every Monday at 6 PM.
The first budget meeting will be Jan. 15th, 2009.

Tim moved to adjourn at 8 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges

Attachment: Letter from Church Treasurer to Clint Spaulding.

DECEMBER 22, 2008

Meeting was called to order at 6:05 by Chairman Price. Present were:
Tim Biggs (Selectman), Carol Richardson (Selectman), Ron Price (Chairman), Glen Bridges (Deputy Clerk), Sallyann Hadyniak, Rick Martin, Dave Bridges (Comp. Plan Committee Chair), Jeff Keating, Jason Wade, Steve Bennett, Erna Keller (Treasurer), Jim Waterman (Fire Chief).

REVIEW MINUTES: Minutes from Dec. 10 were approved as written,

CITIZEN’S ISSUES: Steve Bennett asked if there is some way to reach an agreement on the status of three roads (above Sibley, Deer Hill, and Beaver Ridge Rd.) as reasonable people. A long discussion followed, with residents of two of those roads airing their grievances about increased traffic, snowmobiles on Beaver Ridge Rd., the danger of speeding vehicles, teenagers hanging out, the worsening of the condition of the road due to traffic, and disturbance of their peace and tranquility. The condition of the road was discussed, and the damage to Keating’s property by runoff, how the road might be improved, and by whom. Ron, speaking as a citizen, expressed frustration that the road has never been properly improved, and suggested that NRCS can help with the drainage problems. In summary, Steve asked the Selectmen to declare the 1000’ above Sibley Rd. to be private, and in return he would drop his lawsuit.
Tim Biggs responded that loss of access is a serious problem in Maine, the roads were closed for maintenance only, meaning open to public access, and he does not want to see citizens denied access. Tim pointed out that the roads and the citizens all have to be treated equally according to state law, and certain modes of transportation cannot be limited. He also felt that the novelty of the turbines would wear off, and the traffic would subside.
Carol suggested that to solve the road issue, Steve could simply drop his lawsuit. The history of the lawsuit and the status of the roads were debated at length. Carol also suggested that the Town could vote on the status of the roads.
Jeff said he would like to have some say over the use of the road, and to be able to slow the traffic down, and asked if the road could be closed to vehicular traffic. In seeking a compromise, Tim agreed to look into the legalities of the idea of limiting vehicular traffic on the 1000’ above Sibley.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Payroll last week was $1053.83, and the accounts payable (A/P) was $245 for the BMV. This week the payroll is $878.09, and the A/P is $4269.79. The checkbook balance is $93,796.73. Checks received were: $5416.85 from ME Municipal Revenue Sharing (Dec.), Homestead reimbursement of $843, and 2008 BETE reimbursement of $66. Our school payments are paid in full, and Bangor Savings Bank has sent their recommendations for checking/repurchase agreements.
Ron moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report, seconded by Carol, and passed.
Carol moved to accept the payroll, seconded by Ron, and passed. Tim moved to sign the vendor’s warrant, seconded by Carol and passed.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Clint Spaulding was absent. The issue of Kevin Keller driving to get parts for Town equipment was discussed, and that this happened in conjunction with Clint being busy removing a truck on its side in a ditch. Tim suggested that Clint should be getting parts, and that only one Selectman (Ron) should be overseeing and communicating with the Road Commissioner. Clint told Tim that someone told him a couple of years ago that he should not be driving Town trucks.
Ron added that Freedom‘s history with road commissioners is not very good; they have all quit.
A discussion followed of two mishaps: the plow truck rolled onto its side off the edge of the Mitchell Road, and a plow wing broke the windshield of a car in a Greeley road driveway. Tim suggested the Town pay to repair the windshield.

FIRE CHIEF: Jim Waterman would like to know when the budget meetings are scheduled.

OLD BUSINESS: Carol mentioned that $3000 was voted for Town tax mapping in 2005, and there is $2000 leftover.
Carol asked Tim if he could remember how it happened in 2005 that monies ($10,830) were taken out of accounts without a Town vote. Tim didn’t know. Carol can’t find the April to December 2005 FICA payments. The proceeds from the sale of the Walker lot was invested and earned good income, then was put into a CD, which the previous Select Board took out early and had to pay a penalty. Now it is only worth $8000, called Surplus Account.
Tim raised the question of the cost to the Town of Carol hiring her granddaughter, Sue Friend, to help with the audit and wants it all to be transparent because she is a relative. Ron wants to be sure the expense doesn’t run over budget.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE: Dave Bridges gave a letter to the Selectmen explaining that the Comp. Plan committee passed a motion to see if the Town will appropriate money for MacGregor Stocco to write the Town’s plan under the new state rules and new deadline of 2012. Tim suggested a figure of $4000 be added to the whole budget article for Town meeting.

NEW BUSINESS: Mr. Redwine came in to talk to Carol about the old Elliot Rd., now Hardwood Lane, where Sirois tore up a snowmobile trail bridge to keep snowmobiles out of his area. Carol reported that Game Warden Mika, who accompanied Redwine, advised that Selectmen can open discontinued roads for recreation. Tim thought that Hardwood Lane is private, but Carol said it is part of a subdivision, which legally must have a public road.

Scott Holmes asked how much damage was done to the plow truck. The mirrors are gone, and possible a window broken.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be December 30th at 6 PM. Policy meetings will be Mondays through January.

Motion to adjourn passed at 8:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Glen Bridges, Deputy Clerk

DECEMBER 10, 2008

Meeting was called to order at 6:04 PM. Present were Chairman Ron Price, Selectman Tim Biggs, Selectman Carol Richardson, CEO Jay Guber, Treasurer Erna Keller, Dave Bridges (Comp. Plan Committee Chair), Ron Desrosiers (Time & Tide), Glen Bridges (Deputy Clerk).

REVIEW MINUTES: Carol moved to accept minutes as corrected, seconded by Ron and passed. The Selectmen explained, in reference to Erin Bennett-Wade’s request in the Nov. 24th minutes for a “phone call before anyone uses her property, or parks along the road, for any other purpose (than turnarounds)” that while Bennett-Wade has the right to control use of her land, she has no legal right to control parking on a Town road, open to the public.

CORRESPONDENCE: The Grange wrote to inform the Town, for plowing purposes, that they meet the 1st and 3rd Thursdays of each month, and thanked the Town for the plowing service.
A letter was received from the Waldo County Register of Deeds about digital mapping for towns. If we had digital maps, they could be available on our website.

CITIZEN’S ISSUES: Ron Desrosiers , from Time & Tide, described the “Neighbor Warming Neighbor” program in Unity. Partnering with Unity Barnraisers and Unity College, a team of 59 volunteers weatherized 27 homes in Unity and eight surrounding towns. Ron invited Town officials to their next effort, a meal with a planning session on “How can we assist in energy planning” at the Unity Community Center Dec. 13th from 4-6 PM. Please RSVP to Tess Woods at 948-9005.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Last week’s payroll was $1507.34, and the Accounts Payable (A/P) was $2372.50. Balance in checkbook is $137,596.44.
This week’s payroll is $11,050.57, and covers all salaries to end of year. The A/P is $47,726.39, and includes the last school payment and CMP pre-pay for December.
Knox’s final payment of $1666.66 for fire protection was received, $539.97 reimbursement from Quill for phones, $918.06 fuel tax refund, and URIP payment of $7496.00.
Carol is asking Fairpoint for 3 months reimbursement for phone bills for 3 phones, and asked for them to remove call-waiting and caller ID.
Carol moved to sign payroll warrant, seconded by Tim and passed.
Ron moved to sign A/P warrant, seconded by Tim and passed.
Ron moved to accept Treasurer’s report, seconded by Tim and passed.

CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Jay Guber asked Dave Schofield to attend the Maine Building Officials & Inspectors Association conference in Brunswick in his place, while Jay has a family funeral.
He has received a call that more tires have been added to the collection at the O’Conners. The land owner, Jesse Beaudry confirmed that he will not allow any barn built of tires.
William Butler of DEP will not grant a permit for such a project. Jay expects Sullivan to pick up the tires.
Doug Gould was given a permit to build a shed on Ken Gould’s property.
Carol asked Jay to visit the Mike Turner property that was in dispute, and said that the court decided in Turner’s favor.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Clint Spaulding was absent, but Carol reported that she had a discussion with him about roads in Town that have been too slippery, with several cars going off the roads (No. Palermo & Burnham Hill). Carol felt they should have been sanded, even though the snow/frozen rain wasn’t 3” deep. Tim said we need to cut back somewhere, just as the county and state are having to cut back. Ron suggested the Selectmen consider how to spend the road budget, and to avoid singling out our road commissioner. Carol brought up the idea of Selectmen acting as road commissioners to supervise and appoint Clint as Deputy. Ron’s experience in Knox was that there is a great deal more to that job than meets the eye, including the responsibility for summer roads. Ron said that overall, Clint is doing a good job.
This may be an ongoing discussion, but the consensus was that Clint could cut back on scraping flat roads, put more sand on hilly areas, and pay attention to the weather forecasts, and Selectmen will be more involved.

UARC REPRESENTATIVE: Meredith Coffin advised Tim (?) that the Unity Area Recycling Center expects to lose money this year on cardboard and metal cans. Tim said that since we pay PERC $67 per ton, it would still be cost effective if we had to pay for recycling.

RECREATION COMMITTEE: A thank you note was received from Lynn Silkman for the successful open house at Beaver Ridge. Carol asked Cindy to itemize the bills, but to let Beaver Ridge Wind make a donation to the Recreation Committee.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE: Chair Dave Bridges gave a report, and passed out the written report describing the meeting with the Planning Board, various Town Officials, the CPC committee with MacGregor Stocco, the professional planner from KVCOG. [Report is attached.]

OLD BUSINESS: The mediation session required by the courts regarding the Bennett/Keating lawsuit over the status of three Town roads was non-productive. No agreement could be reached.
Carol read from a long list of figures she asked Cindy to provide for the audit from Jan to March of 2005 when she was Treasurer, and provided the list to the other Selectmen. Jennifer Seekins from Bangor Savings Bank worked for about two hours with Carol on Town bookkeeping.
Ron said we need to get a copy of the missing ’04 audit from the auditor, and that year end balance should be the beginning balance for 2005. He asked if the list of unpaid ‘03 taxes would be adequate for our needs. Carol will call the auditor for a copy of the ’04 audit

NEW BUSINESS: Wells Fargo sent a check to Freedom in 2006 for personal property tax for Sonny Bailey that was meant for Montville-this is being straightened out.

Carol reported that the office was unattended, apparently because of a miscommunication between Cindy and Joanne. Tim noted that we need a policy
about the Town Clerk’s time, because it’s being treated as an hourly position but is a salaried position. We may need a second Deputy Clerk, or close the office for one day a week.
Carol suggested a brief Selectmen’s meeting for Dec. 30th to address end of year checks and take care of accounts.
Town meeting will be March 28th, voting will take place March 27th.Nomination petition papers will be available Jan. 10th, 2009 and should be turned in to the Town Clerk by Feb. 9, 2009.
Tim was given a list of road signs that the police confiscated which included High St. and Goosepecker Ridge Rd.
The availability of cold patch was discussed, because we cannot get any, yet Unity was filling potholes recently. Ron suggested that Unity may have stockpiled it.
Carol moved to hold Selectmen’s meetings on the Dec. 22, Dec. 30, and in 2009 to meet the second and fourth Wednesday of every month. Tim seconded, and passed.
The Selectmen need to write out policies for Town Officials, employees, committees, etc., and also work on the Town Report and budget for 2009. They decided to meet on Monday nights beginning in January to accomplish all this, and Glen offered to volunteer her time to take notes and write up the results.
Tim Biggs reported that the weather stripping is not on the Town garage yet.
Tim also reported that he wrote a letter from the Selectmen to Beaver Ridge Wind in support of neighbors who are having difficulties with the effects of noise. Carol replied that she agrees there is a problem, but thinks a letter is premature, that the problem is between BRW and individuals, not the Town. Carol pointed out that the neighbors have already taken their concerns to BRW, so she wouldn’t sign a letter at this time. Tim signed his letter and asked that it be attached to the minutes, and reiterated that citizen’s lives are being impacted by the project. [Letter attached.]
Jay Guber said he has checked on the sound levels periodically, and found the noise is variable, and not a consistent nuisance.

Next Selectmen’s meeting will be Dec. 22, 2008 at 6 PM.

Motion to adjourn passed at 8:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges (Deputy Clerk)

Attachments: Report from Comp. Plan Committee
Letter to Beaver Ridge Wind by Tim Biggs

NOVEMBER 24, 2008

Meeting called to order at 6:04 PM. Present were Carol Richardson (Selectman), Tim Biggs (Selectman), Ron Price (Chair), Dave Bridges, Betty Sienkiewicz, Sallyann Hadyniak, Dave Schofield (Plumbing Inspector), Jim Waterman (Fire Chief), Jay Guber (CEO), Jeff Keating, Erin Bennett-Wade, Glen Bridges (Deputy Clerk). No tape was made of this meeting because the recorder was accidentally left at Carol’s house.

REVIEW MINUTES: Motion passed to accept minutes as written.

CITIZEN’S ISSUES: Jeff Keating said that he and Erin attended tonights meeting to inquire what the Town’s position is on three roads [Sibley, Beaver Ridge, Deer Hill]. Carol explained that these roads are open as public ways and discontinued for maintenance only. There is a court case coming up, and a mediation session on Dec. 2, 2008. Jeff asked about a rumor that the Town was going to pave the road above Sibley. Carol replied that the Town has no plans to pave that section of road. Jeff concluded that he just wanted to be sure of the status of the road.
Erin wanted to clarify her position on the Town’s turnaround. Tim had called her about it, and she has no intention of preventing any turnaround use for school buses and snowplows. Discussion followed about an incident that occurred involving an employee of the road construction company parking on Erin’s land. In the future, she would like a phone call before anyone uses her property, or parks along the road, for any other purpose than school buses and snowplows turning around, and would like the minutes to reflect that request

CORRESPONDENCE: Ron explained a notice of a hearing at the PUC on Dec. 11 at which the Town has to defend itself against the charges of cutting phone wires on Smithton Road in July of ‘07, and a fine of $500. Ron had appealed that fine. Unfortunately we don’t have any photographs for evidence.
Carol had to verify real estate sales from 2007 and 2008 for the State Property Tax Division. An abatement was approved for Marilyn Littlefield.
Thanksgiving baskets were provided to 34 families: nineteen, from “People To People” delivered by the Fire Dept., six donated from the Recreation Committee, four from the Grange, and five from the Church.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Last week’s payroll was $1388.59, and the Accounts Payable was $770.98. $318 of that was BMV, and the rest from the Beaver Ridge Wind Open House.
This week the payroll is $2331.28, including Selectmen, ACO, and regular payroll. Accounts Payable is $48,999.55, including a school payment of $31,947.
The checkbook balance is $127,551.83.
Carol moved to pay Erna $500 out of the $8,000 raised and appropriated at the special Town meeting for audits. Erna’s hours devoted to the audit were estimated at 50. Tim seconded, motion passed. Discussion followed updating the progress on the audit.
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Nov. 24, 2008

The Town has received checks from ME Tree Growth for $1914.85, from ME Revenue Sharing for $6511.50, and from MRC (waste disposal) for $1221.75.

Erna requested any mileage reimbursement requests by Dec. 15th.
Carol reported that the insulation work will be taken out of capital improvement funds.
The 10% held back from Tom Berry’s bill for grass seed to grow in the spring was discussed at length. Tim felt that a small amount should be held back, such as 5%. Ron offered to guarantee that grass will be growing in the spring. Carol moved to pay the contractor in full, and the Town will “attach” Ron’s salary if grass isn’t growing in the spring. Tim and Carol voted yes, Ron abstained. Carol noted that the Town still needs to be paid $12 for the plumbing permit.
Carol asked what the pay period is for Selectmen’s salary; Erna replied that her fiscal year is Jan. 1 to Dec. 31.
Ron moved to sign the Accounts Payable warrant, seconded by Tim and passed.
Ron moved to sign the payroll warrant, seconded by Tim and passed.
Ron moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report and place it on file. Carol seconded, motion passed.
Carol summarized the 2006 property liens from unpaid taxes at $15,300, which will become Town property on Jan. 1st. Unpaid taxes from 2007 come to $53,382.
In the past year the Town has handled $938,868.


PLUMBING INSPECTOR: No activity to report.

CEO: Jay reported that he met with the Planning Board to review changes to the Building Permit Ordinance. Jay and the Board agree on the need for an occupancy permit. Carol suggested separating the occupancy permit from the Building Permit amendments into two articles on the Town warrant, because the Town has rejected the occupancy permit question, and both will lose if they are considered together. Jay said that he will not “sign off” for banks requiring occupancy permits to give mortgages without the Town having an occupancy permit. Dave Schofield pointed out that the State will be mandating occupancy permits in 3 years. Tim felt that this will make it inconvient to build; that this is the first step in making our building codes as strict as New Jersey. Jay explained that the new International Building Code only applies to Towns that voluntarily accept it.
The Planning Board is drafting Shoreland Zoning changes to put before the annual Town meeting.
Three permits have been granted: Mike Smith, Carey Lane, for a storage lean-to. Allison Morrill and Clifford Rugg for Matt Higgins to renovate house next to firehouse. Elizabeth Soisson, Cellar Kitchen Rd., permit to build a camp.
Jay said Town lines should be established every ten years. Carol replied that Unity and Albion have been done. Palermo is next, and then Montville.
Jay talked to William Butler at the DEP about the 50 tires collected on the O’Conner property on Greeley Road. Sullivan dumped the tires for free. Jay allowed
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Nov. 24. 2008
30 days for removal of the tires, and Butler will talk to Sullivans, who is supposed to show a license to handle tires.
Jay went to the Beaver Ridge open house, and Andy Price agreed to supply him with a decibel meter. Jay will be checking sound levels from time to time, and Ron agreed to furnish him with a key to the property. Discussion followed on all aspects of the sound levels produced by the turbines.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Clint was not present, but it was pointed out that the steel screening is not installed yet on the Town garage. Road signs, which cost $26 for long names and $13 for short names, are being stolen as fast as they are being replaced, and the stop sign at Sibley/Palermo Rd. is missing.
Carol moved that Pleasant and High St. signs be put another 4’ higher, seconded by Tim, and passed.
Clint spoke to Ron about snowplow turnarounds. The Deer Hill turnaround is not a good one, and Clint thinks we should plow further on Stevens Rd. by one driveway to turn around. Tim said he would like to keep plowing to Bloomsteins on Deer Hill as usual for another year. It was decided that Ron and Tim will drive around and inspect all the turnarounds.

FIRE CHIEF: Jim Waterman reported that nineteen Thanksgiving basket were delivered. No word has been received about the grant, and Jim has given Erna the information about FEMA.


COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING COMMITTEE: Dave Bridges reported that there will be a joint meeting of the Comprehensive Planning Committee and the Planning Board, with Selectmen and all Town officers on Dec. 4th at 6:30 PM. MacGregor Stocco, a professional planner from KVCOG will be speaking about the process.

OLD BUSINESS: Various issues already discussed.

NEW BUSINESS: The Appeals Board decision to uphold Jay Guber’s approval of the construction progress Beaver Ridge Wind project at its six month mark has been taken to the Maine Supreme Court. It will be 6-12 months before the court will decide to hear the case or not.

Tim reported that the County Budget meetings have worked the county budget increase down to 1%, with a final vote expected in December.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be December 10th, 2008.

Motion passed by Carol to adjourn at 8:34 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges (Deputy Clerk)

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Nov. 24. 2008

NOVEMBER 10, 2008

Meeting was called to order at 6:05. Present were: Carol Richardson (Selectman), Ron Price (Select Board Chair), Glen Bridges, Marion Bowers (Health Official), Sallyann Hadyniak.

REVIEW MINUTES: The minutes of Oct. 29 were approved as corrected.

CITIZEN’S ISSUES: Dave Bridges asked how the audit of 2005 was coming. Carol is hoping to pull it together by next week, and is hoping we don’t need assistance from the auditor at $100 per hour. She needs to find certain deposits totally $104,000. A discussion followed about how towns keep their books, and record their daily receipts/expenditures every day.

CORRESPONDENCE: A letter was received from Scott Story [attached], and from Planning Board Chair Nancy Bailey-Farrar [attached]. Carol commented that she is still trying to find out the name of the deputy who was involved (see Oct. 15 and 29 minutes). Ron Price pointed out that the issue is now moot because the permission has been given to use the turnaround, the Town will be using it, and the problem is resolved.

A fax has been sent to KVCOG asking that Ron Price and Dave Bridges be the representatives from Freedom to KVCOG.

We received notice that the Town needs to submit a design for a foundation for the Veteran’s memorial benches, and get it built before we can receive the benches next spring. Sallyann Hadyniak suggested we contact the Town of Knox about their design, and form a committee. Carol pointed out that at the same time the Town needs to move the Red Mitchell monument.

HEALTH OFFICER: Marion alerted the Board about a new hostile germ that patients may bring home from hospitals, called C. Diff. It causes severe digestive problems, is contagious and resistant to treatment, but can be on killed surfaces by bleach. Another “superbug” called MRSA can also be contracted in hospitals, but can be killed on surfaces by alcohol. Both of these stem from overuse of antibiotics.

Marion received a call about a collection of tires in the yard of a house on Greeley Rd., and goats running loose. Marion researched the problem, after learning that the tires are planned to be used to construct a barn. The DEP told Marion that using tires in construction is more hazardous in Maine compared to out west, and that a permit is needed that costs $1000. State law allows up to 50 tires to collect on private property, but are a well-known fire hazard.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Carol reported that Clint will have his antennas tomorrow. The new road signs put up recently are already being stolen.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE: The Comprehensive Plan Committee Chair, Dave Bridges, asked if the Selectmen would consider raising money from the Town to print the proposed comprehensive plan when it is ready, and consider hiring a professional planner to write the plan

RECREATION COMMITTEE: The Rec Committee is planning another raffle. The catering of the Beaver Ridge Open House is all organized.

The free Rabies Clinic was attended by 190 pets; they ran out of serum and some had to be turned away. Another free Rabies Clinic for Waldo County residents will be held at the Northport Firehouse from 9-11 on Nov. 22, 2008.

OLD BUSINESS: Ron talked to a Game Warden to clear up the question of snowmobiles and ATVs driving on plowed roads. Except for the allowable number of feet to cross or travel the edge, it is not legal for them to drive on plowed roads.

NEW BUSINESS: The security system is working, and the insulation job is underway. Carol has talked to Nelson Oil about supplying Freedom’s winter supply.

The Selectmen need to review old minutes, and find where they voted to pay $50 for the ACO to go door-to-door to find unlicensed dogs. This was effective in locating unlicensed dogs, and now the $50 should be paid.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Last week’s payroll was $1502.32, and the Accounts Payable warrant was $430.25.
This week the payroll is $2320.40, including election ballot clerks. The Accounts Payable warrant is $29,223.08. The checkbook balance is $168,095.29.
Erna asked how to pay deputy clerks for the rest of the year, and pointed out thank you notes received form charities we donated to.
Abatements are at $24,287.86 for 2008.
The ACO has been paid $113.64 so far this year for expenses, has only $86.36 left for expenses, and has billed the town for $115. (The $50 mentioned above will cover this).
Carol moved to pay the Accounts Payable warrant of $29,223.08. Ron seconded, passed.
Ron moved to pay the payroll warrant of $2320.40, seconded by Carol and passed.
Carol moved that beginning on Jan. 1, 2009, that Cindy or Deputy Clerks who work on elections will be paid out of election budget.

Next Selectmen’s Meeting will be Nov. 24 at 6 PM.

Carol’s motion to adjourn passed at 7:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen S. Bridges

[Attachments; letters from Story and Bailey-Farrar]

OCTOBER 29, 2008

Meeting was called to order at 6:03 PM. Present were: Carol Richardson (Selectman), Ron Price (Selectman, Chair), Thressa Abbott, Scott Holmes, Glen Bridges (Secretary), Clint Spaulding (Road Commissioner), Betty Sienkiewicz, and Sallyann Hadyniak. Jay Guber (CEO), Tim Biggs (Selectman) joined the meeting later.

REVIEW OF MINUTES: Minutes from Oct. 15th were reviewed. Carol moved, with Ron’s second, that the minutes be accepted as amended and placed on file. Passed.

Carol announced that the November meetings will be moved to November 10th and 24th to accommodate Tim’s obligation to be at the Waldo County Budget meetings.


CORRESPONDENCE: A letter was received from Stephen Bennett that he requested be read aloud and attached to minutes. Chairman Price read the letter aloud. [Attached]

Ron asked Carol to take over running the meeting while he spoke as a citizen to respond to the letter. When this situation evolved, Ron explained, “No Trespassing” signs were posted in and around the turnaround. The Deputy Sheriff, who was parked in the turnaround in response to a request to monitor and stop speeding vehicles, told Ron that he was asked to move. Jeff Keating asked Steve Bennett to remove the signs, and they were removed. Clint Spaulding confirmed that this was what happened.
Carol presented a letter regarding long distance service. She would like to do some comparison shopping for long distance service; a vote carried to authorize her to do so.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Erna’s written report was reviewed. Last week’s payroll was $2438.88, and the Accounts Payable warrant was $643.50 for BMV and tables for the voting area. Checkbook balance is $131.809.51.
Checks have been received from Knox for $1666.67, $8598.37 for Municipal Revenue Sharing, and General Assistance reimbursement for $154.87.
This week the payroll warrant is $2504.49, and the Accounts Payable warrant is $23,021.01. Ron moved to sign the Accounts Payable warrant and the Payroll warrant, seconded by Carol and passed.
Erna reported that the quote for a phone system is $3131.94, and asked if it wouldn’t be cheaper to have one base phone at Cindy’s desk and then just 2 portables. Erna also asked if the Town has to pay a $50 oil/kerosene delivery fee to Freedom General, and Carol answered “no”.
Erna pointed out that Touchtone has changed the telephone charges for the Town. A long discussion followed, and Tim noticed several items out of line. We are being billed for local calls, and for caller ID and call-waiting for the fax machine number and the Town garage. Carol thought we were being charged for local calls because we are treated as a business, but Jay Guber pointed out the he also uses Touchtone for his business lines, and his local calls are free. Carol said she will call Fairpoint and look into this. The Town owes them $400 and part of this is because the fax machine was left unplugged by the telephone company.
Carol moved that we go with the CEC Digital Telephone System for small businesses. Ron seconded, and motion passed.


CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Jay Guber reported that he attended a workshop on the new Shoreland Zoning regulations, and recommended that the new regulations be proposed as an article on the March Town Meeting warrant. He advised that it is to the Town’s benefit to adopt the new regulations, and added that if we don’t, the State will impose the new ordinance on the Town anyway.
Jay signed a permit on Oct. 22 for Dave Renier, Bryant Road, for an addition.
Jay has been up to the turbine project. It looks good, all seeded down and mulched. Ron mentioned that the turbines are generating power as of last night.
Jay raised the question of supplying him with a decibel meter in case of complaints, and Ron suggested he call Andy Price about it.

Just prior to the Road Commissioner’s report, Carol opened the only bid received for the road plowing. Requests were made for other bids, but none received, possibly because no one wants to travel to plow just a mile or so of road for every 3” of snow. The one bid was from Clint Spaulding & Family Trucking for $4500 for plowing roads & parking lots, and hand-shoveling. Ron moved to accept Spaulding Trucking bid. Carol seconded, after being assured there was no question of conflict of interest in this case because there was only one bid, and the motion passed.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Clint reported that the sand pile is all up, the Town garage is being insulated. The carpenter should be there in a week or so. The back wall was not part of the estimate, but truck #8 still won’t fit.
Basil Higgins has the steel screening for the garage windows and door, and a heavier grade than he ordered for the same price.
Clint got a price from Littlefield Paving for a culvert on Greeley Rd. for $1500 and a culvert on Bryant Rd. (near Post Office) for $1250. The Town expects to have more URIP monies coming in. Carol moved to spend $2750 from URIP funds and to get the work done by Nov. 14.
The truck phones are not yet functional. Clint needs connectors to hook up the external antennas.
The trucks are being worked on, and are not yet ready for snow. Dana Roberts has put in about 1 _ days of mechanical work.
Clint plans to change the lock on the garage.
Tim thought that Dennis Robbins has about three weeks more of other work; that he didn’t hear from Clint to confirm the work schedule.

RECREATION COMMITTEE: Scott reported that CES has asked the committee to cater an open house at Beaver Ridge Wind. They will meet Saturday morning to discuss it.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE: Glen reported that the committee met on Oct. 28th and formed a plan for setting goals and how to reach them. Progress is being made.
FIRE DEPARTMENT: Scott reported that the Hunter’s Breakfast will be Nov. 8th, and the department is still in the running for a grant for a new water tender.
GENERAL ASSISTANCE OFFICER: Carol reported that she is getting an idea of how this winter will go, as she has had to explain to people that a fuel purchase is a one-time emergency assistance. The Town cannot take care of anyone’s fuel bills all winter.

OLD BUSINESS: Carol suggested that the Town owes Ron Price a thank you for finding the Town a lower price for fuel for the winter.
Jay Guber asked how things are proceeding with the Skidgel property. Carol said that Ms. Skidgel asked for the Select Board to meet with her and her lawyer, and has requested copies of surveys, tax bills, and deeds. For now, she is being provided with requested copies, but no meeting will happen without the Town lawyer, so in summary, nothing is going on at the moment.
Carol asked Ron to call Debbie at MMA about Town insurance.

NEW BUSINESS: Tim’s County budget meeting was moved (for tonight) to this Friday; he is not sure when following meetings will be held.
Carol moved to put a notice in the paper, and Sallyann’s column, that Selectmen will meet on November 10th and 24th.
Carol reported that the new telephone system is being returned to Quill, thanks to Cindy being persuasive with them.
Tim commented that we are probably way over the office budget now; Carol said the refunds should amount to $600-$700.

Carol moved to adjourn, seconded by Tim, and passed.
Meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.
Next meeting will be Nov. 10th, 2008.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges

[Bennett letter attached]

OCTOBER 15, 2008

Meeting called to order at 6:02 PM. Present were Ron Price (Chairman), Carol Richardson (Selectman), Tim Biggs (Selectman), Jay Guber (CEO), Dave Bridges, Betty Sienkiewicz, Marion Bowers, Jim Waterman (Fire Chief), Sallyann Hadyniak, Glen Bridges (Secretary), Scott Holmes.

REVIEW MINUTES: Tim moved to accept the minutes of Oct. 7, 2008 and place on file. Ron seconded; motion passed.
Tim moved to accept the minutes of Sept. 17th, 2008 as corrected. Carol seconded; motion passed.

CORRESPONDENCE: The Board has to adopt an agreement with the State that Freedom will work within the State’s guidelines on General Assistance matters. Ron moved to sign the agreement, seconded by Tim, and passed.
A pole permit was received for Hagarty on Burnham Hill Road.
KVCOG sent a list of price bids for salt. It looks like Freedom will have to spend $12,300 for 164 tons of salt. Records were checked to make sure that tonnage was appropriate for the miles of roads in Freedom.
Bid for radios in plow trucks from Yankee Communications was $10,500. Back to the drawing board, Ron moved to authorize Carol to call Unicell to arrange for bag phones. Tim seconded, motion passed.
A letter was received from KVCOG about a model ordinance available to towns regulating personal wind turbine systems. Any town ordinances which have a height limit, usually 35’, would not allow personal wind turbines.
Nancy Bailey-Farrar inquired about cost of a copy of the repealed Commercial Development Review Ordinance in case anyone wanted one at the Presque Isle wind energy conference that she is attending on Oct. 21. Selectmen decided to charge $25,

TREASURER’S REPORT: The checkbook balance is $124,848.02. This week the payroll warrant is $1647.81 and the Accounts Payable warrant is $2216.56. A check was received from truck excise reimbursement for $293.80. Ron moved to accept the Treasurer’s report as written, seconded by Tim, and passed.
Tim pointed out that spending on Town office supplies is at 107% of its budget, but we are only 80% through the year. Carol replied that $500-1000 of refunds will be coming in, including the new telephone system, which is being returned.
FIRE CHIEF: Jim Waterman registered with Exxon-Mobil for a grant, and received a phone call that a $1000 grant was approved. This is for training and/or equipment maintenance. Exxon-Mobil’s interest stems from their oil & gas pipeline.
Jim attended a meeting in Augusta. Verizon is on their way out; Fairpoint coming in. A transfer of data relating to 911 will be happening. Jim has been able to get 911 maps for the Town.
An application needs to be signed by Selectmen if the Town wants Jim to continue his role as “Addressing Officer”.
Map updates, which have always been “hard” copies, are now on 2 CDs. Jim will need to be able to print them onto 11 x 17 paper.
Jim has been asked to change long driveway names to “Lanes”. With all of the complications of address change for residents, Jim feels that the only changes made should be those requested by residents. So far, only the Jensens want the change.
Finally, Jim has cleaned out the Firehouse attic, and found a treasure-trove of records dating back to the mid 1800s that are in perfect condition, along with some old rubber gear from 1948 or so, gas masks, and canisters. The records will be reviewed and preserved.
The Hunter’s Breakfast will be Nov. 8 from 4 AM to 10 AM for $6 at the Firehouse.
A brief discussion followed about the new security system at the Firehouse.
Jim needs a list for Thanksgiving Day baskets, which was given to Cindy.
CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Jay reported that Elizabeth Soisson’s old plumbing permit has run out, so Jay needs a new plumbing permit before he can grant a building permit.
Jay inspected Tim Biggs porch addition to his camp, and found it meets all requirements. Drew Fales has also made progress on his new house.
On Beaver Ridge, the turbines are complete, but not yet functioning. Jim Waterman mentioned that a telephone will be installed at Turbine #3.
A letter from Val Whittier dated 10/9/08 about a road proposed by Mike Smith. The road will loop off and reconnect to Carey Lane. Soil erosion prevention will be required, and it will be considered by the Town to be a “woods road”.
A permit by rule notice was received for Half Moon Gardens for work they are doing on the Fein property on Sandy Pond.
Two permit holders for “change-of-use” projects, Frank Silvia and Max Ascrizzi, are due rebates, because Freedom has no change-of-use ordinance, and those ordinance requirements only apply to towns with over 2000 population. If the Town had an occupancy permit, it would also take care of the problem of property owners changing use, but not being taxed accordingly. We could have a free permit for change-of-use.
ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER: Ron asked if there have been any more problems with our current ACO. Apparently the State police could not reach her at two phone numbers about a dog over a recent weekend, and Ron was called in Massachusetts. Michelle Haskell had to take care of it, while Heidi Blood said she didn’t get the messages.
ROAD COMMISSIONER: Clint is on vacation, but Ron reported that the work on Mitchell is underway.

COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING COMMITTEE: Dave Bridges reported a meeting last night with the committee and 3 business people. The committee hopes to get the plan put together this year.
HISTORICAL SOCIETY: Jim reported that the group is hosting a pie sale and display of artifacts, with free refreshments on Oct. 25 from 1 PM to 3. The restoration of the Townhouse is progressing. The suspended chimney is safe. The vocational school has built windows that are installed.
A cookbook is being put together to raise money for clapboards. The deadline for recipes, and any interesting history connected to the recipes, is November first.
RECREATION COMMITTEE: Sallyann asked if there has been an accounting, and if so, how Freedom Field Days turned out financially. Scott Holmes said he thinks Cindy as the information.

OLD BUSINESS: Regarding the Game Warden’s request about opening discontinued roads for snowmobiles, Sallyann read from the snowmobile regulation booklet the sections saying that snowmobiles are not allowed on plowed roads. Crossing plowed roads is permitted. Snowmobiles are not permitted closer than 200’ from houses. Carol pointed out that a letter from the Board stating useable roads would take precedence over the regulations. Unity has one of the best written plans of snowmobile trails for Game warden’s use.
Carol stated that she wants the record to show that she gets “very upset” when she is “lied about”. The snowmobile issue was taken to Paul Flynn, and Carol was misquoted. Carol also got a call from Steve Bennett asking why she wants to cost the Town so much money, and asking why the Town doesn’t’ drop the lawsuit over roads. Carol pointed out that the Town cannot drop a lawsuit because it was Bennett who initiated the lawsuit against the Town.
Sallyann went to Paul Flynn to ask if the Town’s trails are mapped; that she has had trouble with snowmobiles for years. Tim pointed out that Sallyann doesn’t want anyone going by her house, even on a mountain bike, and that it was Sallyann’s decision to improve that discontinued Town road. Tim feels that any mode of transportation should be permitted on any public way.
Scott Holmes said he would make sure that the head of the Snowmobile Club attends the next selectmen’s meeting.
After further discussion about ATVs, it was decided to authorize Carol to get a copy of Unity’s plan, talk to the Game Warden, and put this on the next agenda.
The “private road” sign has to come down on Beaver Ridge Rd. Tim Biggs will call Chuck Hadyniak about getting that done.
Ron heard from Gordon Fuller, who recommends that the Town contact the EPA to see about having the lien released, and to have Town Selectmen meet with the Skidgels. Fuller didn’t think his involvement in such a meeting would be helpful. Ron would like to have a citizen or two, one being Dave Bridges. Ron moved that the Board meet with the Skidgels, along with a couple of citizens. Carol seconded; passed.

NEW BUSINESS: An Assessor’s meeting was scheduled for Monday October 20 at
7 PM.
Regarding the Sibley Rd., bus/snowplow turnaround, Carol thinks the Town should build up the 1000’ to Ron’s gate, and get written permission from Ron to use it for a turnaround. Ron volunteered to pay for the cost, and the town could vote to take the road back after the law suit is over. The problem arose when abutters to the current turnaround have refused permission for the County Deputy Sheriff to use it.
Tim questioned if the Town would be able to plow the 1000’, the costly expense to Ron, and our existing turnaround, which Carol said is not big enough.
Discussion followed , and Tim felt the Board should take time to think about it. He doesn’t want to add so much to the Town’s obligation for maintenance. Tim will call Erin Bennett, and this can be settled at the next meeting.
Bids were opened for the septic grant. Tom Berry bid $7100, and Lee Bros. bid $9000. Tim moved that Tom Berry be awarded the job, seconded by Carol, and passed. Chairman Price recused himself from voting.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be October 29, 2008 at 6 PM.

Meeting adjourned at 8:04 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Glen Bridges

OCTOBER 7, 2008

Meeting called to order at 6:05 PM by Chairman Ron Price. Present were: Carol Richardson (Selectman), Tim Biggs (Selectman), Ron Price (Chair, Selectman), Marion Bowers, Dave Bridges, Sallyann Hadyniak, Pastor Dorothy Soule, Glen Bridges (Secretary), and Clint Spaulding. Erna Keller (Treasurer) arrived later.

REVIEW OF MINUTES: Minutes from Sept. 17 (by Sue Friend) were reviewed. Tim moved to accept minutes as corrected, Carol seconded.Passed.

CITIZEN’S ISSUES: Marion Bowers read a letter aloud to the Selectmen clearing up a misunderstanding about any charges for the use of the Church
Social hall. Letter attached to minutes. Pastor Dorothy Soule introduced herself. She came from Augusta in hopes of meeting townspeople. A discussion followed about whether or not the Town could keep up the tradition of plowing snow for the Church. MMA is very definite that there is no way the Town’s insurance would allow plowing of the Church and Grange.
It places the Town at risk in case of an accident. Waivers, etc., would not be acceptable. Ron and Tim felt the tradition should be kept up anyway. Ron volunteered to do the plowing himself for free, but an alternative was found.
Carol moved, with Tim seconding, to advertise for the plowing of Mill, Russell, and Wentworth Lanes, with the Church and Grange included “pro bono”.
Passed unanimously. Clint suggested that the locations will have to be listed on the insurance of the plowing company.

CORRESPONDENCE: A notice for a drug testing training class for Cindy was discussed, but decided unnecessary because she has had training.
It came to light that building permit fees for conversion building permits only apply to towns with 2000+ population, so certain fees are being refunded.
Next year the State will be evaluating Freedom at $50,350,000. This year was $43,250,000. The increase is based on recent real estate sales. Carol pointed out that the State guideline puts a 2A lot with drilled well and septic system at $24,000 evaluation.
Ron asked if the Town has received a map as a result of Lane Gray’s recent work. No map received yet.


Last week’s payroll was $4440.62, and the Accounts Payable warrant was
$37, 358.42, including the October school payment. The checkbook balance is $162,737.12. This week’s payroll is $1938.41, and the A/P warrant is $13,547.05, leaving $132,978.29 in the checkbook. Erna has the spread sheet for 2005 road work finished, and 2006 is underway, both for the auditor. $938.92 was received for revenue sharing. A request for $5 from the police for their report on the Town garage robbery has been received.
Ron moved, seconded by Tim, to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Passed.
Carol noted the slow response of the police department in filing our report of the robbery at the Town garage. The auditor will have the complete 2005 audit figures by October 10. He has been paid in full for 2005, as long as there are no further charges.

HEALTH NURSE: Flu season is here, and Marion advises everyone to get the flu shot, especially seniors and young children.

CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: (Jay Guber absent.) Ron talked to Gordon Fuller, who has agreed to facilitate a tour of the Skidgel property. The Skidgel family still does not want the Town’s CEO on the property. Ron questioned if it is good policy to let a property owner refuse entry by Freedom‘s CEO. He could inspect the property with a court order. Carol asked what the purpose would be of Jay returning to Skidgel’s, and felt the Town shouldn’t aggravate any more hard feelings with the owner’s, who inherited the property along with it’s hazardous waste. Ron replied that there is unfinished business there because the EPA only removed materials from about 50% of the buildings that was deemed safe. There is potential for serious harm in case of building collapse or fire. Carol asked what could be done to resolve it. Clint suggested the Town find a representative to negotiate with EPA, DEP, and use a Brownfields grant to clean it up. Tim felt that the Select Board could put off taking any action. After further discussion, Tim moved to contact and meet with Gordon Fuller, seconded by Carol and passed.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Carol needs a decision on what to do about cell phones for the Town trucks. The phones have been turned off: Clint said the road crew needs them from late October to May, and that the cost should come out of the roads budget.
Cell phone costs were reviewed:
US Cellular: $349/bag phone, $35/month, $20/month for “idle time”.
Unicell: $269/bag phone/ $35/month/$20/ month for “idle time”.
All options were reviewed, including radio and CB systems. A motion was passed for Clint Spaulding to research radios, and look into Yankee Communications.
The work for CES on the dump road will start tomorrow; two estimates were provided to them. Lee Bros. will ditch, fill in shoulders where needed, and remove stumps from the edges of steep slopes.
Tim Biggs asked Clint if Dennis Robbins has come to look at the Town garage for the carpentry work. Not yet, Clint replied.
Clint described the heavy steel screening that will be installed over the windows and doors of the Town garage by Basil Higgins, and said that a separate phone line is needed for security purposes. Tim estimated the cost of a security system, and felt it was excessive spending for now.
Tim moved to defer installing a security system in the garage. Ron seconded, passed, with Carol abstaining.
Tim moved for Basil Higgins to install heavy steel screening over the door and windows of the Town garage. Ron seconded, passed, with Carol abstaining.
Ron inquired about who can best do the mechanical work on the Town trucks. Tim thinks we need a qualified mechanic who will come to the Town garage. Clint feels that our crew can do most of the work. Various mechanics were brought up, with Dana Roberts of Morrill appearing to be the most available, and well qualified. His charge is $75 per hour. Clint expressed concern that any purchase of parts be over-seen by him to be sure we are getting the best prices. To keep costs down, Clint’s main concern, it was agreed that our crew can do routine maintenance. Ron suggested that we have Dana inspect the trucks first, but trusts that he won’t “run up” the costs. There is a hydraulic leak and a fuel filter problem at the moment.
Tim moved to authorize Ron to talk to Dana Roberts about his availability to be the Town’s equipment mechanic. Carol seconded. Passed.
The Selectmen opened three bids for purchase of 2000 yards of sand, to be mixed with salt and piled by bulldozer.
Lee Bros. - $11.25/yard, or $22,500.
Work & Sons - $13,000
WTW - $15,000
Tim moved to accept Work & Sons bid, on approval of the quality of the sand by Clint. Carol seconded. Passed.
The Selectmen and Clint determined that it is too late in the season to attempt the paving of the sand & salt pad.

NEW BUSINESS: Carol met with Francis Walker about updating the Town website. They had a discussion about how to add the Building Permit Ordinance to the website. The Town office will have a password.


COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE: Glen Bridges reported that the committee met Oct. 2, and decided to invite business owners to meet on Oct. 14th, to meet as a committee on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month, and chose Dave Bridges as their Chairman.

Tim moved to accept the vendor’s warrant. Carol seconded. Passed.
Tim moved to accept the payroll warrant. Ron seconded. Passed.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be on October 15th, 2oo8.
Meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges, Secretary

Attachment: Letter from Marion Bowers

SEPT 3, 2008

Meeting called to order at 6:02 PM. Present were Ron Price (Chair/Selectman), Tim Biggs (Selectman), Carol Richardson (Selectman), Arthur Richardson, Bob Gerrish, Betty Sienkiewicz, Sallyann Hadyniak, Marion Bowers, Dave Bridges, Jay Guber, Glen Bridges (Secretary)

CITIZEN’S ISSUES: Bob Gerrish reported that he found three cars blocking his driveway, belonging to people searching out the wind turbines. A “Pass at Your Own Risk” sign will be posted, with another more detailed sign to be ordered. Discussion followed about locations from which windmills can be viewed, and how people are determined to find them and get up close, even parking and walking up the ridge. Vandalism occurred at the site over Labor Day weekend. Various Freedom road signs have been stolen too.

CORRESPONDENCE: A certified letter was received from an attorney explaining that Sullivan’s trucks are unsafe and dangerous, and that they are barred from entering the UARRC to deliver recyclables after other attempts to correct the problems were not successful.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Erna reported that she moved URIP finds into an account set up in TRIO, and added all the figures from each article of last March’s Town Meeting. Last week’s payroll was $2238.07, and there was no Accounts Payable warrant. This week’s payroll was $1828.35. Checkbook balance is $304,145.36. This week’s Accounts Payable warrant is $82,786.86, which includes the county tax of $66,376.
Tim moved to accept Erna’s report and all of its content, and to approve Erna’s suggestion (#9, see attached). Carol seconded, and motion carried.

HEALTH NURSE: Marion Bowers reported that warnings have been issued regarding a toxic microbe in lobster tomalley which can cause paralysis and death.
Also, the supply of vaccine for post-exposure rabies is not adequate, so people should exercise extra care around wild animals.
A smoking ban in cars is now in effect, if there are passengers under age 16. For the first year, only warnings will be given.

CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Jay met with Val Whittier and toured Oak Lane a week ago. Dan Courtman (DEP) contacted Jay about the Nichols property cutting. The land is under Tree Growth, but is being clear-cut. No permits have been applied for . Jay will look further into this .
Prentice Grassi wants to put in a farm pond.
Jay has visited the turbine property about once a week. It turns out that the delay with turbine #2 was due to a foundation measurement being off by one millimeter, and has been corrected. Jay is anticipating the need for training and a decibel meter once the wind turbines are running. Ron Price will talk to Andy at CES about it.
Work has progressed on Tim Biggs’ (camp) screen porch project.
Mark Boudreau has put up a pole barn without a permit, and will be fined $100.
Back to Oak Lane, discussion followed about the habitual dumping of garbage occurring there. Ron offered to call Jerry Sullivan. Carol moved, seconded by Tim, to authorize Ron to have Sullivan’s remove the trash. Motion passed. In the meantime, Jay Guber will search for anything that might identify the people doing the dumping.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Ron reported, in Clint’s absence, that Raven, Glidden & Clark roads have been graded. Culvert on Deer Hill needs to be cleaned out.
Turnarounds for snowplows were discussed, and that Clint has plowed certain small roads, like Mill Lane and Wentworth Rd., with his own pick-up. The Selectmen need to go over the turnarounds with Clint.
It was agreed that the Town should hire out the plowing/sanding of Wentworth Road, only to the chicken house. It is not worth such a long run with Town trucks.
Carol brought up the issue of plowing snow for non-profits such as the Grange and the Church. She thinks that it is private property, and that our insurance liability would prevent us from doing that. Ron pointed out that the non-profits might be considered “public property”, and felt that plowing them is a tradition that should be kept up. Carol will call MMA and seek a written opinion on the status of the Grange and Church; Tim asked her to also find out the limits of our insurance liability.


BUDGET COMMITTEE: Glen reported that the committee met Sept. 2 to resolve all of the articles for the special Town Meeting coming up Sept. 10.
Erna produced her notes, and those were reviewed. The committee felt that the Public Works Committee should get involved with the plan for the paved sand/salt pad.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE: Glen Bridges reported that she has been asked to chair the committee in the wake of Hilary’s accident. She fell and broke her back and will be some time in rehabilitation, but is doing well. The committee will meet and reorganize in early October, and likely this change will cause delay.

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE: People have been suggested for the committee, but it hasn’t yet been organized. Jay Guber declined to chair it. Ron will call Jim Little, and get the committee organized.

OLD BUSINESS: Research into cell phones and land lines for the office is on-going. Carol has turned off the old bag phones because they are obsolete. She has found a variety of prices for cell phones: Unicell is $169.99 per phone with a 2 year contract and $22 per phone per month. US Cell is $249 per phone. A CB radio system would come to $1500, which some thought the best deal because of reception, and one-time cost. Ron mentioned that Knox has marine CBs which carry further. Sallyann volunteered to serve as the “base station” for a CB system, and has antennas & etc. Jay suggested that the Town look into satellite phones. Carol will call On-Star.
A long discussion followed about why we need another land line for the town office (several people have not been able to get through). Tim moved, seconded by Carol, that we purchase three 4-line phones for up to $600 to upgrade the system.

NEW BUSINESS: Ron moved to sign the payroll and vendor warrants, seconded by Carol, and passed.
Tim moved, seconded by Carol, to accept the August 6 minutes and place them on file. Motion passed.
Tim moved, seconded by Ron, to accept the minutes of August 20 and place them on file. Motion passed, with Carol abstaining.

Ron Price moved to go into executive session regarding a personnel matter according to M.R.S.A. 405(6), Title 23-3028 at 7:57 PM. Ten minutes later the Selectmen returned, and Tim moved to authorize Ron to talk to Clint about truck maintenance, and to find a qualified mechanic to be responsible for the on-going work on all Town road equipment. Carol seconded, and motion passed.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be Sept. 17, 2008 at 6 PM. The Special Town Meeting will be Sept. 10 at 7 PM.

Carol moved, seconded by Tim, to adjourn. Motion passed; meeting adjourned at 8:15 Pm.

Minutes respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges, Secretary

AUGUST 20, 2008

Meeting called to order at 6:02 by Chairman Ron Price. Present were: Tim Biggs (Selectman), Carol Richardson (Selectman), Ron Price (Selectman/Chair), Arthur Richardson, Dave Bridges, Dave Schofield (LPI), Hilary Fleming, Tom Fleming, Sallyann Hadyniak, Betty Sienkiewicz, Erna Keller (Treasurer), Glen Bridges (Secretary).

CITIZEN’S ISSUES: Sallyann Hadyniak asked what the time frame is for a taxpayer to have the Assessors review his/her tax bill. Carol responded that she thought it is 120 days, but will check into that. Hilary asked if any particular time is set aside for that, and was told that residents should make an appointment to meet with the Assessors.

REVIEW MINUTES: Tabled until next meeting.

CORRESPONDENCE: Carol received a letter from a taxpayer saying he is being taxed for a house, but has no house on his land. Discussion followed about several disputed tax bills.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Erna reported that last week’s payroll was $1518.49, and the Accounts Payable warrant was $1786.50 for the BMV. This week’s payroll is $1228.65, and the A/P warrant is $80,472.63. Checking account balance is $135,359.85. The July and August school payments total $63,911.

We owe $50,000 to the Capital Improvement Fund. Carol moved to pay $25,000 back into the Capital Improvement account. Tim seconded; motion passed.

Ron asked what the costs are for Freedom’s administration, and examined the balance sheet looking for year-to-date administrative costs, expressing his frustration that the TRIO computer program Freedom uses makes it impossible to simply look up such figures.

Carol moved to accept the Treasurer’s report, seconded by Tim, and passed. Four abatements were signed.

LPI: Dave Schofield, LPI, reported that there is little or no growth going on in Freedom. He has been working on a septic system grant project since last May, and was recently removed from the project by the State, and never notified by the Town. A State employee told him this originated with Carol, who Dave said had him doing working on jobs that he should not be doing, and that he thought he had been slandered. Carol denied being responsible for this, and that she would have gone to the other Selectmen if she had wanted Dave removed from the project. Carol will call the State tomorrow morning to get it straightened out. She believes that this is all a miscommunication.

Dave said that he has always handled these septic system grants, and reviewed the procedure. This grant involves a resident who will be required to pay 10% of the cost. Usually the grant covers 100%, depending on income.
The next step is for the Select Board to meet with the applicant to arrange payment of the 10% obligation.

ACO: Carol and Ron each received phone calls about a resident being told by the ACO that they would have to hold a stray dog until Monday before she could pick it up. This involved stray dogs chasing deer. Another complainant said that calls to the ACO were not returned. The Town does have another person who would like very much to be the Animal Control Officer, but it was suggested that a change would be better to wait until March.

COE: Jay Guber was not present, but a long discussion took place about the Skidgel property. Town officers are still forbidden to enter the property, but Gordon Fuller (DEP) would be permitted to do an inspection, accompanied by Ron Price or Dave Schofield.
The EPA has put a lien of $460,000 against the property. The DEP has tested two wells and the groundwater, but results are not in yet. The Town’s concerns are that the structure is dangerous, is a fire hazard, and that there may still be toxic or hazardous waste in areas that EPA couldn’t enter because of structural dangers.
The property may be able to be condemned as a public nuisance and health hazard. Discussion followed about whether or not the buildings have already been condemned; Betty thought they had been, but no one knew for sure. Dave Schofield will call the MMA to find out the procedures for condemnation. The Town does not want the liability of the property, nor does it want to provoke any lawsuits.
Carol moved that Ron and Dave Schofield should arrange an inspection of the property, seconded by Tim and passed.
Dave Bridges remarked that he felt the Town has taken all the responsible steps so far, and deserves credit to addressing the problem.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Clint was not present, but discussion followed about cutting on the Mitchell Road to make room for the 3-phase power lines coming down from the wind turbines. CMP will grade the road when the work is finished, but discussion centered on the steep ditch that has been exposed by removal of trees, and what to do about it—guard rail or what. Tim and some other residents are very unhappy with the way Mitchell looks now; Glen Bridges was pleased with the cutting on their 2000 feet. Mitchell is a 4 rod road, giving the Town a 33 ft. right-of-way from the center of the road to each side. CMP’s legal right-of-way is more than that.
Ten tons of cold patch is needed for road repairs, at $93 per ton, or $930. Tim moved, seconded by Carol, to authorize Clint to order the 10 tons of cold patch and get the potholes filled.
Ron Price searched the balance sheets for a figure of exactly how much money is in our road account right now, and again expressed his frustration at needed figures not being readily available. The balance sheet says we’ve used 98% of our road funds, but, because of the way the computer program works, Carol explained that the expected URIP monies do not show. URIP funds are expected to amount to $31,000. We have received $15,000 from the State.
Ron would like to hold an executive session at the next Selectmen’s meeting to discuss maintenance on Town trucks and equipment.

Recreation Committee: A dispute over a game used for Freedom Field Days was discussed. Dave Bennett wants a “Plinko” game returned to him that he made for a previous Field Days, but receipts have been found for materials, and for payment to Dave Bennett, and on the reverse side of the game, it says “Property of Freedom Rec. Committee”, so the Selectmen concluded that the game belongs to the Rec. Committee.
The refrigerator in the snack shack does not work; Betty Sienkiewicz offered to donate one to the Town.

Comprehensive Plan Committee: Will meet August 21 at 6 PM to discuss capital improvement objectives, and a capital improvement plan. Tim Biggs will attend.

OLD BUSINESS: The necessary application for memorial veteran’s benches was never filed several years ago, but is being done now, so the benches can be received next year. In the meantime, an adequate base is required to support the weight of these benches.


Carol wants to order brush killer to kill poison ivy on Town Office property. This was tabled.

Carol described the abuse she has received from taxpayers who don’t think they should be paying for a base lot, and went over the details of several errors she has found from 2003,’04,and ’05 in abatements that should not have been abated.

Ron asked for the Board to choose a date for a special Town meeting to seek approval for paving the salt/sand pad, for white/brown goods pick up, and other matters. The date agreed upon will be Sept. 10 at 7 PM. This will allow time for bids to be solicited afterwards for paving. Carol said that we will need $60,000 approved for the paving.

The Budget Committee will need to meet before the Town meets; August 26 was set for that meeting.

Tim Biggs moved, Ron seconded, to sign the payroll warrant; motion passed. After a discussion of the Town’s bills, Tim moved, seconded by Ron, to accept and sign the warrant in the amount of $80,472.63. Motion passed.

The next Selectmen’s meeting is Sept. 3, 2008 at 6 PM.

Ron moved to adjourn, Tim seconded. Adjourned at 8:14 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges

AUGUST 6, 2008

Meeting called to order by Chairman Ron Price at 6:03 PM. Present were: Tim Biggs (Selectman), Carol Richardson (Selectman), Ron Price (Selectman/Chair), Betty Sienkiewicz, Arthur Richardson, Scott Holmes, Keisha Whittman, Erna Keller (Treasurer), David Bridges, Clint Spaulding, Chris Spaulding, Glen Bridges (Secretary), Jay Guber (CEO), Sallyann Hadyniak.

CORRESPONDENCE: A letter was received regarding the Silver Star
Banner Day to honor veterans.
Another lawsuit has been filed against the Town of Freedom by Steve and Judy Bennett, appealing the court’s previous decision not to grant a temporary restraining order to prevent road construction for the wind turbine project. The Town of Freedom is named as the defendant.

Last week’s payroll was $2,176.95, including ACO & Selectmen’s pay. The accounts payable warrant was $663 for the BMV.
This week’s payroll is $1,584.05. The accounts payable warrant is $44,370.55 (includes July school payment). The checkbook balance is $41,255.57.
Interest was received from Philip Thurston CD of $94.09. The Recreation Committee’s raffle has brought in $1500, and the Selectmen gave Erna permission to pay prizes out in cash, but with a paper trail.
The Fire Department received a Forest Grant of $621.26.
Service and repairs to the old computers, plus $699 for one new laptop, totaled $1811.23.
Carol moved, with Tim seconding, to pay the accounts payable warrant after subtracting the July school bill of $31,964., which can be paid more easily next time because tax monies are coming in. Motion carried. Warrant amount was $12,406.55.
Tim moved, seconded by Carol, to sign the payroll warrant.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Clint spoke to an insulation company, Advanced Sprayfoam, of Clinton, who gave an estimate for 3” of ridged spray foam applied to Town garage walls and ceiling, and spray painted. The Town would have to remove the ceiling. Tim pointed out that this type of insulation is the most expensive there is. Carol has asked Robert Price for an estimate; Ron will mention it to him again.
In his capacity as Road Commissioner, Clint has given verbal permission for turbine parts to be transported across Town right-of -ways.
Ron asked Clint about complaints about the condition of roads. Clint replied that he wasn’t aware of any complaints. He is aware of some pot holes and other problems, but the Selectmen need to go over the budget to see where we are in spending. He was asked to spend no more money.
The Clark Road was graded last spring; Glidden has not been graded. Discussion followed about how and when to do needed repairs. The Selectmen authorized Clint to grade the roads that need it, and to cold patch potholes.
So far this summer, paving has cost $25,936.
Carol mentioned a form she found from DOT that needs to be signed and returned to them by August 1st. For next year, the Town expects to receive about $29,000. in URIP funds.
Tim asked Clint about moving the dead sand from the sand/salt pile area so that it can be paved. Discussion followed about how to get that done. Clint said the base will have to be excavated down a foot, and then built up to prepare for paving.

CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Jay has been in communication with Andy Price of CES. Delivery of the turbine parts began July 31st, and should be complete by August 8th or so. Reed & Reed, a Maine company, will be erecting the turbines. They are very experienced at this, having erected 28 turbines on Mars Hill, and 38 for the Stetson project. CMP is making good progress. They will start trimming on Mitchell Rd. on August 11th. . The stakes marking the Mitchell Rd. route have been stolen for the third time. The Town is the entity that has given CMP their pole permits.
Jay has inspected Oak Lane, and the bulldozer work being done there is unrelated to the turbine project. It is not within the Shoreland Zone, and is not causing any erosion into Penney Pond.
Jay inspected the site for Marvel and Basil Barnes gravel pit, and advised them to go the DEP for a permit-by-rule.
Two permits have been granted: to Dave Bennett for a barn, and to Cliff Lewin for storage buildings (referring back to permits for trailers).
Carol asked if a trailer in Town has a permit, and Jay replied that it does.

RECREATION COMMITTEE: Keisha reported that the committee is working hard toward Freedom Field Days. Carol objected to the idea of putting wind mills on T-shirts because she feels that the committee represents the Town.
Clint replied that he thought he had settled this when the committee decided, at Carol’s request, not to have any illustration of wind mills on T-shirts that are sponsored by the committee, but to provide a personal choice for residents who order them and pay for them. Keisha disagreed with Carol, while Ron said that as a Selectman, he wouldn’t risk embarrassing the Board. Clint repeated that he feels strongly that what is on the T-shirt is a personal choice.

UNITY AREA RECYCLING: Meredith Coffin reported back to the Select Board with answers to their questions about an expanded recycling center that would accept brown & white goods. There would be no charge for a refrigerator because that cost would have been figured into the revised contract. There is a clipboard for residents to sign when they bring recyclables so the Town receives credit for their use. The charge to Freedom will be figured out once all the Towns have responded.

Carol called oil companies to find out their “lock-in” prices. Waldo County Oil is $4.25 until Aug. 16th, or $859 per month for Freedom. Thompson’s is $4.39. Carol moved, seconded by Tim, to lock in the price with Waldo County Oil.
Clint asked if the Selectmen had thought about using alternative heat at the Town garage, such as waste oil, and a discussion followed about the availability of waste oil.

Janet Boynton has been appointed to the Budget Committee.


A discussion took place about a phone system for the office, and which would work best for the Town’s needs. For cell phones, Clint uses Unicell and Jay Guber uses the satellite system, On Star, for $10 per month plus minutes. Carol will look into all the Town’s options for land line Page 2 of 3phones. Erna pointed out that it would be good to have a system that could accommodate 2 lines (fax & phone), with 3 choices for callers-Town Clerk, Selectmen, or Treasurer. Clint didn’t think the Town garage could be included because it is a separate building. Ron suggested we need to find out the costs of all the options.

Many road signs in Town are missing, and two lanes need to be names for E911. Ron moved, seconded by Tim, to order and replace all the missing signs.

Stacy Keating has requested a “Dead End” road sign for her road, which Carol has ordered. The suggestion of a sign on Sibley limiting traffic to “Local Traffic Only” was rejected because the roads are public ways.

Jay Guber asked if he could submit an estimate (as a general contractor) for the insulation job, and he advised that the R-value for each type of insulation be part of the estimates, so they can be properly compared.

REVIEW OF MINUTES: The minutes from July 23, 2008 were accepted as written. Glen Bridges asked permission to comment on the apparent attack on her by Sallyann Hadyniak and how she carries out her secretarial job, as described in the minutes when she was absent. She asked the Selectmen if they had any questions about how she charges for her hours, or her amount of pay, which recently was $23, and is usually around $40. They had no questions, and Glen requested it be put in the permanent record that this attack is just more of the same vendetta going back to the wind turbine controversy.

Motion to adjourn carried at 8:25 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen S. Bridges

July 23, 2008

If you have a problem with a Town Committee please ask to go into executive session on personnel matter. No public talk about PEOPLE. Everything in executive must be kept private.

Sallyann Hadyniak, Betty Sienkiewicz, Matt Bennett, Don Hager, Arthur Richardson, Susan Friend – Secretary to Board (due to Glen’s illness), Ron Price – Chair, Carol Richardson – Selectperson, Jay Guber – CEO, and Timothy Biggs – Selectman.

Carol and Ron viewed the July 9th selectperson meeting minutes; neither have corrections. Ron makes the motion to accept the minutes to be placed on file. Carol second the motion. Minutes approved.

&Mac1 Sallyann – Why aren’t copies of the minutes of previous week’s minutes made? People can not read the minutes unless you make a special trip to the Town Office to read them.

ANSWER BY RON: We have in the past made copies of the minutes available for the people when they attended the meeting to read. Somehow we neglected to do so tonight. They are available when they become available for people to view here at the Town Office and apologized that there weren’t any copies tonight. Office copy was offered for viewing or to make copies.

&Mac1 Sallyann – A machine was bought to record the minutes. Glen sits at the meeting and then takes the machine home. Let the machine take the minutes and then she take it home. $8.00/hr is a lot of money to be paying someone for taking minutes. Point being a person should only be paid once whether it is at the meeting or at home. Is she putting in time for sitting at the meeting as well as putting them together at home?

ANSWERED BY RON: As far as I know she figures the time both ways. Not sure if she charges when she is here taking the minutes or at home listening to the recorder. Whatever she turns in for time is what we pay her. I feel myself comfortable that we are not being over charged for the minutes.

ANSWERED BY CAROL: Glen’s pay slip will be requested from Erna to check how often and how much she gets paid. I heard Glen say when the recorder was purchased that it was going to take her a lot of time. I told her that unless someone questions the minutes she does not have to use the recorder – it is for back up purposes only. As far as I know, she comes in here, takes her own minutes and types from her own pages. She does not use the recorder. The only time she will have to refer to the recorder is if there was a conflict on what was said; at that time it will be downloaded to find out what was actually said.

Treasurer Report – Sign Warrants
Treasurer’s Report read aloud by Ron. (See attached note from Erna)

Erna suggests that the $31,964.00 school payment be paid after taxes are committed due to the $47,690.72 check book balance. Ron agreed. Clayton Larrabee invoice for gravel will also be added to the warrant. Carol believes that paying the school payment a week or two late wouldn’t make a huge difference. Ron agreed.

Ron motioned to accept the Treasurer’s Report and place on file. Tim seconded the motion. Treasurer’s Report has been accepted.

CEO: Letter from Beaver Ridge Wind, LLC read aloud by Jay (see attached letter, permit, and plan)
Matt questioned what work was being done. Jay educated him on the intersection being widened. Matt asked if it was to be done on his side of the road. Jay replied yes. Matt said “They are not going to touch our side of the road I can tell you that. They cannot go outside those pink stakes.” Carol stated that they can do whatever they want within 33 1/3 from center of the road. Matt stated we will see about that. DOT issued all the permits. Matt requested a copy of the attached.

Cliff Lewin was contacted in regards to the two mobile homes that came in last year. The first one came in before August. The second on September 06, 2007, and both should be taxed. They were to be used as temporary housing. On July 12, 2007, an additional mobile home was approved by the Planning Board to be added but must be moved by July 2008. The Planning Board didn’t see any issues with it being in the same foot print or further back not closer to the road. The owners bought a home on the Greeley Road and are no longer living there. Carol asked if the trailers had water and sewer. Jay informed her that they were supposed to have a temporary set up and were probably using other facilities. That’s what they assumed. David permitted them. One of the trailers will need to be demolished on site as it can not be moved due to a broken frame. The other trailer can be moved. I would assume but I am asking do you want me to permit them? Ron asked if that was a Planning Board decision. Jay informed that the Planning Board gave them an extension until September of this year. No motion made.

Issued permit to Erwin and Pauline Nickless for a personal use 33’ wind turbine put on 20 Pine Ridge Lane.

Issued permit to Derik Wilson and Charlene Grotton for new trailer, deck, and 8x8 shed on from 137 Belfast Road. Other Trailer removed.

Max Ascrizzi applied for permit to change of use of his storage shed to dwelling on 79 North Palermo Road.

April 17th letter from Beverly Sebolt was discussed. Jay asked selectmen if they had any issues with him. All replied no issues - good job.

James Garrison’s trailer was brought up again - have not yet heard from him. Jay thinks it is time for the selectmen to write a letter. Carol questioned whether he actually lived there. He does have a porta potty and has no other residence. Jay asked if he will be taxed. Carol replied if that trailer is excised it cannot be taxed. This matter will be looked into further by Jay and Dave. Under Shoreline
Zoning it must be moved in 120 days. Ron made the motion to have Jay watch the 120 day then permit as the law states. Tim seconded unless situation changed then should be relooked into.

Notice of Intent to Harvest for Basil Barnes. Travis Stratton, out of Albion, will be cutting 50 acre parcel on Map 7 Lot 1. Not in Tree Growth, Shoreland Zoning and will not be clear cutting

June 12th Site visit to Prentice Grassi by Stephanie McGarvey, DEP, in regards to put a pond on his farmland outside of farmland. All set to put in for a permit.

Valerie Whittier site visited on June 12th. Weylon Wolfe regards to pt. Brook runs thru this 5 acre gravel pit. Former owner claimed to have a permit – however did not. Carol informed Jay that Basil Barnes is already in the process of getting a full permit through DEP. This needs to be looked into further.

Recent letter from DEP Stephanie McGarvey dealing with the entire town of Freedom, informed that she would no longer be the assigned field servicer of Freedom.

Nancy Bailey Farr on Palermo Road for deck permit done on July 6th.

Jay would like to make mention that if for any reason someone needed a permit; he will not stop their project if he cannot get to them on time.

Plumbing Inspector: Not Present
ACO: Not Present – but will be getting on to all the dogs.
Health Nurse: Not Present
Road Commissioner: Not Present
Fire Chief – Forrest Warden: Not Present

Recreation Committee: Not Present
Historical Committee: Not Present
Planning Board: Not Present
Appeals Board: Not Present
Budget Committee: Not Present
Comprehensive Plan: Meeting tomorrow night – 07/24/08.
Public Works Committee: Not Present

Mill Rate: Carol stated that the mill rate can be at 17% with an overlay of $10,000. Using Article 34 asks for $20,000 to offset taxes, $30,000 winter roads. $45,000 for URIP. $65,000 estimated as we already have $49,000 over 6 months in Revenue Sharing. The State projected $60,000. Don’t dare to go 90,000 in Revenue Sharing and come up short. So estimated was $65,000; $5,000 over projected. $12,000 for trash stickers voted in Article 21. Article 36 or 37 stated to use 80% of other revenues – not sure what other revenues will be. Can not use other monies that are designated for other funds. Using $65,000 other revenues as the town voted on we can have a 17% mill rate with $10,000 overlay or a 17.5% mill rate with $25,000 overlay. It’s up to the board to decide tonight which mill rate they would like to use. Tim leans more towards money in surplus and the higher mill rate due to fuel oil and diesel increase. Carol questioned if the overlay could be used towards such expenses. The overlay is to be used towards the 2% discount and abatements only. Tim suggested that the overlay could be used for winter roads. Carol stated it must come out of the general funds account. Ron questioned the short fall on Homestead Exemption. Carol stated that State informed her to take off as the town is not at 100% and will not give $13,000. In the past few years the total exemption was being given and the town’s check book has been picking up the balance. Ron asked if they gave the $13,000 exemption can we make up the short fall out of the overlay. Carol agrees that if she changed that back to $13,000 and gave the people the break but Augusta does not agree with that as they will not reimburse that amount. Ron stated that the town will be giving it back by taking it out of the overlay. Carol doesn’t believe that it is legal for 3 people to pass money and that a special town meeting would be required to make that decision. Ron agreed. $12,350 for Homestead Exemption - the people are losing $650 in valuation per qualifying property. Carol stated that the people are going to lose one way or the other. If $13,000 Homestead Exemption is given we’re taking it out of the check book. If at 17% Mill rate with $12,350 Homestead Exemption the people will benefit just as much and it’s legal. Tim would like to keep Homestead Exemption at what it should be; 12,350. Carol agreed and feels that it may alert the people that the town is not at 100%. Even thou back land went up 600 and a base lot another 1000, it still did not bring up to 100%. If you’re not up to 100% valuation you can not get 100% exemption back. Ron said the fact that trying to make that 100% up by raising the land rate bothered him. The State is telling us that houses are worth more than what they are valued at and do not agree with the assessment that was placed on houses by Jackie. He hates to see major land owners in town penalized. Tim stated that the land is coming up to what other surrounding towns are at. Carol believed that there will be some havoc due to the land increase. When the base lot went up in 2005 the land owners went down 1500 there base lot stayed at 7500 and land owners went down due to the 2 acre base lot. This year the base lot was increased to $16,000. as the state says you can not call it 15,000 and say 2 out of 4 differentials. Our ordinance already states you must have a driveway and power before you can have a house. Call it $10,000 for any piece of land $3000 for septic, $3000 for water State says that it should be 18,000 and for drilled well 21,000. Tim was unaware that the State indicated what a base lot should be. Tim had issues charging a base lot to land owners that own land with no road access. Property Tax Division says there’s no such thing as not having access as there is a law against land locked land. Ron asked Carol what she felt more comfortable with the higher mill rate and more over lay. Carol answered that she truly believes that they will not have many abatements as building valuation was untouched. And that she felt secure that $10,000 as last year was about the same with many abatements. Carol stated that the Mill rate was so high last year – reason being it wasn’t high enough the previous years. Otherwise a great reduction would have been seen. Tim stated that the mill rate was going down but the value was going up so tax payers wouldn’t see a change in their tax bill. Carol stated that it would be around $100 less. Carol stated that the surplus will come from taxpayers paying past year bills. If the tax bills can be made low enough and with the stimulus checks they have to pay past taxes before current bill. Ron stated that the assessing down as one major house/property was taxed twice and had to be abated roughly $4,000-5,000. Hopefully this year we will not be in that shape. Carol stated that the only thing that saved them was the Tree Growth Penalties that were taken in. We needed $25,000 last year and we had $10,000 but we made it. $50,000 was borrowed out of the CD Account and has almost that amount in the checking account now. If it had been done last year with all the errors we can do it this year. Ron asked Carol if they should go with the 17% mill rate with $10,000. Carol replied yes. Tim agreed. Mill rate was voted at 17%.

Set Commitment Date: Carol thought it would be a good idea to wait from July to August 3rd; as checks come in on that date allowing people to come in to pay half of their tax bill on that date and then on September 3rd pay the other half and still get the discount. November 3rd would be interest date allowing another check before any penalties. Also allows some time on our end to wrap up loose ends. Tax bills will be in the mail either August 2nd or 3rd. All agreed commitment date of August 3rd.

Salt Sand Pad: Tim asked if that was going to require a special town meeting. Question answered yes by Carol. Ron stated that the money will not come out of surplus but out of capital improvements. This should be done in and set up by September. A contractor needs to be selected. Sand contracts need to be sent out sometime in October by the road commissioner. Last year Clint got bids from Lee Brothers, John Works, and Pernosky. There will be a bid this year coming from the person running Littlefield’s pit. More sand will be put in to prevent not having to get more in January. The pile will have to be moved to the new salt and pad.

Special Town Meeting: Carol reminded that if there was a special town meeting held that a fall door-to-door pick up was promised. Ron stated he did not have a problem with that if it was voted for by the town. Tim agreed as long as they understood what it was going to cost. Carol stated that it could be taken out of surplus so that the meeting did not have to take place before August 3rd, commitment date. This would require setting $10,000 aside not knowing how much this would cost. Anything left can be put back into surplus. Tim asked what else needed to be voted on. Carol replied $2,000-$3,000 Trio computer fees and $5,000 auditor for 2 years – 2006 and 2007. 2008 can come out of next year’s budget. Carol mentioned that they would be getting back money from the legal fees that will be added back into surplus. Contracted services were $9,000 last year meaning all of our equipment needed to give to Trio for the audit. Only$6,000 was granted for 2008. The audit alone was around $5,000 contract was around $4,000 and the computer $1,000. Carol felt that they need to put more attention to the budget committee as they don’t realize that expenses don’t decrease but increase year after year. Carol also felt that audits are a priority and that the people shouldn’t complain after seeing what resulted in not having them. The computer system, keeping the town records, as well as door-to-door pickup should be set priorities. The grange needed to be contacted and should be set sometime in August, and discussed more at the assessor’s meeting to see when Cindy would be available.

Cost of Cell Phones: Tim brought this to Carol’s attention that cell phones are being paid for that are not being used. Carol stated that she could have them shut off until September 1st. Tim stated that the town garage has a land line. Carol stated that the town garage phone was linked to the office so that the office could use as a fax line leaving two other lines open for calls allowing outgoing calls at the garage for emergency use. Ron suggested checking into getting the phone lines situated. Carol agreed to take on that task.

Garage Dumpster and Porta Potty: Suggested that they be moved to the Rec Field from Memorial to Labor Day and returned to the town garage for the winter months. Alerting Road Commissioner that all maintenance on trucks be completed by May 1st so these facilities will not be needed at the garage and can be moved to the Rec Field.

Road Commissioner: Tim brought up the fact that Clint gets salary and gets his $14,000/52 every week. He doesn’t submit time cards so there are no records of his time and what he is doing. He feels that it should be discussed and he would like to see what Clint is doing every week. Carol stated that if we do that we need to do it to all appointed officials. Tim felt that they were in the office and it was obvious what they were doing and working the hours they were supposed to be. As far as the Road Department no one is ever down there. Carol stated that even if did not do anything he still would get paid. Ron felt that that if he traveled around the town and saw that the roads were not being taken care of properly he would be more concerned. Ron stated that he believed Clint was doing a good job and the roads are being taken care of. Ron has no issues. Tim still would like an idea of what he is doing. Ron stated that normally Clint attended these meetings and informed as to what has been done or needed to be done.

Oil Lock for Winter: Ron suggests to find who is locking in on oil at this time. Carol will make calls to Thompson’s Oil, Waldo Oil, Maritime for pricing.

Security System: Security system was discussed and decided to be voted on at the special town meeting. Carol stated that items were taken from the back office. Tim assured that all key were accounted for. Sally mentioned that too many people are going in and out of that door. Rules have been made in the past; however, no one follows them. $1,500 for materials for the security system and $30 monthly fee. Hilary has a key as she helped with the audit and she should return it. Tim motions to put on special town meeting warrant. All agreed.

Jay brought up Skidgels – vote to condemn the building due to safety hazards. Would like to convince Skidgels to allow them to go onto their property or get a court order as town officials are not allowed to go onto the property. He requested that a letter be written to them allowing them to do the job there. Ron asked if there has been any business done.

Jay bumped into Shawn Bilello from Waldo County District. She mentioned that there was money sitting on Sandy Stream and Freedom Pond. Jay requested that she come down and see what she can do for us. Tim asked Jay to contact her on this matter. Jay stated that help is need on that.


Motion made by Ron. Seconded by Carol and Tim.

Ron Motioned to re-open to pay Clayton Larrabee invoice. Seconded by C arol.

Adjournment motion made by Ron. Seconded by Carol and Tim.

Date of next Selectperson’s Meeting – August 6, 2008

Secretary Susan Friend

JULY 9, 2008 6 PM

Meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM by Chairman Ron Price. Present were Ron Price (Chair), Tim Biggs (Selectman), Carol Richardson (Selectman), Erna Keller (Treasurer), Dave Bridges, Arthur Richardson, Betty Sienkiewicz, Clint Spaulding (Road Commissioner) and son, Sallyann Hadyniak, Matt Bennett, and Glen Bridges (Secretary).

APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Minutes from June 25th were approved as amended.


TREASURER’S REPORT: Last week’s payroll was $1,584.25, and the accounts payable warrant was $671.50 for the BMV. Erna provided a folder listing updated funds on deposit totaling $272,236.18 This week’s payroll is $1202.87. The accounts payable warrant is
$29, 714.50. The current checkbook balance is $46,266.63 before paying this week’s warrant. A check has been received for $855.19 covering expenses for ballot clerks and Cindy Abbott’s time for the June 10 election. Discussion followed about town-owned tents, and an estimate was included for new telephones.
Ron moved, seconded by Carol, to accept the Treasurer’s report as written, and place it on file.

Animal Control Officer: Carol proposed that the ACO be paid $50 to go door-to-door to find unregistered dogs. She believes there may be numerous dogs, and licensing them will bring in revenue. Carol moved to take $50 out of incidentals to pay the ACO to find unlicensed dogs. Tim seconded, motion carried.

Health Nurse: In Marion’s absence, Carol reported that there is a severe outbreak in Maine of a form of syphilis. It was questioned if condoms are available at Mt. View, and Erna said they are.

Road Commissioner: Clint reported that Rollins Road is finished, several culverts need to be replaced, one on Greeley, one near Dave Phillips’, and another near Dave Rector’s. Smithton has had 500’ rebuilt. Greeley needs to be ditched. Carol said that we have used last year’s paving account, and have not yet used this year’s paving account.
Clint needs two pallets of calcium to spread on dirt roads.
We have $14,000 in URIP funds, and will be receiving more in August, according to Carol.

Tim asked to start a discussion on what to heat for the winter, because of the high price of oil. Clint explained that trucks need to be warm to start, and sanders have to be kept from freezing. And the Dept. of Labor requires heat in the garage if people work there. A lengthy discussion followed about insulating, and weather stripping, the way the trucks don’t fit, and the garage doors are too narrow, but the height is adequate. Ways to extend the garage were discussed. Carol pointed out that we haven’t appointed a Public Works Committee since 2006, and it was agreed that the future of the garage would be better decided by that committee. Names suggested were Drew Fales, Jim Little, Tim Biggs, Lendahl Chase, Gerry Spaulding.

Tim suggests that for this year we should at least insulate the building and put in weather stripping, and Carol volunteered to get three estimates.

Clint asked what the Town wants to do with the pile of fill (dead sand) that is behind the town garage. He explained that dead sand acts like clay, with rounded particles. Clint needs to dig out around the sand pile area, and needs a place to put it. With the salt it contains, Ron said we don’t want it near the Town Office’s well and neighbor’s well. Tim moved, seconded by Ron, that Clint should try to incorporate the dead sand into the winter sand pile, and if that doesn’t work, then to give it away. Motion carried.

Tim moved to accept the vendor’s warrant of $29,714.50. Ron seconded, and passed.
Tim moved to accept the payroll warrant of #1202.87, seconded by Ron and carried.

Carol moved to open a Staples Rewards Account. Ron seconded, and passed.
Carol moved to let Erna borrow the Town tents. Tim seconded, passed.

Dave Bridges reported that the Appeals Board held a brief meeting for the purpose of approving the minutes from the May 1,2008 hearing.

The taxation on gravel pits was discussed, with comparisons of figures from nearby towns. The Assessors will inspect Basil Barnes’ pit to see if it is operational.

Thirty-three letters have gone out to tractor owners inviting them to excise their tractors, or pay personal property tax, whichever is less. Carol learned that the state now allows any equipment to be excised-- loaders, skidders, etc.

MMA Risk Management Service reports that all of Freedom’s events were fire related, except for one injured plow truck driver.

MMA Property & Casualty Insurance is charging Freedom more ($12,040) for insurance because the audits are not up to date. Tim looked up the budgeted amount for insurance in the Town Report, and found it was $15,000.

Sallyann Hadyniak asked who is responsible for getting the audits done every year. Ron and Carol explained that the Selectmen are ultimately responsible. Ron pointed out that, “as far as the audits are concerned, if not for Carol’s willingness to put in all the work, we wouldn’t have made the progress that we have”.

Carol said that Audrey Williams needs to be re-appointed to the Budget Committee, but hasn’t responded to three letters.

Tom LaFreniere has requested that he not be taxed on his father’s backhoe.

Carol reported that she has hired someone to help proof tax cards. The money appropriated by the budget Committee for deputy clerks is $3,000 this year. Erna pointed out that the Secretary is being paid out of deputy clerk monies. It has to be kept that way because that is how the Town voted.

Ron moved that the Secretary be paid out of Deputy Clerk monies until next Town Meeting. Tim seconded, passed unanimously.

Next Selectmen’s Meeting: July 23, 2008 at 6 PM.
Next Assessor’s Meetings: July 14 and July 21 at 7 PM.

Meeting adjourned at 7:36 PM. Recorded on new Sony digital recorder purchased by Carol.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges, Secretary

JUNE 25, 2008 6 PM

Carol Richardson called the meeting to order at 6:05 PM. Present were Carol Richardson (Selectman), Tim Biggs (Selectman), Ron Price (Select Board Chair), Hilary Fleming (Comprehensive Plan Committee), Tom Fleming, Thressa Abbott, Betty Sienkiewicz, Dave Bridges, Glen Bridges (Secretary), Thelma Ledden, Arthur Richardson, and later on, Prentice and Joseph Grassi, and Sallyann Hadyniak.

Glen asked if the new digital tape recorder had been purchased, but it hadn’t because the one Carol had in mind has no microphone. She’ll keep looking for one with a microphone. This meeting will have no back-up recording.

REVIEW MINUTES: The minutes were reviewed and approved as corrected.

CITIZEN’S ISSUES: Dave Bridges asked when the audits are expected to be finished. Carol replied that the 2005 audit will be finished soon, and a bill has been received from the auditor for $5100 for that work. The Board needs to have more money appropriated to pay for the next two audits. It costs about $2-3,000 for a regular audit.

Erna reported that last week’s payroll was $2,334.44, including election personnel, and the Accounts Payable totaled $4,152.25 including 2 weeks for BMV.
This week’s payroll is $4,545.39 including 3 Selectmen, CEO, LPI, ACO, and all regular payroll.
Checkbook balance is $84,904.26 after transferring $50,000 from the Capital Improvement Account (borrowed as approved at Town Meeting), and transferring the balance of $6680 from the Paving account to pay Littlefield for Mitchell/Deer Hill apron.
The Accounts payable for this week is $57,545.60, which includes the school payment.
Sullivan’s has sent a letter about increasing their bill by $5 for dumpsters due to fuel prices.
Carol moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report as read, seconded by Tim, and passed.

CEO/LPI: Dave Schofield, sitting in for Jay Guber, related that Jay Guber had a heart attack about a week ago, and is recovering nicely after two stents were put in.
Dave will be assisting Jay, but Jay plans to keep on top of the Beaver Ridge project. Building permit applications are down by about 80% in Freedom, so not much is happening. Dave applied for a grant for a septic system. Ciambro will be putting in the electric line for the wind turbines.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Carol has found $7,922.82 in unused 2005 FEMA money, and $30,309 in unused URIP funds. These monies can only be used for summer roads, or spent on improvements that have a life of 10 years, and have to be held in the Capital (Improvement?) Fund. They can not be held in the General Fund. Clint remembers that Lee Bros. paid for FEMA work in 2006.
Carol added that all back monies from Municipal Revenue Sharing have to be used for tax reduction, and kept in the “Repo” account. In 2005, more money was used for Revenue Sharing than came in.


Historical Society: The bill for improvements on the old meeting hall was submitted before the job is finished. The Chair of the Historical Society should OK the bill for $1280, included in the Accounts Payable warrant, before it is paid.

Comprehensive Plan. Committee: Hilary reported that in September, new rules will be in place for comprehensive plans. The committee will meet June 26 to talk about business, economics, and a long-range capital improvement plan. Doug Van Horn will attend, and Selectmen are welcome. We’ll meet with Paul Flynn and other business people at a later time.

Emergency Management: Tine Freeman has submitted a request to be the Emergency Management Director. Ron moved, seconded by Carol, to appoint Tina to that position. Motion carried.

Public Works Committee: Trucks have been washed, plows removed, etc. The paving cost for Mitchell/#137 was $3150, and Mitchell/ Deer Hill was $3530. (including asphalt?)

The Town was billed $1400 for hauling the brush from Greeley, Smithton, and Raven Roads to the dump site.

The question of heating the Town garage was raised again. Should the garage be insulated, or just one bay heated? This has come up again because the plan to build a new garage has been dropped due to prohibitive costs. The Freedom Fire House is having insulation blown into the space above the ceiling.

Ron asked for a report on expenditures on summer roads. The budget started with $26,000. $18,000 of which has been spent, leaving $7,900. This figure will change as we get URIP funds. Carol asked Clint to apply the cost of projects that last over ten years to URIP funds. When the Town receives the URIP funds, we can reimburse the paving account.

Ron reported that his lawyer estimates that the lawsuit over the status of roads, filed by Bennett et al, may not be in the courts for over a year.

A security system from Coastal Security would cost $1500 for materials, with free installation labor, to protect the Town Office from fire and theft, with a $30/month cost.

Carol moved, seconded by Tim, to allow the Post Office staff to come into the Town Office in case of an emergency situation, as requested by Arlene Callahan. Motion carried.

Prentice Grassi came in with his son Joseph. Prentice had talked to Carol, and wanted the Select Board to know that he didn’t feel it was appropriate for the Selectmen to send out a letter against the referendum to reinstate the Commercial Development Review Ordinance. He felt that such a contentious issue should have been let to play out on its own. Carol pointed out that the former Select Board had previously sent out a similar letter on the other side of the issue, but in retrospect, now, she feels it was a mistake.

Tim responded that the Selectmen are free to support a project that benefits the Town, and that the ordinance was used repeatedly just to litigate and appeal the project, every single point in the ordinance was litigated.
Prentice said he had wanted the ordinance reinstated, and felt that the Selectmen should have wanted it reinstated.
Dave Bridges spoke up in support of the Selectmen getting behind a project that is of such benefit to the Town, with recognition to Prentice and the Planning Board for the hard work they put into the ordinance. The opposition just used the ordinance, which “they fought, but we all supported”, as a litigation tool to try to halt the project.

Tim asked about the status of the elm trees given to the Town, and Prentice replied that he has planted them, and would recommend that they not be transplanted until fall when they are dormant.

Carol brought up the reporting of tractors to be taxed as personal property. They need to be reported, and a letter is going out to the Town about it. Tractors can also be excised. Personal property that is used for business can be reimbursed under the BETE program.

Tim moved, seconded by Carol, to sign the Payroll warrant. Motion passed.
Tim moved, seconded by Carol, to sign the Accounts Payable warrant. Motion carried.

There will be an Assessor’s Meeting every Monday at 7 PM.

The next selectmen’s Meeting will be July 9, 2008.

Ron moved, seconded by Tim, to adjourn. Motion carried.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges

JUNE 11, 2008

Meeting called to order by Selectman Carol Richardson at 6:01 PM.
Present: Carol Richardson (Selectman), Tim Biggs (Selectman), Thelma Ledden, Hilary
Fleming (Comp. Planning Committee) , Tom Fleming, Betty Sienkiewicz, Marion Bowers Health Officer), Pete Bowers, Dave Bridges, Erna Keller (Treasurer), Meredith Coffin, Clint Spaulding (Road Commissioner), Glen Bridges (Secretary), Jay Guber (CEO), Sallyann Hadyniak. Chairman Ron Price was delayed, arriving at 6:40PM.

REVIEW MINUTES: [Taken out of sequence] Minutes were accepted as corrected.

CITIZEN’S ISSUES: Carol has called Bill Kelly and/or MMA to get research and a determination on several issues:

1. Regarding the availability of unapproved minutes, MMA has said that they should be marked “unapproved” and be available to the public. Carol has also asked Bill Kelly to provide the Town with his advice on this in writing.

2. Bill Kelly’s office has advised Carol that since we already have an Emergency Management Director, we should wait until a written resignation has been accepted by the Board of Selectmen before proceeding to appoint an assistant EMD.

3. MMA advises that fencing is exempt as “structures” in Shoreland Zoning, so should amend our Building Permit Ordinance to exempt fences.

4. MMA tells Carol that if we want their advice in writing, then our questions need to be written.

5. Bill Kelly requested that letters pertaining to Executive Session issues, in which Chairman Ron Price has a conflict of interest, should only go to the addressees, and not be made public.

6. MMA has advised Carol (three times) that “it is not legal to require the Town Clerk to appoint a Deputy Clerk”.

Carol handed out gifts of flower seedlings and thank you cards to various people who have volunteered their time for Town work.


Animal Control Officer: In response to a letter from Heidi Blood, Carol moved that the ACO will get mileage only for travel from Freedom to shelters. Tim seconded, passed with two votes present. Ron arrived, and noted that the mileage figure needs to be raised, and the letter to Blood should include that information.

Health Officer: Marion Bowers related the details about commercial tomatoes (not the ones grown in Maine) containing e-coli toxins.

Recycling Director: Meredith Coffin reported that recycling has increased. Last year eleven loads were shipped out. So far this year eight have already been shipped. The recyclery is interested in providing the service of accepting brown goods, white goods, fluid waste, household hazardous waste, metals, and rigid plastics. The Selectmen asked Meredith to find out what it would cost the Town to participate, and were generally positive about the idea. Meredith said that they have plenty of acreage for this expansion.

Road Commissioner: Carol reported that Louie Murray is asking for a culvert to divert water around his building. Discussion followed about how this could be done.

Mowing the roadsides this year will increase from $1000 to $1200. Ron moved to pay Bo Spaulding $1200, seconded by Tim, and carried.

Brush cutting was discussed. Tim suggested hauling it to the landfill. The cost of chipping was discussed; Clint would prefer not to borrow Wilson Hess’s chipper. A pulp loader, to haul brush, costs $800 per day. A chipper can be rented for $150 per week. The roads included are mostly Greeley, Raven, and Smithton Roads. Clint repeated that we can dump it over the north bank of the old dump, and it is ok to drive over the north end.
Ron moved to haul it to the dump. Tim seconded. Motion passed with Carol abstaining.

Tim Biggs asked why trucks are not yet cleaned, and plows removed. Clint replied that the power washer has just been repaired. The plan is to get it done right away. Tim asked about the progress on Smithton Road; Clint replied that it has been dug out, and Littlefield will do the paving.

Code Enforcement Officer: Jay Guber reported that Frances Walker returned her Appeals Board documents to the Town Office, and they were faxed to Bill Kelly by the deadline.

Jay met with the Planning Board. A permit has been approved for Gary Hagarty for a fee of $100, for a barn and upstairs office. He will be running a security training business called Ameriguard. The actual training will occur on the Montville side of his property.

Jay has been monitoring the wind turbine construction, and has met on-site with Val Whittier, Lane Gray, and Drew Reynolds of Cashman, Inc. The foundation for turbine #1 is finished, and #2 is underway.

A question arose about the setback to turbine #3. CES faxed a letter explaining that from the start, their applications and plans had measured from the center of each turbine, and their plans have not changed. The town attorney advised that the question is irrelevant because town ordinances do not require a 350’ setback.

Jay reported that people are questioning Ron Price’s building permit, written on Nov. 1, 2007. Ron replied that until the issue of his right to run power up the Sibley Road is settled by the Court, he will not re-apply. Tim pointed out that the Board of Selectmen have declared Sibley Rd. open as a public way, but Ron responded that it is still in the Courts. Jay suggested Ron use Deer Hill for his access, but that road is also being challenged in the courts. After more discussion, Ron said that he will re-apply after the crop is harvested off his building site.
[Please note: a lengthy record of this conversation is attached, which was requested by Town Clerk Cindy Abbott as an excerpt from the minutes before they were completed.]

Read Brugger is tearing down a small garage and wants to replace it with a bigger one 39’ from the center of the road.

Cliff Lewin has two trailers on his property; his daughter is asking for an extension of the date for removal (July 1st).

On the corner of Greeley Rd., James Garrison is living in a camper with a “Triple A” toilet. Jay wants him to get a septic design and building permit, or to show documentation that he is emptying his camper sewage into a commercial dump station.

James (Binky) Fine needs a permit-by-rule to build a stockade fence in a Shoreland Zone. Jay interprets our Building Ordinance as intending fences to be considered structures. Boundaries have to be correct, and the good side of the fence has to face the neighboring property. Neighbors should sign a notarized agreement to allow the fence on the property line. Tim said we need to amend the ordinance to be more reasonable. Tim moved to give Mr. Fine permission to put up a fence on the boundary line between his property (Mike Knowlton’s former house) and Freedom Town property. Seconded by Carol, and passed.


Recreation Committee: Amy Brown wants to be on this committee. She wants to fundraise to put railings on the Sandy Pond walk bridge, and to place a plaque in memory of Angela Gallant. Discussion followed about the risk and Town liability with or without a railing. Jay Guber suggested Amy be asked to submit a drawing of their plans. No action was taken. Field days will be August 23, 2008, and the theme will be “Go Green!”.

Appeals Board: Frances Walker turned in her documents to be faxed to Bill Kelly on the deadline date.

Comprehensive Plan: Hilary reported that the next meeting is June 12. We will be discussing economics, and the Planning Board is looking over the housing section.

Carol reported that State law requires the Board to hire election help[statute attached].

Carol moved that the Secretary (Deputy Clerk) be paid from “Miscellaneous” until the Town appropriates the funds. Ron seconded, and motion carried unanimously.

Carol suggested re-visiting the issue of declaring roads open. The Board reviewed the motion passed at the May 29 meeting, and decided to replace it with a clearer and more complete motion. Carol preferred to declare open all five roads addressed in Art. 34 of the 1955 Town Report, and all 3 roads from Art. 38 in the 1974 Town Report. On the road leading from Dean’s corner to Dean’s barn, a culvert was installed in 2001.

Carol Richardson moved “that all five roads mentioned in Articles 34, 43, and 44 of the 1955 Town Report, and three roads mentioned in Article 38 of the 1974 Town Report are declared open as public ways, and closed for maintenance only until a Court deems otherwise. Articles from Town Reports are to be attached.” Tim seconded. Passed, with Ron Price recusing his vote.


Carol reported that Lucas Tree Service visited the office to tell Carol of their plans to cut trees along Mitchell Road for the new power line, and she told them to go ahead as long as they were cutting within the town right-of-way. A problem arose when a nearby homeowner was notified that old maples would be cut, which they had previously been assured would not be cut. This was settled after a number of phone calls. The maples will be saved.

Carol reported that townspeople are calling (or coming in) asking what the Selectmen are doing about the issue of Ron Price’s residence. She noted that establishing residency is Cindy Abbott’s responsibility as register of voters. Ron Price responded. Please see the previously mentioned excerpt (attached) for the complete discussion.

Carol moved that pursuant to 1 M.R.S.A. 405(6) the Board would move into Executive session to discuss a personnel matter. The Board returned 25 minutes later.

Carol asked about the memorial benches, and Ron replied that he will look into it and get them to Freedom. Ron added that it is time to get the elm trees planted; Prentice Grassi has them.

Susan Friend presented the Town with portraits of Elsie MacDonald and Roy Ward, to be hung in the Town Office.

Carol has found a 200 hour digital recorder which can tape a meeting onto a CD. We should be taping all Town board meetings. Tim moved to buy the recorder, Ron seconded, and motion carried.

Regarding Town mail, Carol moved that Cindy and Joanne Knowlton should keep the mail log, with the exception of junk mail, and give mail unopened to the addressee. Mail to the Town, Treasurer, or Tax Collector may be opened. Discussion followed that this concern, according to Ron, is coming from citizens who bully and intimidate our office staff, who are accusing Cindy of passing on mail from attorneys. Carol said that a former Selectman told the Town auditor that mail is “being hidden”. Carol said that it is Cindy and Joanne asking for this motion because they are afraid that they will be sued. Ron pointed out that they are protected by the Maine Tort law. Tim felt that the Board should do what Cindy & Joanne have requested. Tim seconded the motion, which passed with Ron voting against it.

Four abatement applications were discussed, approved, and signed.

New appointments were made for the recreation committee, because of the change in term lengths, for Scott Holmes, Clint & Christine Spaulding, Kim Holmes, and Keisha Whitman.

Discussion about the 2005 audit: Carol is still hunting for figures. One problem is that the Town checkbook wasn’t reconciled for a number of years.
Carol found a checking account that had been moved from Peoples Heritage to BSB, but never emptied out, containing $3.52.

Erna reported that the payroll for last week (ending 5/31/08) was $1445.21
The Accounts Payable last week totaled $1767.55, which includes monies for dog licenses, BMV and RV, hunting and fishing licenses.
Payroll this week, ending 6/7/08, is $2915.19, and includes _ year of Fire Chief’s pay.
Checkbook balance is $36,491.18 after payroll.
Accounts payable this week is $41,445.15 (which would leave us in the red).
Check received from URB Rural INIT Program, payment #4 for $7904.
Total for road work and paving comes to $23,275. $11,040 for paving can come out of the paving account, which totals $20,000.
A bill has been received for $5100 for the 2005 audit.

Ron moved to sign the payroll warrant of $2915.19, Carol seconded, and 3 voted in favor.
Tim moved to pay the vendor warrant of $30,965.15, subtracting bills of $5380 and $5100. Carol seconded, motion carried.

Erna recommended renewing the Town CD for 36 months, and the Selectmen agreed.

Carol announced that the voters turned down the Town article to reinstate the Commercial Development Review Ordinance with a total of 283 votes, 2 void votes, 164 no votes and 117 yes votes.

Regarding requests for mileage reimbursement, Carol said that Town employees are not generally paid for travel in Freedom. She suggested paying _ of Clint’s cell phone, or $20 per month back to March, but Tim found that this charge for expenses was in the vendor warrant ($150 for mileage and $150 for 6 mos. of cell phone).

Glen Bridges expressed her concern that having to listen to a tape would increase her hours and the Town’s cost, but was advised that it would not often be necessary to review the tapes.

Next meeting will be June 25 at 6 PM.

Meeting adjourned at 9:53 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges

Attachments: 4 pages from 1955 and 1974 town Reports
Excerpt of sections involving Ron’s residency and building permit
Statute about appointing election staff

Excerpt from unapproved minutes of Freedom Selectmen’s meeting of June 11, 2008:

Ron Price was delayed, arriving at 6:43 PM.

Selectman Carol Richardson reported that many people have called the Town Office to ask what the Selectmen are doing about the issue of Ron Price’s residence. She said that the Selectmen have nothing to do with establishing residency for anyone; that it is Cindy’s responsibility as Register of Voters.

Ron responded that whoever is making these calls is “barking up the wrong tree”. He lived in 13 states before starting school, and went to school in 7 states. His parents maintained a home and legal residency in Skowhegan, Maine throughout that time. Sometimes they flew home to vote.

Ron explained further, that his legal residency is Freedom, it has always been Freedom. He has never changed his residency and has no intention of changing his residency. He likes living in Freedom, likes being a resident of Freedom. He is presently house-sitting for his son. He still maintains a residence in Freedom. His belongings are there. He has a bedroom there.

There is opportunity, Ron suggested, for people “who want me out of office”. It is called a recall.

Jay Guber, CEO, reported that 6 months has elapsed on Ron Price’s building permit. He has submitted a septic design, and the process can continue when he re-applies.

Carol reported that the Town Office is getting calls from residents wanting to know when the Selectmen are going to “force Ron to resign”.

Ron replied that he will not re-apply until the road issue is determined and he feels comfortable to run power lines to his property. There is now a lawsuit, in which he has been named, asking for a declaratory judgment saying that the road is not a public way.

Tim reminded the group that the Selectmen have declared that the roads are open as public ways. Jay suggested using Deer Hill Road, but Ron pointed out that Deer Hill is one of the roads being challenged in the lawsuit.

Ron said, “I am going to do something up there, but not as long as this is pending.”
He has hired a lawyer to represent him. He wants to be guaranteed that he has access to his property, and that he is not trespassing, as he has been accused of.

Once the crop has been harvested off his property, he plans to re-apply for the building permit.

[This excerpt was provided by request from the Freedom Town Clerk prior to the completion of the minutes. Respectfully submitted, Glen Bridges, Secretary].

MAY 29, 2008

Meeting was called to order at 6:09 by Selectman Carol Richardson. Present also were Selectman Tim Biggs, CEO Jay Guber, Dave Bridges, Betty Sienkiewicz, Sallyann Hadyniak, Clint Spaulding (Road Commissioner), Erna Keller (Treasurer) and Glen Bridges, Secretary. Chairman Ron Price was detained, arriving at 8:20 PM.


Jay Guber reported that he met with the Planning Board last Thursday. A permit was given to Prentice Grassi for a bunkhouse, followed by a discussion about how large a footprint his buildings may take up. A barn is proposed on Burnham Hill Road in Freedom, the property owner needs to determine the Freedom/Montville line.

Jay will be meeting on the Beaver Ridge Windmill site tomorrow with Jamie Doyle, VP of Jay Cashman, Inc. , Val Whittier, Drew Reynolds (site superintendent), and Lane H. Gray, surveyor. One acre of soil may be disturbed with no DEP review; any revised plot plan would have to be reviewed by the Planning Board. Jay received a call from a neighbor to the project concerned about blasting. Jay replied that he expects there will be no need for blasting, but assured the caller that neighbors on Bennett and Sibley Lane would be notified in advance if any blasting was planned.

Jay has received two letters from Bill Kelly.

The new committee met last Thursday, May 22. The committee needs to have two signs, one warning people who use the recreation field that alcohol and drugs are forbidden, and the other to prevent entering the field after sunset except for Town functions. Tim moved to order two signs for $45 each, funds to be taken out of “miscellaneous”. Carol seconded, and motion carried.

Jay Guber pointed out that the Boat Launch sign is broken and needs repair.

The ordinance creating the Recreation Committee needs to be amended to allow for members to be from out of Town. Cindy Abbott is involved, and may be willing to organize the parade for Field Days. Carol said we should add that to the agenda for a special Town meeting. Also, Carol said the members all have to be sworn in again because of the staggered terms of 5,4,3,2, and 1 year.

The base has been put down on Rollins Road. Smithton Rd. will be started soon, in the Harvey Hill area. One brush chipper wants $150 per hour to chip and haul off chips. Discussion followed about more economical ways to get the job done. We can’t use the old dump site, except perhaps over the edge of the far end. The numbers cited at the May 14 Selectman’s meeting about how to raise the pay of brush cutters was corrected when Erna looked at the actual figures in the books. It turned out that adding 13 cents per hour brought their pay to the requested level.

Erna reported that last week’s payroll was $2603.22, and the accounts payable warrant was $383 for the BMV. This week the payroll comes to $2855.46. The accounts payable warrant is $10,051.49. The checkbook balance, after paying payroll and warrant will be $18,953.45. Checks have come in for $11,871.5 from Municipal Revenue Sharing, and $991.10 from MRC, both figures are included in the checkbook balance of $18,953.45.

We have a CD in the amount of $9346.95 maturing on June 7, 2008 which has been called “Town Surplus”. Carol moved, seconded by Tim, to renew the CD. Motion carried.

Erna asked, for Cindy Abbot, if we are going to pay Don Berry for moderating the recent hearing? Erna checked into the amount paid him a year ago, and Carol moved to pay him the same $50, seconded by Tim, and passed.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE: Next meeting is June 12, 2008. Some CPC members will attend the Planning Board meeting on June 5th.

Dumpsters at the Boat Launch facility was discussed, and the history of problems that come with it. Carol moved to try putting a dumpster there again until October 1st. Tim seconded, passed.

The Gantry has been rated to 6,000 lbs., but needs a new chain, grade 80 S-8 alloy.

Two calls have come in from metal dealers who want t o buy steel. They are Don York from Montville, phone 382-3124 and Freeman Marshall, Jackson, phone 722-4244. They are both paying for washers, dryers, freezers, refrigerators, and junk vehicles.


At 7 PM Bill Kelly arrived, and Carol cited 1 MRSA 405 (6), for the Board (Carol and Tim) to go into executive session with the Town attorney. They returned at 8:26 PM.

Tim moved that the Selectmen, after researching Town Reports, are declaring that the following roads are open as public Town ways until the Court may deem otherwise. Further, according to 23 M.R.S.A. 3028, Subsection 2: “ The determination of the municipal officers regarding the status of a town way or public easement is binding on all persons until a final determination of that status has been made by a court, unless otherwise ordered by a court during the pendency of litigation to determine the status.” In addition, under Subsection 3: “if the municipal officers have determined under subsection 2 that the way is a town way or public easement and a court has not ordered otherwise, the municipality or an abutter on the way, acting with the written permission of the municipal officers, may remove any gates, bars or other obstruction in the way.”
1. Beaver Hill Road (from Olie Ward’s to the discontinued portion of the Beaver Ridge Road).
2. Sibley Road extension (from Dean’s Corner to Dean’s Barn).
3. Deer hill Road (from Peter Greenwood Drive to Dean’s Corner).
[NOTE: This motion was revised at the next meeting on June 11, 2008]

Carol seconded Tim’s motion, which carried with two votes. Ron Price recused himself.

The minutes from May 14th were corrected. Tim moved, with second from Ron, to approve the minutes as corrected.

Tim moved to sign the payroll warrant of $2855.46. Ron seconded, passed unanimously. Tim moved, seconded by Ron, to sign the vendor warrant of $10,051.49. Motion carried.

Carol thinks the Select board has the responsibility of appointing election help rather than the Town Clerk.

Carol reviewed 6 property tax abatements totaling $1432.41, and 2 supplemental tax bills totaling $1136.76

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be June 11, 2008.

Motion by Carol to adjourn, seconded by Tim, and passed at 9:10 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges, Secretary

Attachment: 23 M.R.S. A. 3028

MAY 14, 2008

Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM. Present: Chairman Ron Price, Selectmen Tim Biggs and Carol Richardson, CEO Jay Guber, Arthur Richardson, Marian Bowers (Health Officer), Road Commissioner Clint Spaulding, Betty Sienkiewicz, Dave Bridges, Scott Holmes, Thressa Abbott, Kathy Cunningham (SAD 3 Rep), Glen Bridges (Secretary), and Jerry Sullivan with Mrs. Sullivan.

Chairman Ron Price explained, “From now on I will be enforcing rules of order. This is a Selectmen’s working meeting. Citizen’s issues will be limited to five minutes. As much as your help is appreciated, we need to keep these meetings on a higher level, with some self-discipline and fewer extraneous comments, please”.

Minutes from April 30 were reviewed, corrected, and approved to be placed on file. The secretary wasn’t sure if she had sent these out by e-mail, but if not, will send them out.

Jerry Sullivan could not guarantee that door-to-door pick-up would be under $5,000; Ron and Tim wanted a written, guaranteed estimate of under $5,000 before agreeing to door-to-door pick-up. Last year, it cost $2200 for brown goods at a central location, or $30 per household (we have 359 houses).
Carol said she thought she had the OK of the other two Selectmen to go ahead, so she started notifying people and posting an announcement. Tim pointed out that the Selectmen need to vote on these issues; now, people have been notified before we voted.
Jerry Sullivan said that he can’t predict the cost, but the metal will be taken before his trucks come. Carol said she called PERC and they get $4 each for tires, or 70 tires per ton. The Selectmen agreed to leave tires at $2 each. PERC charges $68 per ton, and Sawyer’s mountain charges $95 per ton. Jerry pointed out that tires can be rejected from door-to-door pick-up, since they can go into regular weekly pickup with a sticker. TVs, monitors, and electronics can go to Thorndike. No wood or brush should be accepted. Dumpsters cost $75 to put in place; $150 to haul away.
The Selectmen looked at this year’s Town Report, and found that the Town only voted for $2500 for brown goods. Ron moved to have on-site pick-up this spring; and postpone door-to-door pick-up maybe this fall. No tires, steel, wood, or electronics. Tim seconded. Vote carried, with Carol opposed. The date will be June 14 at the old dump on Mitchell Road, from 9 AM to 3 PM. Public works will prepare a space with a bulldozer, and will supervise.
Thelma asked how to get rid of a wooden platform, and was advised to burn it.

Jay Guber raised the issue of a rumor being started that he is an investor in Beaver Ridge Wind, LLC. Not true, he said, never has been and never will be true. Glen Bridges said that she and Dave Bridges were included in that rumor, and also wants the record to show that they are not investors in the wind power project.

Ron Price brought up his request for clarification on the Sibley Rd. and two others, which he asked for a month ago. He wanted to register his frustration, and feels that any other party would have gotten a quicker response.

SCHOOL DIRECTOR: Freedom’s new school director, Kathy Cunningham, reported that she has begun her term on the School Board at an awkward time. Usually a term runs July to July, and new members are given an orientation session.
This year each town has to send their registrar of voters to the public hearing on May 28, so that citizens can vote on each article. She can’t predict how the attendance will be.
A few positions have been cut, but they tried to move people into other jobs instead of letting them go. Everyone seems to “adore” the new Superintendent of Schools. Kathy went to a Voc School budget meeting. She has inherited a position on the personnel committee from Freedom’s previous director.
Glen Bridges expressed appreciation to Kathy for taking on the position.

Bill Kelly has requested information from old Town reports regarding roads closed for maintenance only. He asked for the 1956 Town Clerk’s record/minutes of the annual Town meeting, and the articles from 1956 and 1975 regarding votes on roads.

Jay Guber, CEO, reported that Al Hodgekins hasn’t yet called Clint about rating the gantry, but has agreed to do the job.
Jay attended the Appeals Board hearing on May 1; the appeal was denied.
Dave Schofield will be filling in for Jay until Sunday.
Prentice Grassi has applied for a permit for a hoop house. The Planning Board will schedule a special meeting to discuss the Village Farm’s plan to build a bunk house, which will house apprentices learning organic farming methods.
No site visit has been scheduled yet for the Skidgel property with Gordon Fuller.
Jay attended a CEO meeting in Skowhegan.
The Town’s water test came back OK; Jim Waterman has the results. We’ll need a follow-up test in one month.
Jay mentioned that he gets a discount on lab testing, and can get water tests done for the Town for less money.

Erna’s written report quoted the payroll for the week of May 5 was $3059.19, including Jay Guber’s January to March salary. The Accounts Payable warrant was $1902.90, including the BMV, hunting and fishing and dog licenses. Following those payments the checkbook balance was $46,712.71.
Payroll this week is $1290.57. The checkbook balance after payroll this week is $52,101.81.
The Accounts Payable warrant is $44,079.70, including the school payment. Without the school payment, it would be $12,981.70.
Erna asked the Selectmen to address several issues:
1. Vote whether or not to pay payroll every Monday night with one Selectman’s signature.
2. Vote for Erna to pay state reports every other week.
3. Review the mileage amounts for the new ACO.

Clint reported that he got a quote of $28,000 for paving with asphalt. This would include the end of Mitchell at #137, the bottom of Deer Hill Road on Mitchell, both ends of the Town House Rd., and a macadam pad for the salt & sand pile. 530 ft. of Rollins Road has been staked out for repair, which will cost $12,000 to build up and clean out the ditches. This will include fabric cloth, a 4-6 inch base, and surface. Clint would prefer using crushed rock out of Roger Littlefield’s pit.
A long discussion followed about how to repair the roads. Clint would like his employees to earn more than state wages. A loader operator only gets $13.60 per hour, which Clint feels is not enough.
According to Ron, the Town voted for $20,000 for capital improvements in 2007, and another $20,000 in 2008. Clint checked into the price of asphalt; Lane charges $77/ton, and Pike 56/ton. Our Town job is too small to interest Pike. Clint pointed out that putting out jobs “to bid” is not mandated by any law.
Ron moved to accept the paving quote to do the jobs on the roads, with the exception of a sand and salt pad. Tim seconded, and the motion carried.
Clint would like to get started as soon as possible. Ron said we can borrow from the Capital Improvement fund. Carol noted that we need written permission to use the pit on Rollins Road.
Brush cutting has started. Clint will get a price for renting a chipper. It costs under $90 per hour to haul chips away. Clint would like his employees to be paid more than $12/hour for brushing. Ron replied that the Town voted to pay State wages, but we could pay more for the use of their chain saws. Tim moved to increase the chain saw rental by $2/hour. Ron seconded, and motion carried.

Mark Boudreau’s swamp land has not yet been inspected. The cemeteries are all cleaned up. Carol asked if the Town can clean out a 12’ x 14’ family plot (across from Mildred Richardson) on Greeley Road. It is called the Bradstreet cemetery, but it is hard to find any stones. Clint said there is another family plot on Raven Road, but the landowner won’t allow access.
Discussion followed about the Hutchins Cemetery. A wet place needs to be opened up and drained on that road. The Hutchins account can be used to cover the work. Ron moved, seconded by Tim, to send Clint to solve the Hutchins access problem. Motion carried, with Carol recusing herself. Tim moved to hire Clint and his bulldozer. Ron seconded, and motion passed, with Carol recusing herself.


Tim expressed thanks and appreciation on behalf of the Town to Jon Willette for all the work he has done. He cleaned up around the Town office, repaired ruts, and removed the winter sand. He also cleaned out and cut brush in cemeteries. All of this was on a volunteer basis. Thank you very much, Jon.

Keisha Whitman wants to be on the Rec Committee, according to Scott Holmes.
Kathy Bryant has put in over 100 hours of volunteer work helping Carol with the property tax records. Thank you for all your work, Kathy.
Land evaluation is being raised from $450 to $600 per acre, waterfront from $250 to $300 per foot, as advised by John Carroll, ME State Assessor. Waterfront footage beyond 150’ will remain at $25. Waterfront values are low according to records of recent real estate sales.
The 2 acre base lot will now be $10,000, with $3000 for a septic system, and $3000 for a drilled well. This is based on recent real estate sales, and advice from John Carroll. Last year the total evaluation for land and buildings was $33,200.619. This year will be $35,478,415. This is still far below our State evaluation of $43 million. The State evaluation is the figure used for Freedom’s school and county tax.
Ron explained that we do not have to follow State guidelines, but will have to raise extra monies to make up for reimbursements that the State will not provide. Dave Ledew told Ron that the only reimbursements the State withholds are for Tree Growth.
Carol reviewed three supplemental tax bills for Tree Growth Penalties that are being sent out, and one abatement.
Appointment papers were signed for Rec Committee volunteers Clint & Christine Spaulding, Scott Holmes, Keisha Whitman, and Cindy Abbott.
There is a meeting in Liberty on May 15 at 2 PM to discuss FEMA money for damage from the rain storm.
Clint asked for clarification about leveling a location at the old dump for brown goods day. Ron replied that he can choose the best area to level at the old dump site. Ron moved, seconded by Tim, to hire Clint’s bulldozer. Motion carried.
A motion by Tim to sign the Accounts Payable warrant of $44079.70, seconded by Carol, carried. Carol moved, seconded by Tim, to sign the payroll of $1290.57. Passed. Carol moved to pay the payroll with one Selectman’s signature (as Erna requested). Ron seconded, and motion carried.
The school sponsored Work Fare was discussed. Selectmen should vote to approve any community service projects, and no town-owned power equipment can be used by students for insurance reasons. They can, however, use their own equipment.

Pursuant to 1MRSA 405(6), the Selectmen went into executive session to discuss a personnel matter. The session ended 10 minutes later, with no decisions or vote necessary.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:16 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen S. Bridges, Secretary

APPROVED MINUTES/Freedom Selectmen’s Meeting
April 30, 2008

Meeting called to order at 6:00 PM by Chairman Ron Price. Present were Selectmen Tim Biggs, Carol Richardson, and Ron Price. Also present were Jay Guber (CEO), Dave Scho- field (Plumb. Inspector), Erna Keller (Treasurer), Arthur Richardson, Thelma Ledden, Betty Sienkiewicz, Hilary Fleming (Comp Plan Cmte.), Tom Fleming, Glen Bridges (Secretary), Dave Bridges, Marion Bowers (Health Officer), and Sallyann Hadyniak.

CORRESPONDENCE: A new recyclery, Earth Friendly, will be accepting computers, batteries, etc., in Waterville on May 2.
A letter was received regarding the veteran’s memorial bench. Ron will arrange pick-up.
Letter from Lana Clough, head of CEO training & certification at the State Planning Office, wrote inform town that Jay Guber is not certified to enforce land use ordinances. Although we don’t have any land use ordinances, Jay will satisfy the requirement by using Dave Schofield as an assistant, who is certified. Eventually Jay will get certified. Dave should be deputized.
FEMA grant extension received, which involves mitigation from the ME Emergency Management hazard mitigation plan. This could help with the Sandy Pond dam project, but won’t pay for engineering plans or feasibility studies.
Dave Schofield has to file before May 30 for the Small Community Grant program; he is working on it.
Carol completed General Assistance reports from 2004-2008. Our share of reimbursement was $981.71.

Jay Guber reported that he received approval from DEP for Drew Fales building project. Drew received a permit-by-rule for the Essential Habitat Rules (eagle nest).
Jay has received 16 hours training in the International Residential Building Code Inspection program.
Jay knows an engineer, Al Hodgekins, who will rate the gantry for $300.
Jay asked for the Town’s patience with his tree growth plan; his forester is ill.
The Planning Board approved Tim Biggs’ project.
Jay attended, with Planning Board members, a workshop on regulating communication towers and wind turbines, and was given a copy of Benton’s new land use ordinance.
He received a phone call from Cross Roads Wireless, about locating three 190’ wireless internet towers in Freedom.
Jay addressed Carol Richardson, to inquire if she had talked about replacing the CEO with Don Harriman. Carol replied that she wasn’t interested in replacing Jay, but just that Harriman had called and asked to be considered.
On 4/29, Jay met with DEP at Soisson’s camp to look at filling of wetlands and significant wildlife habitat. The land owner needs to have the wetlands measured and submitted to the Town in writing.
Lastly, Jay would like very much to be paid.

TREASURER: Ron asked Erna how much money the Town has taken in since January, and Erna produced a figure of $181,469.10. She added that 29-30% of the cemetery funds have been spent, mainly on flags. 60% of regular trash pick-up funds for Sullivans has been spent, not including off-set by future trash sticker sales. The April school payment has been made.

Last week’s payroll was $1,537.27. The A/P warrant was $289 for the BMV, leaving a checkbook balance of $42,143.03.

Ron Price moved, seconded by Tim, to sign the payroll warrant of $1929.37. Motion carried. Ron moved, seconded by Tim, to sign the two vendor’s warrants (accounts payable) of $13,310.36, including the Marden, Dubord bill, and $500, the latter being Historical Society’s money to transfer to their capital improvement account. The checkbook balance after bills are paid is $45,655.42.

A check for $981.71 for welfare reimbursement was received, and a check for $39.75 for ME Withholding/Unemployment Fund. Our ACO needs to pay a membership fee of $35 to the Maine Animal Control Assoc.

Erna asked how much we are paying Kathy Bryant for office work she is doing for Carol; Carol replied that Kathy is volunteering.

Erna added that the determination about the salary year (March>April or Jan>Dec) needs to be corrected. Ron called Craig Costello about this. This Town fiscal year is Jan 1 to Dec 31. Salaries follow the fiscal year, and the Town votes to pay 3/12 of the budget to cover the period of Jan through March.

PUBLIC WORKS: Ron and Clint Spaulding drove the Town roads and did an inventory. They flagged washed out culverts, determined that 500’ of Greeley needs repair, and 500-1000’ of Smithton, and Rollins Road needs work. A grader has been rented, and the Town garage, trucks and equipment have been cleaned. Two culverts need to be replaced on Greeley, one each on Burnham Hill, Mitchell, and Bryant Roads. A guard rail needs to be replaced on the bridge on Mitchell Rd. “Trouble spots” need to be paved at the intersection of #137 and Mitchell, 100’ at the bottom of Deer Hill Rd., and the ends of Townhouse Rd. The end of Greeley needs an apron.
The stretch of Stevens Rd. that curves so close to the stream needs to be fixed. On top of all that, trimming needs to be done. We have $20,000 raised at the 2006 Town Meeting for capital improvement, the surplus account, and the URIP funds which should be used for summer roads.
A discussion followed about exactly where the line is between Freedom and Montville at Jeff Richardson’s house, because the road washed out. Ron suggested meeting with Montville Selectmen to agree on how to divide the maintenance. The Select Board also needs to meet with Clint to determine how much road work Freedom can afford to do.

OLD BUSINESS: The Town oil burners have all (3) been cleaned, and kerosene filled. Filters will be changed.
Ballots for the June vote need to be written.
The Hutchins Cemetery needs repair. Carol thinks gravel and labor should be paid for by the Cemetery Committee.
The Town needs another vault, or some kind of safe storage for the Town’s valuable papers.
Near the Hagers, CMP drilled a hole through a culvert, blocking it up and causing diverted water to flood their land. Carol will call CMP.

John Carroll, from the State Property Tax Division, spent time in the Town Office going over our tax cards. Freedom is taxing property at 63% of the state evaluation, but the State wants towns to be up to 85%. Land, he said, is selling here for $15,000 per acre and should be evaluated at $650, and water frontage should go up. Tim said that $15,000/acre may be true for small parcels, but not larger acreage. Ron pointed out that remodeled older homes have been valued by Jackie Robbins at half their market value. Freedom is evaluated by the State at $33 million now, and will be $43 million for 2008. We should to be taxing at 87% of market value in order to get 100% of State reimbursements, but our assessors make that decision, not the State.
Lynn Hadyniak never did complete the process of appealing the State evaluation, and now we are past the deadline.

The paperwork needs to be completed to sell the Stevens Road property.
The Mark Boudreau property needs to be inspected for wetlands and a camp on the land.
Another camp, on Cellar Kitchen Rd., owned by Pat Brown, needs to be inspected.
Gordon Fuller brought in maps and other information resulting from the EPA clean-up of the Skidgel property. He is willing to accompany Jay onto that property. Ron will contact Mildred Skidgel about allowing trespass now.

Tim moved, seconded by Carol, to authorize Jay to hire the engineer to rate the gantry for $300. Motion carried.

NEW BUSINESS: Carol will call Jon Willette to see about digging up the Town’s well for repairs. The Town parking lot has been swept, and now needs the use of a wheelbarrow to finish the job.
Ron moved, seconded by Tim, to also hire Jon Willette to keep the cemeteries mowed. Motion carried.
Bookkeeping for the 2005 audit is nearly finished.

Residents are calling to inquire about brown goods pick-up. Carol thinks that the Town voted to have house to house pick-up every other year. Tim said that is too expensive, that it cost $9600 the last time, and would be even more now. It only cost $2000 to have the dumpsters at the Town office. A long discussion followed about the best way to do this for the least money, but no suggested compromise was settled. Estimates will be requested.

Ron Price moved to go into executive session according to MRSA 405(6) to discuss a personnel issue. Tim seconded; motion passed. Selectmen ended executive session after 10 minutes; no decisions were made.

Next Selectmen’s meeting will be May 14, 2008 at 6 PM.
Assessors will meet Monday, May 5th , 2008 at 7 PM.
The third appeal of the windmill turbines will be heard by the Appeals Board in the church basement, May 1, 2008 at 7 PM.

Tim moved to adjourn, seconded by Carol. Motion passed.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35 PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Glen S. Bridges, Secrerary

APRIL 16, 2008

Meeting was called to order at 6:02 PM by Chairman Ron Price. Present: Ron Price (Chair), Tim Biggs (Selectman), Carol Richardson (Selectman), Jim Waterman (Fire Chief), Jay Guber (Code Enforcement Officer), Marion Bowers (Health Officer), Dave Bridges, Thressa Abbot, Francis Walker, Hilary & Tom Fleming, Arthur Richardson, Thelma Ledden, Glen Bridges (Secretary), Betty Sienkiewicz, Sallyann Hadyniak.

Minutes from April 2, 2008 were accepted as amended.

Tom Fleming inquired about this spring’s brown goods plans. It’s on agenda for tonight. Last year it was on Memorial Day.

Francis Walker explained the history of the Freedom web site. The minutes cannot be put on until she receives them. She is trying to devise a way for the Planning Board to put their minutes on the website. In managing the website, Francis tries to be neutral on issues, and strongly recommends that other people should not be permitted to “tinker” with the site.

Our new animal control officer is Heidi Blood, at 342-4098 or her cell, 322-3237. Tina Freeman has returned all her equipment provided by the town, except one crate that Heidi can pick up at her house. Tim moved that the ACO may use any equipment the town owns, providing the town with a list of such equipment. Carol seconded, passed.

CEO Jay Guber reported that today was the first day of the International Code Enforcement Inspection workshop.
He has worked with Bill Kelley on letters in response to another appeal of the windmill project building permit.
Tomorrow is an inspection with the Planning Board of the Tim Biggs camp for a proposed porch. The Biggs lot is one of only 3 non-conforming lots in Freedom.
Two permits have been applied for: a garage on Ayer Ridge Rd., and a storage shed on the North Palermo Road.

FIRE CHIEF Jim Waterman explained the water test problems were due to an inspection of the fire station by MMA insurance inspector Ann Schneider, and the necessity of a yearly water test. The well has been treated with bleach. A rubber ring on the well has shifted about 1 _ “ and is allowing ground water to seep in. The well needs to be dug up and either sleeved or welded.
The #4 big tanker has developed more leaks and a crack in the tank. A grant for $193,000 has been applied for, and we should hear a response by summer.
The idea of a second fire station should be dropped, because of the problems of security, the price of oil, and etc.
Jim submitted an MMA equipment list to Tim Biggs.
The fire department will burn grass for residents. Fire permits are available after 5 PM on weekdays, and on weekend during the daytime from Jim at his house. People can call Jim, Dave Bennett, Herb Abbott, or Craig Overlock.
Jim will help Jake Kennedy to raze his burned building. It can be moved and burned, or perhaps burned in place.
Jim is trying to get the 3 town oil burners cleaned & serviced. Carol will call Nelson, Freedom’s oil company, to schedule service.
Carol asked if 911 lane name & numbers should be assigned for Jensens, and 2 new lots on Greeley Road. Jim will look into it.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Clint is not present, but we are still getting complaints on potholes, and need cold patch repairs. A plow truck damaged about 5’ of Jeff Richardson’s stone wall. Tim moved, seconded by Carol, to pay for repairs to the stone wall.. Passed.

TOWN CLERK: Cindy had a laptop from ME state surplus, but it was rejected after being inspected by Ryan, Freedom’s computer technician. A new laptop with adequate memory would cost the town about $800. Carol moved that the town should buy a laptop, Tim seconded, and passed.
Jim Waterman has been having trouble with e-mails getting delivered, and Ron explained that because of security, the FD computer is no longer hooked up with the town system.

HEALTH NURSE: The flu is decreasing in Maine, and Marion brought in information on symptoms and care that will be put on the bulletin board. Also, she explained a recall on contaminated breakfast cereals made by Malt O Meal from 3/18/08 to 4/8/08.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR: Craig Overlock may want to be reappointed.

Budget Committee: Carol moved to reappoint Brian Mitchell, and to appoint Erna Keller to the Budget Committee, seconded by Ron & passed. Tim Biggs moved to reappoint Audrey Williams, seconded by Carol and passed. Betty Sienkiewicz resigned.

Overseers of the Poor: Carol Richardson was appointed General Assistance Director, with Ron Price as alternate (or assistant), and Tim Biggs for General Assistance appeals.

Cemetery Committee: A resident has shown interest in working on the cemeteries in town. Tim Biggs moved to ask Clint to repair and make passable the road to the Hutchins Cemetery, and bill the Hutchins account. Ron seconded, passed, with Carol abstaining.

Comprehensive Plan Committee: Hilary was very pleased with the results of the Pot Luck Supper in attracting public input to the comprehensive planning process. She’s been invited to tour Avian Haven. Tim moved to accept and pay a bill for the use of the church basement for $30, seconded and passed.

OLD BUSINESS: The appeal of the state evaluation has not yet been received from Lynn Hadyniak.The process to sell the Stevens Road property needs to be completed; it was agreed to do that Saturday morning, April 19.
Jay Guber thinks that barriers need to be placed at the end of the Stevens Road where the road is dangerously close to the stream.
We need an engineer to rate the Gantry. Jay volunteered to get this taken care of.
On the issue of swamp land tax designation, Carol thinks that Nancy Bailey-Farrar is getting the wetland evaluation; Mark Boudreau has a camp on his land.
Jay mentioned a camp on a gated road on the Cellar Kitchen Rd. that may not be getting taxed.

Jay Guber needs to be sworn in by the Town Clerk.
Four dogs still need to be licensed.
On the question of salaries, according to MMA they run from April to March. Ron moved to pay salaries from April 1 to March 31 of every year. Carol seconded. Passed.
The veteran’s benches from Cole Transportation need to be picked up in Bangor. Ron will look into this.
Unicell said we need to upgrade town phones so they will be 911 compatible. Ron moved, seconded by Tim, to upgrade phones. Passed.
Cindy wants to hire someone to pick up a free load of compost for the town office flower gardens. So moved by Carol, seconded by Tim, and passed.
Cindy needs brooms for someone to sweep the town office parking lot. Tim moved to buy 2 brooms, seconded by Carol. Passed.
Cindy would like someone to shovel snow from the town office entrance. Tim moved to table, seconded by Ron, and passed.
Ron Price suggested the Select Board adopt a policy regarding dealing with the press, because of a story that he felt was inaccurate. Following a long discussion, no solution was reached, except to be discreet, and for the Selectmen to keep the subject on the agenda.
Regarding the 2005 audit, Carol will call the auditor tomorrow.

Last week payroll was $1325.23, with payment to BMV for $560. After these deductions, checkbook balance was $47,106.03.
This week the checkbook balance is $48, 646.50, after payroll of $1169.44.
The accounts payable warrant is $13,962.58. If paid in full, checkbook balance will be $34,683.92.
Credit received for $25.63 from Advantage Gases & Tools, PERC’s fee is going up to $68.5 per ton, and Sullivan’s price for a dumpster is going up $5.00.
Discussion followed about the Marden DuBord bill for $4277.43. Lynn was negotiating with Alton Stevens about that. Ron Price moved to table the Stevens bill and pay the balance of the warrant of $9685.28. Passed.

Ron removed himself from the Selectmen’s table to speak as a citizen. He read a letter [attached] asking the selectmen to establish the status of the last 1000’ above the Sibley Road, the Beaver Hill Road, and the Deer Hill Road to re-affirm each road as an unmaintained public way, with rights of landowners to run electric lines to their property.

Ron submitted his letter along with supporting documentation [attached]. He also
submitted, for town records, Lane Gray’s survey report that goes back into the history of the access road to his property on Beaver Ridge before the town was incorporated.
Tim responded that while it is apparent from old Town reports that the roads were closed for maintenance only, he is hesitant to make a declaration that might open a “can of worms”, provoke a lawsuit, and incur legal expenses. He is inclined to let former Town reports stand on their own.
Sallyann Hadyniak argued that the Beaver Ridge road is abandoned, and that she has letters from Red Mitchell confirming that. Carol pointed out that Red Mitchell cannot overrule an article that the town voted on “now and forever”, as stated in the original article. She added that there are other roads in town like this, and there has never been any enforcement.
Jay Guber thought this could be cleared up quickly by Bill Kelly; that the Town did vote for $25,000 to pay for legal fees. He suggested that Bill Kelly look at all the supporting documentation and give his opinion.
Carol moved that Tim should contact Bill Kelly, and get all the material to him. Seconded by Tim, and passed, with Ron recusing himself from voting. Tim added that we will deal with this at the next Selectmen’s meeting.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be April 30, 2008 at 6PM.

Meeting adjourned at 9:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen S. Bridges, Secretary

Letter to Select Board from Ron Price
Letter to Town from lawyer John Hamer
Copy of page from 1955 Town Report
Copy of page from 1975 Town Report

On file at Town Office:
Lane Gray survey report on Sibley Road

APPROVED MINUTES/Freedom Selectmen’s Meeting
April 2, 2008

Meeting was called to order at 6PM by Ron Price. Present were Ron Price (Selectman, 2007 Chair), Tim Biggs (Selectman), Carol Richardson (Selectman), Clint Spaulding (2007 Road Commissioner), Erna Keller (Treasurer), Cindy Abbott (Town Clerk, Tax Collector), Dave Bridges, Jeff Keating, Craig Crosby (Morning Sentinel newspaper), Sally Ann Hadyniak, and Glen Bridges (Secretary).

During review of minutes, the following motions by Tim Biggs passed:
The February 20, 2008 minutes were accepted with corrections, to be placed on file.
Minutes from March 5, and recessed until March 7 were accepted as read.
The March 19 minutes accepted with corrections and placed on file.

Sally Ann Hadyniak requested copies of minutes to review. Dave Bridges suggested that only approved minutes are available to the public. The Secretary said she has made a study of the legalities of minutes due to being secretary for two organizations, and only the Select Board may have input during a review of minutes, and changes are described as “errors or omissions”. Only the Secretary may take minutes (or a deputy), and minutes are signed by the Secretary in order to be legal town records. Clarifications made by citizens of their own part in discussions could be part of the next meeting’s minutes, when an issue can be raised again. It was suggested that minutes could be read aloud, or perhaps copies provided just to read along with. Unapproved minutes are available in the book on the Town Clerk’s counter as soon as they are ready.

Sally Ann passed out an Republican Journal article about Freedom’s town meeting to Selectmen and a couple of other people, asking about the question of road work not being put out to bid. Ron pointed out that the article had repeated an excess of false information, and the fact is that the Selectmen do have the right to hire work done as long as there is money in the account.

Sally Ann inquired what happened to the Veteran’s Memorial bench that was going to be installed. Clint replied that Marjorie Reynolds had been working on that with Cole Transportation.

Ron Price moved, in accordance with 1 MRSA 4056, to go into executive session. Tim Biggs seconded. Motion carried. Executive session lasted eight minutes, during which correspondence from the town attorney was discussed, with no action or decision required.

Carol Richardson nominated Ron Price for Chair of the Board of Selectmen, Tim seconded. Passed.

Tim moved to continue holding Selectmen’s meetings every other Wednesday beginning April 2, 2008 at 6 PM at the town office. Ron seconded. Passed.

Tim moved to allow the Treasurer to sign BMV (Bureau of Motor Vehicle) checks and send them out on her own. Carol seconded. Carried.

Discussion followed about opening town mail, going back to a complaint of mail alleged to be missing. Erna pointed out that most bills come in addressed to Town of Freedom, so Cindy must open those. Ron moved that any mail addressed to Selectmen should be stamped as received, logged in, and left unopened for Selectmen. Motion seconded and carried. Letters were received from Cathy Cunningham and Dave Bridges volunteering for town Boards.

Cindy has posted available positions. The Selectmen have no 2008 policy yet for appointments.

1. Carol moved to appoint Heidi Blood for Animal Control Officer. Seconded by Tim. Passed.
2. Carol moved to appoint Tina Freeman and Glen Bridges, who both volunteered, to the Budget Committee. Seconded by Ron and passed.
3. Carol Richardson moved to appoint Dave Bridges to the Appeals Board. Tim suggested waiting to see if Lissa Widdoff wants to be re-appointed before appointing Dave Bridges. It was agreed to appoint Dave as soon as possible after hearing from L. Widdoff, because the Chair wants to call a meeting.
4. Carol Richardson moved to appoint Cathy Cunningham as the School Board Director. Tim seconded. Passed.
5. Tim moved to appoint Clint Spaulding as Road Commissioner, seconded by Ron, and passed, with Carol recusing herself from voting, because of family relationship to Clint.
6. Tim moved to appoint Jay Guber as Code Enforcement Officer, seconded by Ron, passed.
7. Discussion of Emergency Management Director position followed. Tim suggested that if Jim Waterman has been doing the job, it should go to him. Tim will talk to Jim. Clint also suggested that Christine Spaulding would be willing to take the EMD job.
8. Tim moved to appoint Marion Bowers as Health Officer. Seconded and passed.
9. Tim moved to appoint Dave Schofield as Licensed Plumbing Inspector, seconded and passed.

Ron would like to wait until volunteers for the Recreation Committee come forward to make appointments; two citizens have expressed interest. Clint asked if someone could be asked to resign again from the Rec. committee like his wife once was; he was assured that would not happen again.

Carol Richardson thinks that a Planning Board Member cannot also be on the Comprehensive Planning Committee, but it was pointed out that both the PB and the CPC are working closely together.

Payroll warrant is $1937.59, includes ballot clerks.
Accounts Payable warrant is $42,112.81, including April’s school payment and $1500 to Jackie Robbins, with $4277.43 to be subtracted. Tim moved to pay April’s school payment of $31,098 and $1500 owed to Jackie Robbins for her 2007 work. Tim also moved that payment of $4277.43 to Marden, DuBord, Bernier & Stevens should be withheld until clarified. Motion seconded by Ron and passed. Lynn Hadyniak (2007 Selectman) has drafted a letter to the aforementioned law firm.

Erna asked if town salaries are paid on a yearly basis, or a fiscal year basis—from March to April, or from December to January. Ron said salaries are paid from Jan. to Dec., and then 3/12 of last years budget until March. Carol thought it is yearly. Ron and Carol will together call MMA on this to get a definitive answer for Erna.

Cindy gave reports on tax collection to the Selectmen for Jan., Feb., and March, along with a quarterly report for cash receipts. Outstanding taxes for 2006 are $27, 038; for 2007 are $125,569, and for personal property are $10,000.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Clint said that we need to talk to Delta Ambulance service to convince them that they must cross over rough spring roads to reach people in need.

We need plow parts for reconditioning the 1997 truck that will come to $2000-$2500, not including labor. Ron thought labor might come to $1000. Tim moved, seconded by Carol, to proceed with parts and labor to recondition the plow. Motion passed.

Ron asked Clint what he is planning to do about the Rollins Rd and potholes at the end of the Mitchell Rd. Clint replied that he would grade Rollins, and patch potholes on Mitchell. Other roads in poor condition were discussed: Smithton, Clark, and Townhouse.

The Comprehensive Plan Committee will meet with the Planning Board April 3, tomorrow.

Cemetery Committee: Clint said that an elderly man in Albion, who is in a wheel chair, has been trying to gain access to the Hutchins Cemetery. The access road is blocked with dumped material, and cars. The selectmen authorized Clint to speak to the resident who is blocking the road and ask him to clear the way. Following that, Clint is authorized to clear the road blockage. Tim suggested that if this approach is not successful, a follow-up letter be sent by certified mail. Cindy mentioned that this should be done by Memorial Day.


Carol Richardson moved to put the Keating petition as a referendum question on the June school budget election ballot. Tim seconded. Ron Price read aloud the letter from Bill Kelley giving legal guidance to the town in this matter. [Letter attached].

Ron, removing himself from the Selectmen’s table and speaking as a citizen, said that the Town is being asked to repeat something that they already voted on, and that there are many reasons why this ordinance should remain repealed. Any ordinary citizen who wanted to start a business would have to hire a lawyer to get through the process of getting a permit. We do need an ordinance, he said, but not this one. The Town also needs the windmills, and CES has spent a good deal of money, expecting the project to be up and running by September.

Carol said she doesn’t think Freedom needs a 49 page ordinance, while Tim see this petition as another attempt to delay and litigate the project.

Sally Ann responded that she didn’t care at all if the windmills go up or not, and that her only concern is the water pumping project. Ron explained that the State regulates water pumping, and that David Pottle offered to cut the gallons pumped by half.

Motion on petition passed. Ron Price recused himself.

Lynn Hadyniak will forward a letter to Tim that she has been working on to appeal the State evaluation. She also has a General Assistance form to give to Ron. She has been asked for her key to the office, which Carol needs.

The Stevens Road property has to be put out to bid. Tim suggested putting a minimum on it.

Regarding inspecting swamp land, Carol said that Nancy Bailey-Farrar always used to be taxed for swampland for the portion of her property around Taylor Pond.

Regarding town books, Carol reported that the auditor has found $157,000 off in the 2005 audit that was budgeted, but never approved by the Town. This same error continued on for four years, amounting to $90,000 in 2004, $187,000 in 2005, and $167,000 in 2006. The auditor has accounted for all but $157,000. MMA advises that the town should re-visit these budgets and vote again. Two towns in similar situations have had to send out new tax bills. “The Town is in a bad state, and now we know why. For the last several years, not enough money was raised and appropriated”, Carol said.

Carol suggests that the Assessors review the taxes on land, raise the evaluations on land and use a formula for base lots of $10,000 each, with $3000 each for septic system and well. She also thinks a review will find cases where there are 3 dwellings on one base lot, and only being charged for one base lot instead of 3.

Carol reviewed the origin of the cemetery accounts, and why they must be kept separate. Black Hills Energy fund was donated to support the Hutchins cemetery with its interest only.

Carol asked if the town would purchase a “Quick Books” program for her, so she can use the program to help Craig Costello with the audits. It is difficult for Erna to keep the books properly with no beginning balance figure. Ron moved to buy “Quick Books Pro” for $199.99 for Carol, seconded and passed.

Carol raised the issue of Avian Haven requesting an abatement; Ron replied that the problem is that the property is owned by a trust, not by Avian Haven. Further discussion will take place at the Assessor’s meeting, set for Friday morning, April 4, 2008 at 9:30 AM at the Town office.

Carol brought up the problem of someone with no medical background challenging a voter’s absentee ballot. Only a doctor can determine mental capacity. Ron assured Carol that this would never happen again, and Tim apologized to Carol on behalf of the Town.

The next Board of Selectmen’s meeting will be April 16, 2008 at 6:00 PM at the Town office.

Meeting adjourned at 9:30 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges, Secretary

Attached: Letter from Bill Kelley.

MARCH 19, 2008

Meeting called to order at 5 PM. Ron moved to go into executive session with Lawyer Bill Kelley, Tim seconded, motion carried. Executive session ended at 6:08.

Present: Ron Price (Chair), Tim Biggs (Selectman), Hilary Fleming, Tom Fleming, Sally Ann Hadyniak, Marion Bowers, Steve Shaw, David Bridges, Clint Spaulding (Road Commissioner), Christopher Spaulding, Erna Keller (Treasurer), Jay Guber (CEO), Ingrid Robitaille, Roland Robitaille Jr., Heather & Derek Higgins, Scott Holmes, Cindy Abbott, Thressa Abbott, Glen Bridges (Secretary).

CITIZEN’S ISSUES: Sally Ann questioned the procedure for going into executive session, and the meeting time change from 6 PM to 5PM. Ron replied that they followed the proper procedure, and the time change was posted for one day.

Residents on the Rollins Road reported that the road condition is deteriorating, with deep ruts, and is becoming impassable by certain vehicles, which have to park at Flemings. They asked if the Selectmen are aware of the problem, and if there is a plan to repair it. Clint Spaulding replied that it will be fixed this summer; to fix it now would be a waste of money. The plan is to rebuild about 500 feet; there are 2-3 spots that are very bad.

Marion Bowers said the same problems are happening on the Townhouse Road. Wood hauling (on a posted road) is contributing to that, according to Clint.

A general discussion followed about the growing cost of road maintenance. It now costs $80,000 per mile to re-build gravel roads. Ron said we have overspent our road budget due to this winter’s weather; that to fix all the town’s roads could cost a couple of hundred thousand dollars. Clint said gravel is now $7 per yard. The Rollins Rd. work will probably cost $25,000.

Also, there is a huge pothole at the Palermo Rd. end of the Greeley Road that needs to be more clearly marked to warn drivers that it is coming up.

Ron pointed out that next year’s proposed budget for roads is $163,500, with another possible $30,000.

Payroll is $1303.98
$900 insurance payment (for towing) has been received by the Town
The checkbook balance before Accounts Payable Warrant is $82321.91.
Accounts Payable is $14,466.96.

As of today, account balances are as follows:
Fire Dept. Account $50,209.97
Town Capital Account $84,772.07
Town Park Account $ 1,205.19
Smithton Cemetery $ 3,542.93
Historical society $ 5,166.94
Checking Account $82,321.91
Paving Account $20,000

CD Accounts are:
Thurston Perpetual Care $5,038.49
Town of Freedom $9,270.73
Ball field Improvement $ 384.76

ANIMAL CONTROL OFFICER: Tina Freeman has resigned because of vehicle insurance problems, so we need an ACO.

Two workshops are coming up that Jay is planning to attend, one on March 12 on home energy efficiency in Skowhegan, and another on erosion and sediment control at the DOT in Augusta.

An application form for road improvement for the Beaver Ridge project has been received and approved by DEP for a single ditched version as requested.

Jay would like to attend the International Code Enforcing Seminar on April 16 & 17 for $100. Another workshop is on vernal pools on April 24 in Brunswick.

Jay met with town attorney Bill Kelley regarding his reply to Rudman & Winchell about the Beaver Ridge permit. Jay needs do re-write the protocol.

Jay wants to add a sentence to the building permit application, as follows: “PLEASE NOTE This permit is approved on the basis of information provided by the applicant in the record regarding his ownership of the property and the boundary location. The applicant has the burden of ensuring that he has a legal right to the use of the property and that he is measuring required setbacks from the legal boundary lines of the lot. The approval of this permit in no way relieves the applicant of this burden. Nor does the permit approval constitute a resolution in favor of the applicant regarding property boundaries, ownership or similar title issues. The permit holder would be well-advised to resolve any such title problems before expending money in reliance on this permit.”

Regarding Skidgel’s, Jay would like approval to proceed with a court order to enable him to do his job on that property. Tim explained why we need to hold off on that. For the record, Ron talked to Mildred Skidgel. She is not working there for the time being, and when asked to reverse her “no trespass” letter, she agreed, and asked Ron to remind her if she didn’t get to it quickly enough. She is focused on illness in her family.

Tim moved to send Jay to the seminar on residential inspections; motion carried.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Clint reported that Ann Schneider from MMA Casualty Pool (the town’s insurers) carried out an inspection of the town Garage, and advised we add on to it to achieve the necessary measurements. For insurance, the building is valued at $22,000, and measures about 35’ x 57’.

SCHOOL BOARD DIRECTOR: Clint knows of someone who is considering the position.

SOLID WASTE REPRESENTATIVE: Meredith Coffin volunteered. Ron Price moved, seconded by Tim, to appoint Meredith Coffin to the position. Motion passed.

CEMETERY COMMITTEE: The committee needs a couple of men to help with the physical labor.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE: The committee is pleased to have 4 new volunteers in the past few months. A potluck is planned for April 13 at the church.

OLD BUSINESS: Lynn is working on the appeal of the state evaluation, which was $43,000,000 for 2008.

NEW BUSINESS: Bill Kelley has agreed to represent the Town for all its legal needs.

Ron has submitted an appeal to the PUC’s fine for severing a telephone line on the Smithton Road.

The Town reports go to the printer tomorrow, March 20. There will be at least 100 copies available Monday or Tuesday, if not all of them.

Road sand: We should have enough now.

The 2005 audit is still in progress.

An employee evaluation needs to be done for our road commissioner.

The next Selectmen’s meeting is April 2, 2008 at 6 PM.

Tim moved to accept the warrant of $10, 189.53, after subtracting the bill of $4277 from Al Stevens. Seconded and passed. For the math, Tim used a new calculator that was presented to the Town as a gift from the Secretary. It worked swell.

Ron moved to sign the payroll warrant of $1303.98. Seconded and carried.

Both Selectmen signed the appointment papers of Meredith Coffin as Solid Waste Rep, Brian Mitchell (re-appointment)to the Budget Committee, Dana Canavan (re-appointment) to the Budget Committee, and Drew Fales (re-appointment) to the Planning Board.

Tim moved to sign the following Order of the Selectmen: “Any tax payment will be applied in chronological order of taxes due, except in the case of an abatement under consideration”.

Ron moved to sign the 2008 annual town warrant notice and instruct the town clerk to post the notice. Seconded by Tim, and passed.

CORRESPONDENCE: Used PCs are available to towns for $300 each. Monitors also.

John Piotti has announced the purchase of a 101 acre farm in Bowdoinham by the Maine Farmland Trust.

CMP is leasing street lights.

Freedom’s Emergency Action Plan for Sandy Pond Dam has been accepted by the State.

KVCOG is selling culverts.

WCAP has grant assistance available for 2 home improvement projects for older energy inefficient homes; deadline to apply is April 21, ’08.

Marion Bowers inquired about Bill Kelley’s hourly pay. Answer: $145 per hour.

Meeting adjourned at 7:37 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges, Secretary

MARCH 5, 2008

Meeting called to order at 6:03 PM.
Present: Ron Price, Select Board Chair. Also, Marion Bowers, Jim Waterman (Fire chief), Dave Bridges, Glen Bridges (Sec.), Scott Holmes, Keisha Whitman

Ron announced that with no other Selectmen present, no business meeting can take place.

Jim Waterman inquired about getting signatures on the Emergency Management Plan in the required time frame. Jim described the plan, answered questions, and gave it to Ron for signatures.

Jim also talked about the ’64 GMC being out of service and the need for a pumper tanker.

Ron recessed the meeting until Friday, March 7 at 6 pm.

MARCH 7, 2008

Chairman Ron Price called the meeting to order at 6:10 PM.
Present: Lynn Hadyniak (Selectman), Erna Keller (Treasurer), Jay Guber (CEO), SallyAnn Hadyniak, Dave Bridges, Glen Bridges (Secretary)

REVIEW MINUTES: Minutes from March 5 were reviewed, accepted, and to be combined with tonight’s minutes.
Previous minutes couldn’t be located, so will be tabled until next meeting.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Balance in checking account is $81,262.15 after deducting Accounts Payable totaling $51,972.06. Payroll totaled $2628.18.


CEO REPORT: Jay Guber reported that he wrote a letter to Rudman & Mitchell, lawyers for Keating and Bennett-Wade, dated Feb. 28, explaining how he arrived at his decision that CES had commenced substantial work on their project, and that their building permit is still valid. [Letter attached.]

Jay had a telephone conference with Bill Kelley. He will return from vacation March 17, and wants another letter, more concise addressing the same issue. Two documents have been received from CES about this, dated Jan. 29 and Feb. 12, 2008.

Jay asked that someone notify our “webmaster” that the Building Permit Ordinance on the website is not the correct ordinance that was adopted June 7, 2006.

A building permit has been issued for a frame for a new roof and porch to Isaiah Humphrey at 38 Albion Rd.

Jay feels strongly that if there is no further correspondence with the Skidgel sisters, that a court order should be procured so he can continue to do his job. Ron thinks that the Skidgels are still working at the site.

A letter has been received from Val Whittier (DEP) expressing concern about ditching on the road leading to the windmill project. She wants another design, with one side ditched on the downhill side, instead of ditching on both sides. She requested new design be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. [Letter attached.]

HEALTH NURSE: Marion was not present, but Lynn announced that there are 3 strains of flu making the rounds in Maine, some very serious. These are not affected by the flu shot of last fall, but there are new flu shot available.

EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR: An e-mail was received from the Emergency Management Office requesting notification of any roof failures.

PLANNING BOARD: SallyAnn attended. A pot luck is being planned jointly with the Comprehensive Plan Committee to attract public input for the comprehensive planning process.
A letter was received from Bill Pickford requesting reappointment to the Planning Board. Lynn moved the reappointment of Bill Pickford to the Planning Board, seconded by Ron, and passed.

BUDGET COMMITTEE: One more meeting should complete the budget section of the annual town warrant.

RECREATION COMMITTEE: Money is still being collected for the ball field improvements, even though we have no Recreation Committee. Clayton Littlefield has requested an article on the town warrant to assure him that money will be available for his work. The Budget Committee has proposed the following Recreation Committee budget: $1250 operating expenses
$2000 improvements to the Freedom Recreation Park. Ron will check on that at next week’s budget meeting.
$150 utilities
$1500 Freedom Field Days

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE: Will meet March 13 at 6 pm.

OLD BUSINESS: Lynn has started working on the appeal of the State evaluation.

NEW BUSINESS: Bill Kelley has been retained, and asked to represent the town in response to a letter received from another lawyer from Rudman & Mitchell representing Jeff Keating. Mr. Hamer’s letter asked the Selectmen to reconsider the 2nd Keating petition to re-adopt the commercial Development review ordinance, or they will seek a “declaratory judgment” in the court, or hold a special town meeting, or both. [Letter attached.]

Lynn asked how many lawsuits are now before the town, and they were listed:
1. Selectmen’s rejection of Keating petition.
2. Appeal on CES permit being valid according to work accomplished.
3. Appeal is still in court from April ’07 about use of road to windmill site.

Ron has filed the paperwork to appeal the PUC fine for a telephone line cut on Smithton Road.

The Town Report is in progress. Cindy’s reports are nearly complete. Several other reports are not in yet: Selectmen’s, School Director’s, Public Works, Superintendent of Schools, and Waldo Co. Emergency Management. The warrant is nearing completion. Cindy has arranged for printing.

The Roads department has another 500 yards of sand. A town truck went off the road 3 weeks ago, and had to be towed, which may cost the town a $250 deductible.

Hilary has finished the checkbook reconciliation for the 2005 audit; the auditor needs to be notified, and Erna would like him scheduled for a Tuesday so she can be there.

CORRESPONDENCE: Erna explained that we have 3 cell phone providers, and none of them work very well because of lack of signals. US Cellular wrote that they are upgrading their voicemail system, and as of March, their phones won’t work. We need to work this out, and have Clint Spaulding’s input. Put on next agenda.

Notification of a new posted road: South Freedom Rd. to Hussey Rd.

Ron moved, seconded by Lynn, to pay the Accounts Payable, with the exception of one bill from Al Stevens, and motion carried. Lynn moved to sign the payroll, Ron seconded, vote passed. Lynn is communicating with Stevens about his bill.

Discussion followed about a request for a membership in Sam’s Club for $35 with a limit of $500. This can save the town a good deal of money on office supplies, etc. Motion carried to apply for a new membership for $35, limit of $500, to be used by Town Clerk, Treasurer, and Road Commissioner.

The next Selectmen’s Meeting will be March 19, 2008 at 6 PM.

Meeting adjourned at 8:16 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges, Secretary

Letter from Mr. Hamer of Rudman & Mitchell to Selectmen
Letter from Jay Guber to Mr. Bearor of Rudman & Mitchell
Letter from Val Whittier to Jay Guber

February 20, 2008

Selectpersons present: Lynn Hadyniak and Ron Price. Tim Biggs is away
Others present: Scott Holmes, Keisha Whitman, Betty Sienkiewicz, Thressa Abbott, Jay Guber, Sallyann Hadyniak and Marion Bowers.

The meeting was called to order by Ron Price at 6: 10PM.
Minutes of February 6, 2008 were read, amended and then approved.
Minutes of February 15, 2008 were read, amended and then approved.
All minutes will be filed in the appropriate place.

1. A fax had been received by Jay from the Beaver Ridge Wind, LLC which lists in detail of dates and what had been completed between the permit date of July 12, 2007 and January 12, 2008. This is what Jay based his opinion on regarding the work that had been done.
2. A Planning Board Meeting was recently held with Attorney Ed Bearer and the group he represented. At that meeting Jay was questioned intensely and he was not prepared to be cross examined. Jay did state that any further questioning would require that he be subpoenaed.
3. Inspection of Tim Biggs camp on the pond has been cancelled.
4. Letter from Senator Collins office re: EPA and DEP and the failure to have all hazardous material removed from the Skidgell warehouse. A portion of the building is unstable and in danger of collapse according to David Wright of the Maine EPA.
Mr. Wright did suggest that the Town apply for a Brownsfield Grant to assist with additional hazardous material removal and or demolition of the building.
Mr. Fuller met with one of the Selectmen, members of the Skidgel family and others from the DEP to discuss future plans at the site. He also concurred that the town may want to submit an application for a Brownsfield Grant. There is money available from the DEP to test soil and water samples at the site.
A copy of this letter is attached.
5. On February 8, 2008 there was a meeting at the site as mentioned above. It was learned that the Town has no jurisdiction at the site while the EPA is there. This was reinforced by a representative of the EPA. Approximately 10,000cubic yards of material have been removed. The Skidgels have gone into the building and did contribute their labor in this project. They do want to salvage what they can after the EPA leaves.
6. A letter dated January 28, 2008 notifying the Town that any employee, representative or contractor of the Town is not to cross the property border without specific permission of the land owner. This would include the CEO which means he can not carry out his job unless he obtains an administrative court order. Concerns of the CEO include safety factors, fire hazards and noting unsafe areas. Jay wondered what he should do. The Board would like to see if this can’t be worked out with out resorting to a court order. Lynn Hadyniak thought that things could be done in a time frame and checked out as they went along with a plan. Water tests should be done once the inventory has been removed.
A copy of the letter is attached.
7. The value of what the EPA and the DEP has done would be worth $500,000.
8. Ron Littlefield would like to know if he can do work to a discontinued road off Hardwood Lane? It was suggested that he petition his neighbors seeking their permission. The road is a public right of way.

1. Checkbook balance: $125,122.74
2. Payroll: $2857.95
3. Warrant: $9888.72 plus $20,000 for paving account.
$7,500 for Fire Dept per warrant at the Town meeting, $2865 left from budget for Fire Dept per Town meeting 2007.
Actual warrant total will be $40,253.72.
4. Income: Municipal review committee, $1,125.23
MEDEP refund on septic system: $6,000
5. County tax for this year will be $66,375.27.
6. Checkbook balance after A/P will be $84,869.02
7. Unpaid property taxes: $175,000.
8. Paid out since January of 2008: $109,000.

A motion was made by Lynn Hadynaik seconded and motion carried to pay payroll in the amount of $2,857.95. Also to pay $45.31 to CMP for general assistance #1
A motion was made, seconded and carried to pay the warrant as outlined in #3 above in the amount of $40,253.72

1. Trucks need radios.
2. Damage to truck #7 related to a mechanical failure. Presently at a garage.
3. Seatbelt wearing needs to be enforced.

1. Information provided related to infectious viruses. The flu vaccine that everyone is encouraged to get in the fall is much less effective than it has been in the past. Forty four states have widespread flu. Maine was one that had only regional outbreaks of it. The WHO (World Health Organization) is considering changing the makeup of the flu vaccine for next year.
2. The other virus that has been affecting people is the Norovirus. This virus can be contagious 24 hours before symptoms. The symptoms with this virus are mainly gastroenteritis or stomach flu. Major concern then becomes dehydration. Antibiotics are of no help.
3. Waldo County TRIAD is offering free-of-charge, for those people who are 50+ years of age, an emergency beacon light to help locate the home requiring help. Directions are on the package and easy to follow. They also have a file of light where your medical information can be kept. They have a magnate attached so that they can be kept on the refrigerator door. These are available at the Town Office or by calling 1-866-928-7423

1. Meeting on February 25 at 6:30PM. They are making progress.
2. Formal request for legal expenses of $25,000 needs to be considered. Also still needed is $4,000 to pay Alton Stevens.

1. Appeal for state evaluation has not been done. Lynn Hadyniak said she would have it done by March 5, 2008.
2. Should the Town apply for state funds in view of the heavy winter expenses related to the roads? Freedom did not suffer any road damage.
3. 2005 Audit: Hilary is working on that.

1. F1. Formal request by Town, related to the Appeal process for legal representation. A phone conversation with Attorney Bill Kelly needs to be done.
2. P2. Public utility fine: Letter of appeal has been submitted.
3. R3.Reports for Town reports: Need one from the tax collector and clerk.
4. P4. Printing of Town reports: March first they are to be ready to print.

1. Request from unknown farmer to sell farm products. Need to know who requested this.
2. Letter from Brenda Moody and Boyd Ward praising the work done at the Skidgell’s site. They had had major concerns related to safety because of the deterioration of the warehouse.
3. Disaster funds related to winter. This will be looked into.

The next Selectpersons’ meeting will be on March 5, 2008.

Motion to adjourn this meeting was made at 8:30PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Marion Bowers

1. FAX to J. Guber from CES outlining accomplishments
2. Letter from Susan Collins office re: Concerns and info re: Brownfield Grant.
3. Notification from Mildred Skidgel about access to property.

FEBRUARY 15, 2008

Selectors present: Tim Biggs, Lynn Hadyniak and Ron Price.
Others present: Keisha Whitman, Cindy Abbott, Sallyann Hadyniak, Clint       Spaulding and son, Jeff Keating, Marion Bowers and  representatives of Beaver Ridge Wind, LLC: Richard Silkman, Andrew Price and Roy  Pierce, attorney for BRW, LLC.
The meeting was called to order by Ron Price at 5:35PM.
Minutes from the February 6, 2008 meeting were not read; this will be   done at the next regular meeting.
Cindy Abbott, clerk, presented to the Board a Voters’ Petition for Secret Ballot Vote         which she had received on February 11, 2008 from Jeff Keating. This petition was correctly circulated and the necessary numbers of voters were obtained. The petition states “Shall an ordinance entitled Town of Freedom Commercial Development Review Ordinance be enacted with all of its provisions being retroactive to June 12, 2007?”  This petition if accepted would be voted on March 28, 2008.
A discussion followed with both sides commenting.  Jeff Keating declined      to comment other than to state that the one piece of a similar petition was      absent, a copy of the ordinance, and this had been corrected. He did state      that he was not locked into any time frame for the secret vote.
          Richard Silkman spoke on behalf of the Beaver Ridge Wind project.  He                 spoke about the repetitive petitions that had been presented and voted                      on by the voters of the Town. The Town has generally accepted the                     project with a group that has not wanted the Wind project. About four                        petitions have been presented and voters have voted against them.  He has                 appeared before various boards a number of times and feels that the                     voters are supportive of this project. The petitions act as an attempt to                    delay the project.  He questioned the legality of repeated petitions.
          The Planning Board to begin with accepted the project as meeting the            requirements in the Commercial Review Ordinance. This was challenged                  with an Appeal Board hearing.  They, the Appeals Board rejected the                           project on two grounds; noise and dismantling of the wind turbines if                      necessary . The noise factor according to Mr. Silverman has been                       resolved.
          A petition was circulated to eliminate The Commercial Review                       Ordinance in its entirety. This was approved the voters. The Wind project               then got approval to go ahead with their project using the building code              rules. These changes in ordinances have affected the project since each                 of them has their own set of rules.  This makes them subjective to                     current Town ordinance.
          At this point in time, Silkman said that CMP is actively involved and the                  turbines are suppose to arrive the first week of August.
          Roy Pierce, attorney for BRW, spoke about the desire of the Town to go               ahead with the Project with 60% of the voters being in favor of it. Now a                  group wants to reinstate the Commercial Review Ordinance and he                     questions the legality of this. This has become a “ping-pong” referendum.
          He spoke about two cases, the last of which was in 1990.  Information                    regarding two cases is attached.  According to this attorney, a minority of            townspeople can not do this; case in point is “Heald v. SAD No.                         74,387A.2 d(Maine 1978)
          A brief comment was made by Ron Price about the voting regarding the        Commercial Review Ordinance in August 2007which had been                      moderated by Addison Chase.  A person read a letter supporting Wind                 power and a          discussion followed.  Voting was not recorded but was done                    by a show of hands.      

Should this petition go for a vote was asked by Ron Price?        
Lynn Hadyniak made a motion to accept this petition in order to have a secret ballot on March 28, 2008 for adoption of the Commercial Review Ordinance.
          Discussion:No changes in the ordinance can be made and a hearing will                   be needed. The legality of the petition was again questioned.                                         Information from MMA was read by Lynn Hadyniak.  Attorney Pierce                    pointed out information on page one, which was not available to others,            stating that even with the power to do it, it would not be appropriate.                              Also there is no legal power to put it on the ballot.
          Mr. Silkman stated that they need a degree of certainty to go forward                       with the project.
Ron Price felt that they really needed an attorney to advise the Board before a decision on the petition can be made.  Tim Biggs had spoken with Attorney Bill Kelly and Tim felt that Bill Kelly would probably be agreeable to represent the Town regarding the petition. Tim also felt he would like more information prior to making any decision on the motion. The motion was not seconded.
A new appeal has been received from John Hammer,ESQ representing Steve Bennett, Jeff Keating and Erin Bennett-Wade re: : “Appeal of the CEO’s Determination that Building Permit #686/696 has Not Expired.”  A copy of this appeal is attached.
A motion was made by Tim Biggs to have Attorney Bill Kelly, act for the Town re: Appeal of CEO’s determination and for information regarding issue of “ping-ponging” decision that has been obtained from MMA. Lynn Hadyniak seconded the motion and Ron Price abstained.
SAND REQUEST by Clint Spaulding:
There is a need for more sand in view of the amount that has needed to be used this winter.  Clint would be able to buy 1000 yards at $6.00 per yard delivered.  A motion was made by Tim Biggs to accept 1000 yards of sand and 66 tons of salt. Ron Price seconded the motion and it carried.
A salt sand shed would benefit the Town in preserving the condition of the salt and sand.
Cindy Abbott had been told that Craig Turner had said that he, Craig had permission to use the dam after hours and she questioned if this was a legal decision.  The Board has not authorized use of the dam nor the road after hours. The Town owns the dam and  the road.
According to MMA, Jay Guber, would need to get an administrative warrant to inspect the Skidgell property.
Motion to have the next Selectpersons will be on February 20th., motion carried
Motion to adjourn was made at 7:00PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Marion Bowers
1. Voters’ Petition for Secret Ballot Vote
2MMA legal information
3Appeal to the Board of Appeals re: CEO’s determination

FEBRUARY 6, 2008

Selectmen present: Ron Price (Chair), Tim Biggs, Lynn Hadyniak
Others present: Erna Keller (Treasurer), Scott Holmes, Keisha Whitman, Dave Bridges, Jeff Keating, Matt Bennett, Sallyann Hadyniak, Clint Spaulding (Road Commissioner), Christopher Spaulding, Jay Guber (CEO), Cindy Abbott (Town Clerk), Glen Bridges (Secretary).

Ron Price called the meeting to order at 6 PM.

The minutes from Jan. 23rd were approved as written.

Cindy Abbott presented a petition that had been circulated by Stacy Keating and Phil Bloomstein, along with a written legal opinion from Mr. Livingood at MMA. The petition requested the following article be placed on the next secret ballot referendum pursuant to: 30-A MRSA sec. 2528 (5): “Shall an ordinance entitled Town of Freedom Commercial Development review Ordinance be enacted with all of its provisions being retroactive to June 12, 2007?”

The legal opinion stated that because the ordinance was not attached to the petition, and signors were unable to read the ordinance, the petition was deficient because there is no substance to put before the voters. Lynn moved to reject the petition because it is deficient, seconded by Tim, and passed, with Ron Price recusing himself.

It came to light that the citizens who signed the petition were told that two more windmills are planned for Beaver Ridge, and that this information was false. Jeff Keating explained that this petition was his wife’s project, that she was very upset, and that he had nothing to do with it. He added that he had checked with his lawyer, who said the “retroactive” part was legal. When asked where that false information came from, Jeff said they had just assumed that CES was planning more windmills because they had offered 2 to Steve Bennett. Jeff was corrected that CES offered Bennett one turbine.

Jeff Keating asked what he should do now to do the petition over again, what should the process be. Selectmen replied that, while he could start over with a petition attached to the ordinance as required, there will not be a Selectmen’s meeting that would provide for the necessary 45 day period of time.

Glen Bridges asked, in view of the fact that the Planning Board is intending to review the ordinance to make needed changes & corrections and bring it back to the town, and that CES has no plans for any more turbines, why Jeff would even consider doing another petition. He responded that he will “do it anyway”.

Clint Spaulding reported that he spoke to one resident who said he never would have signed the petition if he had known it said “retroactive to June 12”. Jeff offered to pass up those people next time, if he could learn who they are.

Jay Guber inquired why Jeff would keep saying a turbine might be 20’ from his property line, when CES has put into writing that they will keep the project as initially proposed to the town. Jeff repeated that he is just trying to protect his family. When asked why Jeff made the petition retroactive, he replied he is just trying to protect his family.

Tim Biggs characterized the petition as “just a back-door attempt to kill the windmill project”. Dave Bridges supported the Selectmen’s rejection of the petition as another malicious and mischievous effort to scuttle the windmill project, pointing out that the town has voted numerous times in support of the project.

OTHER CITIZEN’S ISSUES: Lynn Hadyniak thanked Clint for all his good work on slippery roads.

Checking balance: $152,587.98
Payroll: $1702.21
Accounts payable: $53,394.25

The Phillip Thurston interest, $271 which has previously been paid to the cemetery account, was deposited.
One town employee’s paycheck was mailed a couple of months ago, but never arrived. Erna suggested we put a stop order on the check and write another. Ron moved to pay the $20 stop order fee, and write another paycheck, seconded by Lynn, and passed.

Another bill has come from lawyer Al Stevens for $4227. Ron moved, seconded by Lynn, to remove this bill from the warrant. Motion passed.

Jay Guber passed out new Shoreland Zoning maps supplied by the DEP. The contact person at DEP is Stephanie McGarvey.
On Jan. 24th, Ron, Tim, Dave Bridges, and Jay visited the Skidgel site. The foreman of Shaw Construction was hostile, probably because he preferred for Jay to check in with him first. The letter from Mildred Skidgel received by the town forbidding access to our CEO was read aloud, and Jay asked if the Selectmen want to get a court order to provide him access to the site. Ron explained that a meeting has been arranged with him, Mrs. Skidgel, the DEP and the EPA for tomorrow, Feb. 7 at 10 am, and requested Tim to attend also. It was decided to wait to see what comes out of that meeting.
Jay Guber assured the Board that he has never been verbally abusive or disrespectful to Mrs. Skidgel throughout his attention to the site.
He has contacted our representatives & senators Piotti, Collins, Michaud to look into testing and further clean up after the EPA leaves the site. Dave Wright will help with the Brownfield’s Site Assessment application, and has assured Jay that water testing will be done, and soil testing if necessary. An inventory of toxic materials removed from the site is posted on the EPA website.
Jay reported on a letter received from Ed Bearor, lawyer for Steve Bennett, Erin Bennett, and Jeff Keating, asking several questions about the wind turbine project: progress accomplished so far, road improvement and storm water run-off issues. Andy Price faxed a letter in response describing the progress CES has made so far on the project:
1. Turbines are ordered, delivery to be before end of July ’08.
2. An electric design firm has been selected; bids solicited and received.
3. The general contractor has been chosen.
4. CMP has been engaged.
5. Geologic borings have been done to determine foundation design.
Jay submitted both letters to the Selectmen will attend the Planning Board meeting tomorrow night, Feb. 7th that will deal with this.

A building permit has been granted for a barn on Ayer Ridge Road. The permit for Ron Price’s rock waterway above Sibley Rd. may qualify for permit-by-rule.

Scott Holmes inquired about the danger of toxics in the event of a fire at Skidgel’s; it was suggested by Lynn that perhaps they should only try to keep surrounding properties from being affected.
Ron mentioned that the town of Brooks has decided not to raise Knox’s cost of fire protection, but that in the future Brooks may opt to withdraw.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Plow truck #7 is out of service. It is 10 years old, and repairs may be $3-5000. Another truck has been put in its place for now, but Clint would like to see an article on the town warrant for the purchase of a plow truck at auction.
Clint can buy a satisfactory time clock at Sam’s Club for $189. Tim moved to authorize Clint to purchase the time clock for up to $200, Ron seconded, passed.
Five hundred yards of sand has been purchased for $8 per yard, delivered, which was the most economical price.

Planning Board meets Feb. 7, and Comprehensive Plan Committee members plan to attend to work together on the comp. plan that is underway. The Budget Committee is meeting, and making progress.

The appeal of the State Evaluation of Freedom has not been done—Lynn will get right on it.
Stevens Road property will be on town warrant; additional funds for assessor will be in the budget.
Gantry rating is not yet done.
Inspections of Boudreau & Bailey-Farrar land will be in the spring.
Lynn presented a 14 page document entitled the Upper Sandy Pond Emergency Action Plan for Sandy Pond Dam, needing signatures of Selectmen, which acknowledge that annual safety drills need to be done. Lynn suggested that Selectmen should read and sign the EAP. Tim moved, Ron seconded, and passed unanimously to read and sign. Jim Waterman needs a copy of plan.

Ron has sent in the paperwork for appealing the PUC fine for cutting a telephone line underground on Smithton Road.
The audit has been held up by the need for reconciled checkbook account for 6 months of 2005. We have to get that done; figures just need to be put into TRIO program. Discussion followed about how audits work. Erna pointed out that the 2004 audit should go into this year’s town report.
The road commissioner needs to be evaluated at the next Selectmen’s meeting; Tim will submit a statement in writing because he expects to be away.

Lynn read a letter from Al Stevens about his bill for representing the town on the windmill appeal and lawsuit, in which he said he was not informed of a $2500 cap on his services. He said the town asked for him to do more work after receiving his bill for nearly $5000. It was moved by Ron, seconded by Lynn that the town will pay a total of $5000 for all services rendered to the town. Lynn will write a letter to Stevens to that effect.
All other correspondence was dealt with.

Ron moved for the Selectmen to go into executive session according to 1 MRSA -4056A to discuss general assistance and poverty abatement. Seconded by Tim and passed. Following the executive session, Ron moved to end the executive session and resume the public meeting.

Tim moved to pay the $49,046.82 vendor warrant, and the $1702.21 payroll warrant, seconded by Lynn, and passed.

Next meeting will be February 20. Glen will not be here, but Cindy arranged for Marion Bowers to fill in. Tim will not be here.

Sallyann announced that on Feb. 17th from 10 am-2 pm, sleigh rides will be provided in Prentice Grassi’s field.

Meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges

APPROVED MINUTES/Freedom Board of Selectmen Meeting
January 23, 2008

Selectmen present: Ron Price (Chair) and Tim Biggs. Lynn Hadyniak was absent.
Others present: Erna Keller (Treasurer), Marian Bowers (Health Officer), Clint Spaulding (Road Commissioner), Jay Guber (Code Enforcement Officer), Lorraine Overlock & Viola Greeley (Cemetery Committee); Thressa Abbott, Sally Ann Hadyniak, Betty Sienkiewicz & Dave Bridges (Comp. Plan. Committee members), Mike Turner, Tess Woods (Unity Barn Raisers) & daughter, and Glen Bridges (Secretary)

Ron Price called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm, and welcomed Glen Bridges as new Selectmen’s secretary.

The minutes from Jan. 9, 2008 were reviewed and approved.

Tess Woods described the boatbuilding course being sponsored by the Unity Barn Raisers. A well-known boat builder, Greg Rossell, is teaching boat building to kids ages 11-14. The cost is $448, but it is free for students who qualify for the free lunch program. Right now there is room for 15 students, and the UBR would appreciate help in promoting the program. The students will build a small boat, and later learn to sail it.
Tess also invited citizens & town officials to attend the second Community Betterment Forum this Saturday Feb. 2 from 4:30-6:30 at Unity College, and includes a free dinner. About 80 people attended the first forum last Saturday. Carol Weston is expected to hold a Q & A session.
The funding has run out for the Community Farm Share Program, and matching funds are no longer available. Tess asked if an article could be put on the Freedom town warrant asking for the same amount as last year, so that the program can keep operating.
Ron asked how many people in Freedom had participated; Tess didn’t have that information with her.

Checkbook balance is $137,244.21
Payroll $2355.67
Accounts Payable warrant $6393.94
State Revenue Sharing (Jan.) received $6035.52

Treasurer’s report was accepted.

Lorraine explained that because the Thurston account had been directed by the donor to be managed by the town in a CD, and the perpetual care account is for a number of plots, the committee needs to have the two accounts kept separately under the town management. The interest earned by the accounts has to be separate for their record keeping. Tim moved to cancel the intended changes, and return to the former method. Ron seconded, and motion passed. The accounts earned $156.72 interest on $3675.45, and $271.02 on the $5000 CD. Erna completed the paperwork to keep the accounts in the town name.

Jay Guber submitted a list of 36 building permits granted in 2007. The Skidgel property clean-up has so far filled eight 20 yard roll-off dumpsters with debris, and 38 one-cubic-yard containers with toxic waste. Because the buildings are constructed on cement slabs, the EPA is assuming that no toxins have leached into the soils, but Jay and geologist Don Robbins could detect a strong smell of solvents during a previous inspection. Jay is worried that because the EPA will not be cleaning up areas of the site that are too dangerous & dilapidated to enter, the town may be left with the remaining toxic waste. The EPA manager on-site is Amy Jean McKeown, available at 617-918-1248. The EPA has a website with information about the Skidgel clean-up: Look under “websites”, Skidgel warehouse. Jay has called Gordon Fuller (Maine DEP), and would like to involve our representatives, and perhaps an attorney, with our Selectmen to write letters requesting soil and water testing, and to get a court order if necessary to enter the property because Mildred Skidgel & her sister, who are working on the site, have asked the CEO to not trespass. A meeting was set up with Ron, Tim, Jay and Dave Bridges to visit the site January 24th at 8 AM.
Ron Price submitted to the CEO a design for a rock waterway improvement to his access road to Beaver Ridge.
Jay provided paperwork to the Selectmen for the DEP Municipal Brownfields site Assessment Application Form; this is for assistance for clean-up of toxic waste.
The Planning Board needs to do an inspection of Tim’s planned addition to his camp.

PLUMBING INSPECTOR: Jay Guber reported for Dave Schofield (Plumbing Inspector), that he wrote a letter to Mike & Sandy Turner (Map 1 Lot 11-2) regarding a complaint about their septic system. Fines can amount to $50/day, and letter needs to be answered by Jan. 30. The Turners provided all the necessary documentation showing that permits were all in place for their system.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Clint wants to buy 500 more yards of sand. One resident wanted to see an article in the town report to use less sand. Discussion followed about missing sand and salt, and a storage facility. Ron & Tim think the winter roads are being well managed.

SCHOOL REPRESENTATIVE: Ron would like to find someone to fill the term until June.

BUDGET COMMITTEE: Ron talked with Doug Van Horn and set a meeting for January 29th.

PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE: Ron asked Clint if the committee would begin the process of getting figures together for building a sand & salt storage facility similar to the one Knox has.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE: Meet again Jan. 24th, and are aiming for June to have a plan ready to present to the town.

Ron will call Lynn about the appeal of the State Evaluation.
The Stevens Rd. property and more funds for the assessor will be on the March warrant.
The Gantry rating is not yet done.
Two properties containing “swamp” will be inspected in the spring.

The PUC has fined the town $500 for cutting a Northland phone line on the Smithton Road. Jay Guber said that the PUC has no authority to impose a fine on a town, and advised that we refute it. Because Clint did call DIG-SAFE, he thinks we are not responsible for any liability or fines.
The 2005 audit of the town books went on all day Jan. 22, and is not yet complete.
One job evaluation needs to be done; Selectmen will go into executive session to do that at their Feb. 6 meeting.

The questions raised at the Jan. 9th meeting about Ron Price’s residency, his right to sit on the Board of Selectmen, and his right to vote, were settled and documented in full by the MMA attorney. The lawyer validated Cindy Abbott’s conclusions that Ron is a legal resident of Freedom as proven by several points, and is living temporarily in Knox, with intentions to return to Freedom while remaining a legal resident of Freedom. The lawyer advised Cindy to monitor the situation to be sure some progress is being made toward Ron’s goal of returning to Freedom.
Copies of these MMA documents will be attached to Selectmen’s minutes at the Town Office.
Discussion followed, with two people stating that the requirement for Selectman is to own land, not necessarily to reside in the town. Examples were pointed out of other towns in which Selectmen lived out of town, but owned land in the town they served.

Ron Price attended a meeting of the Fire Departments of Brooks, Freedom & Thorndike, who provide protection for Knox at the rate of $4500 per town. Brooks wants to raise that amount for Knox, but it was discovered that Brooks spends $36,000 for its fire department, while Thorndike spends $12,000 and Freedom spends $28,000. They plan to meet again to figure out why the large discrepancies exist in costs.
Discussion followed about homeowner’s insurance costs being tied to distance from a fire department, and that Freedom used to simply keep a fire truck in a garage at the south end of town to solve that problem.

WARRANT: Erna would like to take a TRIO course which would take place at the town office, and all the town officials could benefit.
Tim moved, seconded by Ron, and passed, to accept the warrant of $6821.68, with a payroll of $2355.67. The road crew earned $1981 this week.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be February 6th. The Assessors will meet tonight following adjournment to follow up on three poverty abatement applications.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen Bridges

APPROVED/Freedom Selectman’s Meeting
January 9, 2008

Selectmen present: Tim Biggs, Ron Price (Chair), Lynn Hadyniak.
Others present: Erna Keller (Treasurer), Jay Guber (CEO), Dave Schofield (Plumbing Inspector), Betty Sienkiewicz, Carol & Arthur Richardson, Marian Bowers, Sally Ann Hadyniak, Dave Bridges, Steve & Ginny Bara, Harold & Pamela Christianson, Mike Turner, Scott Holmes, Keisha Whitman, Larry Turner, Glen Bridges, Carrie & Steven Bennett, Stephen Bennett.

Meeting called to order by Chairman Price at 6:00 PM.

Minutes from Dec. 26 were read and approved, and will be placed on file.

1. Carrie Bennett stated that the town meeting called for Dec. 29 was properly posted in four places. While some people couldn’t find the posted warrants, Sally Ann said she posted them herself. Carrie asked if Tim & Lynn were going to vote on the results of the meeting, and demanded that Ron Price step down as Selectman because he is not residing in Freedom, and he stepped down in Knox. Lynn read the MMA opinion, which gives the registrar of voters the authority to establish residency. Ron replied that he is house sitting for his son, that his address is 297 Belfast Road, Freedom, that he is registered to vote in Freedom, owns property in Freedom, receives his mail in Freedom, and did not step down in Knox.

Tim characterized the above as vindictive, possibly related to the wind power debate. Stephen Bennett & Carrie Bennett both denied being vindictive.

Steven Bennett asked how Selectmen will address the vote from the town meeting. Lynn read the explanation from MMA. The first petition was not presented to the Select Board 45 days prior to the requested vote, as required; it was not unreasonable to not act on it. The petitioners next recourse would be to sue the town.

Steve Bennett objected that all they had wrong on the first petition was the article and the statute number referenced, but that their intent was clear. Ron reiterated that he had directly asked Barbara Littlefield if she was asking for a “secret ballot vote”, and she replied “yes”. There is no requirement for the Selectmen to take immediate action on a petition.

Tim moved to deny the first petition, seconded by Lynn. Vote in favor was unanimous.

A discussion followed about the Dec. 29 meeting. At that meeting, Ron had attempted to explain how taxes were figured, but it became obvious to him that Carrie’s remarks during the meeting were just an attempt to discredit him. Lynn explained MMA’s opinion on the meeting being without authority, and pointed out that no town funds were raised for rebates. Stephen Bennett asked what urgency prompted the rise in the mil rate. Tim repeated the history of the town running out of money earlier and earlier each year, right after town meeting last year, not being able to pay our school bill, paying vendors late, and that irresponsible deficit spending got worse every year, with inadequate overlays. Carol related that Red Mitchell used to figure on having $200,000 by Jan. 1 each year. We currently have $175,000.
Lynn explained that this is not a surplus, but simply money to pay town bills.

Several suggestions were made to improve the town financial situation. Stephen Bennett suggested going to the town to get authority to borrow from the Capital Improvement Account, getting tax bills out earlier. Ron explained that earlier tax bills may improve cash flow, but is no assurance of immediate payment. We need the money to repair roads in the right season, do trimming, etc.
Jay Guber said that while Freedom had some unexpected expenses such as legal bills, this problem is everywhere, with record numbers of forclosures and unpaid taxes. No one could see these economic problems coming. The Selectmen are doing the best they can, just trying to keep the town’s head above water. Carrie Bennett thought Selectmen had been too aggressive.

2. Carol Richardson suggested that our Town Clerk needs to be appointed deputy treasurer, and be bonded, in order to accept certain payments.

3. Carol Richardson asked if Selectmen will accept articles for warrant, or would petitions be necessary. Ron answered that they would be accepted if not totally “outlandish”.

TREASURER: Erna Keller reported that the 2005 audit will take place Jan. 22, and the town office will be closed; also, they will try to get the auditor to move on to the 2006 audit.
Checkbook balance: $175,991.59
Payroll: $2439.14
Accounts payable, 2007: $9081.17
Accounts payable: $39,122.91
Ron moved to close the Philip Thurston Smithton Cemetery account and the so-called “repo” account and turn the monies over to the Cemetery Committee so they can manage their own finances. Tim seconded. Passed unanimously.

CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER: Jay Guber submitted his mileage for reimbursement. Letters have gone to Elizabeth Soisson and Robert Muehlmann about violations of Shoreland Zoning. Rich Baker has written the town about the inadequacy of the current Shoreland Zoning maps. Numerous training seminars are being offered; Jay’s accreditation is good until 2013.
He dealt with Eric Fuller, fiancé of the owner of the Ken Shaw subdivision lot #1 regarding more filling of a wetland than allowed. Jay attended two training courses, on legal issues and radon. The state is urging town to accept “Code 64”, an international building code, which would have very negative costly effects here. He has talked to the tenant at 26 High St. about cleaning up accumulated garbage.
The cleanup at Skidgells has filled two 45’ containers with hazardous waste, which is all that is being removed, and they are inventorying the waste. The buildings will remain. Following cleanup, Jay will request water tests on nearby wells. Lynn suggested testing the stream too.

PLUMBING INSPECTOR: Dave Schofield reported that septic systems will be going in in the next few weeks. He has been giving permits for subsurface systems for spring construction. The Stan McDonald system has been completed. Dave has $3500 to $4000 of grant money leftover from the McDonald project, and needs to find a project to use it for. Various ideas were discussed, with Lynn moving:
1. See if the money can be used to fix up the town garage septic system, or if not,
2. Try to find a resident who needs a system and can come up with the balance (about 5,000), or finally,
3. Offer to install the system that the Malletts on Waning Road have sitting in their yard.
Tim seconded, and motion passed unanimously.

ROAD COMMISSIONER: Clint was not present, but Mike Turner submitted a bid to provide sand to the town. Tim would like to buy 500 yards. Tim moved to authorize Clint to open bids, make a decision, and go ahead. Seconded by Lynn, passed unanimously.

SCHOOL BOARD DIRECTOR: Ron would like to appoint someone to fill the vacancy until an elected representative’s term begins; term runs June to June. Lynn said this is a demanding job that took her 17 hours a month.

SOLID WASTE REP: We still need to fill this position.

BUDGET COMMITTEE: Ron talked to Doug Van Horn; he is ready to call a meeting. Mon., Wed., Fri. or weekends work for Lynn.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMMITTEE: Meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Jan. 10. Dave Bridges and Kevin Malady have joined the committee. Glen Bridges is filling in for Hilary.

1. The state evaluation of the town needs to be appealed. Lynn will get back to that effort right away.
2. The Stevens Road property, and additional funds for assessor will be put on the warrant for the annual town meeting.
3. Two parcels of land that contain swampland will be inspected in the spring.
4. Whether or not to open the access road to the boat launch area was discussed. Lynn moved to leave entrance road closed at night. The Dept. of Conservation owns the cement launch, while the town owns the road. Past vandalism, the cause of the road closure, was discussed and the likelihood of depleting the fish population by fishing all night with lights. Tim felt the increasingly difficult access to Maine waterways should be reason to open the road, and Scott Holmes said the vandals had moved away. Lynn retracted her original motion and Ron withdrew his second of that motion.
Then Ron moved to vote to open the road at night, seconded by Lynn. Motion failed 2 to 1.

1. Ron presented a letter to the Selectmen to sign and send out to the town to give citizens an understanding of the tax issues. Tim moved to sign it and send it out. Seconded by Lynn and passed unanimously. Reminder of March annual meeting date and deadline for articles proposed for warrant will be included.
2. Due date for reports for Freedom’s annual report from the town officers, fire department, selectmen, treasurer, school representative, road commissioner, committees, etc., will be February 1. Erna asked if we are going to add the 2004 audit to the report. (Yes)
Discussion followed about printing the report in-house or to send it out; decision was to send it to a printer.

1. Lynn moved to accept the DHS General Assistance Ordinance Appendices A-C and F; seconded by Ron & passed. She reported that general assistance had paid $45 for a CMP bill and $325 to Thompson Oil, that amount due to Thompson’s minimum delivery requirements. Ron mentioned that Paul Flynn will deliver smaller amounts.
2. Job evaluations: need to evaluate the road commissioner.
3. Date of next Selectman’s meeting will be Jan. 23, 2008.
4. Lynn moved to pay the accounts payable from 2007 in the amount of $8810.15, which excludes interest from Philip Thurston Smithton Cemetery account (being turned over to cemetery committee). Seconded by Tim & passed.
5. Lynn moved to pay 2008 accounts payable of $39,122.91. This includes $31,098 for the current SAD 3 bill, on time!

Lynn announced that she is not running for re-election as Selectman.

Ron Price moved that “the Board go into executive session according to 1 MRSA. 405 (6) to discuss poverty tax abatement applications”. Seconded and passed.

Meeting adjourned at 9:22 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Glen S. Bridges