Attachments are generally not included with minutes (unless specifically requested)
but can be viewed at the Town Office.



Selectmen present: Steve Cross, Steve Bennett, and Wilson Hess.

Also present: Lillian Phillips, Jon Willette, Thelma Ledden, Sallyann Hadyniak, Audrey Williams, Julia Raven, Craig Overlock, Jim Waterman, Jay Guber, Pete and Marion Bowers.


The meeting was opened at 6 p.m.  Minutes were read.  On the last page the executive session was for a personnel reason, not a personal one, and on page 1, there should have been an addition to the minutes in regard to the wind-towers; if three were installed, as hoped, that would increase the Town’s tax base by nearly 10% according to Wilson Hess.

With these corrections the minutes were accepted.




1. A credit has been received from US Cellular from the phones in the trucks.

2.  Note the date for recyclables will be December 18th as posted on the


3.  Steve Bennett spoke about quick claim deeds.  Attorney Carver has sent a form to Elton Nason representing Newport Securities and he has signed off his right to the Earthen Dam.  He has been unable to formalize these agreements with Polly Shyka and Grassi although they are willing to do so: as is Ron Luhn. The Luhn’s have an address at the Brunswick Air Base.   He has been unable to get in touch with Mr. Sadowski.

4.  Budget requests are coming in and are being but in a folder.  We now have one from Unity or Quimby Library and one from Midcoast Mental Health.

5.  A CD from Peoples Bank comes due in December.

6.  Union Trust would like all of our business.

7.  MRC, municipal review committee, from Hampden, has sent their financial statement for 2003.

8.  Maine Townsman has a good article on sand and salt and problems relating to ground water pollution.

7. DOT has sent a letter and an application for a community gateway program with grant money of $500 to $10,000.  It will be given to someone on the planning board. It has ideas for parks, landscapes, gazebos, clean-up project, etc.  Jay thought the Freedom Academy Lot would be a good site.

9.  Grant money available for efficient delivery of services.  More regionalization of services required.

10. Notice from Penny and Addison Chase as to layout and taking of land.





          The assessors will meet next Tuesday afternoon to discuss some of the remaining possible abatements.  Julian Raven talked about an on going

problem related to property owned by her son and grandson.  These will be discussed at an assessors meeting on Tuesday.




TRIO was here last week from 9 a.m. to 12 noon for hands on instruction for Cindy and Hilary.  They worked with TRIO and entered information from 2003 as an exercise.  By next Tuesday, they will have a budget, versus actual accounting.  TRIO is capable of showing three years of accounting when it is complete.  There will be a carryover in a variety of accounts that will require an accountant to enter into the correct accounts. Craig Costello is to do this as soon as possible.





He congratulated Wilson Hess for his help in obtaining the Federal grant in Brooks for $158,000.  With addition money it became $176,000 and was used for a new pumper.

He pointed out that to qualify for some of these grants you need to be in a designated growth area, so judged in a comprehensive plan, for a community grant.

Freedom is still in the running for a fire grant. 

He also announced that there is an on-line safety program done by MMA.

The Northern Waldo Emergency Coordinating Team, NWECT, has monthly meetings headed by Dale Roley.  In our office our mitigation reports for Waldo County related to disaster that needs to be signed by the Selectmen. These are grant related and have a due date of 2005. 

Through MMA, there is a safety grant for lockers at the fire station and at the town garage.  This needs to be signed by the Selectmen and returned to Augusta.  If done in time there is a 67% return on the money or about $500.  It may be too late. 

The Towns of Freedom, Thorndike, and Brooks do not have an agreement.  He has put together a contract agreement that covers various areas.  He presented it to the Selectmen for their consideration.


Jim Waterman is currently working on the budget for next year. He has recently been able to obtain some used articles for the fire department, coats, pants, helmets, and aluminum air bottles.

When questioned about pay, he stated that they usually go with a set amount of money for the fire chiefs.   He also spoke about a mitigation report, which is a type of disaster plan, including a snow removal plan.





1.     Ken Boulier, permit for CMP for barn on Pleasant St.

2. Also Jay asked him if he would take care of the meter problem at the town garage.

3. Forest harvesting at 59 Burnham Hill, Plan 1, Map 42, Mr.

  Harold Christianson, 30 acres selective cutting.


Regarding the issue on the North Palermo RD, the person involved has not been able to be contacted by phone.  Jay will try to reach her at work.   He has a list of conditions that need to be corrected including a building permit, plumbing permit, correcting stove installation, etc.




Jon Willette brought up the reason why some of the November minutes have not been put on the Web.  In both minutes, November

16th and the 23rd names were mentioned that should not have been, related to North Palermo Rd.   It was an invitation to trouble.  These errors have been rectified; all names and addresses have been removed.   I personally thank Jon, as do others, for bringing this to our attention.


Hearing:  There will be a hearing on December 8th at 7 p.m. related to articles to be discussed prior to the special town meeting on December 14th.  There was a discussion as to exactly what should be included in this hearing.  The first paragraph will be left as it is.  The purpose of the hearing is to provide information and opinions on items that will appear on the warrant for a special town meeting to be held December14th, related to the purchase and sale of land for a new salt and sand facility and garage.  Then specifically:

1. Shall the Town of Freedom, sell the land and buildings known as the Town Garage lot on Skidgel Lane by putting the property out to sealed bids with the right to reject any and all bids.  

2.     Shall Freedom purchase the land and buildings currently known as the Beth Young Lot, currently 1 acre, on Rt. 137 and Mitchell Rd. for the purchase of relocating the Town garage and salt and sand pile for a price not to exceed a price of $33,000?

3.     Shall the Town of Freedom purchase the land know as the Leonel Letourneau Lot, 1 acre, for the purpose as above, for a price not to exceed????  The hearing notice has to be posted this week.  Wilson Hess will work on it. It was decided to have it listed in warrant form. There was some discussion as to whether to include the road commissioner position on it or not.  The final hearing is attached.

Steve Cross mentioned that he had spoken to some one that if there is a resignation of a road commissioner we could appoint one until a town meeting. 




TRIO has a workshop on December 16 and or 17 costing $50. The purpose of this is to learn how to close out the year.  It was agreed by the selectmen that both Cindy and Hilary should attend A motion was made and seconded for them to attend. All approved this.


A motion was made to approve Craig Overlock to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Jim Waterman, as the EMA, emergency management agent.  This was seconded and approved by all.  He will need to come in to the town office and be sworn in by the town clerk. This term runs to March of 2005.


A motion was made to approve Lillian Phillips to the vacancy on the planning board created by the resignation of Tony Neves, until March 2006. This was seconded and approved by all.  She will need to come in to the town office to be sworn in by the town clerk.      




Motion was made to approve and second the following warrants:

1.     Payroll: $715.81. 

2.     Recyclable waste contractor for $250.

3.     The Waldo County Tax was not approved and will have to wait. This was for $52, 664.94 


Jon Willette suggested that time cards be turned in on a weekly basis when it comes to the road department.  It would be easier to keep track of when they were driving.




Dave Bennett had Howard Fairfield come out and he was told that a single cutting edge was to be put on the truck.  What they had on it was wrong. Jon talked with the Lee Brothers in relationship to the plows.  They stated that a plow needs only one cutting edge.  Two blades do hold the plow closer to the road, but creates other problems.  Jon had put a single edge on the plow and it has recently been changed to a two edge taking twice the length of time.  His question was, whom do we listen to?  Jon approached Mr. Hess and Mr. Cross about his findings.  He wanted to know why Clint did it. 

Secondly, the list of truck inspections that Dave had made up are not being done prior to the trucks being taken out by the drivers.

Thirdly, no hourly meters are in the trucks even though they are supposed to be, so Jon has ordered some. 

Also the trucks had lots of personal trash.  Jay Guber also saw the condition of the trucks and stated that it looked like someone lived in it.

Jon has not been called.  

The selectmen had sort of put Dave Bennett in charge but didn’t want to show favoritism. There followed a discussion as to who was doing what. 

Pete Bowers, again mentioned, the need for a sign in and out sheet.  Steve Bennett thought it was a good idea.

Steve Cross has not been given the time cards to sign as had been requested.

Jay Guber suggested that there be another meeting to reinforce what the rules are. Egos are being stroked. Steve Bennett didn’t think that we needed another meeting.


A motion was made and seconded that the selectmen acting as road commissioner designate Dave Bennett for the balance of the open term through March 2005 as our agent and recommend to him the draft duties and responsibilities of the road commissioner as a guideline. This was approved by all.  Steve Bennett will speak with Dave tonight.  Wilson Hess will no longer be checking on the roads unless asked to.


There will be a road committee meeting tomorrow night at 6 p.m.


Sallyann Hadyniak wanted to know if there was gravel still available about the price the town could get it for.  If so she would be interested.


There is still a problem in that not all the computers are networking with TRIO.  They thought they had someone who could fix the problem. 

A motion was made authorizing the town clerk to call TRIO to get them here ASAP to get all three computers networking. Some recruiting needs to be done to get someone to do some computer work out front, while some one does computer on the back computer.


Thelma Ledden wanted to know that if we only had an acre of land with a well on it, how we could build a salt and sand facility on it.  With the type of containment facility that we could build it could be done, however it really would be to our advantage to get the second lot. At the new site it wouldn’t even have to be covered.


Respectfully submitted,


Marion Bowers





                   MINUTES: SELECTMEN’S MEETING, November 16, 2004


Selectmen present: Steve Bennett, Steve Cross and Wilson Hess.

Also present: Audrey Williams, Betty Sienkiewicz, Thressa Abbott, Sallyann and Wassey Hadyniak, Pete and Marion Bowers.


Steve Bennett opened the meeting at 6:01 p.m.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved with the following modifications.

          1. Page 3, in relationship to who would be responsible if something happened to Earthen Dam, Wilson Hess felt that it was a hypothetical question and therefore the answer would be unknown.

          2. Page 3, Corrected spelling, Rod Luhn, not Loon.

          3. Page 4.  Corrected spelling, Mr. Nickless, not Nichols. 

                   Change the word, reprimand to criticized related to the books.

          4. Page 6. Add the words, on Ron Price’s land in relationship to the tower.

          5. Page 7. Questioned if the amount related to the vendor warrant for October 14th was corrected. Later in the meeting it was verified that it was correct.

          Thressa Abbott wanted to know more about the letter from George Spurlick.



1.Read Brugger had e-mailed the Selectmen a letter stating that he was resigning his position with the school board effective immediately.  The Town will have to appoint someone to fill out the balance of his term.  There is a difference of opinion as to when his term would expire.  The Superintendent feels it goes through 2006.  Mr. Brugger believes that it would end in March of 2005.  The Town clerk will be asked to check this out.  Steve Cross had some information, but it did not answer the question.  According to his research it would not cover the school board vacancy.  This vacancy would be filled according to Title 20-A, Section 2305.  Currently we need more information related to this.  Steve Bennett will follow up on this with MMA.  Wilson Hess felt that it was necessary that we have a representative, particularly now with all that is going on with a huge project, building a new school.  Read Brugger had been chair of the building committee for the new school. There is a possible replacement that Steve Bennett has spoken with and will be discussed under new business.

2. Letter related to Jim Waterman’s resignation with EMA. 

3. Better Roads magazine subscription.  This is free, so we will continue to receive this if we verify the correspondence.

4.      A check from MRC for $657.21; profit sharing that arrived on November 10th.

5.      A notice related to law books concerning Fisher law books, concerns Maine law and fisheries, wild life law, etc and we could get them with a 10% discount. 

6.      Unity recycling report, available

7.      Three organizations that are soliciting for funds for next year, Midcoast Mental Health Community Action, WCCA and UCB.  Steve Bennett has put them in a folder to consider at a latter date for the 2005 budget. 





          Abatements report: The Assessors met and considered ten abatement requests.

                   One was denied.

                   Two were put on hold; need physical evidence.

                   Seven were approved with a total abatement of $1,209.56

          Eleven other inquires or complaints. Of those three or four will probably be considered as abatements.

According to the Town report last year, there were thirty-four abatements. 

Betty Sienkiewicz inquired as to whether the applicants had made out the information in the center of the Town report. This was not true in all cases, but there was sufficient information to consider them. 


KVCOG report:


1.      Brown field grants are for waste or water treatment facilities.  The Town does not have one or any surrounding towns with the exception of the town of Unity might have one.

2.      Revolving loan fund will hold a forum in January 2005 with all municipal officers from western Waldo County invited.  Business people with a potential interest will also be included.  Also included would be a representative from KVCOG, EMBC, Bangor Savings and someone from the State to talk about a broad range of economic development opportunities.


Waldo County Budget report:


There is an inclination of the majority, 5 to 4, to cut spending.  The purposed budget has a 2.2% increase overall with a 3.3% increase in the salary line.  The committee voted 5 to 4, in three instances to cut expenses.  It is roughly a six million dollar budget. It appears to Wilson Hess that salaries will have to come down as well as some other costs.  He feels that the goal is to cut salaries down lower than the 3.3%.  It appears that they aiming for a level budget.

Steve Bennett wanted to know that when salaries were mentioned if this applied to those that work in the Court system.  The answer was affirmative.

What is driving this was that when the communication center was taken over by the County, that office had been shared with Belfast and it was a union shop, with a union contract for a 3.3% increase built into it.   Right now they are considering using the federal cost of living, which is 2.4% or 2.7%.  It was not a 3.3%% range across the board, but hourly workers tended to be 3.3% and blue collar workers tended to be above 3.3%.  There was a strong majority who felt that the new probate judge would receive no salary, apparently they did not care for her.  It is clear there needs to be a cap on spending.


KVCOG felt that there was uncontrolled spending in the school districts.  




          Earthen dam: He recently had a conversation with Mr. Nason, who gave a history of the dam and he told the Selectman that he is willing to sign off on the dam.

          Rod Luhn will also sign off. Mr. Bennett also said that Mr. Sadowski has not been spoken to as yet regarding signing off of the property.  The State also has to sign off. The metes and bounds along with a description still need to be done.


Land negotiations: Property on Route 137 and Mitchell RD: A verbal agreement has been made regarding this property that consists of one acre.  The question as to whether to move forward has been presented.  It would be a grand fathered lot so that it can be built upon.  There is a second piece of property behind the first parcel.  The Town could add this and it would give them an extra acre of land, which is needed. This is land needed to erect a Salt and Sand facility. 

Pete Bowers questioned as to salt contamination of wells.  If the facility were built on the far corner of the second lot, it would give more than 200 feet from the well on the first lot or corner lot.  It also has to be 300 feet from the abutters well,  which it would be, since it would be 700 or 800 feet from the abettors property line. Wilson Hess said that the containment pad with a structure around it would be entirely compliant to minimize any potential contamination from salt.

Wilson Hess asked Jay Guber if a well across the street would be a problem.  His response was that he didn’t think it would be with the potential Salt and Sand facility being built in the previously mentioned area.

There would be 600 feet road frontage.  Of this amount 210 feet are on Route 137.

A motion was made and approved to go into executive session regarding this possible purchase. After doing so, there was no report, so no action was taken.





1. Jay Guber has received a building application from Competitive Energy, which seems to be Maine Energy Aggregation Company, LLC, out of Portland, for a temporary weather station, which would be put up in the next week. This would be for one year.  It would be on land owned by Ronald Price on Beaver Ridge. He has the spec sheets for a 30-foot tower weather station that can monitor the weather. He set the permit price of $15.00, same as for a house.  Wilson Hess brought up the fact the guy wires to this tower can be deadly; therefore they should be made aware of their personal liability and the need to fence it in.  According to Steve Bennett, it will be a wind tower. He learned from Ron Price that they would be putting up an anemometer, to check wind speeds.  Wilson Hess said that from his experience that you have to have wind studies for a year before you can put up wind generator.  In that year you would learn the wind patterns, and then be able to predict the type of wind flows in that area.  Depending upon how you look at it, it can be either a good thing or a terrible thing.  Once again, we have no rules or regulations related to something like this.  Looking at it on the good side, it may bring a few jobs.  Esthetics of it, they block your view, are noisy, tall, and will they will stand out on the horizon. 

Steve Bennett had done some research in relationship to this.  Mars Hill has a project.  These wind towers are 250 feet tall at the hub.  The blades reach just under 400 feet high.  They are enormous.  The base is made of steel and 15 feet in diameter.  They are 600 to 700 feet high.

He then went on to read from an article from the largest company nation-wide that erects wind towers. Their mission statement reads “Evergreen wind power was founded on the promise that responsible wind power development begins with community outreach and support.  At the outset of any project initiative, Evergreen personnel meet first with local business and political leaders to ensure that the host community is receptive to and supportive of a purposed project.  Additional work continues only after there is a clear expression of interest.  Informational meetings are held subsequently and local citizens are invited to participate in the dialog.  Evergreen has been careful to select only those sites which are already partially developed and do not present any special environmental concerns, benefit strong local support and bring the maximum number of regional economic benefits. 

Steve Bennett wonders why this company that is involved locally hasn’t done as the mission statement from Evergreen.

Wilson Hess feels we should look at this as a potential business.    

Jay Guber will be finding out more information from the State and other permits that may be required before erection of this tower.  He has also requested that they fence in the area. 

Steve Bennett also wanted to learn when they plan to meet with the Town and inform us as to what is going on.  It was suggested that they come to a Selectmen’s meeting to do this. Wilson Hess said that he would like this with any potential new business that was considering coming to Freedom.

3. Permit to John Ingraham for a trailer on Ayer Ridge Rd, where the Hotham farm is.


Trash on North Palermo Rd: Jay Guber and Steve Bennett paid an early visit to a property that had a large amount of trash along the road.  The adults were not there.  There had been a shanty built prior to their moving in; no water, no electricity and no noticeable outhouse.  There is a wood stove in it.   After this visit they went next door to learn more from neighbors. A neighbor watches the youngster until the parents come home.   They then went and visited the son of the property owner. There is a bonafide deed on the property.  It was decided to contact DHS.  A formal complaint was made concerning the situation with Diane Haley of DHS. Jay requested that a fax concerning his message be given to him and was informed it would be against the privacy policy and they could not respond.

Steve Bennett spoke about the trash, which included garbage, mattresses, and dog feces.  According to him, it was awful. The Town does not have an ordinance related to trash.

Jay will follow up on this with DHS.


A seminar will be put on by the NFPA, National Fire Protection Association, related to life and safety and building codes on Dec 1st and 2nd.  Jay Guber will pay for it himself until it can be put on a warrant.  The cost is $50.  The selectmen support his attending.




Theresa Abbott reported on the slow progress they are making.  They could really use some help.  They are rewriting the new Comp plan from the one previously done.  The State requires a mapping program for the state to pass it.  They have been unable to find the one previously done.  They are aware that it would require updating.  Wilson Hess felt that a student from the college could be helpful.

Jay Guber has some maps of the wetlands. 

Steve Bennett felt that the Planning Board needs to be more active and also the need for them to work with the Comprehensive Board.  There is a great need for more ordinances. The Planning Board meets the 1st Wed in December and he feels the Comprehensive Board should attend one of their meetings. 




Proposal for Road Committee:  The Town needs to vote to have the road commissioner           appointed versus an elected position; a job description would need to be done.   A special Town meeting is needed 90 days before the regular Town meeting.  Years ago it was an appointed position, for example, Red Mitchell, but in the last few years, it has been an elected position.  Steve Bennett felt that research needs to be done to see how the position was filled and if the Town ever voted on it.

Wilson Hess believes that an advisory came down, that the Road Commissioner should not also be a Selectmen.




          The date for a special town meeting needs to be set.  A motion was made to have December 14th for this special Town Meeting.  This was seconded and approved. 

Wilson Hess’s feeling regarding an appointed road commissioner has softened over time, but not to the point that he would hold this up going before the Town for a vote. He also wondered if the Selectmen would want to or could serve as Road Commissioner.

Items for the special town meeting agenda will be discussed next week, such as a land acquisition and Jay Guber suggested a junkyard ordinance and also to increase the building permit fee.  


Steve Bennett has talked with Lynn Hadyniak regarding the school board vacancy and she is interested and enthusiastic about the possibility of serving.  She has been involved with several school activities.




The checkbook statement for the month of September was given to Steve Bennett, but is missing the reconciliation.


Wilson Hess feels that it appears that the computer balance or statement balance   agrees with the banking statement on October 31st.  Without further review he would not want to make any comment about that checkbook balance.  The outstanding balance does not seem correct.  Steve Bennett will not sign off on this.  Wilson Hess wants to be convinced it is correct.  No action was taken regarding the financial checking reconciliation for October.


Also in the Audits, in the Town, it was stated that we should separate, the receivables, from the payroll work.


Wilson Hess made a motion that in the checking reconciliation sheet, the checking statement appears to reconcile.  This is not a motion to accept the checking reconciliation. It was seconded and approved by Wilson Hess and Steve Cross.  Steve Bennett opposed the motion.  It was not signed.


A reprint from the October 19th warrant which was not voted on, for payroll of $627.80 will be voted on tonight.  The original is missing and it was mistakenly shredded.  Wilson Hess made a motion that in the absence of the original of the October 19th warrant, we accept the reprint. This was seconded and approved by all.


Reprint of the October 14th vendor warrant was ratified last week.


November 16th warrant for payroll $962.21.  No accounts payable are included.  A motion to pay this was made and seconded and approved by Wilson Hess and Steve Cross.  Steve Bennett did not vote for it. 


Cindy will not be available for the next few weeks and Hilary Fleming will be doing the work.  Hilary Fleming has shown signs of understanding the accounting functions well.  She would be more apt to notice the difference in the numbers. 


Board Policy Ordinance: “ In accordance with 30-A, Section 5601-5603 of the Maine Statutes, the Town Treasurer will disburse money only on a warrant for that purpose approved by the muncipal officers by a majority vote at a public meeting and signed by a majority of the Selectmen.  A motion was made to approve it as read and seconded   There shall no exception.”

Wilson Hess had a problem with the last five words.  He would like to have a procedure which payroll can issue warrants without a public meeting. .

There was a discussion regarding payroll warrants as an exception, an example being the special Town meeting set for December 14th, a Tuesday night. There will be no opportunity to issue payroll checks that week; it produces an undue hardship on Town employees.

Jay Guber stated that some people live paycheck to paycheck. 

Wilson Hess offered an amendment to strike the last five words; there shall be no exception.  Steve Cross seconded it.  Steve Cross and Wilson Hess approved the amendment.  The original motion as amended was made seconded and approved by a two to one vote.  The policy now stands that there shall be a public meeting on every warrant.

Wilson Hess pointed out that the only exceptions that can be allowed by State law are school warrants and payroll and only if we take action on them. He also stated that payroll warrant on December 14th would have to be decided upon.


Wilson Hess offered Craig Overlock the emergency management position, EMA.  This was a motion, which was seconded and approved by all.




Jay Guber recommended that Bob Norwood, who lives off the Clark RD, phone 568-5766? , a computer geek, might be helpful.  He only charges $30 an hour, does work for a company in Waterville doing repairs as well as teaching classes.  He services the Town of Unity.


The auditor, Craig Costello, recommended TRIO.  He again stated you need all three financial reports before you sign off on the warrants. 

There were other comments, such as using Quicken.  However the State or the Auditor does not recommend this system since you can change entries.  TRIO puts a check and balance on the program. 


The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Marion Bowers

Attachment: Board policy.   




 No Meeting on November 2, 2004 due to Election!

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Selectmen present: Steve Bennett, Steve Cross, and Wilson Hess.

Also present: Thressa Abbott, Sallyann Hadyniak, Betty Sinkiewicz, Lillian Phillips, Jay Guber, Dottie Chase and Marion Bowers.


Steve Bennett called the meeting to order 6:01 p.m.

The minutes of the meeting were read and approved after corrections in spelling.

          1. Hilary is the correct spelling.

          2. Correspondence is the correct spelling.



          Neither Steve Cross nor Wilson Hess had any correspondence.


1.      Steve Bennett had received an invitation to a workshop, which Peter Coughlin will be presenting.   He will give it to someone on the Road Committee.

2.      KVOG has requested an update on the selectmen and officials.  This was made out today and faxed.

Dr. Lee was to have been to the meeting tonight, but is not present or will be late. He never did show up.



          Steve Cross had none, but was welcomed back after his absence.


Wilson Hess has been working on the municipal valuation return, which is typically due on November 19th, or 30 days from the commitment.

          He expects to have this done by November 19th.


          No one from the Road Committee was here so Wilson Hess spoke on their behalf.       

          It is his understanding that the salt and sand is pretty much up and we have received a bill for 2/3s of it and will be receiving a bill for the balance soon.

      So far there have been five abatements to process.  He would like to have the Selectmen {Assessors} meet and review the requests.  A date of November 5th around 9 a.m.  was set.  Perhaps there will be more requests by then. 

      According to the computer there are 682 parcels of real estate, which is

Significantly larger than told to the Selectmen. The reasons for this maybe due to subdivisions, an inaccurate number previously reported, and a few that maybe missing.  There were five new parcels and or buildings in 2004.


          Steve Bennett questioned if the subdivision of Mike Turner’s on the Greeley and           Albion Rd had turned up.  Wilson Hess felt that he had recently seen it along with Cindy in the passed couple of weeks.  He will look for it.


          Steve Bennett wondered if the CAMA program was ever loaded in a meaningful          way.  Wilson Hess stated that it was loaded into Lotus-Smart Suite.

      Steve Bennett spoke about Workers Comp coverage.  We have to cover each firefighter at the cost of $500 each.   Jim Waterman let him know that there were a total of eleven of them from the Town, five from Montville, five from Knox.  Exceptions are made if we have an agreement with the other towns for mutual-aid agreement, if so we do not have to cover them.  We do have an agreement with Montville, so they cover their five firefighters.  We cover those from Knox.  In our files, we have agreements with Unity, Albion, Montville, and Thorndike.  Jim Waterman had given him two other towns, which were Palermo and Brooks, but there are no agreements in the files for them.  So we have sixteen firefighters to cover. 

          Our estimated workers comp works out to slightly less than $82,000.  This is close to what it was two years ago.

          Wilson Hess inquired as to the cost of this.  Steve Bennett guessed that it would be around $3,500.



          CEO: Jay Guber

                   Steve Bennett requested that Jay Guber approach the Selectmen’s table, he then proceeded to present Jay with a Boston Red Sox’s cap.  Jay is a Yankees fan.

      Jay Guber stated that there is an urgent need to do something about the hazardous electrical meter box and wire at the Town Garage.  Ken Boulier had been asked for an estimate to rewire the entire garage.  None was received.   Steven Bennett made a motion to authorize Wilson Hess to contact Ken Boulier as soon as possible to mount a meter box and the wire to the outside of the           Town Garage.   The motion was seconded and approved.

Jay has been checking on the progress of those parties with permits.

He questioned if a request for a permit had been sought by an individual putting up a weather tower.  There are stakes in the ground, but no permit.


No paper work has been received from a Mr. Nelson who is doing a tree harvest on the Lingley parcel.  There was a question as to whether he would need a culvert according to Wilson Hess.   The town could put in the culvert, but who would supply it? This could be either the town or the individual.  Steve Cross said that a used culvert could be put in which could be removed after the timber harvest.  Jay Guber said that the Lee Bros. had some used culverts.




Steve Bennett spoke about the snow plowing positions.  There are eight people who have been selected and assigned to different shifts and back-up drivers.

First Shift: Clint Spaulding and Lendall Chase.

Second Shift: Steve Spaulding and Gilman Williams

Emergency Drivers: Herb Abbott, Dave Bennett, Warren Spaulding and

Christine Allen. 

No driver should drive more than eight hours if at all possible.  This was           discussed with MMA Risk Management.  A discussion regarding this followed.  Steve Cross, who has driven a snowplow, felt that they could do ten hours.

Steve Bennett felt that since we have extra drivers, we should spread the time around. A question was asked regarding overtime if driving more than eight hours.  Wilson Hess felt that forty hours had to be worked before overtime was a factor.

A motion was made, seconded and approved that the drivers drive no more than eight hours if at all possible.   This was approved. Wilson Hess also felt that there should be a four-hour break before they drive again.

Herb Abbott will be the call out person. 

Clint has been asked to help train the new drivers and to sit in as a coach with them. He was agreeable to this.  There was a brief discussion of whether they need a man to run the loader.  Steve Cross did not feel this was necessary.  It was a waste of manpower and cost.

Jay Guber felt that the drivers be versed in the proper procedures to use in using the loader.

Rotation of driving is important according to Steve Bennett.


Wilson Hess brought up the fact that there are several areas that have been discussed in the past and still need attention before the ground freezes.

1.      Ayer Ridge Rd culvert needs attention.

2.      Culvert at Keller’s, near Bo Sellect’s

3.      Stevens Rd, a request of Cy Reynolds for ditching or gravel

4.      Waning Rd. has big holes at the bottom of the hill.  Needs cold patch or gravel.

5.      Ditching by Tom Fleming’s

6.      Plugged culverts by Audrey Williams, along with other culverts that need to be flushed out.

Are these things going to get done before the weather prevents attending to them?

Steve Bennett will call Dave Bennett about this list and decide what can be done now and what can be put off.


Steve Cross wondered if we could lease a piece of equipment and if insurance would cover it. Steve Bennett and Wilson Hess both felt that it would be covered, but Wilson pointed out anyone can sue anyone.

Jay Guber suggested that we lease the jobs out to someone who is local.

Steve Bennett wondered if the wing of the plow could help to alleviate some of the run-off problem that they had last year.  The storms last year were unusual.  There are wires, which demand special attention according to Wilson Hess.

Steve Cross said that it would be helpful to take two or three scoops of snow away from the beginning of the culvert.

A resident on Clark Rd spoke to Wilson Hess about a conversation he had with someone who was driving a grader for the town of Unity.  They were not going to grade or plow beyond his house.  An arrangement had been written in the past with Unity according to Steve Cross that they, meaning Unity, do the last few yards of the road.

Steve Bennett will speak with Leroy Trull, Unity Road Commissioner and discuss the situation with him.  Lee Bros. has been doing the plowing on Unity Road and it may be that the contractor needs to be informed of the agreement.


Jon Willette installed a new alternator today on one of the trucks.  The bill was for $150.  He is also working on a gearbox.  Later, there will be a bill for that.



No report tonight.



There is a workshop for people on the planning board on November 3rd.  There are five individuals who would like to attend.  A motion was made, seconded and approved to pay the fee of $50 for each individual to attend, for a total of $150.00.  No travel expenses will be paid.  Steve Bennett thought that they were all going to go in his car.



Warrants: none available to be signed tonight.

Approval regarding the Plow Truck drivers has been discussed under the Public Works Committee.

Warren Spaulding would like to cut a line of trees behind his barn and the 3rd base line and dugout. He would leave trees that are on the line or in the wall. Then he could remove all of the stuff that had been thrown in there over the years.  There were several ideas on what to do with the wood.  John Willette could come in and do stumpage, firewood would be available for a fee to the town and or it could be given away.

The line is pretty well marked according to Steve Bennett.  All the trees that would be cut are on the Town land.

Wilson Hess felt that he had a bias regarding removing the trees.  He felt that someone with expertise in this matter such as an urban forester makes this decision. Trees can be taken down quickly, but take years to grow to maturity.  According to Steve Bennett most of them are locust trees.

Steve Bennett felt that if the trees were removed, the area could be cleaned up. 

Steve Bennett felt that Wilson Hess should talk to the Recreation Committee.  They were also considering making some of this an area for


Steve Cross felt that we should not hire a forester regarding this issue.

Wilson Hess will follow up regarding this matter. He has access to knowledgeable individuals in this regard.

As to what to do with the trees that are removed, Wilson Hess felt that having firewood for the needy would be a good idea.  Both Steve Cross and Steve Bennett agreed with that idea.


Jay Guber, sitting beside the air-conditioner, felt that it was time to remove it.  This will be done.


Also there will be no Selectmen’s meeting next week, Election Day.  

The meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Marion Bowers


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Minutes of the Town of Freedom Selectmen’s Meeting October 19, 2004  

Those in attendance were 1st. Selectman Steve Bennett, 2nd Selectman Wilson Hess and 3rd. Selectman Steve Cross was absent due to illness.

Also present were, Thressa Abbott, Betty Sienkiewicz, Thelma Ledden, Barbara Higgins, Diane Lee, Dave Bennett, Tom and Hilery Fleming, Jay Guber and Sallyann Hadyniak.


1st. Selectman Steve Bennett called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.


Minutes of the Previous Meeting:


The minutes were corrected to read as follows:

A.     A.     Page 2, corrected the spelling of Hiliary, to Hilary

B.      B.      Page 3, there was a discussion in the minutes authorizing Dave Bennett to do the work at $820.20 but the motion made by Wilson Hess and second by Steve Bennett was left out.  It is now corrected to read the motion was made and carried. Wilson Hess wanted to honor the correction showing that a motion was made by him and second by Steve Bennett authorizing Dave Bennett to do the work.

C.      C.       Page 4, Craig Overlock and not Keith Overlock is someone who is interested in the position as emergency management officer when Jim Waterman is ready to terminate the position.

D.     D.     Page 2, Steve Bennett made a comment and wanted it noted in the minutes that the cost of workmen’s comp. is $2,593.00 a year.

 Wilson Hess made a motion to accept the corrections as read and Steve Bennett second it.  Motion made and carried.


Steve Bennett welcomed guests Barbara Higgins and Diane Lee.  They came to the meeting to speak to the Selectmen about their concerns of their family cemetery located on the corner of Raven and Ayer Ridge Road, right behind the light pole.  Their great grandfather is buried there.  Since the son of Eric Weed (Shawn) built a house on the land, he does not want the trees cut down because he does not want to see the cemetery from his house.  Prior to building his home, the people accessed the cemetery by Ayer Ridge Road.  Mrs. Larson also said she would allow them to go through her property and was willing to move the cemetery onto her land just to show how good hearted she is.  Wilson Hess did some research regarding the cemetery and this is what it yielded.  There are two classes of cemeteries that the town has responsibility for, one is a public cemetery that the town in essence owns, and the other is a type of private cemetery that the town has an obligation according to state law.  It comes under the Ancient Burial Ground that was created in 1880.  The town has an obligation to go in and clean up the cemetery if there is a veteran buried there.  After a lengthy discussion, Mr. Hess stated that the town has no authority or mandate to go in and do that because there isn’t a veteran buried there.  It was decided that this problem be handled between the people privately.  Mr. Hess also looked for an easement or a right of way but was unable to find one.  Thressa Abbott, Betty Sienkiewicz and Wilson Hess had a conversation with the Weeds and they were welcomed to attend this meeting but didn’t show up.  There are 6 people buried there between the garage and the road.  They were buried as far back as 1847 and this private property now belongs to someone else.  There is no more then 150 feet between the side of the garage and the road.

Steve Bennett stated that there should be access to any cemetery.  He wants to be quoted as saying, “by not allowing access, is not being very neighborly to say” no”,  you can’t go in there”.!  It may be legal, but not right.  Since there isn’t any easement, it will be up to the people.  Mrs. Briggs was the name of the Grandmother.  Mr. Hess said to be kind and persistent.  It is not reasonable to say “no”, you can’t go in there.




A.  Mr. Hess did not have any correspondence.


B  Mr. Bennett said a letter came from the Maine Revenue Services showing the proposed town valuation of Waldo County 2005 for the Town of Freedom is 35 million.  It is less then 33 million now.  Mr. Hess said we should not appeal this.

     Knox proposal is 37 million

     Brooks is 42 million

     Thorndike 32 million

     Troy is 36 million

      Unity is 73 million

      Palermo is 103 million (has Sheepskin Lake)

      Liberty is 75 million


  1. General Assistance Seminar on Monday, October 25th in Stockton Springs and Mr. Bennett who was appointed as the General Assistance Officer may attend.
  2. The Palesky tax cut will be discussed at the Stockton Springs Elementary School on Tuesday, October 26th at 6:30.
  3. On Monday October 25th the school board will be discussing the implication of the Palesky tax cut during their meeting.
  4. There was a discussion as to how some may think if passed; the Palesky Tax cut would affect Freedom.  Nobody knows!




A.     A.     Steve Bennett is still working on the Workmen’s Comp. (Jim Waterman was suppose to be at this meeting but wasn’t).  Mr. Bennett found out that they do count every volunteer fireman is covered by our Workmen’s Comp. but we have to add $500.00 per fireman.  There are 18 firemen from Freedom and we must cover other firemen from other towns.  We have Mutual Aid Agreements with Unity, Albion, Montville and Thorndike.  Mr. Hess stated that he believes that we have a written Mutual Aid Agreement with Knox for some time.  If we don’t have a Mutual Aid Agreement with Knox we will have to add them onto our Workmen’s Comp.

B.      B.      Plow Truck Drivers:  We have two completed applications and 4 others incomplete.  Mr. Hess stated that there is snow predicted in the very near future and must be prepared by having drivers.  Mr. Hess and Mr. Bennett will meet on Friday, October 22, at 8 a.m. to go over the applications.

C.      C.      There is a position available on the Planning Board and Mr. Bennett asked if anyone was interested.




  1. Public Works Comm. has met a number of times and one of the recommendations coming out of these meetings is that some feel the town garage should be moved from its present place together with the sand pile.  It would cost too much money to repair it and it’s on one end of the town whereas our town in long and rectangular.  A salt and sand facility will have to be built by state specs and that would cost approximately $150,000.00.
  2. The road committee voted unanimously to look for a different place then where we are as an alternative.  Mr. Hess and Mr. Bennett went and talked to other landowners in the area of Mitchell Road and Rt. 137.  80% of the roads are off that loop, it’s a good location, centrally located.  There are two landowners that are willing to sell property to the town and large enough to do what is needed.  The development cost would be way lower.  One of them has power, and a well.  We have a potential buyer where the garage is now, but it will have to be put out for bid.  Buying and selling will make it almost a washout.  We could put down a pad, for the salt and sand and build a new garage.
  3. Mr. Bennett spoke with Fire Chief Jim Waterman last week and asked what he thought of the location of the present fire house.  Mr. Waterman said he would prefer it to be somewhere else.  We would have a good reason to receive a grant once the Comprehensive Plan goes into effect.  Pipe dream?  Mr. Bennett wants to encourage the Comprehensive Plan to work on this aspect.
  4. Mr. Bennett got a proposal for the Public Works Committee from Gerry Spaulding to hire him to take care of summer and winter roads.  Sub-contracting for the work to be done.  Unity didn’t have their own town garage and they hired out.  Mr. Hess stated that the discussion of moving ahead with the salt and sand shed together with the garage or talk about hiring that work out.  Once the town makes an investment on doing the first of the two things, it is folly to do the second one for a long time.  Any combination of the two is not a good thing.
  5. Jay Guber and Dave Bennett are interested in having a meeting with Gerry Spaulding.  Jay would prefer to have something in writing from Gerry.  We have 25 miles of road.
  6. Mr. Hess stated that the salt and sand pile is accumulating and   everything is getting higher.  Herb Abbott and Clint Spaulding have been driving the loader and truck as is Ronnie Littlefield.
  7. Clint Spaulding has never resigned therefore we do have one driver!



Jay Guber reported that he gave out a permit to:

A.     A.     Jeff and Murial Murch over on 423 Greeley Road for a garage and wood shed.

B.      B.       Mr. Guber received a notice from Digsafe that will be posted in Town Hall so the people will know who to contact by using the 800 number on utilizing Digsafe and the new Public Utility Commissions rules.

C.      C.      Jay received a call from gentlemen in Portland asking if a permit was needed to erect a weather tower (approximately 130 feet tall) on Ron Prices property up on Beaver Ridge, This will be only temporary for about a year.  Jay is waiting for more information regarding the name of the company etc.  Jay also assured him that a permit is required.  Cindy is mailing the application to Portland and when arrangements are made to check out the site, Mr. Bennett stated he would like to be there.  Here is another reason why a comprehensive plan is necessary.

D.     D.      Mr. Hess asked Jay if he is familiar with any ordinance that property owners will be able to show proof of insurance for their property.  There are a number of properties especially Mobil homes in town that might be uninsurable by today’s standards.  Jay is not aware.



     Dave Bennett reported that there the gear box is not in proper working order and he called and found out it would cost $863.00 for a new gear box.  Jon Willette and Dave will take it apart tomorrow to see what they can find out what is causing the problem.  Truck A (2000) is all good to go.  The bid came in for $120.00 less then quoted and Dave welded cracks.  It’s ready to go and next spring Dave would like to redo the pins, etc.  Right now it’s in good shape.




Hilery Fleming, chairman of the CPC handed out copies of the survey with their grand totals.  There were 387 given out and there were 120 returned showing a 30% return which was very good!

Mrs. Fleming gave a lengthy report by going over all the categories and figures.  Copy attached to the minutes.  Jay Guber complimented the CPC on a super job.




Mr. Hess gave a report regarding the 2004 taxes which came off the municipal tax rate calculation form.  Our total valuation went up 3 hundredths of a percent which is to say it didn’t change.  Although two components have changed.  The real estate valuation (trying to attempt the spread evaluation over 4 of the 5 classes and not to keep it all in 2 classes of the property) went down a ¼% as a result of that.  On average, more went down then went up.  Results may vary.  There is more then $300,000.00 in new property in town.  That means that more properties went down then up.  The total valuation bases five hundredths of a percent and hasn’t really changed.  Personal property went up quite a bit due to the addition of less then 10 pieces of personal property that had higher valuation.  Some were business related types of things.  County tax is up 16%.   The municipal appropriation is down 2 ¼ %.  School appropriations are up almost 6%.  The total appropriations the town has to raise is up 2 ½%.  Valuation stayed the same. The amount we have to raise came down a little bit.  Taking everything into consideration, Mr. Hess announced that the mill rate will remain the same as last year at 12.5%.  If your taxes go up, its because of the assessment and you know who to blame for that and if it went down, you will remember who to thank.

Mr. Hess made a motion to set the mill rate based upon the Municipal Tax Rate Calculation Form at 12.5 mills.  It was second by Steve Bennett.  Motion made and carried.

The second motion made by Mr. Hess is to authorize the assessors to prepare a Certificate of Assessment, a Municipal Valuation Return, and a Municipal Tax Assessment Warrant based upon the Municipal Tax Rate Calculation Form.  The motion was second by Steve Bennett.  Motion made and carried.  Paper work should be finished tomorrow and look for the taxes the first of the week.




No Warrant was available.




Tom Fleming asked if any road work was going on because down by his house by his mailbox there is a gully that the mailman is running into all the time causing the road to chip away.  It needs to be filled.  Someone will be sent to look into it.




 Mr. Bennett made a motion to close the meeting at 8:34 p.m. and it was second by Mr. Hess.  Motion made and carried.


Respectfully submitted,


Sallyann Hadyniak


Back to top




Selectmen present: Steve Bennett and Wilson Hess.  Steve Cross is recuperating from his hospitalization.

Also present: Dave Bennett, Clint Spaulding, Thressa Abbott, Betty Sienkiewicz, Jay Guber and Marion Bowers.


Steve Bennett called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m.

The minutes of the last meeting were approved with one minor correction. On page 3, paragraph 3 should read that “if a cable is cut with a spade there is no fine.” 




Steve Bennett read a letter from Tony Neves announcing his resignation from the Planning Board since he will be moving to Albion.  A letter will be composed by Steve Bennett thanking him for his service.


A letter initiated by the city of Brewer encouraging the Town to participate in a resolution to the State of Maine for lowering property taxes was sent to the Town by the MMA asking us to pass the resolution.  The purpose of this letter is to encourage the school district, because of the passage of the referendum in June, [which takes school funding from 35% from the State to 55% from the State] to notify Towns how much of the gap is created by this passage. Towns need to be notified of this and encouraged to keep spending down. No action was taken on this.




Wilson Hess discussed the progress of the 2004 taxes. Basically Cindy is trying to get all the information into the computer, which is proving to be very frustrating because the computer is frequently down.  She spent most of the afternoon checking up on property transfers in 2003 and having the correct addresses.  Wilson will double-check the information for correctness.   He also communicated that he will write up a summary of the accessing guidelines he used.  Steve Cross did work with him on assessing some of the properties, as well as Steve Bennett, but it was primarily Wilson Hess’s project.

This year properties were focused on, Personal property and commercial property were left as they had been last year. 


Steve Bennett did comment on finding in many cases the measurements of properties were different than they had been previously.  All properties will be assessed at 100%.  Last year some were at 80%, others at 100%.  So this year, the valuation will be consistent. 


Action should be taken next week on the taxes.


Steve Bennett discussed the workers comp renewal.  For 2005 there is an estimated payroll that has to be made.  We have hardly any workers comp claim history.  Policies that are in force, such as physicals, seat belts in vehicles, safety programs etc. are a help to us and we can improve in that area.    MMA risk management audited pay roll was $82,000+ for 2003; for 2004 it was $68,000 estimated.  Why the difference?  The payroll ledger actually was $73,000.  The word “audit” may be the reason as only CPA’s can do this.

Also, anyone who gets a paycheck is covered by workers comp unless they are sub-contractors.

 In 2003 we had forty people get a paycheck according to Steve Bennett.

Wilson Hess wondered how much did the Town pay for the workers comp policy for 2003.  Steve Bennett will have to check on the figures. In doing so, he found that the Town paid $2,593.00


PLANNING BOARD met last week and they are willing to take on the project of discontinued roads according to Steve Bennett.   There are many lose ends.  They will study and clarify the issue.  If the road was not discontinued properly the resident could request the town to maintain the road.  In the 50’s there was a group of roads that were discontinued related to maintenance, but open as a public way forever.  They were done correctly.   There are other roads, which are in a gray area.


 Wilson Hess referred to a statue that related, he thought, that if the Town for 25 to 30 years treats a road as if it were a discontinued road, it is classified as an abandoned road.


Steve Cross has town warrants that go way back to 1911 and Steve Bennett has made a list of any articles related to roads.


Wilson Hess also stated that there is a provision that the town can reclaim a road for purposes of recreation, such as hiking, biking, etc.




Steve Bennett has had eleven inquiries related to this position.  Today there were at least four. An application and a background check have to be signed by everyone.  The amount of driving the applicant wants to do needs to be known. Steve Bennett has used the term primary, backup or emergency driver to help differentiate. 

Wilson Hess reminded Steve Bennett about using the term “full time.” Full time in this case may not mean a forty-hour workweek.

The amount of hours a driver can do is unknown.

Steve Bennett wanted to know if Clint Spaulding wanted to be a primary driver and the answer was yes.  Paper work still needs to be done.





          Hilary Fleming has requested time to be here next week.




          Wilson Hess suggested that we begin looking for a replacement for Tony Neves.

          Steve Bennett agreed and has a couple of people in mind.




          The committee did meet and Herb Abbott will be the call out man for snow plowing.

          Truck #8 needs to have the backing angle plow changed according to both Dave Bennett and Clint Spaulding.   The cutting edges were worn off and the bolts were cut off. Howard Fairfield would charge $701.00 for a piece of angle and if they installed it, the cost would be $1,1000.   Dave Bennett came up with an estimate of $820.20 for the material and labor if he did it himself.  This would include new shoes.  A double cutting edge is also needed.  The truck itself is not out of service.  

Wilson Hess wanted it understood that Dave Bennett would order the material and do the work.  This is so recorded in the minutes. The motion was made by Wilson Hess and seconded by Steve Bennett to authorize Dave Bennett to do the work.


In an emergency the ‘V’ plow can hook into the truck according to Clint Spaulding.


Clint Spaulding has looked into the cost of sand.  Roger Littlefield has sand that has been screened.  It is good sand when screened.  This can be delivered for $7.00 a yard to our yard. Steve Bennett felt this was good material.


Clint Spaulding will be doing the hauling of the sand.  We will be getting 2000 yards.  Elwin guessed that we had 1500 yards at present.

Wilson Hess made a motion that we should authorize Roger Littlefield for sand at $7.00 per yard to be delivered to our storage yard for 2,000 yards.  This was seconded and approved. This would cost the Town $14,000.


Clint Spaulding needs to visit Steve Cross to learn who the contact person is for salt that we need according to Wilson Hess.  Clint also said that it would not be a problem if the salt and sand became mixed.  Wilson Hess wondered if a tarp were needed.  Clint said it wouldn’t hurt.  He did mention using potash to keep it from freezing. We would need two loads as a guess.  Last year there was only one and this was insufficient.  Wilson Hess felt that for $750 to $1,000 it would be worthwhile to the crew.  He asked Clint to check into it and see what would be the best action for the Selectmen to take.


Salaries have to be considered as well.  The entire public works department for winter and summer roads was around $31,000 according to Steve Bennett.

He also thanked both Dave Bennett and Clint Spaulding for the work they have done in relationship to the roads and equipment.


Wilson Hess felt that if we spent every penny of that money, the monies for summer and winter roads, and the residents were happy this would satisfy him.  Last year the roads were not maintained as they had been in the past.


JAY GUBER informed the Selectmen that the Road Committee needs to meet with them at some point.


He also commented on the fact that he was waiting for the Robitalles to call him.

On other permit holders, he has made the second and third check.


Jay, also thought, that Lissa Widoff might be interested in serving on the Planning Board. 




FINANCIAL WARRANTS were not ready to be signed.


Executive Session for land negotiations will not be brought up tonight.


          OPEN SESSION:


Wilson Hess stated that Jim Waterman is ready to act on terminating his position as emergency management officer.  He has found that Craig Overlock is interested in the position.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Marion Bowers


Back to top




Selectmen present: Steve Bennett and Wilson Hess.  Steve Cross was absent because of medical reasons.

Also present: Sallyann Hadyniak, Betty Sienkiewicz, Theressa Abbott, Dave Bennett, Jay Guber and Marion Bowers.


Steve Bennett opened the meeting at 7 p. m.

Minutes of the last meeting were approved after the following corrections:

          Page 2.  Should read discontinued and abandoned roads.

          Page 4.  An informational hearing requires 7 days.  A thirty-five day               notice is required too have it appear on the ballot in November.




  1.  A request from the Maine State Police regarding a Jason Seyfried requesting a concealed firearm was signed.
  2.  A letter looking for a candidate to serve the MRC [Municipal Review Committee, an oversight army of PERC] on the Board of directors.  Both selectmen declined.
  3.  Jennifer from the Citizen has been in touch with Steve Bennett to see if the Town was interested in having the Selectmen’s news and Town news put in the paper.  Sallyann Hadyniak will check with Beth Staples at the paper.




          Steve Cross is being transferred to Tall Pines for rehabilitation according to

          Wilson Hess.

Wilson Hess reported on the new Trio Windows Version Software Program installed.  It is a much easier program to use.  However the printers are not working, they were not re-installed properly.

          He next talked about the assessment methods that were used in relationship to the taxes. The valuation of the Town is slightly higher than it was last year.

          Expenses will be about the same as last year. [Increases are due to higher County and School District taxes.

          Valuation at 100% by the assessors was spread through a larger range than last year.  Last year property was listed as either “B” or “C”. This year it is more broadly ranged.  There are no “A” properties. Last year, if the house was built after 1975 it was considered a “B” house; those built before 1975 were considered a “C” house. Some houses in town were not typical and notes have been made to document why they were classified as they were.

Trailers have been depreciated according to a schedule that the assessors have established.  The manual did not have a schedule.  Depreciation is done in ten- year increments.  Basically if a trailer up to ten years old there is no depreciation, between ten years and twenty years, depreciation is at 30% and if more than twenty years old there is a depreciation of 60%.

What makes an “A” house was a question asked. Their structure has heavy framing timbers, the walls are 2X6, and insulation like a good cents home, and the grading of the doors and window are of high quality. 

Steve Bennett commented on neighborhood homes affecting the valuation as well.

Land assessment was not prioritized unless abatements had been dealt with within the last few months.  No hard look was done on commercial property.  A few garages and tractors were found.


Steve Bennett suggested that these assessments would be put on the CAMA computer program.  This program is used by a lot of small towns.


He was also asked about the general assistance workshop that had been planned if enough interest was shown.  One person showed up and another called.  This was an insufficient number to hold the workshop.


Steve Bennett has been in touch with John Carver regarding the earthen dam.  Attorney Carver has been in touch with Dana Murch and has received more information.




Jay Guber discussed several permits. 

1.      Shawn Raven of 205 Raven RD for a house.  He is now living in a trailer.  Once he is living in the house, the trailer will have to be moved.  He also needs the plumber to sign off on the plumbing. 

2.      Timber harvest requested by Donald Haggar on Greeley RD. He has seventy-five acres and is harvesting fifty-five of them.

A discussion followed related to harvesting timber.  Jay thought that if it were over eight acres that was being harvested, it would require a permit.  Wilson Hess thought it was five; however, this may be related to clear cutting.  In some cases he thinks that if it is clear-cutting a forester needs to be consulted. If the wood is for sale you need to get a permit.


Wilson Hess had recently talked with a resident who expressed praise for all the work Jay Guber has done for the town.








Dave Bennett and Jon Willette have been working on the Town trucks. Some problems have arisen related to truck #7 and the bed chain.  In putting this on they found that it was too short.  So another length of chain has been ordered along with some other equipment. Also the sand spreader was worked on.

Howard Fairfield came out and went over the equipment.  He wasn’t very committed on the dustpan, the angle plow, and on #7 truck, the 8-inch cutting edge should not be used.  There is a need to go back to a single edge on that plow.  He learned a lot of helpful information from him.

Also truck #7 the differential took one and a half quarts of gear oil. .


Frank Morello has been contacted.  There is a question where the Town line is.  Montville had recently done some grading.   Dave Bennett felt that ditching at the crown of the hill down to the culvert would be beneficial.


Dave Bennett attended the Dig Safe workshop.  In the future there will be a $500 fine if a cable is cut by heavy-duty equipment.  If a spade cuts the cable there is no fine.  He asked about telephone cable in the ditch and if the town had the right to ask the telephone company to move the cable.  He was told that the Town had that right.


Ditching will begin Thursday.  Herb Abbott and Clint Spaulding will do this.  Jon Willette will be asked if he wants to watch the DigSafe lines.


Town house RD needs work.  Estimates are needed.  If  6inches of gravel is needed it comes to $6000 plus.  This would take most if not all the money in the summer road account. There are other roads that need to be considered.


Rollins Rd. needs to be taken care of by the Front-end loader.


Whalen Wolph has been doing some work up at Bo Seleck’s.  Dave Bennett should touch bases with him. 


An application has been worked up for trucks drivers.  There are more than five people who have shown interest.  They need to be contacted to fill out an application and learn when they would be available.   A question was brought up as to how many hours they can drive.  Wilson Hess felt that we might not necessarily need to have four men as Steve Bennett suggested, maybe only two.

It is possible to have an early storm and we need to be ready for it.  There was a discussion regarding this.  Wilson Hess felt that informally potential drivers should be asked if they would be available to plow.  Also it is desirable to have a wingman particularly at night.   


The committee will get together and discuss who will make the decision regarding calling out drivers to plow according to Dave Bennett.


Cutting edges need to be put on the trucks.  The shoes were worn down.  They are expensive to make, so Dave will make one up. 




Steve Bennett asked if Bill Pickford had attended any meetings.  Sallyann Hadyniak stated that he had attended only one.  Theresa Abbott had called him numerous times regarding meetings and he never showed up.  His name will not be listed as a member of the board.




          The following warrants were signed:

          Payroll, $1,536.25

          Accounts payable, $1,286.96




Dave Bennett had some questions related to the pay scale and also what if you were using your own tools.  Wilson Hess informed him, that there was a pay schedule in the office.  If using your own tools it should be a rental fee instead of wages.


The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.



          Respectfully submitted,


         Marion Bowers


Back to top


          MINUTES: SELECTMEN’S MEETING September 28, 2004


Selectmen present: Steve Bennett and Wilson Hess.  Steve Cross was absent because of medical problems.

Also present: Theressa Abbott, Thelma Ledden, Betty Sienkiewicz, Audrey Williams, Jon Willette, Dave Bennett, Sallyann Hadyniak, Pete Bowers, Jay Guber, and Marion Bowers.


Steve Bennett called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.


Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved after the following corrections and additions.

1.       1.       1.      There was a selectmen’s meeting on September 7th. This was not with Dr. Lee. The date for the meeting with him has been rescheduled.

2.     2.     2.      Wilson Hess did not use a check made errorously out to the Kennebec Valley Mental Health.  It was returned to the town. He paid the registration fee of $20.00 himself for attending the KVOG annual meeting.

3.     3.     3.       Spelling errors: Puleski referendum should be Palesky.      

John Donner, should be Downer

Pete Bowes, should be Bowers

4.     4.     4.      The last statement that Steve Bennett made related to gravel, should read: We were billed extra for $2,000 for tractor use and labor.  This is one reason why Steve Bennett doesn’t want to get it from Denis Jones.

5.     5.     5.      The last part of the statement related to Public Works Committee should read:

Mr. Bennett stated that it was easy and unanimous, but Mr. Hess disagreed      with him but under duress agreed to saying it was unanimous and easy.

6.     6.     6.      Warrants paid should be:

a.      a.      a.       Payroll $668.51

b.     b.     b.      Accounts payable: $72,187.69.  This includes a 2nd payment on the paving loan.

7.     7.     7.      A Windows based system, TRIO software, will be installed on the computer.




1.       1.       1.      An invitation to an informational informal meeting to discuss the Waldo County Technical referendum was received.  Steve Bennett may go.

2.     2.     2.      An invitation to an on-line workshop discussing a variety of subjects related to safety.

3.     3.     3.      Letter to Historical Society, care of Lorraine Overlock, stating that they had been granted $1,124 to frame a map of Waldo County from around 1800’s.

4.     4.     4.      A letter related to Worker’s Comp renewal has also arrived.   Steve Bennett and Cindy have done some of the work related to this renewal.

Of interest was an audited payroll for the year 2003 of $82,000 and an estimated payroll for $68,000 for 2004 from MMA related to workers comp. There was some discussion about the correctness of this. Steve Bennett will look into this. It appears to be off by about $14,000.





Steve Bennett reported on the Freedom Town Park and the unveiling and dedication of the Red Mitchell monument.  It was a good day and everything went quite well.

The Park is still a work in progress. On Saturday, a group consisting of Jay Guber, Steve Bennett and Clayton Larrabbee got together and agreed that another block of trees need to be removed to create more of an open area.   Jeff Holmes will cut the trees in that area and remove the firewood.  There will be an area that will need to be filled in. Dave Bennett knew of fill behind the cemetery which could be used instead of trucking it from a greater distance. Jon Willette spoke up about the brush or limbs from the trees and wanted to know what would be done with them.  They can’t be hauled off to another area.  They will be chipped and buried at the site.


The TRIO group was in the town office today to install the program.  This is a Windows based program and it will be on all three computers.

Also we now have DSL, which makes for a speedier e-mail system.





Wilson Hess stated that a message he had received from Clint Spaulding saying that the road grading had been completed.


The Road Committee met last week for a meeting, which became a long meeting.


He attended a meeting at KVCOG and sat beside the director of the revolving loan that Jay Guber had mentioned in the past.  The revolving loan fund money is not lent to the town, but it is for the creation of jobs in the town.


Wilson Hess also thanked Jay Guber for taking the paper work from Al Hubbard last week.


He also wanted to be sure that a sign be posted related to gravel for discontinued abandoned roads.


Next week the commitment book should be here next week and needs to be signed.  The real estate is done.  The personal property remains to be done.  Cindy has entered one-third of the real estate taxes on the computer.


Also there will be new stanchions at the polls.  This is a project that Cindy and Jon will do.  Cindy the painting and Jon the welding.





Jay has investigated a request by Al Hubbard, Sr. for a building permit for a wheelchair ramp.  He has been in touch with numerous individuals from the State and finally spoke with an individual at the legal department of the DOT in Rockland.  The State has jurisdiction and there is a mandated setback from the road.  The breezeway, in which they were going to attach the ramp to, is too close the road.  There needs to be a thirty-three foot set back from the centerline of the road.  Therefore, no building permit could be given.  The Hubbard’s have been notified.


A building permit was issued to Elizabeth Soisson for a hunting camp on the Cellar Kitchen Rd.


Earl Webber is here and applying for a house at 465 Greeley RD. 




Steve Bennett stated that the road committee met last week and decided to appoint Dave Bennett as chairperson.



Clint Spaulding told him the grading was all done. They have done the Smithton Rd, Raven Rd. Mitchell Rd. Town house Rd, which did not grade well. The Mitchell Rd will need gravel in some areas.  The Town House Rd would need six to eight inches of gravel.  Clint will get some estimates for gravel and rolling from the Lee Brothers. Rollins Rd would also get some gravel from the Lee Brothers.


Dave Bennett has been in touch with the State DOT and they will help him set up a plan for continued maintenance.  He has also plans to contact the State Engineering and get them involved.  They will also give him a basic knowledge of road maintenance.  There is a possibility of funding from the State.


Steve Bennett inquired how long the Lee Brothers had spent grading and the answer was about a day and a half.


Herb Abbott and Clint Spaulding start ditching the Burnham Hill Rd. tomorrow.  Jon Willette had marked the area.


Dave mentioned that there was fill behind the cemetery.  Jon Willette asked for some of it, if no one else had need of it.  Wilson Hess suggested the fill could be put at the old dumpsite.


Telephone wires are placed down the center of many roads, which creates problems


Jon Willette voiced the need for a culvert at the end of Town House Rd and the North Palermo Rd.


The solution at Bo Seleck’s is to open up and ditch the area down to the Keller’s. There may be trees that will have to be removed. Wilson Hess asked that the Road Crew be cognizant of areas that are private property.


Jon Willette and Dave Bennett have started maintenance of the trucks. Sounds like they were in desperate need of care.


The DigSafe Workshop is tomorrow and will be attended by both Dave Bennett and Jon Willette.


Wilson Hess reminded Dave that he needed to speak with several people related to road problems.

1.               1.               1.              Frank Morello on Goosepecker Ridge Rd regarding his problem.  Wilson Hess has put a yellow flag at the Town line.

2.             2.             2.               Cy Reynolds on the Steven Rd has a problem with washouts. This has been going on for a long time.                      

 Steve Bennett wondered about the two piles of gravel on the Rollins Rd.  Wilson had spoken with Roland Robataille and he had moved the gravel with his equipment.  There is a possibility that he has put a culvert in. 


Audrey Williams spoke up about the plugged culvert in front of her house.  She stated that it was worse after it had been worked on previously.


Wilson Hess asked if Clint Spaulding has mentioned to Dave about a culvert on Ayer Ridge. The answer was no.


Dave Bennett would like to get the group together on a formal basis. Wilson Hess felt that it would be beneficial to the Town, but it will be a real challenge.  Gill Williams should be included in these meetings.


Steve Bennett has stated that we need to have a special Town Meeting related to the recommendation of the Road Committee to appoint a Road Commissioner.  An informational hearing had previously been set for Oct 19th but a seven-day notice is required. A thirty -five day notice is required if it were to go on the November ballot. This would make it too late to put on the November ballot.   He made a motion to postpone the meeting on Oct 19th.  This was seconded and approved.  Other articles may appear on the special Town Warrant as well, such as the Town Garage.


Truck driver applications will become available soon.  There will be a list of requirements such as a CDL, drug testing, background check, references, and also insurance company information and drivers license record.


Steve Bennett said that the road commissioner’s job description is in the process of being completed.  Hopefully the Town will vote to make this an appointed position.  The audience was asked their opinion on how they felt as to whether the position should be an appointed or not.  The majority of those present appeared to be in favor of it being an appointed position versus an elected one. Steve Bennett pointed out that there has been a tradition of small towns electing officials.  What we need is for the job to be done and done correctly.


Audrey Williams felt the name of the job should be different such as Public Works Director, not Road Commissioner, however Steve Bennett was informed by the MMA that a position of Road Commissioner is a mandated position.  Wilson Hess felt that there was 1. A clear line of authority to the Selectmen versus other possible tension to an elected position and 2. The Selectmen have the ability to fire the Commissioner if necessary. 


Dave Bennett will have someone from Howard Fairfield coming out to identify equipment, and give him a parts list at the Garage.  An inventory will be made.  He does need a file cabinet and Sallyann Hadyniak offered him one she has.




The following warrants were signed:

     Payroll: $1,790.43

     Accounts payable: $31,116.05

              Included in these were bills related to the school of $24,553

              PERC, Sullivan’s and Yankee.

These checks have been cut, but the school check will be held for a

week or two.




          Dave Bennett was interested in knowing about the pay scale. There is a paper in         the office that states what the pay scale is for each position.


          Sallyann Hadyniak wondered about why the stop sign was in the position it was.

          Wilson Hess stated that the stop sign is supposed to be on the right side.


          There is a need related to better interpersonal relationships in this Town.


          The Comprehensive Planning Committee has had 123 surveys returned.


          Steve Bennett made a motion for the meeting to adjourn at 7:45 p.m.


          Respectfully submitted,


          Marion Bowers


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Minutes of the September 21, 2004 Selectmen’s Meeting


Those in attendance were 1st. Selectman Steve Bennett, 2nd Selectman Wilson Hess and 3rd Selectman Steven Cross was absent due to illness.


Also present were, Theressa Abbott, Betty Sienkiewicz, Jon Willette, Albert Hubbard, Bo Selleck, Peter Bowers, Thelma Ledden, Audrey Williams and Sallyann Hadyniak.


1st. Selectman Steve Bennett called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.


Corrections to the Minutes of the Previous Meeting:


A.               A.               There wasn’t a meeting on September 7 and Dr. Lee will be attending a meeting on October 7, 2004.

B.                B.                It depends if we have 5 towns to participate in a Workshop on October 5th at Freedom from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. related to applications for general assistance.

    C.      Jon Willette will attend a workshop on September 28th which is being given by Digsafe.

Wilson Hess made a motion to accept the corrections of the minutes and Steve Bennett second it.




A.     A check was made from the Town of Freedom to the Kennebec Valley mental health in the amount of $20.00.  It’s the registration fee for the KVCOG annual meeting. 

B.     New wage for the state of Maine is going to $6.35 effective October 1, 2004 and $6.50 effective October 1, 2005.

C.     A notification that there will be a meeting regarding solid waste, and Mr. Bennett suggested that it be given to Theressa Abbott to be given to Herb Abbott.

D.     A letter from the Department of Conservation regarding tree growth.  They want an update by October 11, 2004 and Mr. Hess said it wouldn’t be a problem.

E.     There will be a work shop by KVCOG on September 30th.  There will be two 1 Hour sessions in the morning and in the evening.  The purpose of it is for those towns that are interested to come and they will walk us through how to do a worksheet so that we will be able to ascertain what the impact would be on our town if the Puleski referendum were to pass.  Every town with over a 10 mill tax rate will be impacted.  Our mill rate was 12 ½ last year and Waterville is 25.  Freedom is 60th in the state and there are 59 lower then ours.  Mr. Hess stated that he thinks our mill rate will be over 13 but will be similar to last year. 


Mr. Hubbard was told to see Mr. Guber regarding a permit for a porch to be built.  He was given permission last year but this year they want written permission because he is probably too close to the state road.  Steve Bennett called Jay Guber; he wasn’t there but left a message.  Mr. Guber must act on this. 

Mr. Selleck held a discussion with Jon Willette regarding the wash out by the culvert on Smithtown road.  Wires are crossing Mr. Selleck’s driveway and Digsafe was called in.  Jon will take care of this problem.


Meeting was called back to order after individual discussions by Mr. Bennett.

A.      He thanked Jon Willette for going down to the boat landing and cleaning out all the brush and hauled it all out to get rid of it.  The rocks were moved and in place at the Freedom Rec. Park in preparation for the Mitchell monument.  There is plenty of room to turn a vehicle around.  It will be incorporated around the ledge and worked in somehow.  Saturday at noon the dedication of the monument will take place.


Selectmen’s Reports:


Wilson Hess

A.      A.      Dave Bennett and Jon Willette will attend a Digsafe Workshop on Wednesday, September 29, 2004 from 8 a.m. till 12 noon.  It’s the Maine Public Utility Commission


Town Officers:

Nothing reported


Town Boards:


A.            A.            Comprehensive Planning Committee will write up a report and wants to get together with the Planning Board.  Approximately 120 survey letters were returned. They will be tallied up.

B.             B.             Tony Neves moved to Albion and cannot be on the Planning Board.


Mr. Bennett stated that maybe sometime next year we will create a Public Works Committee.  There are a group of volunteers and they were asked to come up with ideas about the grading etc.  Mr. Bennett and Dave drove around the roads and found two big piles of gravel sitting on Rollins Road which need to be moved.  They asked the Public Works committee to find the best deal for a grader and gravel.

A.               A.               Theressa Abbott reported that Barry Tweedy will get the grader over this weekend and start Tuesday morning of next week. 

B.                B.                Mr. Tweedy get $60.00-$65.00 an hour for the grader.

C.                C.                He is not particular about other people running it, but it was o.k. for Herb Abbott to do.

D.               D.               Jon Willette has no problem with that but would like to be able to sit with Herb and learn how to work it.

E.                E.                Herb Abbott is confident to use Mr. Tweedy’s grader.

F.                F.                Mr. Bennett question if Mr. Abbott has any idea as to how long it will take to use the grader on Smithton and Mitchell Road, etc.  There are ditch problems and some culverts to be cleaned out.

G.               G.               On Tuesday, Dave Bennett and Jon Willette will not be able to be there for they have to be in Augusta to take care of the two $500.00 each fines.

H.              H.              Mr. Bennett questioned if they found out any information regarding gravel and Jon Willette responded by saying he has not had any meetings with Clint Spaulding, Dave Bennett or any of the public works committee.  Jon was with Digsafe two days in a row and marked where to put the Beaver Ridge sign, went on Smithton Rd. and marked the road from the tar up to the deer farm. (John Donner)  It’s all marked and Jon knows where all the wires are.  Ayer Ridge, no buried cable so all is set with that culvert up there but there isn’t any backhoe.  Burnham Hill from Greeley Rd. to Montville line had Digsafe mark the road.  There are 5 wires from the Greeley Rd. on the right hand side going down to Mrs. Spaulding’s.   On the left the wire crosses the road before Mrs. Spaulding’s and is down approximately 2 feet to a foot.  A grader cannot be used because the side is too high and hand work must be done and hope the wire does not get cut.  This is all telephone wiring.  Jon suggested that all wires be put on poles.  One can refuse to have phone lines in the ground.  Some wires should be taken out.

I.                 I.                 Steve Bennett stated that he will not support getting the gravel from where it was purchased from this past summer due to it being in place and it wasn’t.  We were billed extra for$2,000.00 for tractor use and kids labor.

J.               J.               The Public Works Department is leaning toward getting the gravel from Roger Littlefield.

K.                K.                Jon spoke of the problem that Bo Selleck is having.  It all stems from Erna Keller’s culvert!  He needs to dig down the side of the road and it will entail a backhoe.

L.                 L.                 Mr. Bennett said for the guys to figure out the best way to fix it and then fix it.

M.             M.             There is an issue with this group that they aren’t getting together as a group.

N.              N.              Mr. Hess stated that there are groups of two getting together and Jon said he was a group of one.  Mr. Hess wants the guys to get together and put someone in charge.  The group should get together this Thursday night at 6 p.m. for the sole purpose for selecting someone to be their chair-person.

O.              O.              Peter Bowes suggested that Wilson Hess appoint someone but Mr. Hess disagreed. 

P.                 P.                 Steve Bennett will call Dave Bennett and Warren Spaulding, Wilson Hess will call Herb Abbott, Jon Willette, Clint Spaulding and Jay Guber.


New Business:


A.     There will be a Public Hearing on Tuesday, October 19, 2004 at 6 p.m. pending the availability of the Grange Hall to have a public hearing regarding the issue to create a Public Works Director replacing a Road Commissioner.  The Public Works Director will be given a job description for which there isn’t any now.  The Public Works Director will be appointed by the Selectmen as opposed to being elected.

A.     Just for the record, this recommendation came from this Public Works Committee (6 people) Jon Willette, Warren Spaulding, Jay Guber,  Dave Bennett, Clint Spaulding, Herb Abbott, Wilson Hess and Steve Bennett. Mr. Bennett stated that it was easy and unanimous, but Mr. Hess disagreed with him by saying it was not unanimous or easy.


B. It was decided that the language be changed to, instead of creating, replacing, the position of Road Commissioner with,the position of the Public Works Director.


C. Steve Bennett will check the wording on the ballot and the time limit to have it put as a question on the referendum in November.


C.             C.             Mr. Bennett will reword #1 to look more like on the ballot.  Postcards should be sent out about a week to 10 days before.  Cindy will check with the Grange to see if that night is o.k.

D.            D.            Mr. Hess suggested that under job positions #5 should read, Making sure that all members of the work force are appropriately licensed, have the necessary certifications and are compliant with all applicable state and federal regulations.

E.             E.             #8 preparing the annual budget for the Public Works Department under the supervision of the Selectmen as required by law.

F.             F.              #6 The Public Works Director will be responsible for overseeing the care of and maintenance of all town owned buildings.


Wilson Hess later in the year would like to coordinate a purchase of gravel from Roger Littlefield at $4.00 a yard.  Wilson made a motion to post around town  that good quality crushed gravel can be purchased through the town at $4.00 a yard, but it will be the responsibility of the buyer to make arrangements for the gravel to be hauled and spread.  It is not the town’s responsibility. This recommendation will be for the benefit for the families that live on discontinued or abandoned roads.  If you are interested, call the town office.  Steve Bennett second the motion and it was carried.  Notices will be posted around town and Sallyann would put it in the column.





A deposit of $1,000.00 plus was made today.

$   780.55 was the employees etc. total

$71,115.56 was the 2nd payment on the paving loan

$72.187.69 Total


A Windows system was installed on the computer system.  A new computer is going to be purchased for Cindy.

Jon Willette suggested that the hard drive of the old computer be destroyed!  It is the safest thing to do.  If a new ready made computer is to be purchased, make sure a disk comes with it.  Jon feels it’s better to have one built.


Jon said he would put up the signs on Bryant Road, Hawkins Lane and High Street (2) He will change the Beaver Ridge Road sign and will not put a stop sign there.

Wilson Hess asked Thelma Ledden if she wanted a stop sign and she said she didn’t care and then said yes, and Steve Bennett asked Sallyann Hadyniak and she said no.  A sign is not going to make any difference.  Plus who would be there to enforce it.  Save the town money.  Those that don’t want to stop before pulling out on Greeley Road will be putting themselves in jeopardy.  Whether there is a sign or not, the town is not liable in case of an accident.





Steve Bennett made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:34 and second by Wilson Hess.  Motion made and carried.


Respectfully submitted,


Sallyann Hadyniak


Back to top




Selectmen present: Steve Bennett and Wilson Hess.

Also present: Clint Spaulding, Jon Willette, Theressa Abbott, Betty Sinekiewicz, Thelma Ledden, Audrey Williams, Dave Bennett, Bruce Peterson, Dottie Chase, Pete and Marion Bowers.

 Steve Bennett called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted with one correction in spelling.




Rabies clinic will be held on Oct30th.  The animals, dogs or cats, must be in a carrier or on a leash.  The cost is $10 per animal.

 Dr. Lee was not present on September 7th for a meeting. 


 A surety bond for $300,000 expires on August 31, 2005.


 Minutes from the Unity Recycling Center were received.


 Steve Bennett has received two general assistance applications this week.  Both of which were denied. They are very time-consuming.  All three selectmen need to be in on the final decision.

 There is a general assistance book which can be helpful.


Workshop October 5th at Freedom from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. related to applications for general assistance. 


“Maine Townsman” has been received.


A letter from a woman from Vermont has been received, inquiring about people in Northern New England with the nickname of “Tiny.”  She is writing a book and finds these people are unusual characters.



Wilson Hess has continued to work on the assessing.  Cindy should have the information by the end of the week.




There was no official representative from any board present.


Steve Bennett spoke about the meeting related to the roads.  It was a two-hour meeting with six interested individuals.  The pros and cons of the sand pile were discussed.  Everyone agreed that it should not stay at its present site. The majority felt that it should be located on Mitchell Road, but exactly where remains a question. 

Two major issues discussed were:

1.       1.       1.      Need to find an economical way to build a salt and sand facility and a town garage.

2.     2.     2.      What to do about the position of road commissioner.  The Selectmen are acting road commissioners until March town meeting.  The roadwork is to be done by members of the group that came to the meeting.


Steve Bennett stated the need for a job description for the Public Works Director.  It should be a defined, as well as an appointed position, open to the people in town as well as to others. It will be a salaried position, with the salary set at the March Town Meeting.  A ballot for the position will be needed. 

There will be an informational meeting on the Public Works-Road Commissioner position on October 19th

Wilson Hess feels that a postcard notification should be sent.

Steve Bennett agreed. A motion was made, seconded and approved to do this.


An advertisement needs to be done for drivers.


The roads currently need grader work according to Steve Bennett.  Bill Terry was contacted for a grader and an operator, but was unable to do this.

Clint Spaulding stated that Barry Tweedie said that his grader was available next week on Tuesday. Clint will get back in touch with him for us to use the grader. The Lee Brothers stated they wouldn’t turn the work down.  If they do the work, they supply the grader and operator.

Clint also spoke about the Mitchell Rd. stating that it needs grading before gravel.

Steve Bennett felt that others need to be present if Herb Abbott does the grading.

Wilson Hess felt that this would be a good learning experience for those with him.


Wilson Hess mentioned the need for a crew chief or point person related to the roadwork.  Herb Abbott was suggested. All who work will be compensated according to the pay scale and the work they are doing.  They will need to put in a time card.  They may end up doing several different jobs.


Clint Spaulding stated that the holes need to be cut and graded before they receive gravel.  Also Burnham Hill Rd.   hasn’t been taken care of and needs to be ditched.


Steve Bennett spoke about the need for gravel and how much we would need.   Clint Spaulding said that Roger Littlefield has gravel for $4.00 per yard.  Wilson Hess suggested that Clint could haul the gravel.  “Big Red” is good only for light duty. Herb Abbott would have a good idea on how much gravel we would need.


The Selectmen are to be kept informed of the work done on a weekly basis.


There is other work that needs to be done but money is a factor and these areas will have to wait. These include the culvert on  Ayer Ridge Rd. and an area on  Goosepecker Ridge Rd. near Frank Furlough’s.



          All the work is done except for the Gould-Fuller Cemetery according to Theressa           Abbott.


The Abbott Cemetery is taken care of by Ronnie Ladd. There are quite a few cemeteries in Freedom.  A few of them are the Danforth on Hardwood  Lane, Penney on Mitchell Rd, Briggs also known as Raven Cemetery, Abbott, Cummings, Bradstreet Cemetery and Hutchins Cemetery.


Wilson Hess mentioned that Tom Leveque would be helpful in repairing some of the stone.


Steve Bennett thanked Theresa, Betty and Jon for their work in improving the appearance of the cemeteries.

Wilson Hess commented on the volunteerism that has made this project work.  Not much money was spent.




          Theressa Abbott stated that they had about one hundred returns back, which is about 30% of those sent out. September 15th is the deadline.



Bruce Peterson will begin working on the ledge tomorrow and doing the preparation work for the Red Mitchell monument.  He has to set the base and it will be ready for the 25th.  He will draw a circle where the monument is to go.


An area behind the church, marked by large rocks, will have to have the rocks moved so that the church parking area can be enlarged by ten to fifteen feet.  This would make it easier for people to get out of the parking area.  Jon Willette and Dave Bennett will work on this.


The monument will be covered up until the unveiling.


He also stated that Brooks Monument Inc needs a check. There has been some kind of a mix up related to the check.


Steve Bennett said that the Recreation Committee has only spent $130 so far on renovations at the Freedom Field.




          Warrants were signed.

          Payroll: $1,182.21

          Accounts payable: $244.24



          Audrey Williams complained about the ATV’s, fast motorcycles, uncovered and fast trucks on Pleasant St.  She was advised to notify the sheriff.


          Jon Willette has installed the stop signs making Pleasant St. a four-way stop


Pete Bowers felt that there was no need for a four-way stop on Pleasant St.  He was advised that it was helpful in slowing down the traffic. Wilson Hess asked Jon to restore the stop signs to their former position. 


Thelma Ledden asked if the position of Beaver Ridge Rd sign could be changed.  Jon Willette will check with DigSafe regarding this.


          DigSafe has a workshop on September 28th.  Someone from the Town needs to attend otherwise we are looking at two fines.  Jon Willette would like to do this.


          Jon Willette has taken care of the brush at the Town garage. 


          Bo Seleck has asked many times for someone to come to inspect the problem he          is having related to the road and the run-off of water.  Dave Bennett was asked to contact him.

        Steve Bennett spoke about waste wood that was hauled out of the spillway and needs to be removed and chipped if possible.  The area needs to be cleaned up. Jon Willette will look into this.

 The meeting adjourned at 7:29 p.m.



 Respectfully submitted,



          Marion Bowers


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Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes, September 7, 2004


Selectmen present: Steve Bennett and Wilson Hess

Also present: Betty Sinkiewicz, Thressa Abbott, Clint Spaulding, Pete Bowers, Jim Waterman and Marion Bowers.


Steve Bennett opened the meeting at 5:58.

Minutes were read and approved after corrections were made.

          Page 2: Under #4, the second sentence will read; big rocks will make a line from        the end of the basketball court to the tree line behind the 3rd base dug out. 

          Page 2: The second sentence should read: She has requested that any request for        funds should be put in writing to her.  Delete “allowing her five days to do the

          Report.” The next sentence should have “group to be paid” also deleted. 

          A second item she requested was regarding financial reports. She would like this done in writing and her response should be within five days.

Page 3: The first sentence should read: MMA’s Risk Management Agency has sent our new risk policy.




          DEP has sent a letter regarding changes in their recycling program beginning January 1, 2006.  This change involves TV’s and monitors.

MMA annual business meeting is October 6.  By-law changes will be the topic.

Palesky tax cap initiative will be discussed September 30th with a question and           answer session included. This will be at the Waldo Town Office. 

A bulletin from “Trees on Main Street” has been received

Seventh annual seminar on Maine Safety and Health Conference, September 28th-30th.

Workshop: Public Health Conference, December 7th. 

Water certification review class, October 13th


Wilson Hess spoke about the Smithton Cemetery CD.  Lorraine Overlock had been interested in knowing how much money they had to spend.  There are two CD’s.  One is for $5000 principle balance and the other one is for $3,200.00 principle balance.

The $3,200.00 CD expires in September.  Only the earnings can be spent from this account.  There is some question on what it earns percentage-wise


          Sand and Salt Facility were not discussed.


          Steve Bennett wondered how many people attended the special town meeting. He        was told it was 43.  The average for the annual town meeting is 50.  He felt the      meeting went pretty well.


Steve had some questions regarding changes in ordinances that were passed at the Special Town Meeting.  Wilson Hess stated that he is going to ask Cindy to go back for ten to fifteen years looking for ordinances. Cindy, as clerk, is responsible for reporting minutes of the Town Meeting. The few ordinances that we have may need to be updated. Ordinances from the Planning Board; they are responsible for drawing those up. Steve Bennett agreed that all the ordinances need to be compiled together.


Steve Bennett complimented Wilson Hess on all the work he has done regarding taxes.  He expressed his appreciation.

Wilson Hess talked about the classification of houses. There is an 80% valuation that was used.  He has been using the 100% valuation and reclassifying the houses, then if they don’t conform to the guidelines they are moved up or down.

Steve Bennett spoke about the inaccuracies of assessing.  What ever is done, it should be accurate. Regarding trailers some were assessed at 80% last year and others were not. 

Wilson Hess has tried to be consistent on why he has made the assessment that he has, and documented this.

Hopefully by the middle of the month taxes should be ready. 


Dave Bennett had called Steve Bennett stating that the Smithton and Mitchell Rd. need to be graded again.  There was a question of adding more gravel.

Clint Spaulding spoke about the condition of the Rollins Rd.  The two foot deep ditch needs raff riff.  The water needs to be slowed down.  Currently it is washing out the side of the road.

Wilson Hess felt that all the dirt roads received gravel this summer with the exception of Rollins and Raven Rd that were not done completely because of FEMA.

According to Wilson Hess there is $10,000 left in the summer roads account.

Bo Seleck is still waiting for someone to see him regarding the Smithton Rd.

All dirt roads should be done, graded, before winter according to Wilson Hess.  A grader would need to be used. In the past, Lee Brothers and Ed Picard or someone he has chosen, have graded the roads.   There was a discussion related to the possibilities of who had the equipment the Town could use. It was felt that Herb Abbott would be willing to run the grader.

The selectmen felt the need to have a meeting with people who could work on the roads.  This will be on Thursday or Friday PM.


Steve Bennett has been in touch with Attorney John Carver regarding the earthen dam and requested him to do some research regarding this.  He has the list of names that Dana Murch provided. 

Wilson Hess felt that a cover letter to the Emergency Management Plan stating that the town has voted to move in the direction of asserting its ownership, therefore, consider this to be effective.

Steve Bennett made a motion that Wilson Hess drafts a cover letter to go with the emergency action plan so that it can be signed and put into effect. This was seconded and approved. 


Freedom Town Park was worked on Monday according to Steve Bennett.  Many improvements have been made by Dave Bennett, Erna Keller, Jeff Holmes and others. Clayton Larrabbee was there with his bulldozer and excavator and did a lot of work.  He donated this.  Steve Bennett will send him a letter of appreciation

There will be another workday this coming Saturday.  This will be to rake, seed and mulch the area. There are still some rocks to be moved. Bruce Peterson is supposed to have the monument ready to set.  A roller would be helpful if any one has one.


Wilson Hess wanted to know what is going to be done with the brush that has been taken to the town garage. Two trucks loads were taken down to the area. It is possible the fire department could burn it.


Steve Bennett had spoken with Lorraine Overlock regarding the old Freedom Academy lot.  The foundation, hole in the wall and the well are considered an unacceptable risk by the MMA.  Part of the action plan requires that something be done about this. He asked Lorraine if she would communicate with different groups, the Grange, Historical Society, and Freedom Academy Alumnae and to offer some suggestions about what we can do about the bank and the foundation and the steps. Also how a more appropriate tribute to the history of the Freedom Academy might be done. She will get back to the Selectmen with some ideas to improve the area.


The Town Risk Action Management Plan by the MMA was discussed.

Steve Bennett spoke about the chimney at the Town House as a risk.  According to Jim Waterman this was typical of the era and it is a suspended chimney recognized by the Maine Historical Society.  As to safety, he suggested that they cordon off the area, an 8 X 10 square feet under the chimney with danger tape to keep people out.  Also post warning signs, such as falling material.  This would be done until it an engineer can inspect it.

Jim Waterman also reported on the work Tom Levesque had done on the Town House.  The funds for this came from a grant from the MBNA.  The floor and roof need to be done.


Garage doors for the garage are hand operated.

All the trucks have cell phones.

Other requests will have to wait until we have a plan in place for the garage.


Wilson Hess noted that there are two trucks that need to be washed since there is salt present.  One looks pretty good.  Clayton Spaulding said that you need to take the beds off the trucks and paint the frame to get rid of all the salt.  He washed one the best he could.  Dave Bennett had taken the controls apart because of the salt and rust problem according to Steve Bennett. This discussion will continue on Thursday or Friday.


Nancy Bailey of the Planning Board was asked to work on a project related to discontinued roads. Steve Cross had all the warrants that had any mention of a road being discontinued.  She will research the state law.  The status of roads will also be involved and make a map with the status of the road on it.




Road Commissioner discussion:  the Selectmen will not anyone as road commissioner before November 1. The Selectmen will act as road commission for the time being.


Warren Spaulding will help if he is available.  Clint Spaulding felt that this position requires someone who has a class B license.  Dave Bennett has applied for this license.


Steve Bennett feels that a multi-task person would be good, not just a supervisory position.


Clint Spaulding felt that Herb Abbott could do the job.


There was a long discussion about the job of road commissioner.


Earlier this summer there was a request for interested parties to meet and discuss the situation.  Dave Bennett, Herb Abbott, Jay Guber and Warren Spaulding also volunteered.


Clint Spaulding felt that if there were an election there would be more candidates vying for the position. 

November 2nd is the earliest date for a special election for road commissioner.

Herb Abbott should also be considered.

Wilson Hess wants to hear more about the road commissioner position or a crew and the Selectmen being road commissioner.

Steve Bennett realizes there has been a lot of controversy related to this position and the crew.

There will be a meeting this Thursday or Friday for interested parties. 






Municipal order pursuant to 36 MRSA section 906 which relates to the oldest tax being paid first was signed.

Waldo Co Budget Committee needs a representative.  Wilson Hess was suggested.  Bill Terry was also suggested.

The Waldo County Hazard Mitigation Plan was signed.

End of month financial statements were gone over. They can’t be signed until they have been reconciled with the checkbook.

 On September 28 and 29 TRIO software will be installed.  



          Warrants were signed.

          Payroll: $2,475.56

          Accounts payable: $2,043.33



          Steve Bennett called the MMA regarding one of the responsibilities of the      Selectmen.  First of all you need to know where the money is going and to ensure      that the money is well spent was the answer he received


Wilson Hess stated that Hilary Fleming, deputy clerk, has agreed to take training to learn the computer system.


Wilson Hess has also accepted a position as director of KVCOG.  This is a 3-year term. They are trying to increase their dues by 2. 56%.


The Cemetery Committee has plenty of money. Theresa Abbott brought up the fact that you fix these cemeteries up and the roads are nearly impassable. If there is a veteran buried in a cemetery it must be maintained according to state law.  Steve Bennett suggested that Theressa Abbott and Betty Sinekiewicz make some suggestions regarding the cemeteries.


The stop sign has also been restored at the top of the hill on Pleasant St.  The one at the bottom of the hill has disappeared.  Jon Willette put the signs up. 


The meeting adjourned at 8:25PM


Respectfully submitted,


Marion Bowers


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MINUTES of the SELECTMEN'S MEETING AUGUST 31, 2004 was cancelled 


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Selectmen present: Steve Bennett and Wilson Hess.

Also present: Betty Sienkiewicz, Jay Guber, Erna Keller, Pete Mattson, Jim Waterman, Pete and Marion Bowers


Steve Bennett opened the meeting at 6 p.m.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted as amended.

          The sentence about the Homestein Act will be deleted.

          Under correspondence it should have been Homestead Exemption.

          Page 3: Incorrect spelling of Farris, it should have been Ferris.

          Page 4: Article 8 relating to the Sand and Salt Shed; Wilson Hess will bring specifics for the Article.




Wilson Hess has been working on assessing and bookwork.  He feels they are making better progress.  The more he does the more comfortable he feels he becomes. Steve Bennett will help on the commercial assessing. They are currently reconciling the measurements of the properties with the former measurements.  It requires a lot of hours.   When looking at barns, they are using the barn schedules. 

Wilson Hess feels that if they do thirty or forty properties together, they could get a standard method down.  It may take three or four hours to do this. 

Wilson Hess feels that he has found a lot of older properties that were given a “B” or “C.  No houses were given an “A”.  A new house didn’t have any deductions in the record.    

Steve Bennett could work all day September 2nd with Wilson Hess.  Steve Bennett feels that we need a professional group to come in to do this. The State has a program available through the Maine Revenue Service.  This is what the woman in Monroe uses. 

Wilson Hess feels that some people would feel this as an intrusion.  So far the assessments are pretty close to last years.

Last year about 50 people came in wanting their homes revaluated which was more than last year.  That is one of the reasons they decided to assess all the properties. 

Jay Guber spoke about the need of using the same protocol for all the homes.  Last year Steve Cross felt so dissatisfied enough with the results that he refused to sign the commitment book. 

Wilson Hess would like to see taxes out by Labor Day.


Steve Bennett spoke about a workday for Saturday at the Town Recreational Area.

Wed night Bruce Peterson, Kevin Keller, Jeff Holmes, Pete Bowers and Steve Bennett, Warren Spaulding and Dave Bennett viewed the area and decided about the necessary equipment that would be needed: trucks and a back hoe.  Anyone who would like to pitch in is welcome.

What needs to be done?

1.  The area of the old snack shop will be filled in.  This will add to the parking area.

2.     2.     Start working on Red’s monument.

3.     3.      Water spigot. Trench will need to be dug and line buried over to the snack shop.

4.     4.      Rearrange the rocks by the basketball court. They are a safety hazard.    Big rocks will make a line from the end of the basketball court to the tree line behind the 3rd base dug out.  Cars will not be able to get through.  They will be placed about 5’ apart. 

MMA’s [Risk Management Agency] our insurer, feels the wall should come down, but we are not doing this at present.

Jay Guber wondered if the DEP had approved the delineation since wetlands are nearby.  

Wilson Hess commented on the good job the Recreational Committee is doing and all the volunteer work that is being done.  Steve Bennett agreed.



          The Historical Society would like to have $1,200.00 to do the work as previously discussed last week.  Jay Guber felt that this should have gone out to bid if it were town money.  Tom Levecque will be doing the work. Some present felt it was the Historical Society’s money. There had been a request made to know if there was enough money in the account. 


Cindy Abbott has sent a letter, asking that it be put in the minutes.  She has requested that any request for funds should be put in writing to her. In this request she would like the name of the person, what committee the money is coming from, a signature from the person on the committee, the amount and dated. This should be here on Monday for a Tuesday Warrant. The Selectmen has endorsed this. 

The second request was regarding financial reports. This request should also be in writing to Cindy and allow five days for a response.

Steve Bennett made a motion that if any committee has a request for funds out of a town account, a signed and dated invoice or a request for funds for the amount of money requested be provided to the town treasurer at least one day prior to the time the Warrants are signed.   This was seconded and passed.

This came about as a result of a committee asking Cindy for info on the cash flow one month ago.  She again asked last week and still has received nothing.

The system does need to be worked on.  Erna Keller would like to see a monthly statement. 

Steve Bennett called the MMA; the only reason to deny a request of any town committee, which is voted on at the town meeting, is if we don’t have the money available. 

Wilson Hess added that a financial statement should be put into protocol for each department. He also added that this would be something that the auditors would like to see.

Steve Bennett and Wilson Hess both felt that five days was too long a time to request a written report for their committee.  It should be done in less time.


MMA, Risk Management Agency has sent our new risk new policy.  Old ones are to be kept, not returned. The property casualty policy is up to date.

The workers comp policy is on the way.


A fuel tax refund of $ 366.06 from the State has been received.


Workshop available in September 13th, 14th, 23rd for public works program.

Asphalt workshop

Better Road Survey

KVCOG dispatch.  A letter was given to Wilson Hess.




Jay Guber spoke to Rich Baker of the DEP.  We can do any clean up we want related to the pond.  If trees and earth were to be removed, we would need a permit by rule. Cost is probably $50.00.  Jay Guber had received information from David Allen about speed limit signs going through the town. This he left with the Selectmen.  He also mentioned the solar sign that Unity has related to speeding.   This reminds people of how fast they are going.

 Jay Guber has been faxed all of the permits needed except for the building permit from Greg Harding who has a trailer off of Route 137.

Kim Holmes will be applying for a building permit to add on to a building.

Also Jay Guber spoke about KVCAP and a meeting on Sept 22nd.  The revolving loan with a low interest rate will be discussed.  He gave the information to Wilson Hess.  Jay said he might also attend. 


Pete Mattson, a resident of Pleasant Street, had spoken to Wilson Hess about the change in making Pleasant Street two- way.  He liked it when it was one-way.  He would like to see a 15 mph sign.  Pete Bowers also spoke about the basketball hoops that are right on the edge of the road by his property.   He also felt that the stop sign was ridiculous at the bottom of the hill coming from the Town office.  It was felt that it would help to slow the traffic down according to some present.   




Erna Keller said that the unveiling dedication of Red Mitchell’s monument would be on September 25th.  Time is unsure, but probably will be 12 noon.  The monies needed have been raised. 

Steve Bennett said that Bruce Peterson was going to plant a red maple tree.  He felt Red would have said rock maple or oak.  Jay Guber said an apple tree would have been to Red’s liking.

There are lots of Red stories.  Ernie Keller has had calls about him all over the county. 

Reggie Mitchell, Red’s son sent pictures and helped to write the inscription.


Jay Guber thanked the Comprehensive Committee for their super work and also he gave a thank you to the Selectmen.



Warren Spaulding was agreeable to working with Dave Bennett.  He

would advice, but he wouldn’t take on the job because of financial reasons.  He really would like to help, but was concerned if he got hurt or such it would be a problem.  Perhaps they could give him a stipend was a suggestion by Wilson Hess.  He suggested that they prepare a document and put him to work.


Wilson Hess has not spoken to Denis Jones yet about the billing,


Road Commissioner job description has not been written yet.


Special Town Meeting:

          Discussion about several of the articles was discussed.

The Special Town Meeting will be on Sept 1, 2004 at 7 p.m. at the Freedom Dirigo Grange


          Waldo County Vocational School has a bond that needs to be signed.  Wilson Hess and Steve Bennett signed this.


Wilson Hess felt that there was grant money for the fire department.  A motion was made to use the grant money for their renovations. This was seconded and approved.


Theresa Abbott needed a 3-ring binder and Steve Bennett has one for her.



          Warrants were signed for the following:


          Payroll $563.09

          Accounts Payable $2,849.27




Shirley MacGovern, mother of six youngsters, had been visiting on Smithton Rd at Larry Weiner’s camp.  Later on she learned that one of the town employees that had been working on the road was purportedly a sex offender.  She was very upset that she had not been forewarned.  Wilson Hess informed her that Maine has a public access law which is available on the Internet.  The town in hiring cannot discriminate. The employee has been an exemplary employee. 


Pete Bowers wanted to know about the bill received from Sullivan’s for the brown goods pick up done.  According to Wilson, who had investigated, the increased cost was because of the increased metal tonnage going from 3 tons to 14 tons of material.


 Meeting was adjourned at 8:40PM.


 Respectfully submitted,


 Marion Bowers     

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Selectmen present: Steve Bennett, Steve Cross, and Wilson Hess

Also present: Betty Sienkiewicz, Thressa Abbott, Thelma Ledden, Sallyann and Wassey Hadyniak, Dottie and Lendal Chase, Erna and Kevin Keller, Jim Waterman, Pete and Marion Bowers.

Steve Bennett called the meeting to order at 6PM.

The minutes were read and accepted with the following corrections.

Page 3, Salt bid was obtained for $.60 or $.70 less than had been quoted. The process of Homestein sentence was selected.

is to be deleted.

Under Road Commissioner, $4000 was the amount in 2002 and 2003.

Page 1, No major repairs would be made until an engineer looked at the dam.

Page 6 regarding prepatory court costs, there was a motion made, seconded and accepted to pay this.


A request for fill where the old snack shop had been has been received from the committee. At present they are unsure where it is to be placed. Erna Keller had hoped to discuss this with Bruce Peterson prior to this meeting. He had talked about jack hammering the ledge outcropping down and filling in that area.

Other suggestions were to put it where the old snack shack was and others want it to be placed down by the field. An invitation was extended to all interested parties to meet at the Town field on Wednesday around 7PM to further discuss this. Steve Bennett felt that the town should be represented as well by one of the selectmen.

Wilson Hess made a motion to recognize the recreation committee and to allow them to make the decision where the monument goes. This was seconded and approved.

Funds around $500 still need to be raised. Erna Keller did not have an exact fiqure from Bruce Peterson available.


Steve Bennett stated that we had recently received checks as follow:

Homestead Exemption: $15,675

MRC: $553.00

MMA $503.00

Joe St. Clair from Rockland DOT had left a message that the work on High Street has been postponed until next year because of historical preservation.

The selectmen had felt they could be patient until October or until nothing happened. However, if by then nothing had happened the Town would need to take some action.

Steve Bennett stated that trucks are coming down High Street and making partial turns, then having to back up and finish the turn. Sometimes two or three turns are necessary, creating a hazard as far as safety goes.


The issue of Pleasant Street being one way was again discussed. After a long discussion including making it two way for trucks only, with a discussion following. After this discussion, it was decided to return the street to a two way street for all traffic beginning September 1, 2004. A motion to this effect was made, seconded and approved by the Selectmen.

Signs for "Dangerous Intersection" should be posted.

Steve Bennett has been in touch with Attorney John Carver. The Marriner Paving issue was discussed and it was suggested that a $7,500 fund would be necessary just to start that action. Litigation could cost $25,000 to $30,000 if we were to follow through because we were dissatisfied with their work. Steve Bennett feels this would be a waste of money. The attorney felt it should go before a special town meeting and let them, the Town decides.

Also discussed was a letter Steve Bennett was going to write regarding the "threat " issue to the offending individual. The attorney felt that a letter should not be written to that person. It would just ratchet the issue up another level according to Wilson Hess if it were in writing. It is currently in the hands of the DA.

Sandy Pond Dam: Dana Murch had sent out a packet of information with a list of prospective owners of Sandy Pond Dam.

Attorney Carver went over ways of taking ownership of the dam. They were adverse possession; eminent domain or the third way was the easiest. Find out anyone who could have a claim on that dam have them sign a quick claim deed to the dam, including the state and then we could take over ownership. How much this would cost was not answered. He did say it would cost less than $5000.

Steve Bennett had received a call Friday from Robert Betcheman related to the rain. Water was flowing over the top of the dam. A few hours later he called back and it had risen two more inches. There were four inches overtopping the dam. Jim Waterman was contacted and a crew assembled to correct the situation on Saturday. Jim Waterman, Steve Bennett, Robert Betcheman, Matt Bennett, Drew Fales and Jason Wade made up the crew. They cleaned up the area and remedied the situation. We owe them a big thank you.

Sand and Salt Shed. Steve Bennett talked with former Selectman of Knox, Price, regarding their facility and went over to their town office. Cost for their shed, which is a 72’X110’ structure, was $150,000. It will hold 3,000 yards and they maintain 28 miles of road. Twenty to forty feet of gravel apron surround the facility with approximately one foot of gravel beneath it. Incidentally it is built on a gravel pit. Three inches of foundation with cement blocks around piled up with a sealer between. They did not get a $10,000 design plan as we had been previously told. It is basically large concrete blocks, no foundation, galvanized steel truss, tubing, anchor bolts and vinyl stretched over it. Vinyl has about a fifteen-year life. No door because they ran out of money. Vandalism has been a problem. Questions arose about the vinyl. Steve Bennett inquired as to why they didn’t go to steel and wood truss for a foundation. Ron Price felt it would have been twice as expensive. It cost Knox $50,000 to get to the point where they could begin to stack the blocks up and according to Wilson Hess $49,000for the labor.

If the shed were built on the Mitchell Road, we would need power, particularly if we were to put the town garage there. A quote for power would be $14,000 for three tenths of a mile.

Wilson Hess felt the town of Knox got hit pretty hard. A facility that comes into compliance would be done for a lot less. We could build something that would reduce the travel distance, and choose not to cover because of the expense, we have not worsened our situation and we are in compliance. We have reduced the town’s liability for salt pollution of adjacent wells. He suggested that we have a macadam base surrounded by blocks. Later on we could come in and cover it with something.

Steve Bennett brought up the fact that the loader would need to be covered. Wilson Hess suggested a $3,000 tarp could be used to cover it. Vandalism was brought up. The site is already gated.

Dave Bennett has provided a list of what needs to be done on a preliminary inspection of the town vehicles. Wilson Hess made a motion to authorize Dave to oversee this work on town time. This was seconded and approved. There is money available related to equipment. Vehicles have not had the salt removed as should have been done in the past. If Dave can do the work, he should do the work, otherwise have someone else do it.

Steve Cross had spoken with Warren Spaulding to see if he would be interested in helping with the roads. A winter road crew needs to be put together. It was felt that this could be a possible solution until Town Meeting time or November.

Wilson Hess made a motion that Warren Spaulding co-ordinate work for summer roads and to engage Dave Bennett and others for what needs to be done. Also to authorize Warren Spaulding to get together a winter crew and to co-ordinate preparation for winter road work through November 1st under the direction of the Selectman. This motion was made and seconded and approved by all Selectmen.

The Emergency Action Plan needs to be submitted, it is overdue. Jim Waterman has it in draft form at present. Who is the dam operator is one of the questions. It was decided to submit a draft with a cover letter related to the pending action of ownership claims at a special town meeting related. Wilson Hess will compose this letter. It is to be sent to Rick Ferris and copies to Tony Fletcher and Dana Murch.

Wilson Hess reported on a bill that had been received from Jerry Sullivan related to the Brown Goods pick-up. $5,000 had been budgeted for. The bill was for $10,873.72 with $7,000 going for tipping fees. This will have to be followed up on. There is the possibility that there is a $4-5,000 overage on cost. He will speak with Jerry Sullivan after he sees last years bill and sees the account from the past.

This past Friday, Aug 13th he and Steve Cross asked Herb Abbott to check on the roads because of the heavy rains This took about one and a half hours.

Wilson Hess has received a call from the Rockland DOT office regarding state aid roads;

part of Pleasant Street, High Street, and Palermo Road. There is a program available we have signed up for 2006, 2007, and 2008 for work to be done on state aid roads. Technically they pay 100 percent, but they don’t have money for all to be done according to what has been said in workshops. If the towns will prioritize the work that needs to be done, they will pay one-third. They would send out a representative Aug 31st in the PM if anyone were interested in that. Wilson Hess gave an example of wetted sand. He feels it is an opportunity to find out more. Steve Bennett expressed an interest.

Assessing continues. Friday all three of the Selectmen will be doing the Village, Sibley Road and a few other places. .


Steve Cross stated that the salt had been ordered. Comes in after October 15th.

Sand needs to be ordered. He has several pits he has to check. Will get Warren and perhaps his nephew to check on them. Some of them he is skeptical of and we still have a little time before a decision has to be made.

Road Commissioner job description was discussed. As Wilson Hess has stated before, as much language as possible should come from the "Powers and duties" statute, 2701, under highways. There was a long discussion on qualifications which he felt were not a part of a good job description. This person may not have the ability to do the work, but would able to supervise. Steve Bennett felt that the selectmen have the right to decide what his duties are. He asked that Wilson Hess speak with an attorney at MMA by the name of Stoltz. This issue will be discussed again next week.

Special Town Meeting: There was a long discussion among the Selectmen regarding some of the articles.

On Article 7 related to the term of the selectmen, there will be a recall provision.

The wording of this Wilson Hess will work on.

On Article 8 relating to the Sand and Salt Shed, Wilson Hess will bring some specifics to the article.

A motion was made, seconded and approved that with these additional provisions the Special Town Meeting will be held September 1, 2004 at 7PM at the Freedom Dirigo Grange Hall.

Steve Bennett has found a coverage certificate from the MMA for 2002 and 2003. He has not found a more recent one


Historical Society: Jim Waterman reported on this. Mets on the second Wednesday and voted to stay with the town. Minutes will be forthcoming. Checkbook and petty cash will be given to Cindy Abbott. The second has to do with the Old Town House and the removal of the sliding doors. They need to be removed and Lorraine Overlock would like a family member to have them as a relative of hers manufactured them. Otherwise they would be destroyed. No objections were raised so a motion was made, seconded and approved to give them to the interested party.

Also they are getting estimates to board up behind where the doors are now and frame it in, frame up a window and cover the area with plastic. This will use up most of the remaining funds.

A map of Waldo County has been restored professionally in Portland. This was done with a grant. It will be framed and be in the Town office.

Jim Waterman as EMA director noted that there are stones missing on the wall on the millpond side. These support the dam. Four are presently down in the water. They are large enough to require equipment to put them back in place. A gate was a possible consideration but was not desired by everyone. Posting does no good.

There will be an emergency exercise this weekend at Mount View High School. Eight towns will be participating. The town of Palermo will cover Freedom.

Wilson Hess wondered if the Towns fire department had the ability to be able to reach a three-story building. If it were two story, this would be possible, but with difficulty according to Jim Waterman. Otherwise the towns of Belfast or Fairfield are the two closest that could reach 72’.

A cistern in the ground would be essential, as several fire departments have pointed out.

Sprinklers, standpipes and several other ideas are possible.

No decision ha been made on the height of the new school.

Earthen Dam: Outdoor people had a negative opinion about the gate. A key would also be needed to open the gate by the Montville Fire Department. A neighborhood watch is a possibility. This has been a quiet summer.

New Signs: Jim Waterman needs signs to be made for Hawkins Lane and the Greeley road. One is for a new development near Tony Neves.

Steve Bennett thanked him for helping out Saturday morning.

Also the fire truck was taken in for the recall.


Theresa Abbott said the reports are coming in. They need to be in by the 31st of August. They will have a meeting in September for tallying the results.


Theresa Abbott was asked by Steve Bennett to check on some additional information related to people buried in the cemetery. She has obtained more information, but is not prepared to report on it tonight.


Steve Bennett stated that an unsigned letter has been received, stating that the school superintendent of schools, Dr. Lee will be here on Oct 7th.

Waldo County Selectman, July 10th, ten towns attended. Next meeting will be on Aug 26th at the Waldo Town Hall. Tape of the pro and cons of the Poleski groups will be heard. No one expressed interest in attending.

Letter from the Recreational Trail Funding: There is grant money available. Wilson Hess will respond.

John Piotti’s term on the KVOG Board of Directors expires in September. Wilson Hess has been nominated and there is the possibility he might accept if elected.

Application for a homestead exemption has been received from Mary Jane Jenkins.

Jay Guber dropped off some forms related to speed limits and an enhanced step down coming into Freedom. Wilson Hess wondered when we would see the signs designating the speed.


Warrants signed tonight:

Payroll $1,069.17

Accounts Payable $3,193.62

Steve Bennett adjourned the meeting at 9:15PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Marion Bowers

Back to Top


Selectmen present: Steve Bennett and Wilson Hess.

Also present: Betty Sienkiewicz. Theresa Abbott, Thelma Ledden, Jon Willette, Pete and Marion Bowers, and Dave Bennett.

The meeting began at 6 PM with Steve Bennett introducing Dana Murch, a hydropower and dam Supervisor from the DEP. This is an informational meeting about the earthen dam and open for discussion.

Steve Bennett gave a summary of what we do know about the dam. The dam is not claimed by anyone. The State thinks the same. There have been no tax bills issued to anyone in the past that can be found. About five years ago Possi Nason thought he might own the dam. He did own the island in the lake. He offered to sell or give his interest in the dam to the town. All three selectmen agreed to take it, however the town voted not to accept it. The town hired an attorney to do a title search and found that Nason’s interest was quite vague. What ever the interest was he had, it was transferred to a corporation in Newport he owned and in 1999 we were not sure it still existed. Since then, Nason sold the remainder of his interest to a new owner interest which did not mention the dam at all. The new owner of the island has no interest in the dam in reading the deed.

At a recent informational meeting with Tony Fletcher from the State and also attended by the Waldo County Emergency Management Director issues surrounding the dam were discussed. It has been over topped in the past few years.

Dana Murch has inspected the dam today. He also inspected it four or five years ago.

There are at least three places where there is evidence of over-topping. Also at that meeting a few weeks ago it was stated that the depth of the pond and the height of the dam are about the same. Water is seeping through the bottom of the dam which according to Tony is not a big problem. The clogging up of the spillway could cause the lake level to rise and trees and brush are a significant hazard and we need to take a good many of them down. We would not do any major repairs on this until we had an engineer look at the dam. Problems he found were 1. Trees on the dam, 2. Three places where it has over-topped, 3. Spillway, 4. Big hole in the middle of the dam where there had been a gate valve and 5. With the washing away of the dam, it would need to have the crest of the dam increased.

Dana Murch stated that he was here at the request of Everet Lingley in 2000 prior to the town meeting. On tax maps at that time the town owned at least part of it, if they are accurate. He wanted to know if we had had an attorney look at it. Steve Bennett has been unable to contact the attorney recently. The town is certainly an abutter when you look at the tax map according to Wilson Hess and depending upon how you define the extent of the dam the town owns a part of the dam. It would appear that the other abutter owns part as well. However no deed confirms this.

Dana Murch stated that prior to 1993 there was a law you had to register the dam if you owned it. This had to be registered with the Agriculture Department and was later transferred to the DEP. It was a process for dealing with dams that had become abandoned. Sandy Pond Dam, also known as the earthen dam, was one of those. A title search by DOT in 1989 was done and the DEP found no ownership and declared the dam abandoned. By law, it was posted to see if anyone wanted the dam for nothing. The only person responding was a Joseph Sadowski from Hudson. In October 1993 ownership was to be transferred to this individual. Transfer of title was never done because he never got metes and bounds from a surveyor. Also the registration of the dam needs to be done within one year for ownership. This was never done. Therefore it is considered an abandoned dam. At present registration is not required for ownership.

If the attorney were to investigate it may be possible that Mr. Nason was never notified. All in all ownership of the dam is muddled.

Wilson Hess stated that ownership is to be determined in the future and we now need an owner to be declared. Tax map also shows we own part of the dam.

There are several ways that this can be accomplished according to Steve Bennett. 1. By eminent domain, 2.Adverse possession. This could be argued in that the town has built the walkway feeling that they owned the dam.

If nothing is done according to Dana Murch, there is no major problem. The pond at its deepest is five to six feet deep. The water quality is stable or slightly improving. In the past it probably held more water. Theresa Abbott felt that the level had gone down a lot in the past ten years.

If we want it to hold more water something need to be done. Possibly fill in the big pit and washout with big rocks. It might be worthwhile having an engineer look at, particularly the valve and an old pipe.

Again Dana Murch reiterated the concerns related to the dam: 1.Dam washing out, 2. Spillway becoming clogged and could cause a washout. 3.Safety issues related to the trees and brush. 4. Trees on the dam can die and when they do, the roots rot and produce cavities where water can invade and would then require the rebuilding of the wall if they died. He suggested removing the brush, take out leaning trees, particularly one birch and it is essential that the spillway be kept clear.

Steve Bennett felt that people with common sense could remove the trees and fill in the holes they left. We could also fill in the sunken crest and maybe raise the crest where- ever it was needed. Also we could install flashboards or gates and remove them in the fall, put them in, in the spring.

Dana Murch asked what would happen if nothing were done to the dam. No one is under legal ownership of the dam at present. Eventually the dam would hold less and less water. It looks like it was a small pond to begin with having an average depth is six foot. Someone went up to this area and dammed the water. The sluiceway was probably opened in the morning and closed at night. It was really a storage pond for the mills in all probability. If no one does anything it will hold less water. If we want it to hold water clearly something needs to be done.

The town has no legal right to do any thing at present. How do we obtain ownership?

Wilson Hess would like to know what the State’s position is. The town is willing to step in arguably. So what is the State’s position relative to that dam? Ownership is a mess according to Dana Murch. It is not clear that the DEP notified everyone in the abandonment process. The process no longer exists because of lack of money.

Wilson Hess wanted to know if the town did the metes and bounds would it change the situation. It is not clear that anyone has the legal authority to do anything.

Steve Bennett wondered if we approached our attorney and posted a legal notice regarding anyone with ownership of the dam to make themselves known. The State would not get in the way, but it would serve no purpose.

How do we get to own the dam? According to Dana Murch, eminent domain is one way. Adverse possession is another way. Assume the town wants to take ownership, of the dam; we would be taking a financial liability. No one else wants to own it. DEP has already attempted to find ownership of the dam.

Wilson Hess felt that we since we are an abutter we could do the boundary line, come up with the metes and boundaries and could go then go to all potential owners and ask them to execute a quick claim to the town. According to Wilson Hess eleven years ago DEP had a pretty good list of suspects, which Dana Murch can provide.

The structure of the dam, what it encompasses, is there any place that the DEP has this anywhere was a question Wilson Hess asked. He feels it would be of the best interest to the town to obtain ownership of the dam. Safety and health factors in the future must also be considered. Also the recreational values of the lake along with property valuations are also a consideration.

If it goes before the town meeting and is accepted, then Dana Murch would go to the attorney generals office and see if we need to do something. DEP would be added to the list of those notified.

Dana Murch was thanked by all for his information.

Steve Bennett called the usual Selectmen’s meeting to order at 7:15 PM. The minutes were read and one addition was made. Elwin Turner had also received a call from Jeff Richardson making the same comment as he had to others. With this addition they were accepted.

Later in the evening Jon Willette requested a change be made in the past minutes where he was given credit for washing "Big Red." He was not the one who did this.

A motion was considered to reimburse Jon Willette for the ear shield. He refused this.

Steve Cross called in salt bid and he got it for a lesser amount, $.60 or $.70. Wilson Hess was unsure of the exact amount.

Wilson Hess was asked if he had spoken to Denis Jones yet because of the higher fee he had charged. In addition Steve Bennett felt that it should have been for $6.00a yard. He asked that when Wilson does speak to Denis Jones that he mentions the latter statement.

A letter has not been sent off to Jeff Richardson until Steve Bennett talks to the attorney.


Steve Bennett congratulated Wilson Hess for being a good witness in this recent court case and for not backing down. Steve Bennett expressed his appreciation, as did Jon Willette.

Wilson Hess wanted to express his appreciation for all the folks who worked on Freedom Field Day. The attendance of youngsters was good. Also for those people who were involved in the parade and also for the Grange speaker, a Maine humorist, they all should be thanked. It was a good day.

There are about 100 homes that still need to be looked at for taxes and this should take place next week. Thursday, he and Steve Bennett will look at more. It is still Wilson Hess’s hope that they will be done by Labor Day. There have been many corrections. Once this is done then they can begin the process of figuring out the taxes.

Mr. Hess was at the protection order for Jon and he would like this corroborated and put into the record that as he came into the court house, he greeted and was greeted by Jeff Richardson and once again Jeff Richardson spoke to him directly stating that he could have made this go away two or three weeks ago. We will see about this. It is in the town’s best interest and it is important to take action related to town employees, whether true or false. It is important to stand by our employees. It is not right to constrain town employees while they are on the job.

We have the resignation of the road commissioner. A motion was made and seconded to

accept Elwin Turner’s resignation with regret.

The CEO was expected to be here and isn’t so we will have twenty minutes extra.


Recreational Committee: Steve Bennett was asked by the Kellers to put some fill around the area where the old snack shack was. They were also questioned as to when and where the monument to Red Mitchell was going to be put. They also were asked if they were going to take some trees down. There was some indecision in their answers. There is a need for a representative to come in to a selectmen’s meeting and report what is going on. Wilson Hess had also questioned them and also got vague answers.


Theresa Abbott stated that Jon Willette had taken down trees today and had done a wonderful job. Theresa had picked up a lot of brush. Herb was the overseer. Cemeteries that were worked on were on Russell Road, Penney’s on Mitchell Road and Danforth’s on Hardwood Lane. These three cemeteries are all done and look good. Drew Fales has cleaned the Cummings Cemetery, which is located on a road off the North Palermo Rd.

Yet to be done are one or two down behind Rick Martins. They have several names.

On one of them Steve Bennett remembers the gravestone stating that this person was the first doctor born in Freedom. Repairs are necessary in some of the cemeteries. There are broken iron posts and gravestones that require repair. They will need a type of mortar to repair some of them. Wilson Hess thanked them for their work. He also mentioned that people come looking at cemeteries here and they go away with an impression of how they are cared for. It is a reflection on the town. A former selectman had done extensive research, Norman Eliot and his wife, on all the old cemetery lots. When he died this was not given to the town. It is in the archives in August. Steve Bennett asked Theresa Abbott to check and see if we could get a copy of this. Wilson Hess suggested that she call our Historical Society and they might be interested in following up on this. Steve Bennett has had several people ask him about Beaver Hill Congregational Church and Cemetery. Thelma Laden felt that Harry had found it. She will follow up on this.

Thompson Hill Cemetery is in Montville.

Jon Willette mentioned that the Russell Rd is in bad repair and needs attention. This makes it difficult to get to the cemetery. This will have to wait until we get a road commissioner.


Theresa Abbott said that they would begin distributing the survey this week. Responses can be left at the town office, the post office and at the General Store. There are one hundred and twenty-six surveys that will go out of state.


We have received a letter from the Revenue Service that indicates that there will be a change in the farm and open space tax law.

All towns in the state received an application for pre-disaster mitigation grant money. This was given to Wilson Hess.

There were some bills related to the Fire Department. They will be given to Cindy.


Road Commissioner: Selectmen have a lot of authority in deciding what the duties of the road commissioner are. Salary is not included. Steve Bennett has written up a job description of the position for Public Works Director/ Road Commissioner since none was found. A copy of which is attached.

Wilson Hess had two issues, one immediate and one a future issue. We have an immediate need for a road commissioner and the job description is right on the bull’s eye for now. Do we want to have a director of public works in the future? This would need to be voted on at a town meeting.

The selectmen have to act as road commissioner when there is none.

In the town budget the road commissioner was to be paid $4,000 according to the 2003 report. However he was paid almost $11,000. Presently the road commissioner now goes out and gets someone else to do everything. It becomes an $18.per hour position. Steve Bennett feels it should be a salaried position, not an hourly rate. It is a multi-skilled position. A question was brought up about the road commissioner preparing the road annual budget for that position. One has to consider the knowledge this person should have since he has been directly involved.

The duties as they are now written need to be looked at and changes made if necessary and voted on quite soon. We need to post an opening for this position quite soon as well.

There is only $2000 left for that position.

Wilson Hess feels that if we are going to get the ideal commissioner at $18.00 an hour, we are probably going to get some one who views it as a public service and money may not be the issue.

The selectmen need to elect someone and this takes at least a month.

Steve Cross asked Dave Bennett if he would be interested in maintaining the vehicles and they would find someone else to do the roads for the time being.

Wilson Hess explained that the Selectmen act in a supervisory position until the vacancy is filled.

Wilson Hess feels that an election is the way to go and that won’t be before the middle of September.

In the meantime work needs to be done on the vehicles. Dave Bennett mentioned that work needs to be done on one of the plows, belts need to be put in one of the sanders, and hourly meters need to be put in and he has made up a clip board with daily check off and put them in the two new trucks. The meters have not been installed according to Jon Willette.

Wilson Hess felt that they should offer Dave Bennett this work and asked him if he could come up with a list of what needs to be done in the next couple of weeks. Jon Willette offered his help.

Anyone interested should apply and come see the selectmen.

Wilson Hess felt that we should pull from the language of Powers and Duties of the Road Commissioner anywhere we can in this job description.

Employee re-imbursement for Jon Willette’s preparatory court cost was $101.30. He was working for the town when all of this occurred. No attorney fees were involved. A motion was made and seconded to reimburse him this amount. This motion was approved.

Planning Board met last week. Steve Bennett had left information for them for an upcoming workshop for planning board members and members of the board of appeals.

A motion was made for members of the planning board to attend one of the workshops if they so desire. They could spend up to $120.00 to attend. This motion was approved.

An elected officials workshop is being sponsored by MMA. Steve Bennett would like to go to. Wilson Hess made a motion that they spend $20.00 for Steve to attend. This was approved.


3.Earthen dam

4. Marriners paving

5. Legal fees

6. Selectmen’s term change with a recall provision

1. Salt and Sand Shed

2. Design plans for Town garage

3. Deleted.

There was much discussion between the two selectmen regarding Article 7. Wilson Hess felt that a macadam base and then concrete blocks or a poured foundation topped with a metal frame and fabric would suffice. The fabric is guaranteed for twenty years. The cost would be estimated at $40,000. He was not wild about building a frame structure.

Steve Bennett will talk to either Clayton or Galen Larrabbe before he makes a decision. The size of the structure would be 75X110.

The warrant as it is cannot be voted on tonight. August 31 would be the date for the special town meeting.

It is not known if they need approval of the budget committee. They will be asked to attend next week.


Payroll $1,318. was approved.

A request for a concealed firearm for Lillian Phillips was approved.

Jon Willette brought up the fact that several of the signs for roads in town are missing.

He also reminded the Selectmen about attending a workshop for Dig Safe in September.

The meeting was adjourned at 9 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Marion Bowers

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Selectmen present: Steve Bennett, Steve Cross and Wilson Hess.

Also present: Sallyann and Wassey Hadyniak, Thelma Ledden, Theresa Abbott, Betty Sienkiewicz, Elwin Turner, Jay Guber, Jon Willette, Pete and Marion Bowers.

At 6PM, prior to the usual meeting Selectman Steve Bennett asked Jay Guber introduced our guest speaker, Phil Curtis, a local Maine road consultant, who is hired by the DOT to speak about road conditions, particularly about salt, sand and shed technology. The latest advice related to road conditions in the winter will also be discussed.

Mr. Curtis began his talk by stating that the method of treating snow and ice has changed. The DOT is getting away from the use of sand. Salt will be a priority. Sand will be used only when necessary.

Brine is made using liquid calcium chloride along with the salt. Applying this to the road prevents the snow and ice from freezing on the road. How successful has this been? From a higher level of service, lower cost, and getting back to safer driving conditions the answer is yes. As to customer satisfaction there are times during a storm that the conditions can be very slippery. The demand from the public has been for a higher level of service.

Sand has a higher level of pollutant in it, which has been a concern of the DOE. The Clean Air Water Act of 1993 had tied into it some timetables when dealing with water. Rivers and streams had to be cleaned up. What we are now finding is clean air is not clean in the winter when we spread sand. It becomes dust, which is not acceptable because of the size of the grain of sand. After the 1993 Act the size of the sand granule had to be so small that it could not be seen. It had to have a pm level of 2.5. Prior to 1993 it was 10. Sand always is left behind, in ditches, culverts and eventually into the waterways, brooks, streams, river etc. With the brine system, a better job, less expensive and a higher level of service are possible. More and more municipalities are going this route. Using sand gives a false sense of security but it has nothing to do with the ability to stop. There is also the cost of clean up after using sand.

The main objective is to get back to black pavement. The brine technique gets us back to normal quicker. Sweepers can only pick up about 25% of the sand used.

For Freedom to change will involve an operational change. This has been a struggle for those who have changed to the salt brine system. There are three important "rights" for it to be successful. Basically they are right amount, right place, and the right time. All are essential for success. These were discussed at length with those present who had questions along with the costs involved including equipment. We would need 1. A ground speed control system, 2. An on board pre-wetting system and 3. A pavement temperature-sensing device. An estimated basic system would be $6, 500 per unit. . The hydraulic pump system is problem free, not so with an electric system. Also mentioned was the fact that the spreaders would need to be washed after each storm because of the corrosive action of the calcium chloride. Maintenance on equipment will need to be done more often. Also needed would be a plastic storage tank for the liquid calcium. Necessary training is available. Mr. Curtis felt it took about three seasons for the operator to gain confidence in adjusting to the needed changes with each storm. He also pointed out that there is a 10 to 15% decrease in operational time.

Using the salt and calcium brine technique costs much less than the sand and salt technique. In an example he gave us the difference per mile for sand and salt was$250 and the salt calcium mix was $37.50 The town of Freedom has about 25 miles that need to be treated.

Steve Bennett called the regular meeting of the selectmen to order at 7:12PM.

Jay Guber, code enforcement officer, gave a list of recent building permits.

Betty Sienkiewicz for an 8X12 deck addition on 144 Bryant Rd.

An application from CMP for Jeff Scott, which he is not going to fill out.

Proper procedure has not been properly followed even though he has been instructed.

Peter Coughlin has just sent a packet of information to the Selectmen.

Eric Kluck has faxed more information regarding the salt-sand shed.

Everyone has been notified the town has complied with the required drainage ditch and erosion control.

Mr. Guber will wait until he gets the word from the selectmen to contact the people at DEP in regards to the Dam. Steve Bennett talked with Dana Murch, a supervisor from the DEP Dam and Hydro- power regarding the Dam and he will be here next week.

Rick Baker, from the DEP, on the shoreline ordinances, will also be asked to attend by Mr. Guber.

A trailer present on the Belfast RD was questioned. The owner has been into the office for information. He has initiated contact with Jay Guber.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

Mr. Bennett stated that anyone who wants to get paid must have the necessary information in by Thursday, as Cindy will be on vacation.

Cindy has produced an Income and Expense Statement through the end of July. At the beginning of the year the check book balance was $192,000. Currently it is $90,000. Mr. Bennett would like to have the budget numbers put into the computer as well.

Mr. Bennett felt that the meeting related to the Earthen Dam was worthwhile.

Recently an individual came into the town office and spoke with the town clerk. This person wanted her to speak with the selectmen and make sure they understood that a certain town employee should not carry his case any further. He should just drop it. If this wasn’t done, allegedly he would make life difficult and sue the town blind or words to that effect. Wilson Hess has been subpoenaed so he had no comment. Mr. Bennett will respond formally to the individual. An addition was made that Elwin Turner had received the same type of phone call.

Road Commissioner Report:

Elwin Turner stated that all the FEMA work has been done. Reports need to be made out regarding this work. They will probably want to inspect the work as well.

Mr. Hess liaison with Jim Waterman, gave a report. A draft of the emergency action plan has been made. It will be acted on next week. There is also the need to identify a Dam operator.

Mr. Hess had a list of people he would like to extend thanks to.

Steve Bennett for the use of his roller in the town.

Also a thank you to Cindy for the work she did earlier but also for working on a project related to the fuel tax. The town is exempt. With her help and Paul we are going to get back $366. The last time this was done is not known. The tax has to be paid and then it is reimbursed when applied for. The town saves money when regular diesel is bought by doing it with a key card or with a slip and the number of gallons and price on it.

Also a thank you to Jon Willette,Elwin Turner and Arthur Richardson for chipping on the Greeley RD.

The Girl Scouts have donated mulch out front, so a thank you to them.

Mr. Hess also has spoken with Herb Abbott to check on cemeteries and see what work needs to be done and do it.

The Historic Preservation Grant was not funded. We have been encouraged to reapply in October.

In relationship to Jon Willette, Mr. Hess has spoken with the MMA as to whether legal counsel should be obtained. They recommended that an incident report be filed. The need for monies for a worker to have a protection order needs to be considered. At present we have no legal fund. Mr. Bennett suggested that he speak with Attorney John Carver.

Mr. Cross wanted to thank you Jon Willette for purchasing ear shields and he felt should be reimbursed. A motion was made and seconded to reimburse Jon for them .He also wanted to thank Mr. Hess for the use of his chipper.

Mr. Bennett gave Elwin Turner a copy of a letter requesting information needed in writing by August 10th. This letter was signed by all three selectmen. Elwin felt he had most of the information readily available except for salaries. This information requested will be helpful in preparing for the next year. Last year he stated we purchased 160 tons of salt and used 150. This year he has requested 130 tons from the co-op. Sand 2,000 yards are needed for this year, plus what we have now for a total of 3000 yards.

Elwin Turner was asked about how he felt about using the brine mixture. He was against it at present. Steve Cross felt that we should wait as well. Mr. Hess felt that we should seriously consider it for the future. Steve Bennett agreed with Mr. Hess.


Sallyann Hadyniak read a cover letter that will go out with the survey. Volunteers are still needed. There are only four people doing all this work.


A request from the Maine State Police regarding a concealed weapon permit for Harold Christensen was Okayed.

Special town meeting August 24th to be considered for the following:

Earthen Dam

Marriner Paving

Legal Fund

Changing terms of selectmen, staggered, but for a 3-year term.

Salt and Sand Containment

Town Garage

Road Commissioner

These will be discussed next week.


Payroll: $1,111.73

Accounts Payable: $10,001.14

There was a discussion regarding the amount that Denis Jones had charged. Wilson Hess would discuss this with him.

Shortly after this, Elwin Turner, had a few words to say and turned in his garage key.


There was a great deal of correspondence little of which required action.

The MMA workers comp loss is $503. 00. This is a loss ratio of 9%

Waldo County Commissioner meets Aug 17th. They have reduced the regions down from seven to five.

Alpha I will be having a workshop September 22nd.

Also one on sexual harassment on Sept 14th.

MMA will be having a dinner Nov 28th, $40 per person, for frequently

asked questions.

A fax has arrived from the state related to reimbursements. Information related to formulas and TRIO with an attached report. This was given to Mr. Hess.

The meeting adjourned at 9:10 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Marion Bowers


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Minutes of the Freedom Selectmen’s Meeting July 27 2004

Those in attendance were 1st. Selectman Steve Bennett, 2nd Selectman Wilson Hess, and 3rd Selectman Steve Cross was absent due to overworking in being out in the field with Wilson Hess. Also present were, Harold and Viola Greeley, Cy and Marilyn Perry, Hilary and Tom Fleming, Theresa Abbott, Jay Guber, Wassey and Sallyann Hadyniak.

1st. Selectman Steve Bennett opened the meeting at 7:50 because prior to that time starting at 6 p.m. there were two representatives from the Waldo County and State of Maine Emergency Management Offices that explained the situation regarding the Earthen Dam #3 and answered questions. It was in Informational informal meeting. Mr. Bennett showed several photo’s of Sandy Pond to give the public a better idea of the layout of the pond.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

The spelling of Skidduels was corrected to Skidgels.

Corrections to the minutes of the Selectmen’s meeting of July 20, 2004 are as follows:

It was stated by Mr. Hess that the road work needs to be done by August 4th and not the 15th.

Mr. Steve Bennett found a 1998 study of the concrete dam in the office

The warrants didn’t need to be signed, the warrants were signed.

Wilson Hess moved to pass the corrections as read and it was second by

Steve Bennett.

Selectmen’s Report:

Mr. Steve Bennett

A. Mr. Steve Bennett stated the town warrants had been signed in the amount of $924.10 which included CMP, office supplies, telephone, etc. The total of the payroll warrant was $1,203.84.

B. Road information will be passed until next week. A draft of a cover letter will be attached to survey by Comprehensive Planning Board to be signed by the Selectmen and Hilary Fleming will have it ready next week. Mr. Wilson requested the change to the cover letter at the top should be We.

C. Mr. Bennett suggested that a date for a special meeting should be set to discuss the Earthen Dam #3, (Sandy Pond), Marriners, salt and sand shed and town garage.

D. Mr. Bennett would like to see Mr. James Cassida of the Department of Environmental Protection to get involved regarding the Earthen Dam from Augusta. His phone number is 287-7811. His title is Enforcement and Field Services Regional Supervisor Central Maine Region.

Mr. Hess:

A. Approximately 1000 yards in sand is left. The co-operative buy is postponed in July and a decision has to be made next month because the word is that salt is going to China.

Comprehensive Planning Committee:

A. Hilary Fleming reported that Chris Huck (from KVKOG) will attend the Comprehensive Planning Committee meeting on Thursday and invited the Selectmen to attend. Mr. Hess said he would be unavailable but Mr. Bennett stated that he would attend. Mrs. Fleming requested that Mr. Huck bring some special maps and to see if he can give us any idea as how to raise some money to help with this project. The survey is complete and will be hand delivered. If a resident needs help in filling it out we will be at their disposal. We will also return to pick up the completed survey from those that cannot make it to the drop off boxes that will be located in Freedom General, Freedom Town Hall and possibly the Freedom Post Office. Mrs. Fleming wants a list of property owners and will call Cindy Abbott for address of non Maine residents. Next step is to look at the inventory and call the folks at KVKOG for Comprehensive Planning and updating the Comprehensive Plan. We will have a comprehensive plan!

Code Enforcer Officer:

Jay Guber

A, Mr. Guber received a phone call from someone out of state and said they would like to see the 13 acres of land on Sandy Pond turned into a golf course. Upon talking to Mr. Skidgel, Mr. Guber found out that Mr. Skidgel is passing the land onto his daughter to sell the property. Mr. Guber found more boundaries, and stated that Mr. Skidgel is aware and will dispose of the tires. They also may be a chance that Mr. Skidgel will offer some of the property to the town.

B. Peter M. Coughlan P.E. Director of Community Service Division Department of Transportation was asked by Mr. Guber when their tech was going to get in touch with us with the intent to help us out. We haven’t received an answer but Mr. Guber is working on it.

C. David Allen from DOT didn’t know what is going on with the turn around. Mr. Guber requested that Mr. Allen send a letter to the town confirming that Mr. Guber stated that we asked for a down speed limit and said he would get it out next week.

D. Mr. Guber gave his opinion upon leaving that he feels it is NOT in the best interest of the town to claim ownership of the Earthen Dam (#3). He feels the town of Freedom should show a little of Freedom to push it away onto them and not to us. Mr. Guber stated the state will NEVER breech the pond for numerous reasons.

Open Discussion:

A. Marilyn Perry said that Greeley and Rollins Road are sinking. It was graded twice and the road is a mess. It was suggested that the Road Commissioner be invited to the next meeting. To answer the questions that the public has for him.\

B. Another question asked was when the brush is going to be picked up.

C. Mr. Greeley had several questions regarding the sand shed. Mr. Hess explained that it would be cheaper to move it from its present place. It would be placed on a slab and the cost will be changed dramatically. If the Sand Shed is placed anywhere on the loop you will be cutting out 3 miles round trip. Mr. Hess and Mr. Bennett walked around the present area and the salt is running off from the pile into the ground. They were approached by a prospective buyer, and thought if they can sell for a reasonable price and get almost as much money for a garage by the old dump. There are monitoring wells at the dump site and it is more cauterized. Wetted salt will cut the amount of sand drastically. We must get a man in from DOT to explain it all, and it must be done fast for the clock is ticking.

D. Mr. Bennett stated that there are 4 or 5 big issues that need to be dealt with.

E. Theresa Abbott is very concerned about the corner across from her house. Trucks keep running over her grass and the state still has not started work in that area. Mrs. Abbott would like to know how long it wills we have to wait and if it will be done this season. Everyone would like to see what happens for we could be waiting a long time. It was suggested that we wait till October 1, 2004. Mrs. Abbott also reported that the street lights are working very well now.

Mr. Wilson Hess made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:34 and it was second by Mr. Steve Bennett. All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Sallyann Hadyniak


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Minutes of the Freedom Selectmen’s Meeting July 20, 2004

Those in attendance were 1st. Selectman Steve Bennett, 2nd Selectman Wilson Hess, and 3rd. Selectman Steve Cross. Also present were, Betty Sienkiewicz, Thelma Ledden, Jon Willette, Wassey and Sallyann Hadyniak.

1st Selectman Steve Bennett opened the meeting at 6 p.m.

It was stated by Sallyann Hadyniak that the meeting was going to be recorded.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

Corrections to the minutes of the Selectmen’s meeting of July 13, 2004 are as follows:

A special town meeting may need to be held in August to discuss Marriners work on Greeley and Bryant Rd. Steve Bennett moved to pass the minutes with the correction and it was second by Wilson Hess. All were in favor.

Steve Bennett questioned the inspection of the Earth Dam in 2002. He spoke to Carol Richardson about it and she didn’t know a thing. If there was anything in there, it should be in a folder marked dam or Sandy Pond. Mr. Hess stated he saw a report somewhere in the office not similar to 2003 report but dated 2002 addressed to Mike Turner regarding the dam

Mr. Bennett didn’t look to see if the snack shack was moved and Jon Willette stated that he and Herb Abbott discussed it and thought it could be moved with the pay loader. Herb Abbott contacted Jim Waterman to see if he wanted them to move it and at this time, Jim Waterman did not get back to Herb Abbott.

Erna Keller told Wilson Hess if they want to get into the shack to remove whatever is in there, they can get into the shack by lifting the pins out of the hinges. Jon Willette disagreed because the hinges are on the inside. Erna told Steve Bennett that she will give a key to Dave Bennett who didn’t want to move it with anything in there. Since it wasn’t done, Steve Bennett suggested that they cut the lock.

There may be good news about Skidduels that they will remove the tires himself from the property.

It has been reported by Cindy Abbott that the Road Commissioner, Elwin Turner has been paid $4,500.00 already. $7,000.00 has been reserved for the Road Commissioner. A fair piece of that amount is FEMA related. It was reported by Wilson Hess that Mr. Turner does write down how much of that is FEMA related.


Mr. Steve Cross had nothing to report.

Mr. Wilson Hess:

A. The GIS grant that we put in was not approved because we do not have a Comprehensive Plan! We did not score high enough on points. The grant was to take the tax maps and have them digitalized. We will try again next year for it isn’t a one shot deal. Sallyann Hadyniak stated we will try very hard to have a Comprehensive Plan in effect next year! The dollar figure attached to that is $4.00 a parcel, so there were seven hundred and odd parcels, so we are looking at $28,300.00 that we were going to get. Put another $2,000.00 out of the budget into it which was left over from last year and we would have a $5,000.00 project.

B. Mr. Hess met with the Historical Society at their request. They are trying to understand better their role to be town or a private entity. They have interesting and valuable item’s that is town property and since they are stored in several houses they feel liable if something should happen. One item is a very valuable map of Waldo County dated from the 1800’s. Jim Waterman was part of the workshop that explained town properties. They have lots of pictures, books, and an organ worth a couple of thousand dollars. They thought that perhaps they can be stored at the town hall or after the old town hall is restored; the items can be kept safely there if something should happen in their homes, these articles can never be replaced and there is a case of liability.

C. Roads: The brush work was completed last week. The brush needs to be picked up and dumped at Arthur Richardson’s property. As of tonight, the brush was still there.

D. Because of the detour, the state did a great job of grading Smithton and Mitchell Roads while working on North Palermo Road putting in culverts.

E. Cindy Abbott done a lot of work reconciling finances and is in the process of putting tax cards in hanging binders. Wilson suggested that Cindy hire her daughter to do it. She is 17 years old and will work for less money putting them into a three ring binder.

F. Cindy Abbott has also produced the end of the month statement for July and is just waiting for two items. Wilson compared the bank statements to the computer and all was o.k. There was a problem with the computer but it was fixed. Wilson also has some information that he will discuss later on in the meeting regarding the salt and shed building.

Mr. Steve Bennett:

  1. Steve Bennett stated that it would be nice to see the monthly statements.
  2. Mr. Bennett questioned if all the roads were done and Jon Willette said "no". One day they were working and the next day Mr. Jones pulled the tractor out and they were gone. Mr. Hess said he had a discussion with Dennis Jones last week and Mr. Jones stated that they were almost done on everything and not done on almost anything. He indicated that there was about $3,000.00-$4,000.00 work to be done over the amount of the check. The work needs to be done by the 15th of August.
  3. Jon Willette was shown by Herb Abbott how to operate the pay loader but Elwin Turner said the pay loader cannot be used on a tar road. Jon offered his tractor but because he does not have insurance it cannot be used. Jon suggested that a truck dump the dirt on the road and a grader come along and push it out of the road... Jon also went on Smithton road to fix the T sign, and on Sibley Road to pack dirt down with his truck to prevent washing out. A lengthy discussion was held and the person responsible for getting the work done was not at the meeting to discuss it. Beaver Ridge Road was worked on also. Dennis Jones said the work will be done, but Mr. Hess has little confidence that project can be done or done well. Mr. Hess also stated that people complained about Davis Road. There was a big rock in the two inch screen stuff. There are lots of people have their observations and want to talk to someone. Mr. Hess said the work will get done the last minute but on time.
  4. Mr. Bennett suggested that the three Selectmen meet regarding the taxes. He received a Veterans exemption, couldn’t find anything in the file application for Ken Norwood, 2004, tree growth roster make sure it’s correct. On a lighter note, James Caldwell, regarding the Northland building on Greeley Road jumped from his taxes on the building from $15,000.00 to $56,000.00. He must have been overcharged!
  5. All three Selectmen will meet at 8 a.m. on Friday to do field work and visiting properties.
  6. Mr. Hess was surprised to hear from people during the last couple of days regarding the meeting on the 27th regarding the discussion of the Earthen Dam (#3). He got the idea that people are interested. Mr. Wilson will pull down a satellite image of the dam and pond.
  7. Mr. Bennett spoke to Tony Fletcher and will be at the Freedom Town landing and do an inspection of Earthen Dam in the afternoon before the meeting. Rick Ferris will be there at 2:30.
  8. A copy of a letter delivered to the office by Mr. Ferris or Mr. Fletcher that was sent to the town office last August asking Carol Richardson to complete Dam information sheets. Mr. Bennett called Mrs. Richardson and she said she gave it to Jay Guber and Mr. Guber turned it over Rick Ferris. There was nothing on the report about the Earthen Dam. Mr. Guber also reported that the report was very confusing. Mr. Bennett fount a 1998 study of concrete in the office and read a small bit of the report found. There was another lengthy discussion regarding the report and contents. According to the state the Earthen Dam is an emergency plan.
  9. Mr. Bennett said we must focus on the salt/shed project. We want to know more about the pre wetting salt and meet with someone from the state for a full explanation. Peter (representative from the state) was supposed to contact his man to get in touch with us and they never did.
  10. Mr. Hess asked Jon Willette and Herb Abbott to get the loader and deal with the run off issue and to use tar from ripped off tar on Ayer Ridge Road. The work was done by Mr. Willette by using junk hay, etc. He drew a diagram for the Selectmen to show how the work was done to prevent sand from running into the land.
  11. Another lengthy discussion regarding the salt and sand shed was held. Photo’s of different styles were shown and it would cost approximately $150.000.00. Mr. Hess threw in an estimate and suggested we could do it for half of what the state would do it for and by discussing all the measurements and figures he wanted to share with the people he turned $150,000.00 into a myth. Mr. Hess played with a few number of various sizes on a slab with a cover on top and it will cost in the neighborhood of $23,000.00.
  12. It was notes that Lane Construction did a great job on the roads.
  13. Mr. Bennett wanted it in the minutes that he purchased a load of gravel from Keith Brown and is being billed separately.
  14. Mr. Hess suggested that at some point explore the notion of offering to folks that live on discontinued roads by saying the town will be willing to facilitate a group purchase of gravel at the town’s price if you all are interested in doing this. It may be a good idea/a bad idea, if it can be done/if it can’t be done but want the people who live on discontinued roads to know that the town is willing to meet them half way if they want to do some work on the road they live on.


A. An invitation to the annual Maine Property Tax School for abutting assessors (class) for one week.

B. We have our signed copy for Mutual Aid from Montville.

C. A new media campaign to tell the public about storm related issues. It should be given Jay Guber and will be left on Cindy’s desk.

D. Another Ballet From MMA—Legislative Policy Comm. One Candidate namely Sandra Blake. Steve Bennett, Wilson Hess and Steve Cross voted and signed the ballot.

E. No town officers report.

F. Comprehensive Planning Board will be meeting on Thursday and the survey’s will be hand delivered and then help fill them out/return to pick them up and set up boxes in the Freedom General Store, the Post Office and Freedom Town Hall.

Old Business:

A Marriners Paving is all done! We can be an ostrich and stick our head in the sand, or take it to court. $5,000.00 as a retainer and up to $25,000.00 or $30.000.00 to take them to court and still come away empty handed. Or we could decide to drop it, and just chalk it up to an expensive lesson learned. Let it be up to the people and have a special town meeting and let the people decide what to do. We must also respond to the attorney.

It was stated that Lane Construction did a great job.

This is old business for next week and we’ll eat that frog one way or another. July 27, 2004

B We are waiting for the state to do something on High Street before the issue of Pleasant Street is resolved. We have to take a position. It must be voted on safety vs. inconvenience

C The High Street signs were taken down; therefore Cindy will be notified by Jon Willette to order more signs.

D Jon Willette cut the tree by the 30 MPH sign.

No New Business:


A. Need to be signed.

B. Steve Bennett will call Dennis Jones and Elwin Turner.

C. Wilson Hess stated that all brush money is spent at this point.

A motion was made by Steve Bennett at 8:10 to close the meeting. Wilson Hess second and motion was carried. All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Sallyann Hadyniak


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Minutes of the Freedom Selectmen’s Meeting July 13, 2004

Selectman present: Wilson Hess. Selectmen Steve Bennett was in Boston and Steve Cross is recuperating from having a pacemaker and a defibrillator put in place.

Also present: Jay Guber, Thelma Ledden, and Sallyann Hadyniak and Marion Bowers.

Selectman Hess opened the meeting at 6:02.

Minutes were read and approved after corrections in spelling of names, Gerry Spaulding and Hilary Fleming.

Mr. Hess gave information on Dam #3, the earthen dam. There was an evaluation done by Waldo County and the State in 2002 and a written report in 2003.

The concrete dam #1 which is the lower Sandy Pond dam is in good shape.

Dam #2 which creates the millpond has been breached.

Dam #3 is in slow deterioration and is a potential hazard. If it overflows Dam #1, both bridges would go.

Rick Farris, a representative from the Waldo County and Maine Emergency Management will be at a meeting on July 27th at the Dirigo Grange Hall to discuss the situation. There is a fund in the State to help maintain such dams.

In 1980 The EPA deemed title to the abutting landowners of the area. Currently it is Grassi and the Town. If the landowners don’t correct the situation, people on the pond could ask for ownership.

The State’s solution is to breach such dams to prevent further problems.

Cindy has now been able to reconcile the checkbook with the computer. This will be routinely checked on a monthly basis. As of 6/30/04 check book balance was $117,944.77. Deposits: $27,000, Written checks: $66,000. This was for the month.

The North Palermo RD will be closed July 19, 20, and the 21st. The State will be doing work on the culverts.

Tina Freeman needs to be contacted regarding the lock on the old snack shack. This is her lock. The fire department will have to use bolt cutters otherwise.

Marriners has patched areas on the Greeley and Bryant RD. The work is not up to par and it may be that a special town meeting will have to be held for other possible remedies.

There is a special town meeting in August and this possibly could be discussed then.

Jay Guber, code enforcement officer, had a letter from KVCOG regarding the revolving loan fund. This can be combined with a variety of loans and has a five to ten year term with interest near the New York Prime.

He had also received information from the Department of Forestry regarding intent to harvest wood lots on two parcels; one lot owned by Brian Raven and the other by Herman Watson.

Mr. Guber had also met with Sid Skidgell regarding the tire pile. This will be taken care of by Skidgell. He also stated that the place would be put up for sale. The pins designating the property line were found. It was suggested that it would be nice if some of the land could go to the Town. He will discuss this with his family.

Michael Nesmith and Madeline Iverson applied for a building permit for a two-car garage.

The Fire Department grant is still active. There has been a recall on the new truck, which will be taken care of.

Hilary Fleming has met with the Planning Board. The survey related to the Comprehensive Plan will be mailed out soon.


$47, 719.83 accounts payable, which included $24,557 for the school and $4,726 for insurance.

$1,295.00 for payroll.

The road commissioner has already received $4,500.

The fieldwork for taxes will be done by the end of July and probably by the end of August taxes will be out.

A thank you to Jon Willette for installing the air conditioner and to Cindy for offering to have it moved from her office.

Marion Bowers asked about taping the minutes. This would be a help as a reference. Steve Bennett had been approached in the past and felt it was a good idea. The office does have a tape recorder available. Tapes would be needed and Sallyann Hadyniak stated that she had tapes available. Mr. Hess did not object to the idea.

Meeting was adjourned at 6:37 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Marion Bowers

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Minutes of the Town of Freedom Selectmen’s Meeting July 6, 2004

Those in attendance were 1st Selectman Steve Bennett, 2nd Selectman Wilson Hess and 3rd Selectman Steve Cross was absent due to illness.

Also present were, Theresa Abbott, Betty Sienkiewicz, Jon Willette, Wassey and Sallyann Hadyniak.

1st. Selectman Steve Bennett called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

Under the Selectmen’s reports, item C, the word maybe is stricken out, and under Fire Chief’s report, item C, adding Nason to the name of Posie. Under Old Business, Mr. Hess wanted to acknowledge Jon Willette for the flowers he donated to the Town of Freedom by saying "Thank You".

Steve Bennett made a motion to accept the exceptions to the minutes and second by Wilson Hess. Motion made and carried.

Selectmen’s Reports:

Mr. Bennett

A. MMA requested that a report be sent to them regarding the salary survey of the town employees.

B. A bill was received from Dennis Jones for 2,226 yards of gravel for the roads at $6.00 per yard totaling $13, 356.00.

C. Mr. Bennett will be in Mass. During the week of the July 13, 2004 meeting. If Steve Cross isn’t back, there will not be a Selectmen’s meeting.

D. Rick Ferris of Waldo County, and Tony Fletcher (state dam inspector) will be attending the Selectmen’s meeting on July 20, 2004.

E. A study has never been done of the Earth Dam. It’s best to gather all the information available and then proceed from there. Mr. Bennett drew a bit of art work and explained all about Sandy Pond and stated that it cannot be ignored.

F. The computer in the office is o.k. and can be used.

G. Last Thursday Mr. Bennett and Mr. Hess scheduled a work day. They went and inspected the town garage, measured the land and stated there was plenty of room for the san/salt shed. They looked for some of the boundaries and spoke to Jerry Spaulding. There is a possibility that Mr. Spaulding would be interested in purchasing the site. They traveled the Greeley Road and stopped at the dump site, then returned to the office and looked at the town map. There are 25 miles of roads in town and at least 75% are on the loop, starting at Mitchell Road and back. If a salt/sand facility were built next to the dump site, (approx. 1 ½ acres it would save about a three mile round trip. Wetted salt should be looked into. The cost of approximately $68,000.00 vs. $100.000.00.

H. Mr. Bennett spoke of Mitchell Field. The monument in memory of Red Mitchell stands over 5 feet tall, it will sit on an 18 inch slab. It is 40 inches wide and will be engraved and a possible picture will be inserted. It will be placed where the old snack shack stood.

Town Officers Report:

There was a written request from Tina Freeman for ACO supplies such as, a 4 ft. pole, talon gloves, noose bite stick, set of muzzles of various sizes. Approximately the total cost including shipping is $246.84. Mr. Bennett made a motion that the money be taken out of the budget supplies and it was second by Mr. Hess. Motion made and carried.

Road Commissioner:

Elwin Turner wasn’t able to make the meeting. Jon Willette offered to use his tractor to pull the roller that belongs to Mr. Bennett but a liability issue exists. Can a town pay loader be used to tow it? Jon Willette will ask Elwin Turner to contact MMA to see if leasing is o.k. Work on Deer Hill and Beaver Hill still needs to be done. Bushes need to be cut down and they should be burned... There is a dead Elm tree on Ayer Ridge Road on the outside of town road. The limbs can be taken down that overhang on the road but the truck cannot be cut down.

Planning Board Report:

Theresa Abbott reported that Bill Pickford was at the meeting. Both Theresa and Hilery Fleming will meet with the planning board. Duke Simoneau and possibly a representative from KVKOG will be at the meeting.

Old Business:

Mr. Bennett and Mr. Hess went out to see Greeley Road. They took pictures and showed them at the meeting. It showed lots of pot holes of which have been patched after the photos were taken. An attorney stated that the town can spend $30,000.00 and loose the case or spend $10,000.00 and win. MMA will be contacted to get their opinion. We may end up having a special meeting and have the people decide. Many people who live on the Greeley Road and pay taxes are dissatisfied. A special town meeting should be held.

New Business:

A. Received an insurance bill from MMA for $4,726.50.

B. A request for MBNA to sign a release form from the Freedom Historical Society for Conservation and Historic Grant programs.

C. MMA Policy Contribution, Mutual Aid Agreements (MMA) for Disaster Response was signed by Steve Bennett and Wilson Hess to include the Town of Freedom. Other agreements have been formed between MMA with Albion, Palermo, Unity and Montville.

D. Mr. Hess glanced over once more the paycheck warrant (7/4/04) and warrants for a variety of things. Included in that was the cost for an installment of a Trio program in the amount of $1,828.00, Mr. Bennett signed the Trio agreement as part of the warrant.

E. Cindy Abbott received a Certificate of Governmental Accounting.

F. Mr. Hess experimented with the software and thanked Jon Willette for installing Lotus.

G. Cindy Abbott needs page 3 of the warrant with the signatures. It is still missing and may have to be re-issued.

H. Jon Willette requested a selectman to be in the office on Thursday to open the door so the phone company can do the work and Jon will install Windows. There is a wire above Steve Bennett’s head. It was checked out and is o.k. The wire was showing brown.

I. Mr. Hess will go and assess on Friday with Mr. Bennett.

J. The loader tire is fixed.

K. Big Red was moved out by Jon Willette and was cleaned.

L. Theresa Abbott mentioned that the street lights were working and Betty Sienkiewicz said, "Thanks to Steve Cross".

A motion was made by Steve Bennett to close the meeting at 7:37 and second by Wilson Hess. Motion made and carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Sallyann Hadyniak

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Those in attendance were 1st Selectman Steve Bennett, 2nd. Selectman Wilson Hess and 3rd Selectman Steve Cross was absent due to illness.

Also present were, Theresa Abbott, Betty Sienkiewicz, Jay Guber, Elwin Turner, Lendell and Dottie Chase, Jim Waterman, Wassey and Sallyann Hadyniak, Representative guest speakers Peter M. Coughlan P.E. Director (DOT) and Eric Kluck. From (DEP).

The gentlemen were there to pass on information regarding the Salt/Sand Building.

A lengthy discussion was held which included a question and answer period. Attached you will find a copy from the Community Services Division regarding the topic of discussion.

1st. Selectman Steve Bennett called the meeting to order at 8:13 p.m.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Steve Bennett made a motion to accept the minutes as read and Wilson Hess second.

Selectmen’s Reports

Mr. Bennett

A. The Key Bank CD was renewed. Mr. Bennett stated that Jerry Sullivan reported that a lot of brown and white goods were picked up. The people on Carey Lane had moved their trash back to their place and Jerry Sullivan said he would pick it up there.

B. A brief discussion regarding the old snack shack was held and the Selectmen rescind all offers for the disposal of the snack shack and it will be given to the Fire Department to be used for storage and the lawn mower. All property associated with the Freedom Rec. Park and the Mitchell Field belongs to the town of Freedom. Steve Bennett will call Erna Keller and he will get in touch with Dave Bennett to make arrangements to take the shack out from the park.

C. Gene Abbott at Dig Safe changed the date of training to July 28, 2004. If there is another violation on Goosepecker Ridge and Smithton Road, a $500.00 fine will be issued. It was said that if the Road Commissioner, Elwin Turner attended the training maybe they wouldn’t fine us regarding Goosepecker Ridge. Steve Cross was to make sure that Goosepecker Ridge is in Freedom. The meeting will be held in Augusta on Wednesday, July 28, 2004 from 8 a.m. -12 p.m. Directions will be given to Elwin Turner as to how to get there. Steve Bennett said that Dave Bennett and possibly Herb Abbott will attend also. Steve Bennett gave correspondence to Elwin Turner about road planning etc. and from Dig Safe which may be useful for the road committee. As of this evening, Elwin has not contacted anyone to be on the committee.

D. Jay Guber reported an accident on Waning Road. The right hand washed out at the edge of the road and created a big ditch. A car went into the telephone pole due to the washout and ditch. Elwin will take care of it tomorrow (Wednesday). Steve asked if any of the work regarding the roads has been done and Elwin replied that Mitchell, Raven, Beaver Ridge, Town House, Rollins and Wentworth roads have been completed. Also that Mariners is working on Greeley Road grinding and patching it up.


Steve Bennett read the correspondence

A. A list of personal property by Roger Littlefield needs to be dealt with because Roger is no longer leasing some of the equipment. (This is part of tax accessing)

B. An invitation was received from the Maine State Housing Authority to attend a meeting on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 at 10 a.m. Wilson Hess asked Jim Waterman if it was important to attend and Jim replied "no".

C. Our Perc agreement came back and is in the office.

D. It is noted that a warrant is missing/misplaced.

E. Timesheets are in the vault and Mr. Hess checked it out.

F. Remind Elwin Turner that Joe Freeman is 16 and is not allowed to run any kind of town equipment.

G. Gloria Barton is doing the flagging.

H. The checks were handwritten last week because the dot printer went down on Friday and Trio couldn’t print them out.

Fire Chief Report

A. Earthen Dam…Who is the owner? Tony Fletcher needs some assurance that we find out who the owner is. It is suggested that the Town of Freedom take over. There is a possibility the dam inspector will breech it and drain it. It came from FEMA (Federal) they want to test the dam for hydraulics’. Once again it would be beneficial for the town to own it.

B. Wilson Hess stated that he spoke to Joe Brook in Winterport. About the Frankfort Dam. Mr. Brooks prospective is for the town to claim ownership.

C. An emergency action plan must be taken ASAP. Boundary agreements are not a plan for water rites. No legal opinions can be rendered. Posie controlled the dam (the gate) by elevating the water level. Maybe a quick claim dam from Frank Sylvia is needed. We need to do a title search but need to spend money to someone to do that type of research.

D. Harkins requested to name their access road Harkins Way. It cannot be "Way" because all we have in Freedom is road and lane. Road is town roads and lane is private. Therefore it can be named Harkins Lane and the town will buy a sign.

E. There has been several structure fires total loss in Knox, Unity and Thorndike.

F. There is a loose fitting on the fire truck that has to be replaced and fire proof containers. There will be pump training.

G. Freedom Field Day will be held Saturday, August 7, 2004.

H. The fire grant was completed and Freedom is still in the running. So far two towns have been awarded.

I. Dave Bennett (Fire Warden) made a report to the Forest Ranger.

J. The furnace has been serviced and the filter nuzzle has been changed. #2 oil is $1.49. Thompson is $1.29 pre buy.

K. Wilson thanked Jim and Matt for responding to Steve Cross home. They heard on their radio’s that help was needed there. Steve fainted twice. He went to see a cardiologist in the afternoon and is resting fine and doing o.k.

L. Three weeks ago, Jim Waterman went with Jay Guber to the garage to hold an inspection

New Business

Leslie Stein applied for a permit to put a sauna. Clint and Chris Spaulding applied for a building permit for a house and storage shed.

Jay went to Saco to attend a seminar and he received from the State Legislator information on new laws related to building codes. He gave a copy to Steve Bennett. The State Legislator has adopted a bill that will become effective July 30, 2004. It is not mandatory for a town to adopt a building code, but most towns do. Jay signed up for a course in October. Jay donated his expenses of $10.00 for dinner and $3.00 for tolls. (Expenses)

Steve Bennett asked Jay to present to the Planning Board that if you adopt any code whatsoever adopt what legislator has now effective July 30, 2004. International Residential Code must be voted in by town. (IRC & IBC) International Building Code.

Old Business

It was also noted that Jon Willette did not have a heart problem.

Mr. Hess stated that Carol Richardson called him to tell him that Mariners was working on the Greeley Road.

The meeting was adjourned by Steve Bennett at 9:15 and second by Wilson Hess.

Respectfully submitted,

Sallyann Hadyniak

Back to Top


Selectmen present: Steve Bennett, Steve Cross, and Wilson Hess

Also present: Wassey and Sallyann Hadyniak, Jay Guber, Elwin Turner, Betty Sienkiewicz, Theresa Abbott, Pete and Marion Bowers, and Dottie Chase.

The meeting was opened at 6PM.

Minutes were read and approved after corrections. Key Bank holds a CD, not a mutual fund. The wording on Pleasant Street should be resolved, not dissolved.

Elwin Turner, road commissioner gave a report with the recent accomplishments at the Town Garage. In general there was a lot of clean-up work done. Cabinets were put up. Containers for barrels were installed. The loader was worked on. Equipment for the loader was sorted over and some of the older material was put aside. There is a tire to be fixed which will be done this week. Equipment related to Dig Safe was painted. Some unusable materials were discarded. Some of the heavy iron materials will go to salvage.

Elwin feels that they now can go on to other projects.

He had obtained some prices from Denis Jones for road gravel, $6.00 per yard in place and level. Material from Roger Littlefield would be $4.00 per yard in the pit. After discussion it was felt that Denis Jones offer would be more cost effective and FEMA has also inspected his material. FEMA has also given an estimate of 800 yards for all projects.

There are four roads in particular that need to be worked on, Smithton, Mitchell, Raven and the Rollins Road. The first two are of top priority.

Denis Jones would do the work on them using bank run, as outlined by FEMA, at the cost of $5.00 per yard. The selectmen requested that Elwin have Denis Jones put in writing the amount, number of loads, and an estimate for each road after he had personally inspected them, also noting the length of road needing repair along with the time it would take to complete the work. Steve Cross concurred with this. When this is done Elwin would be supervising the work and maintaining a record of number of loads of gravel and so forth.

Sallyanne Hadyniak spoke regarding the ditching of Beaver Ridge Road which was done by the town. She wondered why they went down 800 ft. Elwin said this was necessary to remove the water that was destroying the road. Beaver Ridge is a private road, but was worked on because of FEMA as a one-time emergency.

Wilson Hess felt that there were two issues related to this road, 1. It is a road not maintained by the town and 2. The town had already done some work on it.

Sallyann wondered that if there were money left over from the FEMA work, why not use some of it on Beaver Ridge. Wilson Hess felt that we should wait and see about monies left over from FEMA.

Jay Guber gave a report and read a letter related to the Salt Shed after a representative from the DEP had viewed it. Eric Clark, a recent appointee, sent paper work related to the salt shed. We are a Number 3 priority. Currently there are no monies available from the State for any reimbursement so actually we don’t really need to do any thing right now. What we could do, however is to cover the material with a tarp to prevent contamination If the site on Mitchell Road were used we would not be eligible for any money. The selectmen requested that representatives from DOT and DEP come to a meeting.

Jay also spoke about the Town garage and felt it definitely was salvageable. He suggested that they strip out the frame, add supports and insulate. He also felt that the garage door be fixed. If 12 feet were added to the front and the same line were kept we could have two working bays. That is not the case now, so Jay’s recommendation was to save the Garage and add on. It would even be possible to make one bay larger for larger trucks. Wilson Hess questioned if we should do this by contract or bid. Jay felt this should be bid out after some specifications were made. He felt it would cost us around $50 per square foot. He also felt that the State has a revolving loan fund with a minimum interest rates for towns that don’t have the funds. Wilson Hess asked him to see if he could get a name for this fund.

Ken Boulier, an electrician, has not given an estimate yet for the necessary work at the Town Garage.

Jay also found a huge pile, 1000 plus of tires, behind Skidgells. He will be in touch with them since they need to be removed.

Steve Bennett read a letter from the Town of Brewer for a "Call to Arms." They have sent a letter to all municipalities requesting that they meet and be on record that the State not spend the new revenues. Wilson Hess took a position of wait and see. Steve Bennett thinks it will force some action.

A letter from KVOG was read indicating that there was to be a meeting on Wed in Fairfield. The revolving loan fund would be one of the issues discussed.


The Key Bank CD is up for a decision as what to do. A motion was made and seconded that we reinvest for the four-year term with a step-up plan.

Hazard Waste Collection in Searsmont was briefly discussed. Cost was unknown and at this time no action was taken.

Steve Bennett reminded everyone of the Spring Clean up which will be on June 26th.

Recently a conference call regarding the Audit was held. All those involved found it helpful. Several of the suggestions to be put into place are to enter transaction in a timely fashion on the computer and Cindy is attending a two-day workshop to make better use of the computer. Wilson Hess also spoke concerning management controls of the Town monies. Joanne Knowlton will be doing the deposits instead of Cindy. This would be another form of control suggested. Another goal is to have a profit and loss statement each month.

MMA Action plan needs to be worked on. Steve Bennett will take it first and then the others so that some of their suggestions can be implemented.

Tina Freeman had put in a request for a variety of supplies. Steve Bennett felt that more information was needed before it was approved.

The old snack shack will be taken by the Fire Department. Jim Waterman felt that it could be used for supplies. A motion was made and seconded in regard to this.

Wilson Hess spoke regarding the Recreation Committee. He had talked with Bruce Peterson and the memorial is currently down at the carvers. Bruce is donating the slab for it.

Theresa Abbott spoke on behalf of the Comprehensive Planning Committee. She has a copy of the Brooks Plan. Also she has a book on land management. The committee is still looking for members. Names suggested were Maryanne Hayes, Tim Turner, Eric Weed, Tim Biggs, Bill Pickford. Dick Kershaw will be appointed.


The road commissioner needs to be asked when the mowing of the road edges will be done. Also there are bushes on Greeley RD that need to be cut.

Marriners has not been heard from and they have until July 15 to do the work.

Theresa Abbott requested that one of the Selectmen get in touch with CMP regarding the streetlight near her house. Steve Drake is the contact person there. Steve Bennett will do this.

Wilson Hess has taken in the glass that covers the wetlands on the tax maps for repair.


Payroll: $1,162.58

Accounts Payable $ 2,182.52.

These were approved and signed. However in the future the selectmen would like more information on the ones that are not usual.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:02 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Marion Bowers


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June 15, 2004

Those in attendance were 1st Selectman Steve Bennett, 2nd Selectman Wilson Hess, and 3rd Selectman Steve Cross. Also present were, Theresa Abbott, Elwin Turner, Wassey Hadyniak, Tina Freeman, Dave Bennett and Sallyann Hadyniak.

1st Selectman Steve Bennett called the meeting to order at 6 p.m.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting

Corrections to the minutes of the Selectmen's meeting of June 1, 2004 are as follows:

The date of the minutes to read June 1, 2004, the spelling of Thelma's last name to Ledden and the time the meeting was called to order to 6:07 p.m. Key Bank, not Phoenix is the bank that holds the mutual fund CD with the maturity date of June 17th. 1st. Selectman Steve Bennett requested that it be added to the minutes that Carol Richardson has not responded to the request from the Selectmen regarding a signed affidavit stating that she has none of the Town records or such in her possession.
A motion was made by 1st. Selectman Steve Bennett to accept the minutes as read with the corrections and it was second by 2nd Selectman Wilson Hess. All were in favor.

Correspondence addressed to the Selectmen was read by Steve Bennett . One letter was received from MMA stating that they offer health insurance for volunteers if there is anyone interested in it.

Selectmen's Reports
Mr. Bennett
A. It was reported that Mr. Hess was able to open the floppy disk that we have in our possession regarding the Comprehensive Plan that was done in 1991.
B. It was reported that Mr. Guber was not able to make the meeting and to give a report about the town garage. There was a discussion regarding the garage doors and that Ken Boulier would contact us regarding the electrical work in the garage. Jay had spoken to the supplier that installed the original newer doors and they will send us a quote. During an open discussion, the question asked was, what is the sense to have two doors. Doors are needed on opposite ends. A house door should be on the end of the building , shelves taken out etc. Steve Bennett said the discussion should cease due to the fact that Jay wasn't there.
C. Theresa Abbott said a large truck ran on her lawn and that Roy insists the plan will not work. The road plans will be started very soon. A tanker truck barely makes the corner. Mr., Bennett mentioned that someone suggested putting a sign up saying "Trucks only". The Pleasant Street issue should be dissolved according to Steve Bennett. All the corners are bad and need attention.
D. Mr. Bennett questioned," Does anyone know who puts the minutes on the computer web site" Due to a misunderstanding, Sallyann Hadyniak was waiting for Mr. Hess to forward her the minutes to put on the web site and Mr. Hess thought she already had the minutes. It will be taken care of ASAP.

Mr. Hess
A. The 2003 Financial Statements (a.k.a. "Audit") have arrived. Nothing out of the ordinary, but the audit is "qualified" because the Town had not listed its physical "property "on the books." The Selectmen and the Treasurer have the opportunity to meet with the auditor on a conference call Friday morning at 10: AM to review the results. Next Tuesday we will have public copies of the audit available and comment upon the results.
B. Cindy has been working with the auditor. A large (24,000) unreconciled balance from last year (referred to in the Management Letter accompanying the Audit) has now been reconciled. Mr. Hess Has verified this in a conversation with the auditor. The error was in the computer records and seems to be from a previous year. There appears to be more adjustments that need to be made from even earlier years. Because the auditor is assisting us in these matters, there are expenses being incurred, including an item in the spending warrant for tonight.. Mr. Hess believes it is money well spent to get the Town records accurately on the TRIO system.
C. Sandy Pond Dam #3. We have a proposal from Professional Surveying and Engineering in Belfast to perform the registry work for $1,000.00. Tina Freeman, the (Animal Control Officer) is also a paralegal. She has been researching deeds in the Town's possession and is willing to try to do the work as far as she can take it. She will, of course, need to bill for her time. The Selectmen need to take a position on which way to for now.
D. Maine Municipal Association grants were approved $1156.00, providing equipment for the Fire Department and Town Garage. MMA funds will reimburse 2/3 of the cost. Our insurance had recommended all these items, so the assistance of the MMA grant is much appreciated. Acquired were:
Fire Dept. - - flammable liquid storage cabinet
Town Garage - - flammable liquid storage cabinet, approved fuel safety cans, spill containment devices for oil drums and 16 traffic cones with reflective markings for Town vehicles.
Our thanks go out to Mr. Hess and James Waterman for working toward getting this grant.

Mr. Steve Cross
Mr. Cross had nothing to report at this time.

Paralegal Tina Freeman gave a report regarding the Deeds that she checked out that she received from the bank and Cindy Abbott. The deed is needed to determine who owns the Sandy Pond Dam #3 but it is lost. She cannot find anything that refers to that property. Since she does not have a book or page number, she would be flying blind and it would cost the town a fortune
The state wants the owner to be in a plan with the state. The land was formally owned by Town of Freedom. Sheiker property and Grasse deeds are public record and have been checked out. Sheikers earliest binder of records going back 100 years. Tina needs the name of the roads that were known back then and hoped to find a deed that referenced it. More then likely it would have to be done by the abutters now or formally owned by the Town of Freedom. McFarland and Ralph Clemnon owned property around the dam. Freedom Lumber always took care of it. Theodore Thompson owned the mill known as Freedom Lumber company (wood mill) according to Steve Cross. Next one was Banton Bros. Tina requested the deed of Helen and Bruce Ray. They have nothing to do with it. It's between the town, Grasse and Sheiker. Mr. Hess stated that it's a matter of water rights. Rod Luhn owns the house across from the mill and land on both sides so he might have the rights to it. There may be a boundry agreement but the water rights should be checked out. Mr. Hess questioned if both parties will agree.
Mr. Bennett feels ownership of the land (dam) is in the best interest of the town. Mr. Hess stated that Tina will volunteer to do the work but she should be compensated for her work.

Town Officer's Report-Road Commissioner
Elwin Turner
A. Mr. Turner was asked to attend tonight's meeting to discuss the garage and the roads. 2/3 of the garage can only be insulated. By insulating the whole garage, snow will stay on the roof and it will not be able to handle a heavy load. Dave Bennett asked if it were necessary to heat the building because there isn't any water in there. The answer was no. Mr. Turner was asked when he was going to get started on the road work. Sallyann Hadyniak told the Selectmen that David Pottle has already put down dirt on the portion of Beaver Ridge that the town was going to finish with the finishing coat for 200 feet. They were not aware of this and Mr. Turner said he would take a ride up there to see what has been done by Mr. Pottle. We have already received the FEMA Grant money and the work must be completed. Mr. Turner is waiting for school to be over. He will get the dirt under the tar and feels a grader that is on all rubber wheels will do a good job underneath pavement. Mr. Bennett questioned how long it would take to do the FEMA work and Mr. Turner replied about one month. Mr. Hess said he has gotten the most complaints about the Smithton Road. There are many pot holes, driveways are plugged and ditches. Mr. Turner said that they weren't able to complete the work on the road because the town ran out of money and they were by Nelson's at the time. He also stated that you can't put gravel on top of slop
Mr. Bennett said he had the most complaints about Mitchell Road. Mr. Bennett also said that the town roads need to be maintained. Mr. Turner replied that there was a grader on every road this past spring. What is needed is a crew! All that we have now is Clint Spaulding. Mr. Turner will be looking for helpers and will ask Jay Spaulding because he ran a loader and backhoe. Warren Spaulding does not want to be involved. Jay really isn't interested but Mr. Turner will ask him. Clint is still available. The gentlemen that purchased the old fire truck said he would give 300 yards of gravel or an estimate and has not come through with anything. Of course it wasn't in writing. Mr. Turner said he will check on gravel prices on Friday. He must have quality gravel for FEMA. He mentioned that he may get the gravel from Dennis. He also said that any money left from FEMA can be used on any roads. Mr. Bennett stated that if the roads are not completed, the $27,000.00 from FEMA must be returned.
Mr. Turner will advertise for help by putting signs in Freedom General Store.
B Mr. Bennett questioned and discussed the safety violation at the town garage.
The 8 X 10 Snack Shack which is 15 feet high is not worth moving . It was mentioned that it be used for salvage. Dave Bennett will bring it up at the Fire Meeting. Mr. Bennett made a motion to let the Fire Department decide what to do with it, therefore rescinding all other offers. It can be used for storage or fire training. Tina Freeman will talk to her husband and get back to the Selectmen no later then Thursday.
MMA wants things to be done with oil etc. There is some containment for this purpose. It was suggested that the 88 be parked outside and things put in one area. A question came up about the welding machine. Is it worth salvaging? Dave Bennett and Elwin Turner discussed this and Mr. Bennett said to render it inoperative immediately.
Dave Bennett said he will check to see if it is worth keeping but it must be checked by an electrician. Tanks are empty. Dave Bennett will be there with a crew to clean up/ it was reported that combust ional items were leaning against the furnace. Nelson moved them all and discarded unwanted items. The garage is in need of a good clean-up.

C. Truck Maintanance
There are no records of truck maintanance to be found. Mr. Turner said records were kept in the Town Office by Red Mitchell. According to MMA a Fleet Maintenance Program is required. Dave Bennett requested the 2000 and the 97 GMC Needs Manual. There isn't any proof of anything being done on the vehicles. Tony Emerson serviced the trucks before this winter. The Road Commissioner (Elwin Turner) need to give permission for the truck to be maintained.. The town wants record of personal files. The bed of all three trucks is rusting, salt is caked up on 1/8 in. of steel for it was never power washed. Dave will help clean up the trucks and Jim Waterman will take care of the fire extinguishers. They will be filled and inspected. The town is relying on safe equipment and we are relying on the Road Commission Elwin turner. Dennis Jones is in Unity.

D. Road Appointments
David Bennett and Herb Abbott were appointed to be on the road committee. A motion was made by Wilson Hess to accept and second by Steve Bennett. All were in favor.

Animal Control Officer
Tina Freeman wants money for equipment that she needs as ACO. Right now she is using gardening gloves, a stick and her own dog leash.
She requested a bite stick, mace, gauntlet gloves, bite protection, and noose pull (rabies), four Rubbermaid containers to store or transport thick bleach decontamination glove, muzzles, and ACC leads.
Jeff and Monica Holmes have a pet bull that is kept off the leash and Tina has had to deal with that. He runs loose and the neighbors complained . Mrs. Reynolds complained about barking dogs. The barking dog turned out to be a big pup that belonged to the Spencer's. The State Police called about abandond4d rabbit on Pete Miller property. Tina wants reimbursement for car repairs. She allows them in her car because the kennel makes dogs ugly. She also states she isn't getting enough of pay. She gets paid 9.02 per hour and 23 cents a mile. She stated that Carol Richardson said she would get and increased hourly wage of 10.50 and an increase in mileage after she got certified. She didn't ask for a raise sooner because she said she wouldn't feel comfortable. This will be something to think about to put on the warrant for next year. According to the state, the Selectmen should check with MMA and see how much liability is involved. They will give Tina an answer next week to see how much and where the money will come from for the supplies.

Steve Bennett asked Sallyann Hadyniak to call Jeff and Stacey Keating to see if they would be interested in being on the Comprehensive Planning Board.

Old Business

Steve Bennett read the Tribute for Red Mitchell's monument and it was accepted as read by Wilson Hess, second by Steve Bennett and all were in favor. It reads as follows:
In Memory of Harold "Red" Mitchell
For outstanding dedication to the Town of Freedom as a selectman, road commissioner and friend to all. Freedom Little League and the children who played the game through the years.
Thanks for the Memories Red!
Personal Bio. Information
Born 8/22/10
Avid hunter, sportsman, master Maine guide, Minor League baseball player.

New Business
Gerald Nelson owes back taxes in the amount $1,000.00. Wilson Hess made a motion to authorize the Tax Collector to pursue legal action against him. Second by Steve Cross and all were in favor.

The CD (?) is suppose to roll over…It will be put on Terminal Hold.

Building Code works in Saco. Tuition is $75.00 for a member. Jay Guber is and requesting 2 copies of residential code books. $90.00 will come out of the training account. Thorton Academy
A motion was made to accept by Wilson Hess and second by Steve Cross. All were in favor.
The bill for the audit came to $26.00- plus additional work for $400.00.

Steve Bennett made a motion to close the meeting at 9:10 p.m. All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Sallyann Hadyniak

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No Selectmen’s Meeting on June 8, 2004 Due To Election

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June 1, 2004

Selectmen present: Steve Bennett, Steve Cross and Wilson Hess.
Also present: Betty Sienkiewiecz, Theresa Abbott, Sallyann Hadyniak, Thelma Ledden, Pete and Marion Bowers, Dottie Chase, Jay Guber, and Audrey Williams.

The Selectmen's meeting was opened at 7:07 PM.

Minutes of the last meeting were read and corrections made and then approved. Bruce Johnson should have been Bruce Peterson. Tree group corrected to tree growth. Sallyann Hadyniak's name was misspelled.

Steve Bennett felt that the town garage and salt shed should also include equipment as well. Jay Guber felt that this should be part of Public Works, which would include town roads and equipment. However the group will look into the equipment situation.

Steve Bennett stated that the Hearing had been for discussion only. If action were to be
taken it would need to be posted.


Wilson Hess spoke regarding the budget. There was good and bad news. There was no baseline for March 2004. A monthly budget report needs to be achieved, as this was one of the first issues the auditors recommended. A draft of financial information was handed out.
The Historical Grant request has been sent in. If approved, the rebinding of the Town Clerk's book of 1819 would be done. It will cost $565 to do that. In July we should know about the grant.

Steve Bennett has received a signed affidavit from Francis King stating that he has none of the Town records or such in his possession.
Phoenix, a mutual fund company, has a CD with a maturity date of June 17th. Currently there is $10,255 in this account. Steve Bennett will follow up on this. .
Correspondence from a software company was given to Wilson Hess.
Steve Cross was unable to attend the meeting in Waldo.
Steve Bennett has been in touch a with the MMA representative regarding the car accident off Sibley Road. She felt the town had no liability and will defend us.
Hilary Fleming will chair the Comprehensive Planning Board until the first organizational meeting according to Steve Bennett.
He will also attend the Planning Board tomorrow night to present the Comprehensive Plan to them and encourage their participation. He will present the three goals of the group. Also he will encourage them over the next year to do some in depth research on the discontinued roads, some dating back according to Steve Cross to 1921. Lastly the need for Ordinances for the town is greatly needed.
The MMA Action Plan recommendation has been received. A report from us is due back within thirty days.
A question regarding road maintance was asked of Steve Bennett. Wilson Hess stated that road patching was done three weeks ago. The Road Commissioner is back. The work related to the FEMA grant needs to be done by the first week of August. Marriners Paving should be done by July.

The Road Committee needs to be formed. Jay Guber suggested that Herb Abbott be asked; other suggestions were Clayton Larabbee, Denis Jones, Warren Spaulding, Harold Greeley and Fred Overlock. Steve Bennett will call and see if he can get a group together.


Jay Guber had contacted Michael Shafer who does surveying and engineering work. He was referred to Wilson Hess. Tina Freeman, a paralegal, was asked by Wilson Hess to attend a meeting with him and Michael Shafer and a quick walk through the area related to the earthen dam.

Jay Guber, a state certified code enforcement officer for building standards inspected the garage today and found a large number of major problems.
1. Front supports are in desperate need of attention
2. Need for an overhead garage door.
3. Electrical switch box inadequate
4. Meter is off the building
5. No safety storage for flammable material
6. Poor lighting
7. Heating problem, no insulation in roof
8. No exhaust fans
9. Center supports are off set from carrying beams
10. 2X8 roof rafters
11. No bathroom
12. No exit signs
13. Weather stripping being torn off
14. Combustibles, and flammables next to furnace
15. Oil leaking out of floor drain.
Plus other defects not listed here.
His recommendation was that we fix the garage. It has a good foundation. The first thing that he would like done is for the Fire Chief to inspect the building. With authorization from the Selectmen, he will contact the Fire Chief. The authorization was given. Wilson Hess wondered if we wouldn't be better off starting from scratch. Jay Guber thought it would take around $40,000 to repair the garage.
Several years ago several carpenters who felt that it was repairable looked at it. The carpenter, the road commissioner planned on doing the work failed to do the job.
The old snack shack will be a temporary help for storage of some of the materials.
Jay Guber felt that if the Salt and Sand Shed were not there, there would be room for another larger bay. The current location is good for the garage but not the salt and sand.
He has an appointment on June 2nd with Jim Cassidy from the DEP for help and direction concerning the current location of the salt and sand shed. It is located near an aquifer along with a stream and private wells. The old dumpsite is a possibility to build on or perhaps the land across the street from it owned by D. Clark. Currently there is $68,000 in the Salt Shed Fund. The Salt Shed was mandated in the early 1990's. Grant money at this point is probably not available.
Steve Bennett stated that at this time liquid brine is being used.
Also of concern in the area is an old water tank near the Town Garage. Whose property it is on is another question.

In relationship to the MMA Action Plan listing numerous liabilities Wilson Hess made
a motion that the selectmen instruct the road commissioner to:
1.Immediately.remove oil barrels from the vicinity of the welding equipment and remove and discard the electrical leads to the welding leads. Schedule an inspection of the welding leads and then staff instruction from the gas supplier.
2.To contact Waldo Electric or other suitable electrician for immediate evaluation of town garage electrical service. Until such time as this has passed inspection it shall not be used.
3.That the Selectmen direct one or more persons to install an egress door on side of the garage at a location to be approved by the Town Enforcement Officer.
The motion was seconded and approved.

Steve Bennett received a phone call to see if the Town was interested in participating in a Household Hazard Waste Plan in July. This would be at the Waldo Town Office. There is an effort to involve more towns in Waldo County. There would be a cost to the town. More information is needed.
Cindy mentioned shortly prior to the meeting that Gerald {Bubba} Nelson was in arrears of more than a $1000 for personal property taxes. More information will be obtained to discuss at the next meeting.

Payroll: $661.17
Accounts Payable: $2899.52
The above warrants were signed.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Marion Bowers

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Selectmen present: Steve Bennett, Wilson Hess, and Steve Cross.

Also present: Betty Sienkiewicz, Theresa Abbott, Sallyann Hadyniak, Jay Guber, Pete Bowers, Catherine Gonzalas and Marion Bowers

Steve Bennett opened the meeting at 6PM.

The minutes of the last meeting were read with minor corrections. The corrections were mainly in the correct spelling of names, Mark Letourneau, Jay Guber. KVGog is actually Kennebec Valley Council of Government, or KVCOG. The letter from Jay Guber was not attached to the minutes as stated. Under "A" of the Selectmen’s report, it should read The Recreation Committee need to get out the set of by-laws instead of the Selectmen.

Minutes were corrected and approved.


Assessing report by Steve Bennett: Sixty of five hundred and thirty nine parcels were viewed. Two new houses were found, John Clark and David Leyland. Also other taxable property was found. Friday, May 28th the selectmen will meet to do more assessing.

Wilson Hess spoke re: Cama software for Lotus. He will have a report tomorrow.

Steve Bennett has received a FAX from Brantner Thibodeau regarding the town a audit. The Town verifying all requested information has sent a letter. Recommendations will be forth coming after the letter has been received.

Wilson Hess will have a meeting next week regarding the jail, otherwise known as the Waldo County Corrections Committee. At this point it looks like eighteen million dollars is unrealistic price wise. Currently there is not enough room and we are spending one hundred and fifty thousand dollars in rent to other facilities.

It appears there will be another referendum with more cost cutting in the future.

Wilson Hess also stated that the P.E.R.C. contract has been completed.

The Historic grant will be in by the June dateline. There should be enough money to do the 1819 Town Clerk’s Book plus some money for the deputy clerk.

Steve Cross will be attending a meeting in Waldo on May 29th regarding hot toping and roads. {Indefinite time of 6PM or 7PM}.


Jay Guber on May 12th sent a letter to Dave Allen of the DOT related to signs lowering the speed limit at either end of town on Route137 as well as to do a study lowering the speed. As of the present he has not received a response.

Building Permits as of 5/11/04 are as follows:

Robert and Georgia Richardson of 57 Davis Rd.for a mobile home and shed.

Tim and Tammy Turner of 36 Bryant Rd for a 20X 40 pool, deck and porch.

Charles Amy and Linda Clark of 174 for a retail store 24X 32. This store will sell arts and crafts type materials. A question was raised as to parking ordinances, Freedom has none related to this matter.

Roland and Angela Robitaille III have a trailer which was to be moved by June 1, but because of the wet weather they may need to have to have their time extended. Currently it is being used for storage only.

On Greeley Rd a structure was started at an unknown time, Jay Guber was not CEO at the time. It is unknown if they had a permit. Steve Cross felt that it was to have been a garage.

A stick building near Judy Turner’s has collapsed.

Jay Guber became The CEO in March of 2003. It was suggested that he go to the Planning Board with some of his suggestions.


Recreation Committee: Steve Bennett spoke with Erna Keller and stated that the bylaws need work. Currently there is no set number to represent them and he suggested a three-year rotation. They have been busy with games about every other night.

All barrels at the Field were to be removed and replaced with a dumpster. There is still one barrel on the grounds. The area is still in need of being cleaned up.

The Red Mitchell monument has raised more than six hundred dollars. Two hundred dollars are needed as a deposit for the stone. Bruce Johnson estimated that there is still one thousand dollars to be raised which would be for carving on the stone and plants.

Any donations are payable to the Freedom Boosters Red Mitchell Fund.

Wilson Hess brought up the issue of the ledge. That area needs to be made more attractive and safer. Bruce Johnson felt that he would need to have a loader and a backhoe for this work.


Steve Bennett has finalized plans for spring clean up with Jerry Sullivan to be June 26th. This will be for all goods, brown and white. Articles should be curbside by 7AM. Articles must have freon removed. Tires in the past were $2.00.

Steve Bennett also stated that in Troy they charge $10.00 for every appliance plus those with freon an additional $15.00. Wilson Hess felt that we should not have the additional charge for those without freon. A motion was made and seconded to send out reminder cards for the June 26th pickup by Sullivan’s. Sallyann Hadyniak will post a notice regarding this at the usual places.

Wilson Hess and Steve Bennett called attention to the DOT schematic on the wall related to Pleasant Street and High Street intersection. There will still be a hearing on it June 1st. Pete Bowers wondered if this was still necessary. Others felt that the hearing was still needed.

Steve Bennett had been notified that last summer someone in a white camper had lived at the town landing. He inspected the area and there is no one there at the present. There was a question of having a dumpster at that area, but it was felt that two barrels with covers would be sufficient.


Steve Bennett expressed the need for a Comprehensive Planning Committee. Work on this has been done in the past and turned down by the town. He felt it was time to begin to make appointments to this committee.

Wilson Hess felt that there needed to be a structure to the plan, 1.Look at how we preserve open space, 2. Special role of the village and 3. The role of the lake. Steve Bennett agreed with Wilson on this plan. A motion was made and seconded to appoint Theresa Abbott, Hillary Fleming, Bruce Peterson, Betty Sienkiewicz and Sallyann Haydniak to form a Comprehensive Committee to work with the Planning Board and the Code Enforcement Officer and Selectmen. They are to report back to the Selectmen before the end of July with work plans. The Selectmen can add additional volunteers. Special interest will be in 1. preserving the open space, 2. special role of the village and 3. role of the lake.

There was much discussion centered on the past attempt to create a Comprehensive Plan. A lot of work went into this with meetings one to two times a week over the period of about a year. In the past no planning board members were involved.

Steve Bennett felt that this might be a good time to look at some ordinances; Freedom has none. Jay Guber stated that the town has to vote on the ordinances.

Several surrounding towns such as Unity, Albion and Brooks have them. Also when applying for grants they are a plus.

Jay Guber brought up the condition of the garage and the salt shed. The garage is in desperate need of repair. It was suggested in the early 90’s that a salt shed be built. The present location is not a good location because of the stream and the nearness of the Spaulding well. The old dumpsite on Mitchell Rd was suggested as a site for both, but there was a lot of vandalism there in the past according to Steve Cross. The salt shed might be all right there, but not the garage. A motion was made and seconded to appoint a committee to look in to the salt shed and garage situation. Appointed were Jay Guber, Tim Turner, and Dave Bennett. They are to make their recommendations to the Selectmen.

John Carroll of the Maine Revenue Service will be at the town office June 4th for three to five hours to go over the commitment books of 2002 and 2003. Also he will examine all real estate transfers, property record cards, and the tree growth.

Steve Bennett produced a letter from the Northeastern Insurance Company related to an accident on Oct 26. Someone unfamiliar with the territory drove down Sibley Rd, did not stop, but skidded across the road and acquired damage to the front-end of her car. There was no stop sign at the end of Sibley Road. Debbie from the MMA has been contacted.

Steve Bennett had an application for a concealed weapon for Cyril Perry questioning as to any reason he should not be granted one. This was from the State Police. It was agreed that no one knew of a good reason why this should not be granted.

Sandy Pond #3 which has an earthen dam which needs to have corrective action taken per Emergency Management. The immediate issue is ownership of the dyke. It is a possibility that the town owns one side of the shore and Prentice Grassi and Pauline Skyka owns the other. The Town needs ownership of record before proceeding. Wilson Hess suggested that we engage in a title search to determine the rightful owner. Jay Guber recommended we hire some one who is a certified to do title research and boundaries on that land and also abutting land ownership.

Steve Bennett suggested a surveyor, the typical cost around $ 55.00. This would be less than a title attorney. Also suggested by Jay Guber was to put it out for bid for someone to check it out through the registry of deeds.

Wilson Hess felt that if the town owned it, there were obligations and upkeep that went with ownership. If owned by a citizen, they would be responsible.

Presently the condition of the dam is a liability. Contacting the Army Corp of Engineers was not advisable.

It was finally decided to have Jay Guber contact a surveyor he has worked with previously and then he will get back in touch with the Selectmen.

A CD is up for renewal June 26th. This is related to the Smithton Cemetary. The town has trusteeship of it. Its current value is $3,396.95. It was suggested that some of it be drawn down for working capital. Steve Bennett will discuss this with the bank.

Wilson Hess suggested that the time of the Selectmen’s meeting begin at 7Pm during the summer. This will be considered.

Wilson Hess also brought up the Stevens Road and found at the "Y" it was better to turn left if you want to go to the right. There was much better visibility.


Payroll warrants of $633.17 and accounts payable of $728.08 were signed.


Steve Bennett discussed the Freedom Field with Bruce Peterson. He feels there is a lot of potential there and will bring plans to the Planning and Recreational Committees as well as the Selectmen.

Jay Guber said that the DEP had already looked at the area in the past.

Steve Cross had a question related to the oldest truck as to whether it is usable for which there was no answer. He was advised to check with the road commissioner. . He also had had a call related to a skunk. The Town doesn’t deal with wild animals.

Tina Freeman will take the old snack shack and see that it is moved.

The meeting adjourned at 8 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Marion Bowers

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Minutes of the Town of Freedom Selectmen’s Meeting May 18, 2004

Those in attendance were 1st Selectman Steve Bennett, 2nd Selectman Wilson Hess, and 3rd Selectman Steve Cross. Also present were, Betty Sienkiewicz, Theresa Abbott, Thelma Ledden, Sallyann Hadyniak, Marbel Hutchins, Basil Barns and Road Commissioner, Elwin Turner.

1st Selectman Steve Bennett opened the meeting at 6:01 p.m.

Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

Corrections to the minutes of the Selectmen’s meeting of May 11, 2004 are as follows:

Stricken from the minutes was Culverts on High and Route 137 would be installed.

Steve Bennett requested that Wagner place be interpreted as Wagner driveway.

June 26th has been finalized as the date for the brown and white pickup. Dave Allen will send a copy of some DOT working drawings. Steve Bennett questioned Mr. Hess if he ever received them and Mr. Hess stated no!

There were no other corrections. Motion made by Steve Bennett, second by Wilson Hess. All were in favor.

Selectman’s Reports:

Mr. Bennett

A. Town trucks and loader have been washed by Clint Spaulding and Herb Abbott. Mr. Hess stated that a paint job would be useful. Elwin Turner stated that Jon Willette has a sprayer and that the trucks should be sanded first. Mark Letaneou has a sand blaster; Mr. Hess suggested getting cold patch. Elwin Turner stated that there wasn’t any sand in it only pebbles, so Elwin will check with Pike in Fairfield.

B. Bill Stewart of Browns Restoration Archives gave an estimate of $2,300.00 that can be worked into getting a historic collections grant at a meeting in order to make up a budget amount to have the 1816 historic book restored. It was noted that there was frost each month in the year of 1816!

C. It was brought to Mr. Bennett’s attention that signs should be posted at the Freedom Rec. Park for safety issues. The Rec. Comm. will send away to have them made up. The ditch was opened and the electric line was laid and the ditch was filled in by the town loader. Erna also requested that Cindy Abbott to arrange for a dumpster to be placed by the field. Also trash cans should be at the boat landing, but Elwin Turner asked "Who will lift the trash cans"? Dumpsters were used but people decided to dump their stuff into the dumpsters which is not what they are to be used for. It was also suggested that the boat landing should be posted. Betty Sienkiewicz stated that a camper has been parked down there and that in the past Francis King would check out the landing several times a week. Erna will look into getting the dumpsters and get rid of the barrels. A lot of work was done by the volunteers of the Rec. Comm. this past spring and it looks great. Mr. Hess stated that they have the money in the budget to do it.

Mr. Hess

A. It was brought to the attention of Mr. Hess that Stevens Road and Rt. 137 is a dangerous spot. We were hoping that DOT would do something about it but according to a DOT representative, he said it’s a Freedom road. And to do what you want with it. So, do we close the Y; use the right and not the left side of the Y? Elwin was asked if he ever drives the road with the school bus and he said no, but Edie does. It would be difficult to close one side of the Y because the bus still needs to go on that road. Steve Cross agreed with Steve Bennett and also stated that there would be better vision. Mr. Hess brought it up because he was the one that was approached by some. It was decided that the road committee will look into it.

B. Mr. Hess had a talk with Cindy Abbott about the first quarter trial balance. Cindy will work with Mr. Hess in order to have it at the end of the month.

C. Mr. Hess questioned if mailings should be sent out regarding the white and brown good door to door pickup. Mr. Bennett called Jerry Sullivan and he keeps saying the 26th is fine but has not told Mr. Bennett how much the cost for Freon, tires, appliances, etc. will cost. We need to get this information in order to put it on the mailing cards so the people will know how much it will cost.

D. Mr. Hess read a letter from Jay Goober to the Town of Freedom regarding sub-divisions. The letter will be attached to these minutes.

Mr. Steve Cross

Mr. Cross had nothing to report except that there were a few road issues and he contacted Elwin Turner and discussed them on the telephone.

Road Commissioner Elwin Turner:

Clint Spaulding will not drive the truck because he cannot afford the insurance. Elwin will check the price of excavator. Jamie Marple has a backhoe and does work around the area and will check the how much he charges per hour for and excavator to see if it’s the same price as a backhoe. Others are Clayton Larrabbee, Jones and Emerson. The board feels that the townspeople should be on the road committee. Dave Bennett knows about shop welding and is willing to learn by being on the road committee. The Town of Freedom will be looking for volunteers to look at the roads, garage and road plan. Mr. Fox put in a bid for the firetruck and received it. Mr. Fox stated that if he wins the bid on the fire truck, he would donate 300 yards of winter sand or gravel. Elwin will volunteer to see Mr. Fox and question him about it. John Penny in Knox works for him. Roads should be graded! There is a rental machine that you can hook on a bucket dump into it and will hold the gravel. It hooks onto a grader or loader. Cy Reynolds is getting anxious because a culvert (Stevens Road) has not been put in it’s place.

We need volunteers to work and learn.

Selectmen’s Reports:

A. The Selectmen need to get out the set of by-laws. They are in the Selectmen’s office and they are needed in order to create a set of board members. It would be a good idea to stagger the officers.

B. The garbage on Carey Lane is still there. Only one side of the garbage was taken away. Hopefully it will all be gone by next Thursday.


A. Steve Bennett met with the planning board. KVKog turned over the comprehensive plan of years ago on disk and will give it to the secretary together with the full plans that both Theresa Abbott and Betty Sienkiewicz have.

B. The assessing program on CD was received this afternoon. The total cost for it is $10.00

C. Steve Bennett passed information out regarding the School District. The state will be paying 100% for the new school and will not come out of the taxpayers providing it will be built on the abutting site. Mr. Bennett also spoke about the Future MSAD3.

D. Gary Fuller retired from DOT and is offering his services of which he has 38 years of experience.

E. List of Transfers-Steve Bennett, Wilson Hess and Steve Cross will meet on Saturday at 9:30 to go and look at buildings around town to see if there are any changes.

F. An application was received for work zone safety signs and materials. The approximate cost for each package is $1,500.00 and the local share (match) will be approximately $375.00 (25% of the total cost per package). The market value of the package is approximately $3,000.00 if our town were to purchase these items directly. In order to apply, the application must be postmarked by June 11, 2004 and sent to the Maine Local Roads Center. (DOT)

Old Business:

A motion was made by Wilson Hess that the 1st. Selectman, Steve Bennett be authorized to sign the Charter Municipality Waste Disposal Agreement with the Penobscot Energy Recovery Company and the Schedule E, Agreement with the Municipal Review Committee, Inc. Regarding Acceptance of the MRC Bylaws and the Payment of Performance Credits and any other documents needed to execute these agreements.

New Business:


Open Session:

A. Basil Barns and Marbal Hutchins requested that a culvert be placed on Beaver Ridge Road where the open field is. He needs to go in there and spread the manure before the grass gets too tall. He would like to have it done within the week. He has a 16-18 inch culvert that he is willing to supply the town with in order for them to place it there. The board of Selectmen will authorize Elwin Turner, Road Commissioner to do the work and Basil will contact Elwin. All were in favor!

B. Betty Sienkiewicz is still waiting for an assessment/abatement regarding her trailer on Rt 137. The property measures 200 x 200.

C. Sallyann still waiting for the password for the minutes to be put onto the computer. Wilson Hess has contacted Francis King but has not heard back from him.

The meeting was adjourned by Steve Bennett at 7:30. All were in favor.

Respectfully submitted,

Sallyann Hadyniak

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Tuesday, May 11, 2004

The regular Selectmen’s meeting was cancelled due to having an

Open discussion regarding Pleasant Street.



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May 4, 2004

Selectmen present: Steve Bennett, Steve Cross, and Wilson Hess.
Also present: Theresa Abbott, Betty Sienkiewicz, Sallyann Hadyniak, Wassey Hadyniak, Thelma Ludden, Pete Bowers,
Floyd Blaisdell, and Marion Bowers

Meeting was opened at 6PM by Steve Bennett. Minutes were available to be read.

Wilson Hess requested that a correction be made in the minutes of April 13, 2004 and the minutes of May 4th. It was moved and seconded that the minutes of April 13 should be changed to read, "Minutes of April 13th should be changed to read, Risk Management People from MMA stated that it may not be a safe liability for volunteers to do the work.

Corrections in the minutes were made in the minutes of May 4, 2004.
Mr. Turner did not attend the sand and salt meeting.
Steve Bennett, not Steve Cross, will respond to the pre-application preservation grant.
Mark Philbrook has been on the list for a septic grant since 2003. Stanley McDonald an even longer length of time. Steve Bennett, not Wilson Hess, said that a new application needs to be made out this year.
Wilson Hess, not Mr. Wilson completed the Boundary Survey.
The Selectmen would like to have a trial balance for the first quarter that ends the end of May.
Mr. Hess, not Mike Turner, has not contacted Jay Guber yet on Mr. Turner's behalf. Planning Board minutes were given to Mike Turner during the meeting. .
The minutes were accepted with these corrections.

Plumbing inspector: Steve Bennett spoke with the town clerk in Unity regarding Donald Harriman. They have been satisfied with the relationship.
He also spoke with Donald Harriman who stated he would accept the same deal as last year which would be for 75% of the fees collected, 25 % goes to the state for DHS: plus he wants a stipend of $500 in addition. This is for travel, phone calls, letters and checking on septic systems that are not working. There was much discussion particularly related to the $500. Steve Cross had talked to someone in Morrill who felt we would be getting a good deal, as they have to pay a $1000 stipend. Wilson Hess, in reviewing the figures from last year, found that we were paying out more than we were receiving. The Town has not voted to raise money for the Plumbing inspector. A warrant for a town meeting related to the stipend of $500 was suggested by Steve Bennett. Steve Cross also felt this was a possibility and to pass over it if not needed. In discussing the situation, a motion was made by Steve Bennett. Wilson Hess felt that Donald Harriman had missed the date regarding this $500 stipend and that this discussion should have taken place four months ago, not now. The motion did not pass. Steve Bennett will call Donald Harriman to further discuss the situation.

Steve Bennett spoke with Tom Odle regarding Mr.Philbrick's request for a septic system. The request had to have been in by Jan 31, 04. The current system is to close to a neighbor's well. He will also check into the septic system for Stanley McDonald as well. He will check with Cindy as well as getting in touch with Richard Green.

Wilson Hess presented a certificate of appreciation to the cub scouts and their leaders for the outside work. This was signed by the three selectmen.

Steve Bennett produced a copy of a town report from 1956, article 34, in relationship to Rollins Road. This was one of five roads that were discontinued as town roads. Rollins Rd. is a town road as far as the Wagner Driveway. The closed roads could stay open as a public way, but would not be maintained by the town.

Wilson Hess stated that the grant from the Maine Library Of Geographic Information has been submitted. The grant request is for $1,617, the town's contribution would be $1078. Later this month we should know the results.
Also the MMA Risk Management Grant has been written as two grants, not one. Both have been submitted.

Pleasant Street Hearing by the selectmen will be at a regular meeting on June 1, 04. This is in relationship to whether Pleasant Street should be one way or two ways. All views will be heard. Wilson Hess felt it would be wise to obtain advice from the appropriate people, such as a safety engineer at DOT. This would provide background information to the selectmen and having them come to the meeting would be helpful. Steve Bennett said that in the past, information made available to alleviate the situation was: 1. remove the house on the corner, 2. put in a light or 3. reroute traffic. Jay Guber had been involved with a group in the past related to this matter. Wilson Hess will check with him regarding this. Some of those in the prior group were Lissa Widoff, Jay Guber, Ken Boyer and Chris [unknown last name].

Steve Bennett read a letter from Attorney John Carver to Marriner Paving in relationship to the poor paving asking that corrections be made by July 15. Also the question was asked in the letter as to when they would start work.

A Warrant as amended and written by Wilson Hess and Cindy for a Hearing related to P.E.R.C. and MRC will be posted to tomorrow. Motion was made and approved. This will include an agreement for 14 years, until 2018. Sallyann Hadyniak will post these in the designated areas.

The snack shop situation has not been resolved. Mr. Hess had not contacted Tina Freeman, but will do so.

Roadside pickup, going door-to-door will be on June 26th pending the availability of the Sullivan Brothers and acceptance by them. This will be for all goods, brown and white.

Fire truck bids were opened; there were three. The bid was awarded to Midcoast Gravel of Searsport for the sum of $750. They have one week to respond. If Midcoast does not accept, Floyd Blaisdell of Albion bid of $705.99 would the then be accepted.

Wilson Hess spoke about a historic record preservation grant Cindy had learned of. This is a one to one grant. The town spends a certain amount of money and the remainder is from volunteer services. There is $2000 in the budget [Restoration of old books] for this work and he would like to see us get this amount. Motion w was made and seconded to apply for this grant.

Read Brugger, postmaster, had spoken with Steve Bennett to see if the selectmen were agreeable to allow the postmasters to use our meeting room for May 25, 2004 from 10:30AM to 2:30PM. There will be seven or eight of them. This was agreeable to all selectmen.

Steve Bennett learned that the computer is not working properly. Wilson Hess will look at it after the meeting.
A letter was read by Steve Bennett by Lissa Widoff.
He also read a letter from George Butler relative to a conversation he had with Wilson Hess. He, Mr. Butler, wrote about a meeting he had with Red Mitchell discussing his boundaries and acreage. It was alleged that he had abandoned 13 thirteen [13] acres. He owns 22, not 35 acres. No action was taken. The letter will be attached to his property card.

Wilson Hess stated that there was an old town record book dating back to 1819 in the vault

Wilson Hess stated that assessing needs to be begun for 2004. Steve Cross suggested to him that this needs to be done in a timely fashion since it is needed for this summer to do taxes. In the office there is a Marshall and Swift book that would be helpful. A training session in assessing was done in February and will be done again in August of this year. Steve Cross has the most experience regarding assessments.
The selectmen decided to meet this Saturday, May 8th, from 8AM to 10 AM. to have a work session in relationship to assessing.

Wilson Hess gave several pieces of material, some related to comprehensive planning, to Steve Bennett for the planning board.

Steve Cross spoke about an area on Ayer Ridge Rd that needed repair because of snowplow damage. He felt that cold patching the area would be appropriate and he will see that this gets done.


Warrants from Cindy were presented for payroll of $1,439.55. Steve Bennett and Wilson
Hess will be paid on a monthly basis over a period of nine months. Steve Cross will be paid on an annual basis.
Steve Bennett presented a warrant with a list of bills. Total expenditures were $6,073.42
Both warrants were signed.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Marion Bowers

Back To Top


May 4, 2004

Selectmen present: Steve Bennett, Steve Cross, and Wilson Hess.
Also present: Theresa Abbott, Betty Sienkiewicz, Sallyann Hadyniak, Wassey Hadyniak, Thelma Ludden, Pete Bowers,
Floyd Blaisdell, and Marion Bowers

Meeting was opened at 6PM by Steve Bennett. Minutes were available to be read.

Wilson Hess requested that a correction be made in the minutes of April 13, 2004 and the minutes of May 4th. It was moved and seconded that the minutes of April 13 should be changed to read, "Minutes of April 13th should be changed to read, Risk Management People from MMA stated that it may not be a safe liability for volunteers to do the work.

Corrections in the minutes were made in the minutes of May 4, 2004.
Mr. Turner did not attend the sand and salt meeting.
Steve Bennett, not Steve Cross, will respond to the pre-application preservation grant.
Mark Philbrook has been on the list for a septic grant since 2003. Stanley McDonald an even longer length of time. Steve Bennett, not Wilson Hess, said that a new application needs to be made out this year.
Wilson Hess, not Mr. Wilson completed the Boundary Survey.
The Selectmen would like to have a trial balance for the first quarter that ends the end of May.
Mr. Hess, not Mike Turner, has not contacted Jay Guber yet on Mr. Turner's behalf. Planning Board minutes were given to Mike Turner during the meeting. .
The minutes were accepted with these corrections.

Plumbing inspector: Steve Bennett spoke with the town clerk in Unity regarding Donald Harriman. They have been satisfied with the relationship.
He also spoke with Donald Harriman who stated he would accept the same deal as last year which would be for 75% of the fees collected, 25 % goes to the state for DHS: plus he wants a stipend of $500 in addition. This is for travel, phone calls, letters and checking on septic systems that are not working. There was much discussion particularly related to the $500. Steve Cross had talked to someone in Morrill who felt we would be getting a good deal, as they have to pay a $1000 stipend. Wilson Hess, in reviewing the figures from last year, found that we were paying out more than we were receiving. The Town has not voted to raise money for the Plumbing inspector. A warrant for a town meeting related to the stipend of $500 was suggested by Steve Bennett. Steve Cross also felt this was a possibility and to pass over it if not needed. In discussing the situation, a motion was made by Steve Bennett. Wilson Hess felt that Donald Harriman had missed the date regarding this $500 stipend and that this discussion should have taken place four months ago, not now. The motion did not pass. Steve Bennett will call Donald Harriman to further discuss the situation.

Steve Bennett spoke with Tom Odle regarding Mr.Philbrick's request for a septic system. The request had to have been in by Jan 31, 04. The current system is to close to a neighbor's well. He will also check into the septic system for Stanley McDonald as well. He will check with Cindy as well as getting in touch with Richard Green.

Wilson Hess presented a certificate of appreciation to the cub scouts and their leaders for the outside work. This was signed by the three selectmen.

Steve Bennett produced a copy of a town report from 1956, article 34, in relationship to Rollins Road. This was one of five roads that were discontinued as town roads. Rollins Rd. is a town road as far as the Wagner Driveway. The closed roads could stay open as a public way, but would not be maintained by the town.

Wilson Hess stated that the grant from the Maine Library Of Geographic Information has been submitted. The grant request is for $1,617, the town's contribution would be $1078. Later this month we should know the results.
Also the MMA Risk Management Grant has been written as two grants, not one. Both have been submitted.

Pleasant Street Hearing by the selectmen will be at a regular meeting on June 1, 04. This is in relationship to whether Pleasant Street should be one way or two ways. All views will be heard. Wilson Hess felt it would be wise to obtain advice from the appropriate people, such as a safety engineer at DOT. This would provide background information to the selectmen and having them come to the meeting would be helpful. Steve Bennett said that in the past, information made available to alleviate the situation was: 1. remove the house on the corner, 2. put in a light or 3. reroute traffic. Jay Guber had been involved with a group in the past related to this matter. Wilson Hess will check with him regarding this. Some of those in the prior group were Lissa Widoff, Jay Guber, Ken Boyer and Chris [unknown last name]..

Steve Bennett read a letter from Attorney John Carver to Marriner Paving in relationship to the poor paving asking that corrections be made by July 15. Also the question was asked in the letter as to when they would start work.

A Warrant as amended and written by Wilson Hess and Cindy for a Hearing related to P.E.R.C. and MRC will be posted to tomorrow. Motion was made and approved. This will include an agreement for 14 years, until 2018. Sallyann Hadyniak will post these in the designated areas.

The snack shop situation has not been resolved. Mr. Hess had not contacted Tina Freeman, but will do so.

Roadside pickup, going door-to-door will be on June 26th pending the availability of the Sullivan Brothers and acceptance by them. This will be for all goods, brown and white.

Fire truck bids were opened; there were three. The bid was awarded to Midcoast Gravel of Searsport for the sum of $750. They have one week to respond. If Midcoast does not accept, Floyd Blaisdell of Albion bid of $705.99 would the then be accepted.

Wilson Hess spoke about a historic record preservation grant Cindy had learned of. This is a one to one grant. The town spends a certain amount of money and the remainder is from volunteer services. There is $2000 in the budget [Restoration of old books] for this work and he would like to see us get this amount. Motion w was made and seconded to apply for this grant.

Read Brugger, postmaster, had spoken with Steve Bennett to see if the selectmen were agreeable to allow the postmasters to use our meeting room for May 25, 2004 from 10:30AM to 2:30PM. There will be seven or eight of them. This was agreeable to all selectmen.

Steve Bennett learned that the computer is not working properly. Wilson Hess will look at it after the meeting.
A letter was read by Steve Bennett by Lissa Widoff.
He also read a letter from George Butler relative to a conversation he had with Wilson Hess. He, Mr. Butler, wrote about a meeting he had with Red Mitchell discussing his boundaries and acreage. It was alleged that he had abandoned 13 thirteen [13] acres. He owns 22, not 35 acres. No action was taken. The letter will be attached to his property card.

Wilson Hess stated that there was an old town record book dating back to 1819 in the vault.

Wilson Hess stated that assessing needs to be begun for 2004. Steve Cross suggested to him that this needs to be done in a timely fashion since it is needed for this summer to do taxes. In the office there is a Marshall and Swift book that would be helpful. A training session in assessing was done in February and will be done again in August of this year. Steve Cross has the most experience regarding assessments. The selectmen decided to meet this Saturday, May 8th, from 8AM to 10 AM. to have a work session in relationship to assessing.

Wilson Hess gave several pieces of material, some related to comprehensive planning, to Steve Bennett for the planning board.

Steve Cross spoke about an area on Ayer Ridge Rd that needed repair because of snowplow damage. He felt that cold patching the area would be appropriate and he will see that this gets done.

Warrants from Cindy were presented for payroll of $1,439.55. Steve Bennett and Wilson Hess will be paid on a monthly basis over a period of nine months. Steve Cross will be paid on an annual basis. Steve Bennett presented a warrant with a list of bills. Total expenditures were $6,073.42 Both warrants were signed.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Marion Bowers

Back To Top


April 27, 2004

Selectmen present: Steve Bennett, Steve Cross, and Wilson Hess.
Others present: Theresa Abbott, Betty Sienkiewicz, Sallyann Hadyniak, Pete
Bowers, Elwin Turner, Wy Hadyniak, Jon Willette, Jim Waterman, Audrey Williams and Marion Bowers

Minutes of the last meeting were read. There was one correction made by Mike Turner. Mike Turner asked that the statement made by Jay Goober that the selectmen check out the sub division of Mike Turners, which was made years ago be included in the minutes. With this addition they were approved.

A motion was made and approved to send a letter to each of the outgoing selectmen recognizing their service to the town.

Mr. Bennett presented the following items:

Sand and Salt Bid: Mr. Cross and Elwin Turner attended a meeting in regards to this. The tonnage is cheaper with multiple towns.150 tons will be ordered.

Plumbing inspector: Mr. Cross approached Donald Harriman regarding the position of plumbing inspector. His fee would include all plumbing fees plus $500. There was considerable discussion regarding this. In the past, two thirds of the fee were evenly divided between the state and human services and the remaining portion, one third went to the plumbing inspector. No decision was reached. Cindy will be contacted as to what has been done in the past. Mr. Bennett will check with Unity and see what kind of a relationship they have with Donald Harriman regarding his fees.

Old Snack Shop: This has been discussed as to the disposition of this building in the past. It was felt that Tina Freeman did not want to keep it on a permanent basis. Mr. Hess felt that it needs to be gotten rid of. Elwin Turner felt that he could use it for his own personal use. No other departments have expressed an interest in it. In the end it was decided to have Mr. Hess check with Tina and if she did not want the building Elwin would take it. It would no longer be a liability to the town. Formal action would be required on this at a future meeting.

Pleasant St. MMA road manual states that the selectmen have the authorization in deciding whether this should be one way or two way. Mr. Hess stated that a public hearing should be held to further discuss this issue. Sallyann Hadyniak stated that this had been previously discussed. Mike Turner felt that there were people who need to be present to discuss some of the negatives, such as inability of large vehicles to navigate up the hill on 137 when they come from High St. particularly when the road is slippery. Mr. Bennett mentioned issues of safety and convenience. A motion was made and seconded to have a hearing to discuss the Pleasant St. situation, with all views to be presented on June 1, 2004. Mr. Hess asked Salllyann Hadyniak to put this in the newspaper.

Marriner Paving: Mr. Bennett stated that Attorney John Carver has been contacted again asking that a letter be sent requesting that they repair the roads in Freedom as they said they would by July 15, 2004. This letter is not to mention any threat. It will be about $75 to draft this letter.

Public Hearing on P.E.R.C. Mr. Hess has been in contact with Greg Launder from the Municipal Review Committee, [MRC], Gary Stacey from P.E.R.C. and someone from Sullivan's. They will all be present at the hearing on April 28, 2004.

Credit Card Machine: A request has been made for such a machine to be in the town office. This would cost money; there is a fee involved. Mr. Hess was not in favor of such a machine.

Personal Property List from Rent way will be put in the file for Mr. Hess.

Coca Cola Letter: Unable to fill out form, as one was never sent with the letter. Mr. Hess will also look into this.

FEMA Grant: A check for $27,556.67 has been received from the Federal Gov't. After the paper work is finished there will be another $5,000 coming from the state of Maine.

A warrant for payroll from Cindy was approved for a total of $837.67.

Cindy Abbott and the Cub Scouts will be recognized and thanked for their work outside the Town Office. Motion made and approved to do this. Mr. Hess will compose this letter.

Recreation Committee: Mr. Bennett stated that he had received e-mail from the Killers. This was an update on the work that had been accomplished. They would appreciate any help they could get. They will also be having a dance on Friday night.

MMA Workers Comp: Loss ratio, 2 claims with $463 being paid out. This is a good loss ratio According to Mr. Bennett.

Ed. Ponder, at some time, sent a certified letter just prior to the elections. No one knows anything about this. It may deal with the old Mark Mitcher property.

Chris White would like to mow lawns for the town. Herb Abbott has been doing this and will continue to do the town office if this is agreeable to him. . The members of the fire department do around the fire department.

MMA letter, re: Palesky Referendum: MMA feels this would be devastating to the State of Maine. This referendum refers to the tax cap on property of the 1996 rate or a 10-mil cap. Mr. Wilson suggested that no action be taken.

Letter from Jim Waterman: Ann Snyder from the MMA Risk Management discussed blood borne pathogens with the fire department and fleet safety. They will be applying for a grant proposal for liquid storage material. $773 includes shipping with 66% returned.

Mr. Bennett bought up the subject of by-laws and their approval. It is the responsibility of the selectmen to approve by-laws. In this case it is referring to the by-laws of the Recreational Committee.

WCCSA has applied for a pre-application preservation first time grant. This is for the low income and to help make betterments in substandard housing. It needs to be supported buy the town. A response is due by May 5th. Mr. Cross will respond to this letter.

Town Committee Reports:
Mr. Bennett would like regularly scheduled reports on a quarterly basis the first Tuesday of any month. Particularly after the close of the quarter. Also there needs to be a liaison between the different departments. Mr. Wilson will be the liaison with the fire department. Mr. Bennett will be the liaison with the planning board and Mr. Cross with

We have a bid on the old fire truck but that cannot be opened until May 3rd.

Mark Philbrook has been the list for a septic grand for years. However because the information was not send into DEP in a timely fashion, the money we might have received has been forfeited. Mark Turner also stated that Stanley McDonald had been on the list for a long time. A new application this year needs to be made out according to Mr. Hess. He will also check with Richard Green regarding this fund.

Mr. Wilson completed the Boundary Survey. The form was sent in Monday according to him.

Mr. Bennett is still working to learn phone numbers; those that have been ascertained are: Audrey Williams, 382-6130; Tina Freeman 382-6610 and Bruce Peterson 's is still missing.

Assement for the Town of Freedom county taxes is $ 52, 529.54 up from $40, will wait until August as all of the information is not in. This will need to be signed by the selectmen as assessors.

PUC Survey was made for underground Wires was with CMP, Fairpoint, and Exxon- Mobil. This was approved and signed by all selectmen.

Town Officers Report:
The audit, where is it???? Was a question asked by Mr. Hess. Would also like to have the trial balance for the first quarter that ends the end of May, Mr. Hess also spoke in regards to the password for the Website that he will have to find. The pass work, now in code, for Sallyann to enter the minutes of the town meeting is yet to be found according to Mr. Hess.

Mike Turner is still looking for the minutes from 2003. He has not contacted Jay Guber yet.

Cemeteries: Viola Greely and Lorraine Overlock are in charge of them. There is a grant, which can be applied for with Lucas Tree. This would help in the work on cemeteries. They have limbs of the trees that interfere with the electric lines. Perhaps something could be worked out for them to do some, the private cemeteries. It would be worthwhile to pay them $40/hr for 2 men and a bucket truck, Wilson Hess will pursue this possibility, Theresa Abbot t will organize a workday. There may be a possibility that some of the senior students will do this as part of their community service. A grant from the Lucas Tree will look into this. As it is now, the company gets $40.oo an hour for two men and a bucket truck. Mr. Hess will look into the possibility of obtaining a grant from them.

Historical Society: Is this a separate entity or does it fall under a town committee? On the second Wednesday of May the group has a meeting and this will be discussed.

Jim Waterman, fire chief gave a report on the recent MMA Risk Management. Much of this information has already been discussed previously in this report. However there are several firefighters that would like to have the Hepatitis B vaccine for their safety in caring for those with this virus.

Town Roads: Elwin Turner reported that he had a call that the Rollins Rd had washed out badly. Part of this road has been discontinued. According to Mike Turner the discontinuance of the road was after the Wagner Barn. Currently this has not been the situation. There are three families living there, some very elderly. The fire department has been down to them several times. The road is narrow and wet at times according to Jim Waterman. The discontinuance goes back to 1955 and the wording maybe interpreted in different ways. Mr. Hess will look into this.

Dig Safe Violation: This occurred sometime last summer. Elwin Turner stated that he had called and they had come out and marked the areas safe for digging. Training of four hours will eliminate the fine. Classes are from 8-12 on Wed and need to be taken by August.

Road Commissioner: There was a long discussion related to roads, employees and the quality of the roads. Steve Bennett felt that a plan of action needs to be developed after noting the condition of all the town roads. He suggested to Elwin Turner that he get a group of people who had some expertise in this area, such as Clayton Larrabee, Buddy Spaulding, Junior Emerson, Ron Lee, and Dennis Jones and create a plan. Mike Turner said this had been done several years ago and they were not able to present it before the selectmen. because they were informed it was illegally posted. Mr. Bennett felt that a motion to create a committee for the town roads and the town garage is needed. The garage is in poor shape and the question becomes repair or demolition. In the past there have been several people who thought they might be able to do some repairs on it, but none were done. It was suggested that perhaps Jim Little, a contractor would be willing to look at it and asses if the garage is salvageable or it needs to be replaced. An area on the Mitchell Rd. might be a possibility for a new garage.
Mr. Bennett inquired as to how Elwin Turner was paid. Mr. Turner replied he is paid $18.12 per hour. He makes sure the work is done, supervises, and also works on the road. He also works with the equipment as well. Hourly wages: common laborer $9.03, truck drivers $11.50. Mr. Bennett felt it made more sense to pay a couple of laborers versus paying $18.12. When Elwin Turner drives in to get parts he is paid mileage as well his hourly wage.
The time cards are given to Cindy that Elwin has initialed. Currently he has one driver, Clint Spaulding but needs three others. They must pass drug screening and have an annual physical. The town really needs some on-call drivers and laborers. There is even a question that in the future we will have to contract the work out if we can't find eligible candidates. It was suggested that Matt Shaw, who formerly worked for DOT might be interested. He is well known to Jim Waterman. All in all a public works committee needs to be formed.
Salt removal off the trucks is in the process.
Elwin Turner will be going under medical treatment over the next few weeks and Herb Abbott would probably cover for him.

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No Selectmen’s Meeting on April 20, 2004

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Minutes of the April 13, 2004 Town of Freedom, Selectmen’s Meeting

Those in attendance were Selectmen Steve Bennett, Wilson G. Hess, and Steve Cross. Also included were Thelma Ledden, Betty Sienkiewicz, Jon Willett, Lisa Woodoff, Theressa Abbott, Bruce Peterson, Jay Guber, Mike Turner, Tom Fleming, Jim Waterman, Audrey Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Hartley, Peter Bowers and Sallyann Hadyniak.

Mr. Bennett requested that Sallyann take the minutes.

The meeting was called to order

By 1st. Selectman, Steve Bennett at 6:01 p.m.

Mr. Bennett requested the telephone numbers of Audrey Williams, Bruce Peterson, Elwin Turner and Betty Sienkiewicz to have on record.

A motion to accept the minutes of the April 6th meeting as read was made by Steve Cross and passed by Wilson G. Hess.


Steve Bennett announced that Nancy Bailey Farrar was the Chairman of the Planning board, Helen Tirone, co-chair and Judy Bennett Secretary.

The Appeals Board remains the same.

Appointed to the Budget Committee were Audrey Williams and Betty Sienkiewicz.

The Freedom Rec. Committee was having their meeting on the 14th and will elect their officers and will present the information regarding the by-laws to the Selectmen.

Steve Bennett made a motion that Steve Cross should get in contact with David Harriman, Plumbing Inspector set a meeting date and sees what his fee is for that position. It was second by Wilson Hess.

A motion was made by Steve Cross to appoint Jay Guber as building inspector and CEO. All were in favor.

A motion by Steve Bennett to name Marion Bowers as Health Officer. Motion made and carried. All in favor.

A motion by Steve Bennett to name James Waterman as Civil Defense Officer Second by Wilson Hess.

For constable, it was noted that the position was not necessary; therefore the motion for Christine Bessey was not carried. Wilson Hess moved to have the position vacant and it was second by Steve Bennett. It was unanimous.

It was noted that all appointments must be sworn in.

Wilson Hess gave a report regarding FEMA.

There were eight roads that needed to be completed, Beaver Ridge, Burnham Hill, Smithton, Davis, Deerhill, Greeley, Rollins and Sibley roads. $20,000.00 has already been expanded, half due to storm and for work in the summer. The selectmen should work with the Road Commissioner to make sure the work is done right.

Audit Report:

Internal Control Observation

Town audit for 2003 Final statement in the next several weeks. One reconcile trial balance be taken and revised quality (March). A lot of work needs to be done. The Selectmen set a date with the treasurer. Trial balance produced 12/31/03. State auditor and treasurer from 2002 said it was not done and should be done. All of the other control stems from that. Wilson Hess stated that the trial balance comes from Trio—not correspondence to the paper ones. Original kept in paper form and harder producing. The work on the computer must be kept up. Cindy wants additional training and would rather do paper work. Cindy signed up for training with Trio already.

Steve Bennett asked if Audrey Williams if familiar with Trio. Wilson Hess stated there wasn’t any money set aside for the accessing work for Trio. Hamlin Associates IRS in Augusta wrote an assessment program which was cheaper. Steve Bennett asked a new member of the Budget Committee to look into Cindy’s program and to give her a boost. Audrey Williams stated she will help to see how it works. Wilson Hess said he is confident that Cindy can do the work.

Jay Guber thought Trio is being paid on annual fee and we should ask them to help. Cindy spent a lot of time with Trio for support. Trio will come out for assistance. Wilson Hess would rather Cindy ask for help if she needs it instead of just sending someone to help her.

Road Report:

Steve Cross and Wilson Hess were scared to death all the way while checking roads on Saturday. Steve Cross got more information today, (Tuesday) and checked out the town lines.

The Waldo County Selectman’s Association wants the town to send a representative to buy sand. Last year it was purchased and it was good sand. Steve Cross will attend the next meeting on April 29. Steve Cross is to contact Elwin Turner, Road Commissioner to find out how many tons of sand the town needs. Steve Bennett and Wilson Hess might be able to go, after checking, Steve Cross and Wilson Hess is very interested in going. They all agreed to get the same amount of sand as last year. The meeting is in Waldo County and starts at 7 p.m.

Ayer Ridge, Mitchell Road has drainage problems; the trouble with the new paving is that it should be sealed. Smithtown is bad on top of the hill, ditching needed on Smithtown Road or big erosion will occur. Rocks should be placed to slow down the water, a tree on Ayers Ridge Road should be cut down for it can fall and it is dangerous. Beaver Ridge Road was also checked.

Bushes should be cut on some roads. CMP has Lucas doing a lot of work under the lines and possibly have the Lucas boy do some of the work that we need to be done regarding the bushes, etc. Elwin Turner is to be contacted to attend the next meeting (April 27) this is his job. Sullivan went off Sibley Road and according to Wilson Hess, Freedom does not run a towing service. Jon Willett contacted Elwin to look into stump. Snow plow was responsible. Dig Safe was there today and Jon felt he could get rid of the stump. Jon volunteered to do the job. At that point, Steve Cross stated that Jon has done a lot of work for the town and as a resident of Town House Road; Peter Bowers said it looks great! Jon was warned by Wilson Hess and second by Steve Bennett to be careful. The stump is 17 feet from the phone lines and the stump is three feet.

Steve Bennett read a letter from the Waldo County Comm. dated April 7 and said it looks like a bill for 5,252.??

$52,664.94 is Freedom’s share and should be raised to defray the unusual necessary charges to D. A. Parkman, Treasurer of the County of Waldo.

Last year it was $45,403.00 and was due in 60 days. This year it is up by 7,261.94.

Francis King stated that he updated the minutes on the computer and I, (Sallyann Hadyniak) volunteered to post the minutes on the computer.

Follow up conversation, Mr. Stacey and Mr. Linden will be available to attend meeting August 28, at 7 p.m.

Wilson Hess read a letter he drafted up to send to the outgoing Selectmen reminding them to return all town documents etc and those they shouldn’t have any town property. It also included a thank you for their dedication to the job.

Mike Turner wants the minutes of the Planning Board to check out to check out something about the law and the only minutes found were from February to August. It was discovered that some minutes were not in the office. September to December weren’t available. CEO information to be given to Mike Turner. He will charge for copies of $25.00 and $30.00 for all minutes.

Wilson Hess received notification that the Homestead was ??????Mill Rate was overstated. $23,325.00 deemed for 18,000 was 17 plus change and a decrease of 1/3.

$4,952.00 must be paid by April 30. The figure was sent in before the taxes were paid.

DEP a grant balance of 305.00. They will disencumber to other projects. 4/1/2004 notify small comm. grant balance letter dated 3/9/04.

Lisa Woodoff gave her opinion regarding the Pleasant Street one way sign. Also was stated that the one way is being violated by others and by residents of that street. It is up to the Selectmen to decide whether it will remain a one way or two ways. They will discuss it.

Town Offices Reports:

Steve Bennett met with the Planning Board. Discussions were held regarding the building ordinance, roll of Planning board and CEO. Steve Bennett‘s opinion is that the CEO and the Planning Board should work closer together. Permits should go to the planning board and not the Selectmen.

Cindy will be making copies of permits. Bringing the Comprehensive plan back to light. The people didn’t have time to do their homework during their 5-6 year period to continue comprehensive plan. People that have the time are needed for Comprehensive planning and committees for sub-divisions.

Steve Cross gave the Hartley’s their abatement and they left immediately.

Steve Bennett will be the liaison to the Planning Board. Wilson Hess has a stack of papers to be handed over.

Need to do something about 2 acres passed at town meeting. 1 Bldg. permit given to Shawn and Barbara Weave for a 48 X 28 garage.

Robbtal nixed their idea at the moment decided the Rollins Road was not suitable at this time. (Road and property) to place the trailer. Jeff Scott Lot 5-Kenshaw Richardson Map 3 sub division wants information regarding sub division. Jay Guber needs documentation soil test, 300 feet back on the lot. Steve Shaw does not have a published number. Jay will see him regarding the documentation.

Representative from Freedom =to attend meeting in Augusta regarding new highway in Augusta.

Jay Guber and Mike Turner discussed not seeing any permits, sub division. Steve Bennett called discussion to a halt. Jay gave what he had. Mike Turner wanted to know what the original complaint was and who made it.


Wilson Hess drafted a letter to outgoing Selectmen. Steve Bennett read letters and will add documents to be signed by the outgoing Selectmen, namely Carol Richardson and Francis King. Wilson Hess made the motion and Steve Cross seconds it. Motion made and carried.

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: April 28, 2004 at the Town Hall starting at 7 p.m. to revise a prepared agreement with PERC. The present one expired 3/31/04 and a new contract is needed. It must be posted 7 days before at Freedom General and the Post Office. Steve Bennett made a motion and Wilson Hess nominated Steve Bennett to post. The Clerk will be instructed to word this poster in preparation of this notice. Wilson Hess made the motion and Steve Bennett seconds it. Motion made and carried.

The Hartley’s had a deed and abatement and no reason to be reverted. Wilson Hess made a motion to reinstate lot size 2.0 or ………..2.4 instruct treasurer. The……… determined by the assessors. All in favor!

Mariners Paving

Steve Bennett did not get a phone call from John Carver regarding breach of contract. Verbal torte law contract. Mariner said they will restore it by July 16, 2004. Wilson Hess will follow up from Steve Bennett and put it on hold, if not, Wilson will do it.

Freedom Rec Comm to place a portal pottie and dumpster in the Freedom Rec. Park.

Special Town Meeting on May 5, 2004 to vote on PERC 7 p.m. at the Grange. Second article possibly redesign the Freedom Rec. Comm by-laws.


Assign Selectman to see that work gets done by FEMA. Steve Bennett wants road commissioner to oversee a road plan and to develop a plan. Also look at the whole Public Works department.

Tire on loader needs to be taken off and taken care of. Jon Willett is willing to take the tire down to have it fixed and he together with the help of Elwin Turner will put it back. (Tire to be repaired) Jon will call Elwin.

Risk Management people from MMA stated that it may not be safe liability for Jon to do the work. Steve Cross will represent Selectman with Road Committee.


Wilson Hess asked Cindy Abbott when they can have a trial balance for the end of the first quarter. A motion was made by Steve Bennett that May 15th the treasurer will provide the trial balance to the Selectmen and Wilson Hess seconds it. All were in agreement. Motion made, carried and passed.


Lisa Woodoff spoke of reasons why Pleasant Street should remain one way. Emergency vehicles are exempt! The decision lies with the Selectmen, all opinions are heard and safety issues were discussed. It was agreed that the left turn was not safe. Audrey Williams agreed to look at the whole and not one part when making a decision. It will be discussed and see what DOT alternatives are. Look at all alternatives!

Peter Bowers wanted to know about Pickup Brown and White goods. There should be one in October. That will get checked out. The budget had a smaller amount then last year. Peter stated that it is hard for the elderly to take their items to be dropped off and that door to door is best.

Jon Willet stated he had someone who will take the junk culverts tomorrow and got the approval of Steve Bennett and Wilson Hess.

Theresa Abbott wants something done to the streetlights that go on and off!

Steve Bennett made a motion to close the meeting at 8:39, motion made and carried. Meeting closed.

Respectfully submitted,

Sallyann Hadyniak

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Steve Bennett, Steve Cross and Wilson Hess, Selectmen

Also present: Sallyann Hadyniak, Theresa Abbott, Betty Sienkiewicz, Audrey Williams, Dottie

Chase, Thelma Ledden, Tina Freeman, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hartley, Beau Selleck, Mike Turner,

Erna and Kevin Keller, Jeff Holmes, Jim Waterman, Drew Fales, John Willett, Bruce Peterson,

Peter and Marion Bowers.

Meeting called to order by Mr. Bennett.

Mr. Bennett read the minutes of the last meeting that were written by Mr. Hess. With one correction they were accepted and read. That correction should have been Smithton Cemetery instead of Pleasant Hill Cemetery.

Selectmen’s Reports:


Mr. Hess reported on his discussion with a representative of PERC. Our multi-year contract expired on 3/31/04. A fourteen- year renewal was offered. In the future we may be able to join in an expanded charter town pool. Currently we are not in one. These towns currently receive a rebate of $20 per ton. We currently pay a tipping fee of $65 per ton. If they extend the charter town pool and we join we would share in profits, around $10 per ton. Tipping fee would allow us to dump 250 tons of garbage yearly plus other benefits. Quarterly payments of the profits would be paid to us. Mr. Bennett stated that the revenue stream comes in the form of a rebate from the PERC profits. We would also be allowed a 25% overage on contracted amounts without changing the terms of the contract. As it is now garbage has to go somewhere, either PERC or to a landfill. If offer not taken we would go back to the former agreement. A meeting with MRC is needed to learn more and this needs to be done soon. Our other options are to have a short-term agreement with PERC, or use a landfill. A hearing with those involved needs to be scheduled soon.

Mr. Hess stated that the auditor had been to Freedom. We don’t meet the requirements necessary to file an A133.

In relationship to transit payment there will be no bonus for Freedom since we do not have this system.

Department of Labor noted that we had no violations and no facility. Form filed.

Forms turned in on Assessors Day will be acknowledged.

Mr. Bennett spoke regarding the paving situation done by Marriners on Greeley and Bryant Road in 2002. There are multiple bare spots. Steve Cross, Elwin Turner and a representative of the company, Lee Andrews met and it was agreed that it would be fixed before snowfall. It was never done. A letter was sent by Attorney John Carver to the Marriners requesting that this be repaired. Job was so poor, that repaving is needed on 3.1 mi of road. The response from them, was that they would repair by lining off areas that were bare. This was to be done by 6/15/03. Marriners gave excuses to the attorney as to why it had not been done, but said that it would now be done by 7/15/04. Our situation now is do we wait and see if it is done without further action or do we hire an attorney to sue. Cost to hire an attorney to file a suit and represent us can range from $7, 500 to $30,000, plus a fee for an expert would be from $3,000 to $4,000. For $75.00 we can have Attorney Carver send a letter to fix the roads, requiring that they do a workman-like job. Letter should also state that the repairs be made to the standard of an original surface. Also to include that a penalty would be negotiated by attorney if not done by stated date.

Tina Freeman inquired if the attorney generals office had ever been contacted for mediation. Mr. Bennett will check with attorney John Carver for his opinion on this.

Mr. Bennett had met with the risk evaluator from MMA. They toured the town office, garage, town house and snack shack area. Required insurance forms from Freedom had not been mailed back to them by the due date of 3/31/03 and they were interested as to why this had not been done.

Town house, historical building, is worth actual cash value. May change with $10,000 grant from MBNA. The inspector was impressed by what had already been done. If intensive work is to be done in the future, i.e., wiring, a builders’ risk policy would be needed.

Mr. Bennett noted that there was rot on the gable line and some roof deterioration.

There was a question of the support for the chimney. Drew Fales stated that it was supported but not to the first floor. This will be addressed. He also stated that there was a lot more work that needed to be done. Brian Mitchell had been contacted for roof repair but it was too late in the fall. The foundation work has been done and the roof is next.

The recreational area was the next inspected. Bleachers on the right are okay, the older ones nearer the town office have planks that look and are rotten. They will require replacement. The height of the back of the bleachers is a potential problem. It was suggested that there be some kind of back support. It may be necessary to contact the underwriter and Mr. Cross has his phone number.

The old snack shop needs to be moved. At one time it was to be used for storage behind the town office. Tina Freeman also expressed an interest in taking it and using if for storage but still having the town have ownership of the building.

The new snack shop will have water and a grill outside. There will be no bathroom facilities.

Insurance on the dugouts is not necessary.

There is a risk around the swing sets, some have been damaged and need replacement.

Hanging bars are not smooth, splinters present.

Tot swing cracked.

Safety surface paint needed on platforms to prevent slipping.

Wasp nest needs to be removed.

Also suggested was a railing at the top of the slide that youngsters could hold onto until they were seated.

Jeff Holmes stated that they would be putting chips under the swings.

The town garage had multiple problems that were not gone into.

We will be receiving a letter out lining the findings.

A grange hall certificate needs to be on file for anyone wanting to use the facility such as the Historical Society, Freedom Recreational Group, Fire Department, etc.

Florence Wheeler is the contact person.

Insurance coverage for Workman’s comp 8%, Property damage 49%, nearly half of that in claims. In 2001 there were 5-6 vehicle claims.

It was suggested that a defensive driving course for all operators of the town vehicles be done. The course is free and is 2.5 hrs long.

Mr. Hess met with the auditor who had completed the fieldwork. In reviewing and discussing the Recreation Funds, they are to receive a refund of $683.12. This comes from $480 the previous year, and $203 last year.

Gail Chase, state auditor, reports that control issues are a problem in a letter.

Mr. Bennett stated that the town had received a violation notice from July 22, 03 on Smithton Rd. It was a probable violation of Maine State Law. Northland and the town did ground work without the approval from DigSafe. The penalty is a $500 fine and mandatory training. Thirty days are allowed to respond. We have the option of appealing or consent to the agreement. This will be checked with Elwin Turner.

John Willette spoke about inaccurate information they had received in the 2002 from Dig Safe. Wires were not where they said they were.

Mr. Bennett requested that you call Dig Safe and they mark the site; this should prevent fines.

Mr. Willette said that he had recently cut a wire and had not called prior to his work. The cut was made with a shovel. He notified Dig Safe after the fact and they came out and spliced the wires. He was told by whomever did the repair work, that it was up to that individual’s description as to whether there would be a fine.

Town Officer’s reports:

Jim Waterman had a request that Mr. Bennett presented, put the 1974 pumper out

to bid. Formal action to place an ad by the clerk to post and publish this announcement was taken.

Mr. Bennett stated that the hours for the selectmen to be in the town office will be posted in the window. One of them will be there everyday.

The planning board needs a definite time to meet with the selectmen. All will remain on the board with the exception of Clayton Wentworth whose term has expired. The term is for 5 years. Drew Fales felt that some of the terms had been for three years.

Mr. Cross had been called regarding a problem found by the surveyor in one of the sub-divisions on Ayer Ridge. The owner of the sub-division, Walter Gurchick, has not recorded the plans, but the town has the sub-division on the tax map. The sites in question are on town map, #9, lots # 26-2 through 26-8

This is a planning board issue. The subdivision has not been legally approved.

It needs to be researched by the planning board if there is a violation. Also need to find out why it is on the tax maps. The registry of deeds may be helpful according to Tina Freeman.

Mike Turner wanted to see the minutes of the planning board. They are in the custody of the clerk.

Jeff Holmes, President of the Recreation Committee reported on his group.

Other members are Tim and Tami Turner, Erna and Kevin Keller, and Monica Holmes.

There will be a water spigot eventually which has been ok’d by the church. There is electric work to be done. In the future there will be improved parking since there are times the church and the recreation group both need space for parking. There are trees marked with yellow tags, which will be taken down this year. Their goal is to make a safer and more appealing area. Hopefully in the future they will require less funds from the town. There is a concrete wall and a hole, which present a safety issue. Mr. Cross stated that there was a well also.

Bruce Peterson said that the Army Corp of Engineers might be helpful in the future. Also there is a berm at the site of the Freedom Academy. Some people would like to see this leveled, but it was felt that graduates of the Academy and the Historical Committee might have different feelings. Mr. Cross stated that at one time this was a level area.

May 1st will be a workday to clean up the area. Posters will be up regarding this and Sallyann Hadyniak will be including this in the Freedom news.

Since this committee is part of the town, equipment that the town has might be useful to them and should be utilized.

Mr. Hess had questions related to the bylaws. There is nothing in them relative to the size of the committee or the length of term they serve. Other questions, such as how do you become a member, who can be a member, are they appointed?

Next Wed, 4/7/04 the group will revisit the bylaws as to some of the questions raised.


Mr. Bennett informed everyone that the locks on the doors for the selectmen and the clerk’s office and the vault door had been changed.

There will be a letter sent to all out going selectpersons asking that all town files, documents and any other town records be turned in. This letter will also thank them for their service. It will require them to sign this and return the letter. This is for the protection of them as well as the town. It is a criminal offense to keep any town records.

Mr. Bennett asked that a date be set for a public hearing related to PERC. The motion was made and approved for April 28, 2004 at 7PM at the town office for this to take place. All parties related to this should be present including a representative from Sullivan’s, and MRC.

Appointments that were necessary were next on the selectmen’s agenda.

Planning board had two people to consider, Bill Pickford and Bruce Peterson. Bruce Peterson was nominated and approved.

Animal control officer, Tina Freeman was nominated and approved.

Budget Committee had four people to consider the two positions: Audrey Williams, Ellie Hess, Betty Sienkiewicz and Tina Freeman. Audrey Williams and Betty Sienkiewicz were nominated and approved. Mr. Bennett suggested that they meet on a quarterly basis instead of just prior to town meeting. Doug Van Horn is the chairman.


Mr. Bennett asked that a special town meeting to deal with PERC after the hearing be made. Also to include Marriner Paving problem. The date for this was set for May 12, 2004 at 7PM at the Grange Hall. This was approved.

The position of deputy clerk responsible for taking minutes at the selectmen’s meeting had two people interested, Sallyann Hadyniak and Marion Bowers. Marion Bowers was nominated and approved.

Mr. Hess acknowledged Sallyann for her faithful attendance and service. She was asked to continue coverage of the Freedom news.

Carol Richardson had e-mailed Mr. Hess and was interested in any deputy clerk position should there become one available.

Jim Waterman briefly touched on the service of Delta Ambulance. They have a quicker response time than Unity Ambulance. He stated that you can call 911 and they will note your preference.

Mr. Bennett thought that it would be a good idea to have a representative from Delta in a future meeting.

Mr. and Mrs. Hartley had returned as requested last week in regard to an abatement on land they did not own. They own 2.0 acres, not 2.4. Mr. Cross had been out to the area and the tax map was incorrect. In 2000 they had received an abatement but the paper work and the tax map had not been corrected for on- going years. Mr. Hess would like to view the problem, but feels there is not a problem in the abatement and feels that the abatement will be reinstated and carried forward.

Mr. Bennett suggested that there be a day of service. This is a work day that other towns have in which there is a mix of young and old beautifying their community. Other groups in the town may also be interested in doing this. High school seniors are required to do this and all who participate are considered volunteers.


Beau Selleck came in to discuss several things.

The Mitchell Cemetery has been neglected for years. Mr. Bennett agreed

that this was the case with many of our cemeteries. It is against the law

to neglect a cemetery that a Maine Veteran has been buried in. This needed upkeep is one of the things the selectmen will be considering in the future.

Mr. Seleck was also concerned about ambulance service down roads in poor condition during certain times of the years. Jim Waterman stated that during the past ten years, the fire department and rescue have always been

able to get where they were needed. Sometimes even backing a truck in.

Mr. Seleck also spoke about spots on Smithton Rd that are beginning to disintegrate. This was work done by Lane Construction and done during a wet season.

His last concern was about property he had bought on Smithton RD. He

was told that there was no water, but some run-off. Jay Guber told him there was a stream. The DEP viewed the property when the run-off became a stream. He has had to get variances, put in culverts and spend a lot of money to comply. Since there has been roadwork done on Mitchell Rd, ditches and culverts, and the storm damage part of his property has become wetland. He was also under the impression from the road commissioner that at some point the remainder of Mitchell RD and Smithton road would be paved.

Mr. Bennett informed him this currently was not in the plan and we had yet to finish paying for paving already done before could consider any new paving.

Mr. Hess and Mr. Cross will assess the situation.

An unidentified lady came in to have help with her tax abatement form. This will be taken care of after the close of the meeting.

Sallyann Hadyniak suggested they check out the Beaver Ridge Road. She also was there on behalf of her son Chuck who will be a coach for the Freedom Farm Team and wanted to know when he would receive payment of $150 for this. Mr. Bennett suggested that she check with the town clerk, but it was doubtful if he would be paid until tax money begins to come in late in the summer.

There will be no April 20th selectmen’s meeting since Mr. Bennett and Mr. Hess will be away. This was voted on and approved.

The meeting closed at 9:04PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Marion Bowers



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Board Members Present: Steve Cross (SC), Carol Richardson (CR), Francis King
Others Present: Thelma Ledden, Jon Willette, Thressa Abbott, Salyann Hadyniak.

Date reviewed and accepted as amended: 03/23/04
Meeting held 03/16/2004

1. Meeting called to order at 5:59
2. We received notice that County taxes are being raised almost $7,000 to 52,664.94
3. FEMA will be reimbursing us $35,327.03 for the December rain storm. Supplied documents outline where the money has to be spent and the process to follow.
4. Jon Willette reported on the work done at the garage this week. The old red truck is now empty of salt and sand. The oil has also been changed in the diesel trucks.
Jon also reported that the culvert going across Erna Keller's driveway is plugged. Jon was advised to ask Elwin about using the steamer to clear the culvert.
5. SC brought up that he had contacted MMA and it appears that any citizen can post the town warrant.
6. Jon also reported that he used a few wrenches when he worked down to the garage but he is not charging the town $25/hr for that.
7. 06:10 went into Executive session.
8. 06:40 out of Executive session
9. Audrey Williams came in and asked about the valuation of the Arlene Jackson property.
CR requested that she come in tomorrow.
10. Steve asked about the accounting of Carol's salary. Since she got paid each month but that only part if it was paid in 2003.
11. 0655 adjourned.

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Board Members Present: Steve Cross (SC), Carol Richardson (CR), Francis King
Others Present: Thelma Ledden, Thressa Abbott, Sallyann Hadyniak, Jay Guber, Jon Willette, Erna Keller

Date reviewed and accepted as amended: 03/16/04
Meeting held 03/09/2004

1. Meeting called to order at 6:05
2. CR reported on a judgement against the town in the amount of $100 for failure to report a workplace accident which happened on January 31, 2001.
3. Moved, Seconded and Passed to pay the judgement.
4. CR reported on the Thurston Perpetual Care Fund. Apparently there are funds in an account that is in the town's name, but which the Town treasurer does not have access to. These funds should be deposited in a town account.
Moved, Seconded and Passed to write a letter to Lorraine Overlock asking her to transfer the money to a town account.
5. Letter was composed for Town clerk as follows:

Dear Ms. Overlock:

Please contact Bangor Savings Bank and inform them that the treasurer of the town has full access to the Town of Freedom (Philip Thurston Perpetual Care Fund.) Account # 1447514626.

Thank you

6. Jay suggests we get a letter from MMA concerning the law on this issue and enclose it with our letter.
Moved, Seconded and Passed to do so.
7. Jay reported that the Subdivision ordinance does not involve the CEO in enforcement. He will address this issue with the Planning Board.
8. SC reported that a 55 gallon oil had been bought by Elwin from Sam's club - Rotella.
9. Jon Willette reported that the old truck still has sand in it.
Jon indicated he would be willing to assist in getting the truck fixed and the sand out.
10. Erna reported that we need to provide our own insurance for any events to be held at the Grange hall.
Erna reviewed how the Rec committee is co-sponsoring events at the Grange with other organizations, and the proceeds are split between the two organizations.
She also asked if waivers from parents would be adequate to cover volunteer work being doen by their children.
CR to investigate these issues with MMA insurance company.
11. CR reported that we will be hearing within the next day or two what the total amount of reimbursement from FEMA will be. Seventy five percent will come from FEMA, 15% from MEMA and the town is responsible for 10%.
12. Audit was delayed again. Audit will be folded into the town reports as separate sheets. It is schedled for next Tuesday.
13. SC mentioned that the front left loader tire needs to be fixed. CR will ask Elwin to take care of it.
14. 0655 adjourned.

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Board Members Present: Steve Cross (SC), Carol Richardson (CR), Francis King
Others Present: Jon Willette, Thelma Ledden, Betty Sienkiewics, Thressa Abbott, Sallyann Hadyniak, Sean and Melissa Turner, Jay Guber, Steve Bennett

Date reviewed and accepted as amended: 03/09/04
Meeting held 03/02/2004

1. Meeting called to order at 6:00
2. Issue of plows turning around at the end of Davis Rd was discussed – Perhaps the Tirones will let the plows use their driveway.
3. FEMA will be coming tomorrow and they will want copies of the bills from the flooding. Those bills are currently missing. The practice of bringing home town documents was discussed. Jay Guber suggested that the important paper documents be scanned into the computer.
4. Jay Guber presented some copies of documents that are of concern to the town.
5. Roland and Angela Robitaille called Jay about a permit to move their trailer onto another lot, given to them by the Robitaille's. They had wanted to hook their septic system into the parent's system. But later, because the roads are posted, they were unable to move the trailer.
6. Steve asked if all the deposits were made for the town money. CR did not know.
He also was wondering whether there was any oil down at the town garage.
7. CR was asked if there was any money left in the truck fund. There is a little over $2000 left in this account at this time.
8. Brief discussion of whether unexpended monies from the truck fund should go back to surplus.
9. 06:37 adjourned

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Board Members Present: Steve Cross (SC), Carol Richardson (CR), Francis King
Others Present: Thelma Ledden, Jon Willette, Betty Sienkiewics, Thressa Abbott, Sallyann Hadyniak, Jay Guber

Date reviewed and accepted as amended: 03/02/04
Meeting held 02/24/2004

1. Meeting called to order at 6:01
2. Jay reported on one building permit. Jay also reported that he has reference books on various topics - he will bring them in.
3. CR reported that one of the truck drivers had been billing us for $25/hr for 16 - 20 hours each of the past two weeks.
Elwin to check on this and adjust the bills.
4. James Waterman presented a Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan for Waldo County. JW is a member of the team producing the Hazard Mitigation Plan. Three areas of concern: flooding, wildfires, and stowm damage. If towns elect not to participate in the formulation and implementation of the plan it is possible that future disasters will not be reimbursed by FEMA or MEMA.
5. Steve announced that he will be attending a WCSA meeting on this coming Thursday evening on Fire chiefs and animal control officers. There is going to be a meeting with the DOT on the six year plan following the meeting.
6. Minutess of previous meeting were read.
7. Adjourned at 6:49

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Board Members Present: Steve Cross (SC), Carol Richardson (CR)
Others Present: Thelma Ledden, Theressa Abbott, Betty Sienkowitz, Maurice "Elwin" Turner, Timothy Turner, Steve Bennett and James Waterman

Date reviewed and accepted as amended: 02/24/04
Meeting held 02/17/2004

1. Meeting called to order at 6:07
2. Because Second Selectmen France King was absent, Carol Richardson asked Sallyann Hadyniak to take the minutes of the meeting.
3. According to 1st. Selectmen Carol Richardson, Elwin Turner and she went together to Belfast, and filled out papers last Thursday to get more money from FEMA. We have 21 days left to get everything to FEMA. Mrs. Richardson stated that we are also getting back 90% of the bill and a map must be turned in of roads that need to be done. FEMA will also pay 90% of the work that will be done. Representatives of FEMA will be back in the spring to check the roads.
4. A thank you and a request from Galen Larabee were read by Carol Richardson regarding the six year road plan. He wants to be in agreement with the Freedom DOT Pack. There will be a meeting on February 26th. The packet was misplaced and Steve Cross will call Mr. Larabee for another one.
5. Cindy Abbott wants to post the District 3 School Board Meeting for the public.
6. Perc has called twice and sent copies of articles for town report. The town must vote on a charter.
7. Carol will call MMA about article. Selectmen cannot vote. There will be two copies, one for the file and one for the public.
8. Fire Chief James Waterman announced that the Freedom Field Day will be held on Saturday August 7, 2004. The reason for the change of date is due to the rain we have had the last two years. The Grange will be reserved, just in case.
9. Mr. Waterman also spoke about the Ward La France truck that is parked outdoors is without insurance and is town property. He wanted to know if the town wants to put it out for bid, or wants to take off the electrical parts and just scrap it. The truck is unsafe and can be a liability to the town. It cannot be used to fight fires. Mr. Waterman will write up an article for the warrant. Mr. Waterman stated that a Forestry unit truck is available from Fisher, Minn. for the amount of $12,000.00. It was listed at $13, 00.00 was offered $12,000.00 and accepted. Mr. Waterman requested that the money be taken out of the Firemen’s Truck Fund to purchase a Pumper GMAC Sierra Grande 4 X 4. Mileage is 8,190 PTO pumps 500 gallons and has a 300 gallon aluminum storage tank on board. It was previously owned by H G in Minn.
10. The Fire Truck Fund was established in 1990. In November of 1993 a bid was submitted to buy a big tanker. In January 1994, approximately $8,290.00 was taken from the fund and since there aren’t any records in any of the town reports, it appears that the fund is being operated as a Capital Improvement account but not labeled or designated as such. A Capital Improvement Program gives the selectmen the authority to release money from that account without the vote of the people.
11. First Selectmen Carol Richardson found it hard to believe that money could be taken out of that account without the vote of the people. Steve Bennett said it does not make sense for the people to vote again since they voted already to use that account strictly for fire truck purchases. Mr. Waterman stated that he called MMA and spoke to Michael Stultz (attorney) on 2/17/2004 at 3:30 p.m. and he said that because the Fire Truck Account is being perceived as a Capital Improvement Account, there is no need to have the town vote to take out the money for a fire truck. Mr. Stultz stated that it is within the power of the selectmen to release the money.
12. Mr. Waterman wants to submit an article changing the name of the account from the Fire Truck Fund to the Capital Improvement Account because if the name isn’t changed, the town will have to raise money to purchase firemen equipment and does not want to put the burden on the residents. They were advised to strip the vehicle because it is unsafe.
13. 1st. Selectmen (Carol Richardson) asked 3rd Selectmen (Steve Cross) how he feels about this and he responded that he felt that it should be used for the fire truck 1st. Selectmen Carol Richardson therefore made a motion that the $12,000.00 be taken out of the Fire Truck Fund to purchase the pumper and 3rd. Selectmen, Steve Cross second it. Motion made and carried.
14. Carol will ask Cindy to cut a check and Dot Waterman will pick it up tomorrow.
15. The audit will be on Friday and the Budget committee meeting will be held on the 28th of February. An article on the warrant will be resubmitted to participate in another grant.
16. Mr. Waterman will have the truck imported by sending 2 men out to pick it up. It will get inspected, registered and insured.
17. The Fire Department gets all their bills from H. L. Keays and pays for them out of their own account.
18. There will be a meeting a week from Thursday in Waldo County for the selectman at 139 Waldo School. The Fire Chief is asked to attend.
19. A motion to close the meeting at 6:55 was made by 1st. Selectman Carol Richardson and 2nd. Selectman Steve Cross seconded it. Motion made and carried. Adjourned.

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Board Members Present: Steve Cross (SC), Carol Richardson (CR), Francis King (FK)
Others Present: Thressa Abbott, Betty Sienkewiecz, Thelma Ledden, Kevin Malady, Mr and Ms Chase and Mr and Ms Williams, Jon Willette, Sean & Melissa Turner

Date reviewed and accepted as amended: 02/17/04
Meeting held 02/10/2004

1. Meeting called to order at 6:00
2. Kevin Malady was granted an abatement on his above ground pool ($1000)
3. Jay Guber: turned in some paperwork on various issues.
Jay reported on a change in the building ordinance that would change the fine structure.
It must be presented at the public hearing to be held by the planning board.
Various options for getting the needed notices out were reviewed. the planning bd will have to post the notices 10 prior to the meeting (2/23/04).
Jay turned in paperwork concerning Flood plains for FEMA.
Two "intents to harvest" came in for woodlands. Jay turned them in.
Jay will turn in a summary of all the building permit issued in town.
4. CR reported that we have heard from FEMA and that they will help pay for the damage to the roads from the recent flooding.
5. Johnny Ludden spoke with CR about the drug testing and gave her the contact information for enrolling in the program.
6. Dottie Chase turned in a petition asking for an Article on the Warrant to change Pleasant St back to two-way.
7. 6:56 Executive Session
8. 7:06 Executive Session ends
9. Jon Willette complained about one occasion when Clint Spaulding hit a tree and a stone on his road - he feels Clint is plowing too far over onto his land.
10. Thressa Abbott asked about getting a vacuum cleaner for the town.
Moved, Seconded and Passed to get a vacuum cleaner for the town up to $150.
11. 07:22 Adjourned

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Board Members Present: Steve Cross (SC), Carol Richardson (CR), Francis King (FK)
Others Present: Dan Lee, EdD, Supt of Schools SAD #3, Thelma Ledden, Thressa Abbott, Sally Hadyniak, Tim Turner, Read Bruegger, Jay Guber

Date reviewed and accepted as amended: 02/10/04
Meeting held 02/03/2004

1. Meeting called to order at 6:02
2. DL: I am here to meet with you about the school district. Two schools were recently cited for progress by State Dept of Ed.
First - capital needs:
Mount View: Out of date - no sprinklers, not Hanicapped accessible, inappropriate for today's children and programming.
3 Legs: HS, MS, ES.
To renovate the ES would cost $5M - at 0% interest that wd be $223K/Yr for 10 yrs. Too expensive.
Distributed worksheet and explained it
Dr Lee explained his view that because the circuit breaker limits our yearly payment to 0.5 mill of the SAD valuation, we should build ASAP and as much as possible
Currently there is no place large enough for graduation; this could be addressed in the new facility.
CR asked Dr Lee about joining in with their drug testing program.
DL said he will ask Johnny Ludden for info.
All agreed that it would be good to have another meeting after the school design decisions are further along.
3. CR read letter from John Carver to Marriners for us.
4. CR read a note from ET concerning sections not paved needing paving to prvent further damage. this was submitted in support of an article asking to fund the work at the town meeting.
5. CR presented a letter to Northeast Insurance Company.
6. The audit is scheduled Feb 17th.
7. 7:27 Adjourned

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Board Members Present: Steve Cross (SC), Carol Richardson (CR), Francis King (FK)
Others Present: Thelma Ledden, Thressa Abbott , Betty Sienkiewicz, Sally Hadyniak, Steve Bennett, ElwinTurner

Date reviewed and accepted as amended: DRAFT
Meeting held 01/27/2004

1. Meeting called to order at 6:02
2. Cindy arranged to have the audit done on Feb 17th at 0800.
3. CR suggested we have a shortened Selectman's meeting on February 10th, followed by a budget committe mtg from 1900 until 2100.
4. CR will invite the BC members to this meeting.
5. CR to talk to Cindy and get the best report possible showing expenditures by category versus budgeted amount.
6. Reviewed bills for work on the roads carried over from last week. Based on the sizes of the equipment the charges are in line with our state rate charts, therefore we agreed to pay the bills.
7. SC reported that Flora at the Hilltop Store wanted to buy some dump stickers at $0.90 each and sell them at a profit. MSP not to do that.
8. Read a note from Sally Hadyniak requesting that the Freedom Rec filed be named after Red Mitchell.
9. SC also reported that the Animal Control Officer wanted the town to buy a truck for her to use.
10. Sally asked if the town would add more to the surface of Deer Hill Rd in the event that we get FEMA money.
11. It is reported that FEMA will be paying out on the flooding.
12. CR reported on what actions are needed to respond to a request for documentation for an emergency event like the recent flood.
13. FK reported that he had spoken to John Carver's office and they have prepared the letter to send back to Marriners.
14. Steve Bennett said that the recent flooding would have caused much more damage if Sibley Rd had not been paved this year - the whole road would have been washed out.
15. Adjourned 1908

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Board Members Present: Steve Cross (SC), Carol Richardson (CR), Francis King (FK)
Others Present: Sally Hadyniak, Thelma Ledden, Elwin Turner, Timothy Turner

Date reviewed and accepted as amended: DRAFT
Meeting held 01/20/2004

1. Meeting called to order at 6:20
2. Reviewed a brochure received from Rubb Building systems on Salt/Sand Storage sheds.
3. Reviewed two abatement requests on business equipment.
4. CR produced a letter from the Department of Defense, Veteran’s and Emergency Management, dated 06/03/1998, which had the words in it "our records indicate that you are the owner of the Sandy Pond Dam." The letter was addressed to Joseph Sandowski of 634 Old Town Rd, Hudson, ME 04449. This ownership of the dam was reviewed.
5. Reviewed and processed several other abatement requests.
6. Reviewed bills from the Animal Shelter and from MMA.
7. Elwin Turner presented some bills for work done on the Town trucks. The Board agreed to pay Timothy Turner $25/hr for the work he did on the plow blade.
8. It was Moved, Seconded and Passed that we set a date for the audit and arrange to have it done no later than February 10th.
9. Adjourned 7:35

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Board Members Present: Steve Cross (SC), Carol Richardson (CR), Francis King (FK)
Others Present: Sally Hadyniak

Date reviewed and accepted as amended: 01/20/2004
Meeting held 01/13/2004

1. Meeting called to order at 6:00
2. Discussed letter from North East Insurance Company (NEIC) concerning a supposed accident that is said to have taken place on October 23, 2003.
CR reported that we had not heard anything about this accident.
Wrote a letter responding to NEIC.
3. Discussed bills from WTW on the recent road repairs on Beaver Ridge Rd and other locations.
4. Tabled for further info.
5. Reviewed MMA membership dues $1096 for 2004.
6. Reviewed letter from KVCOG - requested payment for 2004 of $791.
7. Reviewed agenda for School Board meeting on Jan 15th.
8. Reviewed letter from Branter, Tibodeau and Associated, concerning our annual audit.
9. The Board requests that the Town Treasurer attend the next meeting to discuss the audit schedule.
10. James Waterman attended and reported on the fire that occurred today in Montville.
Jim also asked if the town knew who owned the large earth dam - the town turned it down as a gift.
11. As the Greeley and Bryant roads were not paved according to good practices, and Marriners has acknowledges this, and as the roads were and are in very poor condition after Marriners paved them, and as Marriners has alleged that the town has agreed to a spot patch and repair method of addressing these deficiencies,
It is Moved, Seconded and Passed that the Board of Selectmen authorize John Carver to proceed with litigation against Marriners paving if Marriners does not agree to fix said roads to the satisfaction of the town.
12. Adjourned 7:36

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Board Members Present: Steve Cross (SC), Carol Richardson (CR), Francis King (FK)
Others Present: Sally Hadyniak, Thelma Ledden, Thressa Abbott, Betty Sienkiewicz, Sean Turner, John Clark, Elwin Turner, Clint Spaulding, Ingrid Robitaille, Audrey Williams, Peter Bowers, Dottie , Lendell Chase

Date reviewed and accepted as amended: 01/13/2004
Meeting held 01/06/2004

1. Meeting called to order at 6:07
2. CR: Showed a fax that was sent to MEDEP concerning two septic systems (Stan MacDonald and Philbrick/Odle) requested $14,000. Also attached the 3 bids for Stan MacDonalds as supporting docs.
CR reviewed the bills from the work and showed the paperwork that had been submitted to the State.
3. CR reviewed some materials on abatements
Abatements were reviewed and signed for 5 properties.
4. Jim Waterman reported on the new fire truck. Federal funds were not deposited because the truck savings account is a CD, and Wire transfers cannot go into CD accts.
It will take a week to get the $121,500 transferred in to the town checking account.
Jim wants a check made out for $132,110 in advance of January 14th to have ready for the Firetruck sales rep.
Truck will be here on the 14th of January.
A full day's of training will be on Thursday January 15th.
5. Ingrid Robitaille had questions about her taxes. CR reviewed the assessment.
6. Entered Executive Session: 06:42
7. Restart Meeting at 7:26
8. CR: Article 28 of Town Report does not set wages for snow removal plow truck drivers. MSP to pay truck drivers $11.50/ hr for winter plowing.
9. FK reported on discussions w/ Mr Carver on the Marriners paving issue.
10. Elwin Turner: How far are we going to go on the FEMA Reds? We should have estimated $40,000 and CR will contact them again and revise up the estimate of $15,000 she already gave them.
11. John Clark asked how much of Beaver Ridge Rd was going to be fixed? ET replied that just the section just above the paving would be fixed. SC mentioned that we might h